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Were folders stuffed with Trump's 'business plan' papers blank props?
(01-15-2017, 06:17 PM)bfine32 Wrote: No doubt. You can just look at this forum and see how hard the right is trying.

Most of them have all but abandoned it because on the constant whining going on in here.  

Constant whining?

(01-14-2017, 12:13 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  petty 

(01-15-2017, 03:33 PM)bfine32 Wrote: hurt folks

Don't worry about me sunshine

(01-15-2017, 06:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: naive you are.

(01-15-2017, 07:12 PM)bfine32 Wrote: whiny

(01-15-2017, 08:19 PM)bfine32 Wrote: (ok, you can; but a rational person cannot) 

You've called others closed minded, whiny, irrational, naive, petty, emotional, etc.  You've squalled more than a long tailed cat on a porch full of rocking chairs, "sunshine."
(01-15-2017, 03:39 PM)bfine32 Wrote: It's exactly the same; however, hurt has clouded your judgement. When Obama first came in folks demanded to see a birth certificate; he did not present it for almost 3 years. Finally he did as folks wouldn't take his word for it. Exact same thing is happening with Trump and his tax forms (or in this thread, his business plan). 

I said it before Trump got elected. The Left has become that thing they hate and you are correct It *IS* quite amusing....especially when they try to say "This is different".

Here's an Obama tweet about Trump's tax returns . . .

Here's a Trump's tweet about Obama's birth certificate . . .

Quote:[Image: DJT_Headshot_V2_bigger.jpg]Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump

An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud.

And to you, that is exactly the same?

(01-13-2017, 10:30 PM)bfine32 Wrote: ppsssttt.... Any agreement was probably drawn up digitally. There's a good chance he used the folders of papers to illustrate a point. But the left is concerned about the actual content of the folder. it's every bit as petty as every argument that has been presented since the election. 

No Doubt, they take what Trump says so literally. It's almost as if they are trying too hard to catch him lying.
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(01-16-2017, 01:52 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: No Doubt, they take what Trump says so literally. It's almost as if they are trying too hard to catch him lying.

How do you "try to catch a guy lying" when he literally goes on the biggest stage in the world and admits to lying?  Saying the left is trying to catch Trump lying is like trying to catch the sky being blue.  Trump himself says Trump is a liar, so what an irony that those who think he is a liar accept him saying he is a liar and those who think he isn't a liar believe he is lying about being a liar.

We wanted someone who wasn't a politician and we went with a guy who slings bs and hype for a living.  Why are people so quick to act like he isn't doing exactly what we wanted him to do?  Just admit that Trump is a liar and fraudster but that is what we wanted (in theory) and let's move on and see what a high end version of a magic tonic salesman can do for our country.

Trump is gleefully full of crap
Trump's campaign was gleefully full of crap
Trump gets elected because people liked his crap

Now we are supposed to assume he's going to stop being full of crap even though it has done nothing but buy him a solid gold penthouse? I don't get it.
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(01-16-2017, 02:08 PM)Nately120 Wrote: How do you "try to catch a guy lying" when he literally goes on the biggest stage in the world and admits to lying?  Saying the left is trying to catch Trump lying is like trying to catch the sky being blue.  Trump himself says Trump is a liar, so what an irony that those who think he is a liar accept him saying he is a liar and those who think he isn't a liar believe he is lying about being a liar.

We wanted someone who wasn't a politician and we went with a guy who slings bs and hype for a living.  Why are people so quick to act like he isn't doing exactly what we wanted him to do?  Just admit that Trump is a liar and fraudster but that is what we wanted (in theory) and let's move on and see what a high end version of a magic tonic salesman can do for our country.

Trump is gleefully full of crap
Trump's campaign was gleefully full of crap
Trump gets elected because people liked his crap

Now we are supposed to assume he's going to stop being full of crap even though it has done nothing but buy him a solid gold penthouse?  I don't get it.

LOL that's called keeping you in the dark. You have no idea what to believe from him and neither does the media. I will freely admit he likes to play the media and they keep falling for it. As for flopping on his political stances? I think he's been fairly consistent with what he stated prior to running for POTUS. He just pandered like everyone other politician to get the votes necessary to win.
Take the LGBT group for instance. The media told us he was going to undo everything they fought for. Turns out, he's not going to change anything and has been a long time supporter of their rights.
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(01-16-2017, 01:52 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: No Doubt, they take what Trump says so literally. It's almost as if they are trying too hard to catch him lying.

