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Gunman At DC Pizza Parlor Was 'Investigating' Right-Wing Conspiracy 'Pizzagate' Lie
(12-06-2016, 03:29 PM)hollodero Wrote: PLEASE explain to me how "illegal votes" can even occur. As far as I know, only registered voters can vote...? How can "illegals" get registered?
Do you have ANY proof for ANY of these claims?

I have no idea how it would work.  Someone told me that illegals could get a drivers license in California and then use that to register to vote.

But I have no idea if that is true or not.
(12-06-2016, 04:13 PM)Benton Wrote: Just pointing out, illegal votes are — according to everyone except Trump — not that common.

That aside, I don't recall anyone telling illegals (I'm assuming you mean illegal aliens) to vote... which is most likely because non-residents can't vote. But implying that up to 10  million illegal aliens voted is an insanely high number. For that to be true, you'd have had to had collusion on the part of Republican poll workers, Democratic party poll workers, hundreds of election officials and probably more people. Basically, the entire system would have had to take part to keep The Donald from The White House. Which, as much as he would like that to be true, the odds were stacked in his favor, not against him.

So . . . it's worse than we thought!!!!!    God help Trump save this country!!!
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(12-06-2016, 05:09 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Probably because it was not true.  Epstein was not a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

Ah ok, I found out where this one came from:

In another article that I had read it had taken the letter to the Florida State Attorney's office as being true.  

Further down in the article it does have a short clip of Trump mentioning Epstein's relationship with Bill Clinton and hinted at "problems" in Clinton's future over it  Mellow

Mike Flynn Jr is out of the transition team.
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(12-06-2016, 03:29 PM)hollodero Wrote: PLEASE explain to me how "illegal votes" can even occur. As far as I know, only registered voters can vote...? How can "illegals" get registered?
Do you have ANY proof for ANY of these claims?

Because being required to show a photo ID to vote is racist.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(12-06-2016, 06:02 PM)Dill Wrote: Of course there is proof for these claims, Hollo.  Once you put the claims online, then they become proof.

Also, the liberal press is covering it up by refusing to report the fraud. What more proof do you need? ThumbsUp

To be fair, even Breitbart admitted there was no evidence for said claim here.
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(12-06-2016, 07:09 PM)hollodero Wrote: To be fair, even Breitbart admitted there was no evidence for said claim here.

Ha ha, I appreciate your "old Europe" concern for what used to be called "the facts." But in the US, once you get a claim on line and circulating, it becomes true after the fact. The more links and re-shares, the more truth.

And while you are trying to figure out how 3 million illegals could possibly vote without leaving a massive
evidential footprint, we Americans are way past you now, already considering now that as many as 10 million may have voted for Hillary. Adding insult to injury after taking our jobs!

It is a NEW DAWN in Amerika, if you get my drift. ThumbsUp
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(12-06-2016, 02:58 AM)Dill Wrote: I KNOW what happened here. Once the child-sex ring was reported in social media, Clinton et al just moved the operation to another parlor. The fact that the gunman and police found nothing proves this.

Now everyone will believe this was just more false news. Just like whitewatergate and travelgate and fostergate and Benghazigate, liberal media have let Clinton off the hook--again! 

But now we have a president elect and national security advisor who see through the BS. This will not be the last we have heard about this odious branch of the Clinton business machine.

As Rumsfeld so astutely observed, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. 
(12-07-2016, 01:52 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: As Rumsfeld so astutely observed, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. 
I always hear Samuel L. Jackson's voice in my head saying the Rumsfeld line.
Damn Boondocks, corrupting my
(12-07-2016, 01:52 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: As Rumsfeld so astutely observed, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. 

LMAO And I think Cheney took it a step further--absence of evidence = proof of non-compliance = violation of UN resolution.
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(12-06-2016, 06:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Because being required to show a photo ID to vote is racist.

some states already do, so I've never really seen the issue when people start clamoring about illegal votes. For the last four elections, the same poll worker has told me if I didn't have a drivers license, she wasn't letting me vote. Which is funny to me since I grew up in her church.
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(12-06-2016, 06:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Because being required to show a photo ID to vote is racist.

