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Name something you hate about liberals...and conservatives.....
(07-24-2015, 09:57 PM)6andcounting Wrote: Fixed.

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Progressives are into identity politics.

I don't believe a classic liberal is but some who consider themselves liberal are really progressive.
Liberals when they can only argue emotions.

Conservatives when they cry for small government and then try to legislate their morality on others.
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(07-24-2015, 06:39 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: Ok, name something you hate about the people you agree with. For example, if you are a liberal, let us know one thing, or several, that you can't stand about other liberals. Conservatives, do the same. Moderates, stay out of it! lol! (Kidding!) Comment on your own political affiliation. It is too easy to comment about the "other side". I will go first.

I am a proud liberal. But I do agree with some conservative stances. The one thing that I hate about my fellow liberal brethren, is political correctness. No one can take a joke anymore. Now, mind you, there are times in which you should be pc out of respect. However, I think pc-ness has gotten way out of hand. I know several liberals that feel the same as I do.

I'll tell you what I hate about Republicans.  They promised us to fight against Obama's Illegal Amnesty, Obamacare, etc. IF ONLY they could get the Senate.  We gave it to them and nothing has changed.  They haven't even tried to fight.  It was a scam.  Then they turn around and blame Conservatives for anything that goes wrong.  That's why I've left the Republican party.  At this point, I have no party.
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(07-24-2015, 07:36 PM)RoyleRedlegs Wrote: You have several kinds of libertarians. 
You have the really stuck up kind who don't accept anything but those loyal to the libertarian doctrine (they think they are better than repubs or dems but arent) and you have those who got fed up with their original party affiliation and moved to libertarianism.

I guess personally, I'd be more conservative libertarian. I'm morally opposed to abortion but don't support outlawing it. I don't do drugs (anymore) but I support legalization. 
I'm for gay marriage. 

I'm more conservative on things like immigration, social programs and war* 

*I supported going after bin Laden, still do. But going into Iraq....not so much. 

This pretty much describes my views.
The only thing I may differ on is the Iraq situation.
I think we should have followed General Norman Schwarzkopf's advice and marched to Baghdad, the first time in country.
To add (and not totally de-rail) I think we failed the Iraqi people by not rebuilding proper infrastructure with the oil monies.
(07-25-2015, 12:44 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: I'll tell you what I hate about Republicans.  They promised us to fight against Obama's Illegal Amnesty, Obamacare, etc. IF ONLY they could get the Senate.  We gave it to them and nothing has changed.  They haven't even tried to fight.  It was a scam.  Then they turn around and blame Conservatives for anything that goes wrong.  That's why I've left the Republican party.  At this point, I have no party.

THere is going to be some fireworks in the senate on Sunday because of this .... McConnel pulled a Reid and didnt allow amendments.
This thread sucks
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(07-25-2015, 01:13 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: This pretty much describes my views.
The only thing I may differ on is the Iraq situation.
I think we should have followed General Norman Schwarzkopf's advice and marched to Baghdad, the first time in country.
To add (and not totally de-rail) I think we failed the Iraqi people by not rebuilding proper infrastructure with the oil monies.

Perhaps, but I was about 3 when all that took place with Stormin' Norman. 
And I do agree we should have absolutely built infrastructure if we toppled their existing government.
(07-25-2015, 03:12 PM)treee Wrote: This thread sucks

I'm sorry. Cry

I am just trying to show that within all of us, we have some common ground. A lot of name calling and shit like personal attacks going on. I don't judge people based on their political affiliation. I won't talk down to others just because they disagree with me. I say bat shit crazy shit, I'm sure. But my bat shit crazy shit is the truth! Tongue
I'm part of the "Religious Right" and I don't understand how a Christian or anyone for that matter, can be for the Death Penalty. Maybe in the most extreme cases where there's no doubt that someone rapes, tortures and murders children...then I think I could be for them being put to death, I don't know.

As for the other side of the political spectrum, I don't understand how the left can allow abortion.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
(07-25-2015, 04:03 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I'm part of the "Religious Right" and I don't understand how a Christian or anyone for that matter, can be for the Death Penalty. Maybe in the most extreme cases where there's no doubt that someone rapes, tortures and murders children...then I think I could be for them being put to death, I don't know.

As for the other side of the political spectrum, I don't understand how the left can allow abortion.

Agree about the death penalty. I am on the fence, but I don't condone killing at all. Could I shoot someone if they messed with my family? Yes. But that is different, IMO. Lots of innocent people are killed by the death penalty. But guys like the Boston bombers who are obviously 100% guilty, I could pull the switch.