But, Trump tells it like it is. Taking him literally is literally the only way to take someone who tells it like it is. 
(01-16-2017, 04:23 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: LOL that's called keeping you in the dark. You have no idea what to believe from him and neither does the media.

I have no idea what to believe from Trump...except that he's full o' crap and will say anything to further his agenda. He seems pretty hellbent on proving me, and the other dopes he's trying to "keep in the dark" right so far.
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In other lies from the press conference...

Quote:Donald Trump Expanding Scottish Golf Resort After Vowing Not To Make New Foreign Deals

A multimillion-dollar expansion of Donald Trump’s Scottish golf resort is proceeding despite a promise just days ago by his attorneys that “no new foreign deals will be made whatsoever” by the president-elect’s businesses, in an effort to avoid conflicts of interest during his presidency.

The Aberdeenshire Council has approved a second 18-hole golf course and more housing in the Trump International Golf Links Scotland operation. The expansion will substantially grow the complex and include a 450-room five-star hotel, timeshare complex and private housing estate, The Guardian reported Saturday. Changes are expected to significantly boost the value of the operation to the Trump Organization. 

Trump’s attorney Sheri Dillon announced at his press conference last week that in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, her client has “ordered that all pending deals be terminated.” Trump is also arranging to turn over management of his companies to his adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, but will maintain ownership and investments in his American and global companies and real estate deals. It’s an arrangement that the head of the Office of Government Ethics said fails to meet an ethics standard met by every other president in the last four decades.

Trump owns 100 percent of the Trump International Golf Links Scotland, according to the Guardian.

written statement later issued by Dillon’s law firm Morgan Lewis emphasized that Trump’s promise “prohibits — without exception — new foreign deals during the duration of President-elect Trump’s presidency.”

It added: “Specifically, the Trust and The Trump Organization will be prohibited at all times ... from engaging in any new deals with respect to the use of the ‘Trump’ brand or any trademark, trade name, or marketing intangibles associated with The Trump Organization or Donald J. Trump in any foreign jurisdictions.”

But now Trump’s transition team insists that the golf resort expansion doesn’t constitute a new deal.

“Implementing future phasing of existing properties does not constitute a new transaction so we intend to proceed,” a spokeswoman told the Scottish Sunday Herald.

Richard Painter, a former White House chief ethics adviser to George W. Bush, called the situation a “perfect example” of obvious conflicts of interest that Trump will apparently continue to attempt to obfuscate.

“He’s using language which is ambiguous. It clearly illustrates that around the world, he will simply expand around the various holdings and as they continue to expand, the conflicts of interest expand,” Painter told the Guardian. “It’s like [the board game] Monopoly: if you have one house on Boardwalk, it’s not a new deal to go for three hotels on Boardwalk.”

Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf resort is particularly notable because it dramatically raised early fears about his conflicts of interest — and concerns that he would push his own business interests as president ahead of what might be best for the public. In a meeting with British politician Nigel Farage shortly after Trump’s election, Trump complained that planned offshore wind farms providing environment-protecting alternative energy would mar the views at his course. He encouraged Farage and his entourage to lobby against the farms.

Scottish residents protested against Trump when he visited last June because of how he handled the golf resort development. Neighbors are suing him because he built a fence blocking a sea view at the house of homeowners who refused to sell to him, and then sent them a bill for it.

You watch, Mexico won’t pay either,” homeowner David Milne told the New York Times.

The Guardian has reported that Trump hasn’t paid UK taxes on his courses in Aberdeenshire and Turnberry in Ayrshire because he has lost nearly $31 million on his Scottish golf empire on an investment of some $123 million.

Liar and awful "businessman".
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
im gonna lock her up

People suck
(01-15-2017, 06:17 PM)bfine32 Wrote: No doubt. You can just look at this forum and see how hard the right is trying.

Most of them have all but abandoned it because on the constant whining going on in here.  

It is pretty funny though.
Trump trolls the media so hard, they talk about him for days for free and got him elected, because of that.

No one knows what is or isn't in those folders, but it sure is fun to guess. The media is not entitled to see his business plan and I'm not sure why you all think they are. The only one that needs to see it is those on the Ethics committee, but Schaub is a little Obama ***** and will be out of a job in a couple of days, so he's got to get his 15 minutes of fame too.
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(01-16-2017, 01:52 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: No Doubt, they take what Trump says so literally. It's almost as if they are trying too hard to catch him lying.
does anyone have to try that hard?
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If 63 million people thought it was ok to make fun of disabled people and brag about sexually assaulting women, they won't give a shit that the guy is lying about distancing himself from his businesses.
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(01-17-2017, 09:40 PM)Benton Wrote: does anyone have to try that hard?

