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Whining Fox News Must’ve Forgotten How They Treated Obama On Day One

Quote:It’s the second full day of Donald Trump’s presidency. So how about we take a walk down memory lane to the second full day of Barack Obama’s presidency. Unlike Trump’s historically low approval ratings, Obama entered the office with enormous support. And he’s leaving on a seven year high. Jon Stewart had some observations on how Fox News covered what they saw as the end of western civilization.

In this clip from the Daily Show, Stewart compiles some of the observations of Fox’s personalities, as well as other right-wing pundits. He assembles a montage of horror that includes Gretchen Carlson asking “Is he really president?” And then there’s Bill O’Reilly objecting Obama’s assertion that we don’t have to “compromise our values” to protect ourselves. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and others chime in as well, with wishes for Obama’s (and by extension America’s) failure. Stewart leads off saying…

“It is the second full day of the Obama presidency. Day number two. It’s obviously gonna take some time until we get a real clear sense of the direction that this administration is gonna go in. Typically the first 100 days is the significant figure. But Fox News, also only two days into the new administration, has a different question. ‘100 days – Will we make it that long?'”

Watch Jon Stewart Here:

Nothing much changed on Fox News for Obama’s second inauguration in 2012. The Folks at Fox were clearly depressed and labeled it “the saddest day of the year.” Let’s all remember that as Fox News leads the chorus of Donald Trump sycophants who denigrate the protesters who remain committed to the progressive, inclusive values that really do make America great.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
They sure are biased.
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Part of the reason why we are in the position we are in today. "News groups" like FOX news poisoned the water for the easily led. The truth was too hard for them to bare that the old way of life is gone so they ate up the "alternative facts" FOX News provided. Now a large portion of our country lives in a fantasy world the right have concocted were extreme opinions and measures are the solution to making America "great" again.

Like puppeteers to a puppet.
(01-24-2017, 03:52 PM)CageTheBengal Wrote: Part of the reason why we are in the position we are in today. "News groups" like FOX news poisoned the water for the easily led. The truth was too hard for them to bare that the old way of life is gone so they ate up the "alternative facts" FOX News provided. Now a large portion of our country lives in a fantasy world the right have concocted were extreme opinions and measures are the solution to making America "great" again.

Like puppeteers to a puppet.

Of course blame Fox News with their 2.5 million viewers.  Couldn't be anything else.  As long as the left insists on labeling anyone who thinks differently as some sort of mind numbed Foxbot, they'll continue to be completely baffled. Go to any comment section in a political article and see how many times a lib mentions Fox. Fox is quite the crutch for the left.

The republicans gave Hillary Donald Trump and she couldn't beat him, and you want to blame Fox?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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Of course blame Fox News with their 2.5 million viewers.  Couldn't be anything else.  As long as the left insists on labeling anyone who thinks differently as some sort of mind numbed Foxbot, they'll continue to be completely baffled.

It's not coming from the left it's just my opinion. Until people quit fighting the Red vs Blue war and meet more in the middle nothing will change. Until people change there interest and would rather gain knowledge from the news and face the truth no matter how much it goes against their beliefs instead of inflate their ego with "alternative facts" people won't meet more in the middle. FOX News/radio hosts/blogs etc offered disenfranchised people something real established news outlets couldn't, an alternative fantasy world were the news twists itself to fit a narrative a portion of Americans would like to see rather than the truth. That drives ratings which over time has given these people careers which gives them a sliver of power in the world that they didn't have before. It's entertainment that people are manipulated into believing is news because it caters to them.

You ever wondered why Americans haven't been on the same wavelength for a while now? Probably because a handful of horrible people realized there is a business in fake news and they have no problem warping people's opinions to gain a buck. So now we have 2 versions of America and people can't discuss anything because they feel the other side is out of touch and we can't even decide what the debate should really be about.
(01-24-2017, 05:45 PM)CageTheBengal Wrote: It's not coming from the left it's just my opinion. Until people quit fighting the Red vs Blue war and meet more in the middle nothing will change. Until people change there interest and would rather gain knowledge from the news and face the truth no matter how much it goes against their beliefs instead of inflate their ego with "alternative facts" people won't meet more in the middle. FOX News/radio hosts/blogs etc offered disenfranchised people something real established news outlets couldn't, an alternative fantasy world were the news twists itself to fit a narrative a portion of Americans would like to see rather than the truth. That drives ratings which over time has given these people careers which gives them a sliver of power in the world that they didn't have before. It's entertainment that people are manipulated into believing is news because it caters to them.

You ever wondered why Americans haven't been on the same wavelength for a while now? Probably because a handful of horrible people realized there is a business in fake news and they have no problem warping people's opinions to gain a buck. So now we have 2 versions of America and people can't discuss anything because they feel the other side is out of touch and we can't even decide what the debate should really be about.

No it's coming from the entire left.  It's all they can say.  Fox, Fox, Fox.  And as I said, Fox gets 2.5 million prime time viewers, and they aren't all conservatives.  Donald Trump got over 60 million votes.  

You think there aren't liberal shows, blogs, sites that do the same thing because nobody talks about them, because nobody on the right is obsessed with it enough to mention it.  Do you really believe something like Huffington Post is unbiased?  MSNBC?  Do you think Media Matters is this magnanimous entity just trying to get the truth out?

How about this whole "Fake news". All of a sudden everywhere you look, people are using the term. Where did that come from? Did everyone think up that exact term at the same time.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(01-24-2017, 05:52 PM)michaelsean Wrote: No it's coming from the entire left.  It's all they can say.  Fox, Fox, Fox.  And as I said, Fox gets 2.5 million prime time viewers, and they aren't all conservatives.  Donald Trump got over 60 million votes.  

