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Prayers for the refugee attack in Sweden two nights ago.

The fake news media aka public enemy #1 will not mention this, and the Swedes are denying that anything what-so-ever happened two nights ago, but Trump was sure to let the attendees at his Florida rally know that refugee violence has recently hit Europe.

Quote:"you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”

He asks a very good question: Who would believe this?
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-19-2017, 01:59 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

The fake news media aka public enemy #1 will not mention this, and the Swedes are denying that anything what-so-ever happened two nights ago, but Trump was sure to let the attendees at his Florida rally know that refugee violence has recently hit Europe.

He asks a very good question: Who would believe this?

The same people defending the Bowling Green "massacre."
The question is: Will his supporters every believe the truth?

He sure is a liar.

He sure is misinformed.

He sure likes to talk tough.

He sure likes to repeat what he hears on FOX.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I'm going to share this in this thread....sorry Pat...but it has to do with the media and Trump and will tie into this story.

A friend on FB posted the following story:

Feel free to peruse it.  this was my FB response:

Quote:Another attempt to smear all the media with a broad brush.

Do some extreme articles think Trump is next Hitler? (Obama was the last one I heard.) Of course.

But simple reporting what the POTUS says and does is not being biased.

Not kissing his ass is not biased.

As the article rambles on about how BOTH can be awful (press and Trump), it hits its complete non-biased stride(sarcasm) with this paragraph:

--->Of course the American media is terrible. Everybody knows this. Everybody who follows the public debate about guns, taxes, or abortion knows this. Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the New York Times, knows this, which is why he sheepishly acknowledged that the so-called Newspaper of Record and its editors “don’t get religion.” And that is just a little bit of what they don’t get.<---

"Everybody knows."

ESPECIALLY when it comes to right wing issues.

"Everybody knows."

I have been told (repeatedly) that Trump getting elected is the result of those darn Democrats trying to "change" America by giving gays the right to marry and letting transvestites use the bathroom they are dressed for and worrying too much about "globalism" and not enough about 'Murica.

While I admit that a lot of voters still wish this was 1955 I'd like to introduce something too:

The press that Trump is dealing with is a result of the right wing noise machine changing the way we get news. From Limbaugh to the rise of FOX, through Glenn Beck losing his mind to Breitbart "news" has become 22 hours of opinion shows that you can't criticize because they aren't "news".

Sean Hannity has 5 hours on television and 15 on radio to spout every lie he wants (based on the news).

Drudge and Breitbart rewrite headlines to help their readers understand how the left is out to get them.

So much so that when a real story with honest facts is presented it is blown off as "fake news" because it does not fit their narrative.

So the POTUS is now facing what is the inevitable backlash. People who wanted to cover the news the right way have stopped trying to out tabloid FOX and the rest and are reporting what happened. And fact checking. And doing what they SHOULD have been doing all along.

(For further reference please do some research on Saint Ronnie's repeal of the Fairness Doctrine and media ownership limitations. Too much to add to this post.)

We have a duly elected POTUS who says what he hears on television (FOX, btw) and when told it is demonstrably wrong he says "someone told him" or "he heard".

"Alternative facts."

If he believes it can it really be wrong? idiot. Yes it can be wrong.

So let's stop talking about how "bad" the press is. Some of it will always be. And sometimes even the best will make a mistake. That does not mean they are always wrong either. It means they are human.

Let's enjoy and respect a press that is now willing to forgo the almighty rating and dollar if it means actually reporting news and not spouting an opinion just to get someone to watch.

ESPECIALLY if that news disagrees with your predetermined views.

This whole Sweden thing just feeds into that narrative:

Quote:The only reasonable explanation for Trump’s comment, it would seem, is that the president had watched a news segment on Friday night’s Tucker Carlson during which a Swedish documentary filmmaker alleged that migrants were responsible for a crime wave in the Scandinavian country, and that the Swedish government was trying to cover it up. As several reporters have been consistently tracking, Trump’s tweets and public comments often directly correspond to things that Trump watches on television, and the president frequently references how much Fox News he watches. Therefore, Trump probably watched the segment and then conflated it with an actual incident or attack when ad-libbing on Saturday.

The man elected President can't even bother to get a story right from a station he solely watches.

Trump sees a story on FOX (not news) and misinterprets it (Nuance and facts are for the losers) and makes an ass out of himself (his supporters don't care/understand).

Clearly this is the media's fault. (sarcasm).
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 04:50 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'm going to share this in this thread....sorry Pat...but it has to do with the media and Trump and will tie into this story.

