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The Fallacy of White Privilege
(11-19-2016, 10:10 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote:  And furthermore, anyone that understands anything about logical fallacy can see that your arguments are completely unfounded.

People who actually know what a logical fallacy is would not say anything like that at all.

Which logical fallacy are you accusing me of using?
(11-19-2016, 11:48 PM)Beaker Wrote: Yeah, the old "you gotta try real hard, but it won't matter because whitey is holding you down and will always have an advantage over you no matter what" thing is motivational genius.

I never said anything like this.

You can't disprove anything I actually say so you just make up this stuff.

(11-19-2016, 09:58 PM)fredtoast Wrote: What does this have to do with anything I said?

The fact that some whites fail or that some minorities thrive in no way proves that there is not "white privilege". Anyone who understands anything about logic will understand this.

So instead some whites just have the "privilege" to fail, and others have the "privilege" to do worst than an entire group of minorities who simply just has their shit together more and works harder? Some privilege.

Almost like some kind of... meritocracy, where working hard and following the law equals success. Crazy how that works. Almost like there's no privilege at all. Imagine that.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(11-20-2016, 12:26 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: So instead some whites just have the "privilege" to fail, and others have the "privilege" to do worst than an entire group of minorities who simply just has their shit together more and works harder? Some privilege.

Almost like some kind of... meritocracy, where working hard and following the law equals success. Crazy how that works. Almost like there's no privilege at all. Imagine that.

You have no clue what we are even talking about.

Go back and read this thread.  I'll discuss it with you as soon as you show you understand what we are even talking about.

Start with getting a dictionary and looking up the meaning of the word "privilege". Hint: The word "success" does not appear anywhere in the definition.   Nor have I at anytime suggested that success of any group of people was totally dependent on this privilege.  That is just a bunch of BS made up by people who can not dispute what I actually say. 

"Derp.  If anyone claims that white people have a privilege than that means every white person gets everything for free and minorities can not have anything ever.  Derp."
(11-20-2016, 12:47 AM)fredtoast Wrote: You have no clue what we are even talking about.

Go back and read this thread.  I'll discuss it with you as soon as you show you understand what we are even talking about.

Start with getting a dictionary and looking up the meaning of the word "privilege". Hint: The word "success" does not appear anywhere in the definition.   Nor have I at anytime suggested that success of any group of people was totally dependent on this privilege.  That is just a bunch of BS made up by people who can not dispute what I actually say. 

"Derp.  If anyone claims that white people have a privilege than that means every white person gets everything for free and minorities can not have anything ever.  Derp."

Fred, literally nobody else has any idea what you're talking about. Most likely because you're full of it and just have a really creepy love of calling people white supremacists.

So Derp all you want, but it doesn't make your insistence that some non-existent thing exists, any more coherent.

Maybe try a Bigfoot forum instead? Probably more receptive to whatever nonsense it is you're trying to sell.

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People who actually know what a logical fallacy is would not say anything like that at all.

Which logical fallacy are you accusing me of using?][/quote]
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Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(11-20-2016, 12:47 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Start with getting a dictionary and looking up the meaning of the word "privilege". Hint: The word "success" does not appear anywhere in the definition. 

So you're saying that we benefit form white privilege....even if, we don't?!?

White privilege is not difficult to prove.

Step 1) Find any of the numerous studies that show people are inherently biased on a subconscious level towards helping their own race.

Step 2) Realize that there are more white people than minorities.

Also, 1+1=2.

On a more serious note, maybe it should be called majority privilege. Perhaps it would hurt less feelings that way.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote:  all i have said is that white people have a privilege that they do not enjoy.  

And all we have said is that every race has, or gives people of its own race, privileges that other races do not enjoy.

(11-19-2016, 02:24 PM)fredtoast Wrote:  So I don't see how talking about white privilege would hurt minorities.

First, they already know that if someone gives you an advantage based solely on the color of your skin, that person is a racist. Second, you have said repeatedly that minorities cannot enjoy privilege because, being minorities, they will never hold the power that affords that privilege. How is that helpful to minorities? It's not. And if something is not helpful, then it certainly at least leans towards being hurtful. That is divisive and in no way motivational.
(11-01-2016, 04:25 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You still don't get it.

(11-17-2016, 01:59 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Educate yourself.

(11-17-2016, 02:25 PM)fredtoast Wrote: None of this makes any sense.

(11-19-2016, 07:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You clearly do not even understand the concept 

(11-19-2016, 09:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You also fail to grasp the concept 

They don't even understand the subject 

(11-20-2016, 12:03 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I think you are using words that you do not even understand.

(11-20-2016, 12:47 AM)fredtoast Wrote: You have no clue what we are even talking about.

These replies were made to multiple people in this thread. Maybe it's not everyone else that doesn't get it.
(11-20-2016, 03:37 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: So you're saying that we benefit form white privilege....even if, we don't?!?


What I said is that there is a privilege available to white people that is not available to minorities.

Learn to read.
(11-20-2016, 09:49 AM)Beaker Wrote: These replies were made to multiple people in this thread. Maybe it's not everyone else that doesn't get it.


When people start claiming that there is no white privilege because some white people fail and some minorities thrive that proves that they do not understand the concept.
(11-20-2016, 09:34 AM)Beaker Wrote: First, they already know that if someone gives you an advantage based solely on the color of your skin, that person is a racist. Second, you have said repeatedly that minorities cannot enjoy privilege because, being minorities, they will never hold the power that affords that privilege. How is that helpful to minorities? It's not. And if something is not helpful, then it certainly at least leans towards being hurtful. That is divisive and in no way motivational.

