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Worst thing Hillary ever did, and how it will hurt our nation if she is elected
(11-03-2016, 10:10 AM)bfine32 Wrote:  I suppose I could post a link that showed Bill was in a position of power and Monica was his intern. Then i suppose I could link studies that show women are often influenced by this power; often times to the degree of providing sexual favors.

I suppose I would agree with all of that.

I would also say that the affair being investigated was out of bounds but there was a witch hunt going on and they were going to get Clinton any way they could.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-03-2016, 10:10 AM)bfine32 Wrote:  I suppose I could post a link that showed Bill was in a position of power and Monica was his intern. Then i suppose I could link studies that show women are often influenced by this power; often times to the degree of providing sexual favors.

So what is your point?

Women are also influenced by men being very physically attractive.  Sometimes to the degree of providing sexual favors.

Does that mean every woman who blew a good looking married guy should be subject to exploitation and world wide exposure by people who have an ax to grind with the married man?
(08-30-2016, 11:57 AM)bfine32 Wrote: It's kind of hard to refute the "She won't do that again" defense. But let me throw something against the wall:

When she landed in Bosnia she said she did so under sniper fire. What is she fabricated such a story as President? We would most likely declare war. But I'm sure "she wouldn't do that again".

If we invaded a country over a lie it would be just like Operation Iraqi Freedom. 
(11-03-2016, 07:54 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So what is your point?

Women are also influenced by men being very physically attractive.  Sometimes to the degree of providing sexual favors.

Does that mean every woman who blew a good looking married guy should be subject to exploitation and world wide exposure by people who have an ax to grind with the married man?

Point is when it was mentioned that Woman let Trump grab them in the VaJayJay that they did so because of his power (some wrongly used authority) and that was a bad thing in that instance.

I'm with you, if the woman doesn't object she wants it. I suppose I'll let those that think differently than us fight their own battle with you; they sure did with me. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-01-2016, 08:50 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I personally don't think the Russians were behind as much of the Hack as the Dem's want us to believe.
Hillary is already in the Russians back pocket, so why mess that up?

I think it was in insider, who now is probably dead, or someone from the NSA that is looking up her emails and capturing them, can't delete them from their database.

Are any "insiders" missing?

Why do the CIA and FBI want us to believe that Russia is behind the hack?

Wait --a much better questions is-- Why do Trump voters dispute that a foreign power is
manipulating the US election to favor of the weaker candidate??
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-03-2016, 10:44 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Point is when it was mentioned that Woman let Trump grab them in the VaJayJay that they did so because of his power (some wrongly used authority) and that was a bad thing in that instance.

I'm with you, if the woman doesn't object she wants it. I suppose I'll let those that think differently than us fight their own battle with you; they sure did with me. 

But the difference there is even if Lewinski was seduced by her more "powerful" man in Bill Clinton that has zero to dow ith Trump claiming he just kiss women without waiting and "grabs the *****."

Lewinski (I don't think) ever complained that Clinton forced himself on her.  Clinton (I don't believe) ever bragged that he could force himself on women or go after them like "a *****".

So if you want to make the case that one having an affair = one saying he can do whatever he wants because he is famous you'd be in error.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
The Clinton Foundation, what they did to Bernie Sanders(circumventing our election process)and his supporters, cheating in the debates, lying to congress, destroying evidence after a subpeona, attacking Trump supporters(circumventing our election process and caught on tape-Project Veritas), not turning over all requested info to congress in a timely manner which has caused all this to take so long(then complaining about the timing of the investigation which she helped cause), having a private server unlawfully used for classified gov info, then lying about it, being a globalist, against US sovereignty, Bill Clinton, she hired the person who circumvented the election process against Bernie Sanders,Haitis money,she talks about all this long history of experience in gov but the time she has been in gov has been the decline/destruction of this great country so her experience I see as a reason not to want her in office, shes a puppet for George Soros who seems to be trying to start a race war and who wants to federalize the police like the SS was with the Nazis (he was after all a Nazi collaberator and proud of it),his company also made many of the voting machines by the way, she is viewed by most as untrustworthy except for her staunchist/blinded supporters, shes the choice of Wall Street, the Bankers, the Global Elite, the top 0.1% of the rich, under the Bush/Clinton machine the middle class is disappearing and the poor are going no where but the people at the top are swimming in money thats why they want her in there, thats why these same individuals who own the main stream propaganda machine is supporting her and hammering Trump every chance they get, etc,etc,etc.

I could keep going but I think you get the point.

She is a corrupt nightmare who lies through her teeth. If she becomes President, no one will ever believe anything she says.