As far as abortion goes, I am personally not for it, but I am pro choice. It is a complex matter for me though. I can see it being a health issue and all that jazz. Like, my wife.....if she gets pregnant, she could die. Who am I to tell her children (my step children) that they won't have a mother anymore because abortion wasn't an option. It's a complex issue, like I said. But I can totally see why others are really against it.
(07-25-2015, 03:50 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: I'm sorry. Cry

I am just trying to show that within all of us, we have some common ground. A lot of name calling and shit like personal attacks going on. I don't judge people based on their political affiliation. I won't talk down to others just because they disagree with me. I say bat shit crazy shit, I'm sure. But my bat shit crazy shit is the truth! Tongue

Hey at least yours just "sucks".  I was told my "I'm just bored" thread was the "worst thread ever". Sad
(07-25-2015, 04:03 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I'm part of the "Religious Right" and I don't understand how a Christian or anyone for that matter, can be for the Death Penalty. Maybe in the most extreme cases where there's no doubt that someone rapes, tortures and murders children...then I think I could be for them being put to death, I don't know.

As for the other side of the political spectrum, I don't understand how the left can allow abortion.

Agree.  For two reasons:  Yes they had the death penalty in the Old Testament but then Jesus came and fulfilled the law.  A perfect example is how he pardoned the woman caught in adultery, which would have been punishable by death.  The second reason is that I think life and death are in God's hands.  He may have plans for this person, no matter what evil thing they did.  Should they be in prison for life? Absolutely.   
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(07-25-2015, 03:12 PM)treee Wrote: This thread sucks

Actually it doesn't.  But if you think it does, you might want to support your argument.  I think it's great because there's some good discussion going on here.
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Not one liberal so far will criticize their party. Supports my idea that they all walk in lockstep.
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(07-25-2015, 05:08 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Not one liberal so far will criticize their party.  Supports my idea that they all walk in lockstep.

Here's something that I hate about both liberals and conservatives....the need to push blame, point fingers, and have the other side always be wrong.  Bonnie's blowin' it.

Personally, I'm not going to criticize "my party" because I do not belong to a party.  I feel that criticizing core beliefs rather than the missteps of people is probably a much more helpful exercise anyway.

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(07-25-2015, 05:24 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Here's something that I hate about both liberals and conservatives....the need to push blame, point fingers, and have the other side always be wrong.  Bonnie's blowin' it.

Personally, I'm not going to criticize "my party" because I do not belong to a party.  I feel that criticizing core beliefs rather than the missteps of people is probably a much more helpful exercise anyway.
If you read what I wrote earlier, you would see that there isn't really an "other side" as far as the politicians go.  There are plenty of people who think there are two sides, but truly, I have reached the conclusion that most of the Republicans and Democrats believe and support the same things no matter what they say in the media and to voters. Mitch McConnell is a prime example.  My comment above is directed at liberal voters who think they can't criticize other liberals.  Conservatives do it all the time.  Truth is, I don't have a party either.  I left the Republican party because they are run by liberal progressives.  

But you'll have to tell me how I'm "blowing it"  exactly.  I didn't realize we were graded here.  
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(07-25-2015, 05:39 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: If you read what I wrote earlier, you would see that there isn't really an "other side" as far as the politicians go.  There are plenty of people who think there are two sides, but truly, I have reached the conclusion that most of the Republicans and Democrats believe and support the same things no matter what they say in the media and to voters.  Mitch McConnell is a prime example.    My comment above is directed at liberal voters who think they can't criticize other liberals.  Conservatives do it all the time.  Truth is, I don't have a party either.  I left the Republican party because they are run by liberal progressives.  

But you'll have to tell me how I'm "blowing it"  exactly.  I didn't realize we were graded here.  

From now on you'll realize that I'm always grading you. 

....and there is DEFINITELY an "other side".  One needs not do more than look at the threads in this forum.  If there were no sides, the same people wouldn't agree with the same people on nearly every goddamned issue.

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(07-25-2015, 05:45 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: From now on you'll realize that I'm always grading you. 

....and there is DEFINITELY an "other side".  One needs not do more than look at the threads in this forum.  If there were no sides, the same people wouldn't agree with the same people on nearly every goddamned issue.

No, like I said, there may be people like us on both sides, but most of the politicians, no matter what they say, are on one side, and it's the liberal progressive side.  Count McConnell, Boehner, and McCain just for starters as Republicans who are really liberal progressives. But it's much broader than that. There are very few Conservatives left in Congress, and they are kept in check.

Grade away if you must.
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Actually Bonnie, there have been more liberal minded folks who have posted in this thread. I am one of them. But you are right.....I just feel that both sides only side with their party anymore. I think it is good to question anyone. Guys like me, Matt, and Cupcakes arent afraid to vote for the other side. At least that is how I feel. I could be wrong though. Rock On

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