It is helpful to minorities the same way anyn information is helpful to any person.  Lying and hiding the truth never helped anyone.

I keep going back to the example of me telling my daughters that some people will have advantages over them.  I have seen that motivate my oldest daughter to work harder.  If I had hidden the truth from her I believe she might not be as prepared to deal with the reality when she had to face it.

The only people who claim the truth will hurt minorities are the people who think minorities are too lazy to work hard or are afraid of any challenge.
(11-20-2016, 09:08 AM)treee Wrote: White privilege is not difficult to prove.

Step 1) Find any of the numerous studies that show people are inherently biased on a subconscious level towards helping their own race.

Step 2) Realize that there are more white people than minorities.

Also, 1+1=2.

On a more serious note, maybe it should be called majority privilege. Perhaps it would hurt less feelings that way.

The whole premise is an argument of semantics and has gotten quite silly. Is there racism in this Nation? Absolutely. Are there situations, in which one's color may give them a "leg up"? Absolutely. Do whites has a monopoly on either of these practices? Hell No.

There are many situations, in which, being a minority gives you an advantage (affords you privilege) on a National level. Don't believe me: If your local congressman is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (If he or she is white don't bother, as they are not allowed membership) and ask what kind of Educational Benefits are available to your child. Do this twice: Once as a parent of a white kid and once as a parent of a minority.

There are benefits Nationwide (official and cultural) for folks of all races. Using terms such as "white privilege" and "Black Lives Matter" are used more to divide and establish an us versus them mentality, than they are to look for positive solutions.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-19-2016, 02:09 PM)PhilHos Wrote: I can give you a list of all the times people have said racist things to me or that I've overheard and nothing happened to those people. There's also similar stories from friends of mine. I have a black coworker that has said some racist stuff about white people publicly and he's still my coworker. Stephen A. Smith oftentimes says some racist things and last I heard, he's still employed.

Consider this: a black person goes into a room full of white people and says all crackers are evil. A white person goes into a room full of black people and says all niggers are evil. Are the responses going to be the same? If you're answer is anything other than 'No' then I know you're full of shit.

How about the time I went into a convenient store in NYC and a black guy in there was ranting about how he wished all white people were dead and then he saw me, stopped what he was saying and then, started yelling at me to stop looking at him and how I owed him reparations and that he was going to enslave me and some other nonsense? As I was leaving, absolutely NO ONE said a thing to him (and I wasn't even the only white person in the store). Or the time I was in Hartford and as I was entering a building, a group of black guys called me all sorts of names - including racist ones - simply because I dared to look in their direction? Nothing happened to them.

In my experience, I've seen far more racist black people say some nasty shit and most of them faced absolutely ZERO negative consequences.

And I have seen many instances of white people calling black people racial slurs when NOTHING happened.  no fight.  NO arrest.  No nothing.  It happens all the time.

You just live in an imaginary world where every white person who uses a racial slur gets arrested or beaten up.

And let me ask you this.  Are you claiming that you have never heard any white people use racial slurs when describing minorities?  Are you claiming that never happens or are you claiming that every time it happens the white person gets arrested or beaten up?
(11-20-2016, 12:04 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The whole premise is an argument of semantics and has gotten quite silly. Is there racism in this Nation? Absolutely. Are there situations, in which one's color may give them a "leg up"? Absolutely. Do whites has a monopoly on either of these practices? Hell No.

There are many situations, in which, being a minority gives you an advantage (affords you privilege) on a National level. Don't believe me: If your local congressman is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (If he or she is white don't bother, as they are not allowed membership) and ask what kind of Educational Benefits are available to your child. Do this twice: Once as a parent of a white kid and once as a parent of a minority.

There are benefits Nationwide (official and cultural) for folks of all races. Using terms such as "white privilege" and "Black Lives Matter" are used more to divide and establish an us versus them mentality, than they are to look for positive solutions.

I do agree that identity politics are used intentionally to create divisive rhetoric. That's why I suggested the term "majority privilege". You are also correct that just because there is a majority privilege, that does not mean there are not privileges for minorities as well. The only difference is that those minority privileges were specifically instituted in an attempt to deter some of the negative consequences begat from majority privilege which occurs on its own.

Do you find that premise agreeable?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-20-2016, 12:57 PM)treee Wrote: I do agree that identity politics are used intentionally to create divisive rhetoric. That's why I suggested the term "majority privilege". You are also correct that just because there is a majority privilege, that does not mean there are not privileges for minorities as well. The only difference is that those minority privileges were specifically instituted in an attempt to deter some of the negative consequences begat from majority privilege which occurs on its own.

Do you find that premise agreeable?

Sure, it's called Majority rule and has been going on forever. 

As to specifically instituted attempts for minority privilege. I think it's more of trying to address a shortage. 
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(11-20-2016, 01:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Sure, it's called Majority rule and has been going on forever. 

As to specifically instituted attempts for minority privilege. I think it's more of trying to address a shortage. 

Could you clarify that last part?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-20-2016, 01:04 PM)treee Wrote: Could you clarify that last part?

If you look at higher education percentage by race you will see a greater percentage of whites than Blacks or Latinos. I do not think that has anything to do with some long ago Majority privilege. 

Particularly, I am interested in the numbers of Minorities that Commission in the Military. While blacks make up 19% of Active Duty Enlisted Soldiers, they only make up 9% of the Officers.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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