(01-18-2017, 11:09 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: If 63 million people thought it was ok to make fun of disabled people and brag about sexually assaulting women, they won't give a shit that the guy is lying about distancing himself from his businesses.

Like when he said he is very, very careful about checking for mics and cameras because he's very, very smart.

Why would anyone doubt how careful he is?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-18-2017, 11:09 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: If 63 million people thought it was ok to make fun of disabled people and brag about sexually assaulting women, they won't give a shit that the guy is lying about distancing himself from his businesses.

Legally he doesn't have to. The POTUS and VPOTUS are not considered employees of the Government. The criminal conflict of interest statues and the federal standards of ethical conduct are for Government Employees.

Why they are not considered Government Employees I am not sure, but I'm not a fan of him maintaining control of his company while in office, but the law is the law.

No one says it's ok to make fun of disabled people (which to me, he wasn't doing), nor brag about sexually assaulting women (he apologized about his comments publicly and what ever happened to all of those cases against him for sexual assault)?
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(01-18-2017, 03:01 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Legally he doesn't have to. The POTUS and VPOTUS are not considered employees of the Government. The criminal conflict of interest statues and the federal standards of ethical conduct are for Government Employees.

Why they are not considered Government Employees I am not sure, but I'm not a fan of him maintaining control of his company while in office, but the law is the law.

No one says it's ok to make fun of disabled people (which to me, he wasn't doing), nor brag about sexually assaulting women (he apologized about his comments publicly and what ever happened to all of those cases against him for sexual assault)?

It would be one thing if his companies were not profiting from his position.  Not the case.  He's going to profit bigly.  That's not a great direction for any country, let alone one with so much at stake globally.  He's a less successful version of Berlusconi.

Bottom line, there is no way for a narcissist of his level to put the best interests of the country above his own.  How so many people across the country were so naive to believe he would work for the little guy is absolutely astonishing.   
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(01-18-2017, 03:01 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Why they are not considered Government Employees I am not sure, but I'm not a fan of him maintaining control of his company while in office, but the law is the law.

Let the bureaucrat step in to answer this. LOL

The reason they are not beholden to the same ethics rules in the executive branch as the other employees is that their employment is not by contract. Every other executive branch employee, from federal down to municipal, must sign contracts regarding not having conflicts of interest. But, since the POTUS and VPOTUS are not employed via contract, this does not apply to them.

Now, there are some legal questions regarding emoluments. Essentially, the POTUS cannot accept money/gifts from the states or from foreign governments. This is in the Constitution. These clauses have never been tested in the courts. Since our judiciary system cannot rule on hypothetical situations (unlike in some other countries) this cannot hit the courts until Trump is sworn in. Honestly, win or lose, this is a case that will be important moving forward as globalization has made it much easier for someone to be receiving money in that way.

The last time this much stink was made about CoI with the POTUS was Jimmy Carter's peanut farm, and that was, well, peanuts compared to the Trump questions.
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"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(01-18-2017, 03:01 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: No one says it's ok to make fun of disabled people (which to me, he wasn't doing), nor brag about sexually assaulting women (he apologized about his comments publicly and what ever happened to all of those cases against him for sexual assault)?

I suppose you could argue he was making fun of a specific person who happened to be disabled, and figured mocking his disability would make for a better insult...that's not much better, though.  And I assume the sexual assault cases against Trump are going to simply go the way of any criminal allegation against the most powerful man on earth and/or a gazillionaire. 
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(01-19-2017, 07:34 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I suppose you could argue he was making fun of a specific person who happened to be disabled, and figured mocking his disability would make for a better insult...that's not much better, though.  And I assume the sexual assault cases against Trump are going to simply go the way of any criminal allegation against the most powerful man on earth and/or a gazillionaire. 

No, no...the argument is that he mocks EVERYONE so it was ok.  Whatever
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-19-2017, 07:59 PM)GMDino Wrote: No, no...the argument is that he mocks EVERYONE so it was ok.  Whatever

In all honesty I was under the impression that Trump supporters DID acknowledge that he mocked a disabled man, but saw the fact that he was bold, brazen, and (this is the most important factor) too rich and powerful to suffer any negative consequences for doing so as a positive thing. People have said that we are apparently fighting a war against increasingly dangerous levels of PC-ness being forced on us, and Trump is their leader in the fight against it. I've heard people who have probably only seen a minority on TV tell me this, but perception beats reality every time.

