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New PnR Moderator
(07-27-2015, 01:41 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Why didn't you link the post?  Context maybe?

You're cute when you look for an out "Hard Core". 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-27-2015, 01:43 AM)bfine32 Wrote: You're cute when you look for an out "Hard Core". 

So, you're not going to link the post?  I take it you disagree with the concept that a quote can be taken out of context.
Cool so we're rehashing the whole "Brothel argument" again!
(07-27-2015, 01:46 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: So, you're not going to link the post?  I take it you disagree with the concept that a quote can be taken out of context.

He said it "Hard Core". It is right here:

Post 287. 

Not replying to anyone and no additional comments

Still calling "Hard Core" Bullshit on that one?
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-27-2015, 01:52 AM)bfine32 Wrote: He said it "Hard Core". It is right here:

Post 287. 

Not replying to anyone and no additional comments

Still calling "Hard Core" Bullshit on that one?


Actually reading the discussion it's blindingly obvious that fred was making a joke based on the absurdity of lucie's argument.  Was the joke in bad taste, absolutely.  Would the thin skin among us likely be offended by it, sure.  Was he being serious and making a sincere offer?  No, and only a complete idiot would think or claim otherwise.  I can see why you were resistant to posting the actual quote because doping so made you look foolish
(07-27-2015, 01:57 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yup.

Actually reading the discussion it's blindingly obvious that fred was making a joke based on the absurdity of lucie's argument.  Was the joke in bad taste, absolutely.  Would the thin skin among us likely be offended by it, sure.  Was he being serious and making a sincere offer?  No, and only a complete idiot would think or claim otherwise.  I can see why you were resistant to posting the actual quote because doping so made you look foolish

Amazing you were able to read the over 300 posts in that thread in about 5 minutes.

Most likely Fred was being facetious (I don't know him like you). Does that mean he didn't say it? Nope. 

There was no resistance to post the link, just thought it wasn't necessary.

No doubt, posting a link that disproved your challenge made me look foolish. This wasn't just a regular, everyday challenge; this was a "Hard Core" one.   

You're cute when you're looking for an out Hard Core.

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 12:10 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: I just wanted to take a minute to thank Matt for accepting the role as PnR mod in the first place. Honestly, it's a pretty thankless job. When I created the board, members asked for PnR. I wasn't necessarily a fan of the idea, and it was only the willingness of Matt to moderate it, that the section even became a reality.

Now, with Matt stepping down at the end of the month, we have to decide how to proceed with the forum. Do we put another mod in place, or just allow members to report posts or PM admins as we do in all other sections. The staff will be discussing this.

I saw someone suggest that maybe PnR just be done away with. In the very early stages of the board, I might have agreed...because I wasn't its biggest supporter to begin with. But now, the truth is...PnR has become a big part of the board. Only Jungle Noise is more active and prolific in terms of posting.

That also brings me to another point. While I rarely post in PnR, I do go through it a couple times a week. It can absolutely get contentious, personal, and bring out some damn strong feelings in people. But, Jungle Noise tends to be the same way...maybe even worse at times. So, PnR will definitely be staying.

I'm glad you're keeping it.
If for nothing else, I feel it's necessary for containment.
As far as moderation, I agree with the suggestion of 2 mods, with you being the tie-breaker in needed situations.
I also believe the two need to be familiar with this forum.
It really goes a long way in moderation when you know a person's history, style, and tendencies.
A person with this knowledge can stop problems, before they happen..
And for those eliminating someone from consideration because of an ability to troll, you do realize who would be the best at counter-trolling, right ?
A "troll on the payroll" is not necessarily a bad idea..
Rock On
(07-27-2015, 02:06 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Amazing you were able to read the over 300 posts in that thread in about 5 minutes.

You think I have to read the entire thread to determine what was going on?  I'm sorry for your limited comprehension abilities.

Quote:Most likely Fred was being facetious (I don't know him like you). Does that mean he didn't say it? Nope.
Yes, he said it.  David Cross also said he totally got why priests raped children because who could resist.  See, there's this thing called humor, a concept I understand you don't really grasp.  Within this concept people say things that are normally offensive and they don't actually mean them.  I could go on but I have a sneaky suspicion I'd be wasting my time.

Quote:There was no resistance to post the link, just thought it wasn't necessary.

You thought context was unnecessary?  Actually, knowing you as I do this makes a lot of sense.

Quote:No doubt, posting a link that disproved your challenge made me look foolish. This wasn't just a regular, everyday challenge; this was a "Hard Core" one.
Lucie claimed that Fred volunteered to sexually groom his, lucie's, children.  Anyone who read that post and actually thinks that is an utter moron.

Quote:You're cute when you're looking for an out Hard Core.

We've already established that you and humor are ill acquainted, do us all a favor and quite trying so hard.  It's embarrassing.
(07-27-2015, 02:15 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You think I have to read the entire thread to determine what was going on?  I'm sorry for your limited comprehension abilities.

Yes, he said it.  David Cross also said he totally got why priests raped children because who could resist.  See, there's this thing called humor, a concept I understand you don't really grasp.  Within this concept people say things that are normally offensive and they don't actually mean them.  I could go on but I have a sneaky suspicion I'd be wasting my time.

