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(07-24-2015, 12:57 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I thought that was overreaching and hokey as well, but I realize you probably want me to be for one and against the other don't you?  I'll at least defend the rainbow white house by stating that the only reason it seemed like a religious case is because religious folks choose to interpret it as such.

If the rainbow white house said "Take THIS stupid religious people!" then you'd have a point.

You don't understand how Christians think.  They believe that giving equal rights to ALL people actually violates the rights of Christians.

When you give everyone equal rights the Christians pull out their victim cards.
(07-24-2015, 01:08 PM)bfine32 Wrote: ...and if the sticker said "Take THIS stupid non-believers" then you'd have a point.

It is 4 words "In God We Trust..." same thing that is on every piece of currency made in America. Can we suggest money is only made for believers?

Again, I have no qualms with "in god we trust" but following that with a statement from the Christian Bible undoes the generalities of the initial statement.  Plus, "in god we trust" all capitalized, which leaves doubt as to if they mean god (general) or God (more specific) wasn't put on money until the 1950s.  The Latin "E pluribus unum" was (is?) on the US Seal meaning out of many we are one, or something to that effect.

So Eisenhower put "in god we trust" on money in the 50's which means our country existed for a longer period of time without such benefit.  So what?

1782 - 1955 = E pluribus unum
1956 - present = in god we trust
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(07-24-2015, 01:08 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You don't understand how Christians think.  They believe that giving equal rights to ALL people actually violates the rights of Christians.

When you give everyone equal rights the Christians pull out their victim cards.

Actually it speaks more to people's inference of the message. Just look how folks have ran with this simple message on the bumper of a vehicle. Imagine how some that view homosexuality as a sin viewed their White House lit up like a rainbow.

I was not "offended" by the move; it just gave me insight to the man that currently holds the keys.

You have no idea how a Christian thinks.
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(07-24-2015, 01:06 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I was looking at a part of the website cited by the original article.  Maybe they changed it, maybe it was photoshopped, who knows. 

Maybe Houras Gilgamesh embellished it to stir up the "rubes".
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Most likely the sheriff knew this would be controversial and did it anyway to make a "point".  Like others have said, it was unnecessary and plainly inflammatory.
(07-24-2015, 01:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Actually it speaks more to people's inference of the message. Just look how folks have ran with this simple message on the bumper of a vehicle. Imagine how some that view homosexuality as a sin viewed their White House lit up like a rainbow.

I was not "offended" by the move; it just gave me insight to the man that currently holds the keys.

You have no idea how a Christian thinks.

Again, Christians have chosen to interject their faith into both of these situations when the concept of "in god we trust" and marital rights and rainbows have no Christian connotation.  (g)od can mean anyone or anything until you specify which (which they did), and being gay is only a sin if you believe in sin and the Christian Bible.  Christians have chosen to personally interject their beliefs and themselves in the middle of both of these situations.
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(07-24-2015, 01:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I was not "offended" by the move; it just gave me insight to the man that currently holds the keys.

Yes.  He is a man who celebrates equal rights for all people.

(07-24-2015, 01:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You have no idea how a Christian thinks.

Actually I do.  But I should not lump all Christians together.  Instead I should have said "Christians like many of the ones who post here".
(07-23-2015, 09:15 PM)GMDino Wrote: My thing is:  What's the purpose?  What is the message they want to send to the public?

I don't see the need for it nor why it would be done at all.

The message I get is:  "We the police are risking our lives for you every day and we are asking God for help and protection."  Is that so wrong?  
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I don't think anything else needs to be on police cruisers, god, rainbow, or otherwise. All that needs to be on them is the name of the police force to be able to determine jurisdiction, the seal of that force, and the phone number of that force. All else is just extra. And since you can never please everyone, all else should be left off since it will likely be deemed as inflammatory by some segment of the population.
(07-26-2015, 10:01 AM)Beaker Wrote: I don't think anything else needs to be on police cruisers, god, rainbow, or otherwise. All that needs to be on them is the name of the police force to be able to determine jurisdiction, the seal of that force, and the phone number of that force. All else is just extra. And since you can never please everyone, all else should be left off since it will likely be deemed as inflammatory by some segment of the population.

Why haven't we yet figured out as a society that t's impossible to do anything anymore without offending someone?  Every group uses "offense" now to try and get their way.  It's ridiculous.   If the police officers agreed they wanted "In God We Trust," it really hurts nobody.  If if makes them feel safer while they are risking their lives, that is fine with me.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-24-2015, 01:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Actually it speaks more to people's inference of the message. Just look how folks have ran with this simple message on the bumper of a vehicle. Imagine how some that view homosexuality as a sin viewed their White House lit up like a rainbow.