If you spin the devious things he does (tax evasion, sexual assault or the glorification thereof, mocking people, business fraud, having the freedom to act like a complete jackass, etc) as genius and gutsy moves that show he is simply a man who operates on a higher level of existence then you don't have to attempt to convince yourself that he wasn't being a grade a d-bag. 

My main assumption is that Donald Trump gets to act the way a lot of people WISH they could, and by supporting him they are under the impression that they are sharing in some small part of his accountability-free lifestyle.  It's like the accomplishment you feel when your sports team wins it all...not that YOU did anything, but you chose to associate with that team, so their victory is yours.  I can't just go around grabbing women or mocking everyone I want to mock (and some people just BEG for it, let me tell you) any more than I could put Pig Ben on the IR, but I'll be damned if I can't root for someone who can!

Vicarious living, this.  Lots of regular people want to be accountability-free jerks and this is the closest they can get to it without getting fired or arrested.  Why people across this country love a spoiled, rich, born-to-win d-bag like Trump and want to punch Johnny Manziel is the true test of branding.
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Quote:At a news conference last week, now-President Donald Trump said he and his daughter, Ivanka, had signed paperwork relinquishing control of all Trump-branded companies. Next to him were stacks of papers in manila envelopes — documents he said transferred “complete and total control” of his businesses to his two sons and another longtime employee.

Sheri Dillon, the Trump attorney who presented the plan, said that Trump “has relinquished leadership and management of the Trump Organization.” Everything would be placed in a family trust by Jan. 20, she said.

That hasn’t happened.

To transfer ownership of his biggest companies, Trump has to file a long list of documents in Florida, Delaware and New York. We asked officials in each of those states whether they have received the paperwork. As of 3:15 p.m. today, the officials said they have not.

Trump and his associates “are not doing what they said they would do,” said Richard Painter, the chief ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush. “And even that was completely inadequate.”

ProPublica’s questions to the transition team were referred to an outside public relations firm, Hiltzik Strategies, which declined to comment. The president’s team did not allow reporters to view documents, which they said were legal records separating Trump from his eponymous business empire. Dillon’s law firm, Morgan Lewis, has not released the records and they declined further comment, saying it doesn’t comment on client issues.

ProPublica looked at more than a dozen of Trump’s largest companies, which are registered or incorporated in three states. Officials in New York and Delaware said documents are logged as soon as they are received. In Florida, officials told us there is typically a day or two before documents are logged into the system.

Here is what we found:
  • Business filings for Trump Organization LLC, Trump’s primary holding company, had not been changed, according to New York’s Department of State. Wollman Rink Operations LLC, which runs the Wollman Rink in Central Park through an agreement with New York City, hasn’t been updated either. Trump is listed as the sole authorized representative of the company. 
  • Ivanka Trump is still listed as the authorized officer on records for two entities related to the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C., which the Trump family bought and turned into a hotel. No changes have been filed for either of the companies, which are registered in Delaware.
  • Documents on The Donald J. Trump Foundation, which Trump has said he would dissolve, haven’t been updated. The charitable foundation has been in a swirl of controversy over its collection and disbursement of funds and an active investigation by New York’s attorney general. (The foundation cannot legally dissolve until the investigation is complete, but the New York Attorney General’s office told ProPublica that Trump can resign as an officer at any time.)
  • In Delaware, where the majority of Trump’s businesses are registered, state officials told ProPublica that no amendments have been filed for four businesses tied to the Old Post Office and that the most recent filings for two businesses related to the Trump National Golf Club in Washington, D.C., were made more than a year ago.
  • In Florida, no changes have been made for years to three key Trump businesses operating there: the Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach, the Mar-A-Lago Club, and DJT Holdings, which has controlling interest in most of Trump’s golf courses in the U.S. and abroad, according to the state’s Division of Corporations.

Even if Trump hands over his companies to a new trust, the plan fails to solve many of his bigger business conflicts, experts say. Terms of the trust that would insulate the president from the Trump Organization haven’t been made public. Trump’s decision not to divest his assets has also been heavily criticized by several former White House attorneys and ethics chiefs.

“What are the terms of the trust? Who is going to be the ethics monitor and what standards will he or she abide by?” said Norman Eisen, who served as the White House chief ethics lawyer under President Obama. “There are 1,000 unanswered questions.”

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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