You thought context was unnecessary?  Actually, knowing you as I do this makes a lot of sense.

Lucie claimed that Fred volunteered to sexually groom his, lucie's, children.  Anyone who read that post and actually thinks that is an utter moron.

We've already established that you and humor are ill acquainted, do us all a favor and quite trying so hard.  It's embarrassing.

Despite your Hard Core assertion, he said it. Anything else you attempt, to include trying to make others look feeble, is just desperation and is amusing. 

I'm done with you 'Hard Core". 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-27-2015, 02:19 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Despite your Hard Core assertion, he said it. Anything else you attempt, to include trying to make others look feeble, is just desperation and is amusing. 

I'm done with you 'Hard Core". 

Quite sincerely, it's much harder to be annoyed with you than it is to feel really, really sad for you. 
(07-27-2015, 01:04 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Fred you actually offerred to sexually groom my 5 and 7 year old daughters.   Plus have mocked my wife and kids countless times.    You are the #1 person when it comes to personal attacks on someone's family.    All because you don't agree with a message board post in a PnR board.    

Your the one with the problems mate.

I have never mocked your wife, and any services I proposed for your daughters would be once they reached the age of consent. I believe that is 16 with parental consent in Florida.

As far as personal attacks you must have me confused with SunsetBengal and Bradfritz.  I post facts.  They post personal insults.
Actually I guess I need to explain something to Bfine32.

I do not really run a sexual orientation clinic. It was a joke.

I also want to apologize to all the other members who were not able to figure this out. Sometimes I forget what type of people I am dealing with here. I am truly sorry if I offended any of you.
(07-27-2015, 02:24 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I have never mocked your wife, and any services I proposed for your daughters would be once they reached the age of consent.  I believe that is 16 with parental consent in Florida.

As far as personal attacks you must have me confused with SunsetBengal and Bradfritz.  I post facts.  They post personal insults.

Fred you did it.... And you have insulted them on a number of occasions. You can back peddle all you like and have your boy defend your actions .... But joke or not it's uncalled for and improper.

No disagreement on a message board should involve an adult wanting to sleep with someone's children.

I tolerate a lot of nonsense in good fun, and that goes hand in hand, as I know I give it back.... But attacking my kids and wife is about as low as anyone can get....

I have never reported any of your attacks to moderation because i chalked it up as being a part of your character.

Now this is the last I am speaking on this matter. Be a man and keep it on the boards.
I for one enjoy the back and forth that comes naturally in PnR discussions. Without the contrasting personalities here, this place would be boring. I don't mind personal attacks and can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would. If you don't like a comment, either move passed it or put your adult diapers on go for the gusto. So long as something isn't too over the top then anything should go. We separate the wheat from the chaffe. If you can't take it, then maybe PnR isn't the place for you. I personally believe that complaints to a Mod, outta the PnR forum, should be ignored for the most part.
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-
(07-26-2015, 11:16 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The point is you and others keep saying that Lucie shouldn't be Mod because of this, this, and this. The obvious only reason is because he doesn't share your general views. He has his opinions, yet does not attack anybody personally because of theirs. 

I was merely pointing out that your "best man for the job" also posted his opinion and that one happened to be one that you degraded Lucie for having. 

But let's help Holic and the admin out instead of bickering. Suppose they want a PnR exclusively mod; throw a name in the ring. 

A couple of things:

1. This isn't a matter of differing opinions. He has some some racist things that everyone who is sane would agree is racist. He has also used words that are slurs to describe groups of people.

2. He admitted to saying the things I accused him of saying.

3. You said that Matt said this, and then you said that he didn't. Either quote him or not. Otherwise, stop saying he did.

4. This thread was started by you to determine a new mod, and you suggested Lucy in your original post. You have to expect people to challenge your god awful suggestion. That and I already said what I thought about moderation here.
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(07-27-2015, 07:18 AM)Devils Advocate Wrote: I for one enjoy the back and forth that comes naturally in PnR discussions. Without the contrasting personalities here, this place would be boring. I don't mind personal attacks and can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would. If you don't like a comment, either move passed it or put your adult diapers on go for the gusto. So long as something isn't too over the top then anything should go. We separate the wheat from the chaffe. If you can't take it, then maybe PnR isn't the place for you. I personally believe that complaints to a Mod, outta the PnR forum, should be ignored for the most part.

To be fair to Fred I was the first one to "insult" your wife because I suggested she better stay thin or you'd be out the door since you hate "thick women".

You suggested that taking your son to a brothel was a good thing.  Fred suggested it would be good for your daughters too.  YOU took it to mean he wanted to have sex with your underage daughters because, well, that's what you do.  You make a crazy suggestion, someone calls you out on it and you take it personally..and then deny you meant any such thing.

If you REALLY and TRULY though Fred was asking you to send your daughters to him for sexual training to learn how to "take on a family" that's just one more huge reason why you shouldn't be a moderator of this board.

Rock On
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
At this point, the decision is up to the message board staff as to how to handle the moderation of this subforum. This thread has turned more towards mudslinging than its original intent and so I'm going to end it.

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