I was not "offended" by the move; it just gave me insight to the man that currently holds the keys.

You have no idea how a Christian thinks.

Christians, I'm sure, viewed the White House being lit up in a rainbow as the celebration of sin.  The thing is, the White House was not catering to Christians at that moment, and they never should.  At that moment, they were recognizing the decision for all people to be treated as equals when it comes to marriage.  If Christians see those lights as upsetting or supporting of sin, then it's their problem as a person....they shouldn't expect for the laws of the country to be based upon their religion anymore.

I don't think I would support the police displaying a rainbow, as it could possibly be taken as showing bias and having a political agenda.  I want my officers of the law to be upholding the law in the best way possible while remaining and neutral and moderate in all things political.  Although, I don't think that the rainbow is a message of negativity, I don't think mentions of a god necessarily are either.  They are messages with an agenda though.

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(07-26-2015, 10:07 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Why haven't we yet figured out as a society that t's impossible to do anything anymore without offending someone?  Every group uses "offense" now to try and get their way.  It's ridiculous.   If the police officers agreed they wanted "In God We Trust," it really hurts nobody.  If if makes them feel safer while they are risking their lives, that is fine with me.

Would you be offended if the motto said "we don't believe in your god"?

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(07-26-2015, 09:01 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: The message I get is:  "We the police are risking our lives for you every day and we are asking God for help and protection."  Is that so wrong?  

Yes.  They are servants of the people and officers of the law.  Public officials.  Their religious preferences should be kept to themselves.

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(07-26-2015, 10:07 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Why haven't we yet figured out as a society that t's impossible to do anything anymore without offending someone?  Every group uses "offense" now to try and get their way.  It's ridiculous.   If the police officers agreed they wanted "In God We Trust," it really hurts nobody.  If if makes them feel safer while they are risking their lives, that is fine with me.

Public servants must cater to the interest of the public they serve. Their own interests are secondary. Therefore, nothing else is needed on their cars other than the necessary info. Everyone knows you cannot please everyone...sp why bother putting anything else on the cars if you know it isn't pertinent/necessary info?
(07-26-2015, 12:06 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Would you be offended if the motto said "we don't believe in your god"?

No.  If that's what the police department wanted, then so be it.  We need to get out of each other's business.  The PC crap has got to stop.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 12:13 PM)Beaker Wrote: Public servants must cater to the interest of the public they serve. Their own interests are secondary. Therefore, nothing else is needed on their cars other than the necessary info. Everyone knows you cannot please everyone...sp why bother putting anything else on the cars if you know it isn't pertinent/necessary info?

They can cater to the interests of the public they serve just fine whether they have In God We Trust on their cars or not.  And I'd argue that as long as its on the money they can't legally take it off the cars. 
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(07-26-2015, 12:17 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: No.  
Stopped reading right here.  I call bullshit, and I'm not interested in continuing discussions when people are dishonest.

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(07-26-2015, 12:13 PM)Beaker Wrote: Public servants must cater to the interest of the public they serve. Their own interests are secondary. Therefore, nothing else is needed on their cars other than the necessary info. Everyone knows you cannot please everyone...sp why bother putting anything else on the cars if you know it isn't pertinent/necessary info?

I say if the majority of the people this Sheriffs Department serves found issue with the stickers then they should be removed. If the vast majority of the population supports it or is indifferent about it; then i see zero harm in the stickers. Just because it makes some on a distant Message Board mad should be of little importance.

Also as I mentioned earlier the latest Gallup Poll showed that 93% of Americans believe in God. 
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(07-26-2015, 12:06 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Would you be offended if the motto said "we don't believe in your god"?

I know I would; however, if they served a population of which the majority agreed with this sentiment; then I don't see how I could agree against them showing that they support the views of their community. 

The sticker is harmless; it's just Gilgamesh got a population spun up over it by embellishing the action. It is what he does.
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(07-26-2015, 12:22 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote:  
Stopped reading right here.  I call bullshit, and I'm not interested in continuing discussions when people are dishonest.

That's just wrong. You're the one being dishonest by attributing opinions to me that are not my own.  If I was a police officer and my town decided to put a "We Don't Believe in Your God" sign on my car, I'd just make sure God knew he was invited into my patrol car at all times, and I'd be praying to Him for protection.  How dare you attribute opinions to me or tell me what my opinions are!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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