Way to skip past the facts about the requirements to register to vote and go straight to the speaking point that makes all the little Pavlov dogs salivate.

Good soldier Bfine.  You have been trained well.
(12-05-2016, 11:42 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Politicians know that they only stay in power if people are happy and a good economy is the best way to keep people happy.

and what just happened this last election?

(12-06-2016, 03:23 AM)Dill Wrote: I think JustWin has a point here.

E.g., If no one were proving or advancing the cancer research agenda, then public and private funding would certainly just go away.  Does anyone really dispute that?

Certainly the same for deep space and deep ocean research.

So why not for Climate Change?  

Great questions.

Now ask yourself how many cancer cures we've been told of the past 20 years.  So surely now we must have a cure for cancer?

Or maybe that's not actually good science.

Baby steps for now....eventually I'll ask you if something as controlled and specific as biological cancer research keeps getting it wrong, then what does that mean for the nascent, and infinitely more complex, Climate research?

(12-11-2016, 05:47 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Great questions.

Now ask yourself how many cancer cures we've been told of the past 20 years.  So surely now we must have a cure for cancer?

Or maybe that's not actually good science.

Baby steps for now....eventually I'll ask you if something as controlled and specific as biological cancer research keeps getting it wrong, then what does that mean for the nascent, and infinitely more complex, Climate research?

OMG. Conscious intellectualism at its finest. You know so little about science you don't realize how little you know about science. Straight up dumbass bubble shit, homey. 

KISS method:  Keep it simple, stupid. 

Cancer isn't one specific disease, but many.  Cancer cells are abnormal cells caused by damage to the cell's DNA. IOT cure cancer you need to cure everything which cause damage to a normal cell's DNA. For example, you need to cure sunlight which is the most common cause of the most common cancer in America. 
(12-11-2016, 05:47 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Great questions.

Now ask yourself how many cancer cures we've been told of the past 20 years.  So surely now we must have a cure for cancer?

Or maybe that's not actually good science.

Baby steps for now....eventually I'll ask you if something as controlled and specific as biological cancer research keeps getting it wrong, then what does that mean for the nascent, and infinitely more complex, Climate research?

Medical research is all a big hoax because we have medical research for years and we still have disease.

How can anyone argue nwith such brilliant logic?
(12-11-2016, 05:47 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Great questions.

Now ask yourself how many cancer cures we've been told of the past 20 years.  So surely now we must have a cure for cancer?

Or maybe that's not actually good science.

Baby steps for now....eventually I'll ask you if something as controlled and specific as biological cancer research keeps getting it wrong, then what does that mean for the nascent, and infinitely more complex, Climate research?

Dude.  This hurt my brain to read.  Cancer research is infinitely more complex than climate research.  Also I would love to see these peer reviewed research articles submitted over the last 20 years that claimed a cure to cancer or do you consider homeopathy akin to scientific research?
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(12-12-2016, 12:53 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote:   Also I would love to see these peer reviewed research articles submitted over the last 20 years that claimed a cure to cancer or do you consider homeopathy akin to scientific research?

I know someone who has a ton. I think they're currently ban-hammered, though.

Seriously, though, every time I see a "cure", it's some David Wolfe shit. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(12-11-2016, 05:47 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Great questions.

Now ask yourself how many cancer cures we've been told of the past 20 years.  So surely now we must have a cure for cancer?

Or maybe that's not actually good science.

Baby steps for now....eventually I'll ask you if something as controlled and specific as biological cancer research keeps getting it wrong, then what does that mean for the nascent, and infinitely more complex, Climate research?

More money is spent annually on cardiovascular disease than cancer so you're not even barking up the right tree.  You mean they still haven't cured it?  Care to much explain the r squared value of that?
(12-11-2016, 12:11 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Medical research is all a big hoax because we have medical research for years and we still have disease.

How can anyone argue nwith such brilliant logic?

LOL  Maybe we can't. But I can't help trying.
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