Trumps not perfect but I would rather go with an unknown over what HRC has proven to be. 
(11-04-2016, 04:20 PM)tigerseye Wrote: The Clinton Foundation, what they did to Bernie Sanders(circumventing our election process)and his supporters, cheating in the debates, lying to congress, destroying evidence after a subpeona, attacking Trump supporters(circumventing our election process and caught on tape-Project Veritas), not turning over all requested info to congress in a timely manner which has caused all this to take so long(then complaining about the timing of the investigation which she helped cause), having a private server unlawfully used for classified gov info, then lying about it, being a globalist, against US sovereignty, Bill Clinton, she hired the person who circumvented the election process against Bernie Sanders,Haitis money,she talks about all this long history of experience in gov but the time she has been in gov has been the decline/destruction of this great country so her experience I see as a reason not to want her in office, shes a puppet for George Soros who seems to be trying to start a race war and who wants to federalize the police like the SS was with the Nazis (he was after all a Nazi collaberator and proud of it),his company also made many of the voting machines by the way, she is viewed by most as untrustworthy except for her staunchist/blinded supporters, shes the choice of Wall Street, the Bankers, the Global Elite, the top 0.1% of the rich, under the Bush/Clinton machine the middle class is disappearing and the poor are going no where but the people at the top are swimming in money thats why they want her in there, thats why these same individuals who own the main stream propaganda machine is supporting her and hammering Trump every chance they get, etc,etc,etc.

I could keep going but I think you get the point.

She is a corrupt nightmare who lies through her teeth. If she becomes President, no one will ever believe anything she says.

Trumps not perfect but I would rather go with an unknown over what HRC has proven to be. 
You could indeed keep going, and I get that unvetted Republican talking points seem to work well with a segment of the population. That is the best condensation of most or all that I have seen.

Have you ever really looked into any of these claims using sources outside the right-wing media bubble? E.g., starting with Soros as "proud Nazi collaborator" then working your way back to that chamber of horrors, the Clinton Foundation, which provides medical care to millions who otherwise would not have it?  

Perhaps someone is "lying through his/her teeth" and perhaps it is not Clinton. 

PS I do agree she is currently the choice of the wealthy top .01% in this election, but she would not be if Kasich or any other Republican had won the nomination.  The wealthy do know that a Trump presidency unleashes economic as well as political/military chaos.  When his polls go up, the NASDAQ goes down.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-30-2016, 11:12 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I hear a lot of people claiming that Hillary is corrupt and evil. But I wonder what exactly they mean.

So what is the worst thing Hillary has ever done and how will it hurt our country if she is elected president?

And I don't want some list of vague allegations. I want specifics.

To me she made a bad decision to use a personal server, but she won't do that again. And despite the fact that both she and Colon Powell did the same thing I have yet to see how it ever damaged out national security. And if she does not do it as President it will not be problem.

But that was just one example. What I am talking about are the people who claim she has a long pattern of corruption. I just don't see any evidence of that.

New allegations today is she sent emails to her daughter which were later deemed classified. I guess they are both above the law.
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(08-31-2016, 12:06 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Has everyone already forgot that Hillary BROKE THE LAW?  The fact that I have to even bring it up is really sad.  But, I wouldn't even say that's the worst thing about her. The worst thing about her is the lying. I know Benton tried to lessen it by reminding us that pretty much every politician lies, but the fact remains is that she's already been caught in numerous lies AND that alone should be enough. I mean, how are you to believe a proven liar in ANYTHING he or she says?

I can understand those that are voting for Hillary because they don't want Trump to be president, but I can't understand anyone who supports Hillary because of what she says she will do. SHE'S A LIAR. How are we to know that NOW it's the truth?

She's a liar and corrupt and you want to make her the most powerful person in the country? What do you think that THEN she'll tell the truth and stop being corrupt? Child, please.

How about this, why don't you Hillary supporters tell us all why she would make a good president without mentioning Trump? Also without mentioning anything she's said she would do because as a proven liar, we can't take her word for anything.

WHOA. take a chill pill Phil! when did Hillary break the law?

(11-05-2016, 07:53 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: New allegations today is she sent emails to her daughter which were later deemed classified. I guess they are both above the law.


Or they did nothing wrong (again) and the law supports that.

Quote:Confidential Emails Were Classified After The Fact And Originated From Clinton Aide. Neither of the two classified emails referenced by the New York Post were sent by Clinton, and Clinton did not make any request for Santos to print either email. Both emails were classified years after the fact -- one in October 2015, and another in January 2016 -- at the lowest level of classification, “confidential.” The sole case the Post cited of Clinton asking for a message to be printed was not classified. [U.S. Department Of State, 10/30/151/29/16]

Associated Press: "The Transmission Of Now-Classified Information Across Hillary Rodham Clinton's Private Email Is Consistent" With Past State Department Practice. As reported by the Associated Press, information that may become classified later is frequently shared on unclassified State Department systems, a routine occurrence that predated the current administration. Not only was Clinton's "transmission of now-classified information" over an unclassified system "consistent" with agency practice, according to experts, concerns arise equally whether the retroactively classified information is "carried over the government system or a private server":
Quote:The transmission of now-classified information across Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email is consistent with a State Department culture in which diplomats routinely sent secret material on unsecured email during the past two administrations, according to documents reviewed by The Associated Press.
Clinton's use of a home server makes her case unique and has become an issue in her front-running campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. But it's not clear whether the security breach would have been any less had she used department email. The department only systematically checks email for sensitive or classified material in response to a public records request.
Such slippage of classified information into regular email is "very common, actually," said Leslie McAdoo, a lawyer who frequently represents government officials and contractors in disputes over security clearances and classified information.