You think there aren't liberal shows, blogs, sites that do the same thing because nobody talks about them, because nobody on the right is obsessed with it enough to mention it.  Do you really believe something like Huffington Post is unbiased?  MSNBC?  Do you think Media Matters is this magnanimous entity just trying to get the truth out?

How about this whole "Fake news".  All of a sudden everywhere you look, people are using the term.  Where did that come from?  Did everyone think up that exact term at the same time.

My issue with Fox News was never that they were biased, it was that they were pointing out how fair and balanced they were every 10 seconds.
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(01-24-2017, 06:10 PM)Nately120 Wrote: My issue with Fox News was never that they were biased, it was that they pointing out how fair and balanced they were every 10 seconds.

Do they still do that?  I honestly don't watch it.  I don't have anything against them, it's just that it's the same thing over and over.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-24-2017, 06:12 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Do they still do that?  I honestly don't watch it.  I don't have anything against them, it's just that it's the same thing over and over.

I don't know...I haven't paid attention to Fox News since I had that right-wing gf from 2007-2010.  I remember pointing out that Fox News seemed biased but her old man just explained that I only THINK it is right-wing because I've been conditioned to think all the left-wing news stations were unbiased.  Nothing quite as effective in an argument as assigning a faulty argument to your opponent and then proving the weak argument you gave him to be wrong.

Anyways, I recall Fox News trademarking the statement, repeating it during all their ads and bumpers, arguing in court that misrepresentation labeled as news was protected under the 1st Amendment, and claiming the term "fair and balanced" was merely a corporate slogan and not to be taken as a representation that what they were broadcasting was actually fair and/or balanced.

Toss in the fact that it was founded by tabloid magnate Rupert Murdoch and you have a veritable cornucopia of wackiness.

I just looked now, and apparently the FCC cracked down on them for their slogan and they had to change it?  News to me.,2817,2391570,00.asp
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-24-2017, 05:52 PM)michaelsean Wrote: No it's coming from the entire left.  It's all they can say.  Fox, Fox, Fox.  And as I said, Fox gets 2.5 million prime time viewers, and they aren't all conservatives.  Donald Trump got over 60 million votes.  

You think there aren't liberal shows, blogs, sites that do the same thing because nobody talks about them, because nobody on the right is obsessed with it enough to mention it.  Do you really believe something like Huffington Post is unbiased?  MSNBC?  Do you think Media Matters is this magnanimous entity just trying to get the truth out?

How about this whole "Fake news".  All of a sudden everywhere you look, people are using the term.  Where did that come from?  Did everyone think up that exact term at the same time.

 That's part of the polarization you can't even look at my opinion without bias without painting it as left or right. You're so consumed with fighting the Red vs Blue war you're trying to have an argument that isn't there. I'm not fighting for the left side.

   You assume I think all conservative voters watch FOX News but then assume everyone who thinks fake news is an issue must be from the left? While not all conservatives watch FOX News part of the power they have obtained after gaining more viewers is that they have some control over the agenda for the Republicans.

  That's partly why a lot of conservatives rode with Trump instead of the dozen other Republican options during the primaries because Trump had a message for the extremists that the established politicians wouldn't match. Why wouldn't the established politicians match Trump in anyway? Because they knew these idea were too extreme and toed the line morally. The right wing news groups kept pushing and pushing though during the Obama administration that they ended up pushing too hard.

 FOX News is the biggest entity for fake news and twisting the narrative in this country so it's not unreasonable to call them out for it as the face of all fake news whether it be right news or left news. Who cares where the term fake comes from. It's an easy way for Americans to discuss the issue and condensing a large problem a lot of people have been noticing into a smaller phrase. Getting hung up on ridiculous stuff like that is why there isn't as many productive political conversations in this country.
(01-24-2017, 06:28 PM)CageTheBengal Wrote:  That's part of the polarization you can't even look at my opinion without bias without painting it as left or right. You're so consumed with fighting the Red vs Blue war you're trying to have an argument that isn't there. I'm not fighting for the left side.

   You assume I think all conservative voters watch FOX News but then assume everyone who thinks fake news is an issue must be from the left? While not all conservatives watch FOX News part of the power they have obtained after gaining more viewers is that they have some control over the agenda for the Republicans.

  That's partly why a lot of conservatives rode with Trump instead of the dozen other Republican options during the primaries because Trump had a message for the extremists that the established politicians wouldn't match. Why wouldn't the established politicians match Trump in anyway? Because they knew these idea were too extreme and toed the line morally. The right wing news groups kept pushing and pushing though during the Obama administration that they ended up pushing too hard.

 FOX News is the biggest entity for fake news and twisting the narrative in this country so it's not unreasonable to call them out for it as the face of all fake news whether it be right news or left news. Who cares where the term fake comes from. It's an easy way for Americans to discuss the issue and condensing a large problem a lot of people have been noticing into a smaller phrase. Getting hung up on ridiculous stuff like that is why there isn't as many productive political conversations in this country.

I'm not painting it left or right, I'm telling you what the left does en masse. 

I'm not talking about calling Fox out, I'm talking about referring to everyone who is on the right as some sort of mind numbed Fox devotee.  Go to comment sections on political stories, and you will find conservatives constantly portrayed this way. You can also find out how conservatives paint liberals.  Snowflake is very popular right now. Comment sections aren't very educational about the substance, but they are a great window into the people. When I see liberals screaming about gerrymandering helping Trump, an inane argument, are they getting that from Fox? Or is it possible that people on the left make shit up too and liberal lemmings eat it up..

 Hey let the Dems continue to blame Fox for all their problems. Barack Obama is the only Democrat to get 50% of the vote or more in the last 40 years, and he was a unique candidate, but Fox News propaganda is their real problem for the Dems.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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