What makes Clinton's case different is that she exclusively sent and received emails through a home server in lieu of the State Department's unclassified email system.
Neither would have been secure from hackers or foreign intelligence agencies, so it would be equally problematic whether classified information was carried over the government system or a private server, experts say.

In fact, the State Department's unclassified email system has been penetrated by hackers believed linked to Russian intelligence. [Associated Press, 8/26/15]

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-05-2016, 07:53 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: New allegations today is she sent emails to her daughter which were later deemed classified. I guess they are both above the law.

They never broke the law.
(11-04-2016, 04:20 PM)tigerseye Wrote: The Clinton Foundation, what they did to Bernie Sanders(circumventing our election process)and his supporters, cheating in the debates, lying to congress, destroying evidence after a subpeona, attacking Trump supporters(circumventing our election process and caught on tape-Project Veritas), not turning over all requested info to congress in a timely manner which has caused all this to take so long(then complaining about the timing of the investigation which she helped cause), having a private server unlawfully used for classified gov info, then lying about it, being a globalist, against US sovereignty, Bill Clinton, she hired the person who circumvented the election process against Bernie Sanders,Haitis money,she talks about all this long history of experience in gov but the time she has been in gov has been the decline/destruction of this great country so her experience I see as a reason not to want her in office, shes a puppet for George Soros who seems to be trying to start a race war and who wants to federalize the police like the SS was with the Nazis (he was after all a Nazi collaberator and proud of it),his company also made many of the voting machines by the way, she is viewed by most as untrustworthy except for her staunchist/blinded supporters, shes the choice of Wall Street, the Bankers, the Global Elite, the top 0.1% of the rich, under the Bush/Clinton machine the middle class is disappearing and the poor are going no where but the people at the top are swimming in money thats why they want her in there, thats why these same individuals who own the main stream propaganda machine is supporting her and hammering Trump every chance they get, etc,etc,etc.

I could keep going but I think you get the point.

She is a corrupt nightmare who lies through her teeth. If she becomes President, no one will ever believe anything she says.

Trumps not perfect but I would rather go with an unknown over what HRC has proven to be. 

^^^^^   Watches FOX News  ^^^^^
[Image: Zu8AdZv.png?1]
Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(11-04-2016, 04:20 PM)tigerseye Wrote: The Clinton Foundation, what they did to Bernie Sanders(circumventing our election process)and his supporters, cheating in the debates, lying to congress, destroying evidence after a subpeona, attacking Trump supporters(circumventing our election process and caught on tape-Project Veritas), not turning over all requested info to congress in a timely manner which has caused all this to take so long(then complaining about the timing of the investigation which she helped cause), having a private server unlawfully used for classified gov info, then lying about it, being a globalist, against US sovereignty, Bill Clinton, she hired the person who circumvented the election process against Bernie Sanders,Haitis money,she talks about all this long history of experience in gov but the time she has been in gov has been the decline/destruction of this great country so her experience I see as a reason not to want her in office, shes a puppet for George Soros who seems to be trying to start a race war and who wants to federalize the police like the SS was with the Nazis (he was after all a Nazi collaberator and proud of it),his company also made many of the voting machines by the way, she is viewed by most as untrustworthy except for her staunchist/blinded supporters, shes the choice of Wall Street, the Bankers, the Global Elite, the top 0.1% of the rich, under the Bush/Clinton machine the middle class is disappearing and the poor are going no where but the people at the top are swimming in money thats why they want her in there, thats why these same individuals who own the main stream propaganda machine is supporting her and hammering Trump every chance they get, etc,etc,etc.

I could keep going but I think you get the point.

She is a corrupt nightmare who lies through her teeth. If she becomes President, no one will ever believe anything she says.

Trumps not perfect but I would rather go with an unknown over what HRC has proven to be. 

so is she going to come for our guns since obama didnt?
People suck
At this point, I'm thinking about going with "being born" as my final answer.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The Fallacy of the GOP in my lifetime

1. Claims responsibility for the fall of the USSR

2. Weapons of Mass Destruction

3. Obama's birth certificate/citizenship status/religious affiliation

4. Clinton's emailgate
[Image: Zu8AdZv.png?1]
Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(11-08-2016, 04:36 PM)Griever Wrote: so is she going to come for our guns since obama didnt?

In 2008 I had posed on Facebook asking where we were suppose to deliver all our weapons since Obama won.

No one ever told me.   Sad
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-08-2016, 12:28 PM)fredtoast Wrote: They never broke the law.

Many seem to feel like they may have.  However, that is for a Judge, Judges, or Congressmen to decide, but most definitely not for you to decide, Mr. Hutz.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(11-08-2016, 12:28 PM)fredtoast Wrote: They never broke the law.

Of course they did. The question was did she intend to. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-08-2016, 12:28 PM)fredtoast Wrote: They never broke the law.

Some things are more important than the law. How about ethics, truth, respect, contribution & self accountability? Screw the law. Laws are in place for those who can't control themselves. She tiptoes the line. Doesn't make it right. However, you will argue that too so not sure why I bothered.
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