A friend on FB posted the following story:

Feel free to peruse it.  this was my FB response:

This whole Sweden thing just feeds into that narrative:

The man elected President can't even bother to get a story right from a station he solely watches.

Trump sees a story on FOX (not news) and misinterprets it (Nuance and facts are for the losers) and makes an ass out of himself (his supporters don't care/understand).

Clearly this is the media's fault. (sarcasm).

The problem is that the media and the Democrats need to wake the hell up and realize that there is an opportunity here to win back people that they have lost. There are people that still feel like the left and the MSM are being too smug and arrogant about all of this. Trump's war against the media is succeeding with his base. They are buying it, lock, stock, and barrel.

A lot of lessons have yet to be learned from the rise of Trump.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(02-19-2017, 05:16 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The problem is that the media and the Democrats need to wake the hell up and realize that there is an opportunity here to win back people that they have lost. There are people that still feel like the left and the MSM are being too smug and arrogant about all of this. Trump's war against the media is succeeding with his base. They are buying it, lock, stock, and barrel.

A lot of lessons have yet to be learned from the rise of Trump.


Because they are saying things people don't like.  Because they like hearing from their dear leader that he will protect them...even if nothing happened.

There will always be those who refuse to believe the truth.  Those are the ones cheering at the Trump 2020 Presidential campaign rally.

Those 9000 people won't be swayed.

Who needs to be swayed are those who still have an ability to deal with reality.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
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[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(02-19-2017, 05:16 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The problem is that the media and the Democrats need to wake the hell up and realize that there is an opportunity here to win back people that they have lost. There are people that still feel like the left and the MSM are being too smug and arrogant about all of this. Trump's war against the media is succeeding with his base. They are buying it, lock, stock, and barrel.

A lot of lessons have yet to be learned from the rise of Trump.
trumps followers exalt him for making fun and speaking out against those who are different.

they dislike the media and everyone else for making fun of "one of them." Given that its not really ridicule, just pointing out the dishonesty and absurdity, I dont know if that bridge will ever be mended. Its not even so much about left and right any more.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-19-2017, 09:41 PM)Benton Wrote: trumps followers exalt him for making fun and speaking out against those who are different.

they dislike the media and everyone else for making fun of "one of them." Given that its not really ridicule, just pointing out the dishonesty and absurdity, I dont know if that bridge will ever be mended. Its not even so much about left and right any more.

I think Matt's point is someone should try. To suggest that Trump and his "followers" are not ridiculed just points to bias. If the left doesn't what the White House ever again they can just continue to push back harder. I didn't vote for Trump but if I had known how the left would have reacted to his victory, I would have. I also would have put Trump signs in my yard and worn my MAGA hat to the voting booth. 

Somebody better look for the middle soon, because the Right out numbers the far Left and pushing further left will make their numbers smaller. Their campaign strategy of focusing on Trump instead of the issues didn't work and I don't the post-election strategy of doing the same will have a different effect. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-19-2017, 10:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think Matt's point is someone should try. To suggest that Trump and his "followers" are not ridiculed just points to bias. If the left doesn't what the White House ever again they can just continue to push back harder. I didn't vote for Trump but if I had known how the left would have reacted to his victory, I would have. I also would have put Trump signs in my yard and worn my MAGA hat to the voting booth. 

Somebody better look for the middle soon, because the Right out numbers the far Left and pushing further left will make their numbers smaller. Their campaign strategy of focusing on Trump instead of the issues didn't work and I don't the post-election strategy of doing the same will have a different effect. 

[Image: gv287k.jpg]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 09:41 PM)Benton Wrote: Its not even so much about left and right any more.


Trump made a lot of enemies among Republicans during the primaries. That has not been forgotten. And Republicans are very much aware that they will be leading this country for the next two years, regardless of whether Trump is there or not. The question of whether or not they will lead it during the two years after that and possibly beyond is starting to appear to hinge on whether they continue to tie their horse to Trump. He is really starting to become a liability for them.

It is true that he has done some things that are universally applauded by Republicans (the Supreme Court pick, removing some of Obama's executive orders, etc.). But his admin is a three ring circus. The blatant lies, the continued name-calling and accusations, the uncomfortable links with Russia, the confusing foreign policy stuff, to say nothing of the continued campaigning are over the top. There could be a real backlash at the midterms if this continues. Republican congressmen are definitely aware of this.

I offer this as an example. I was teaching my Sunday School class this morning. They are all adults at retirement age or above. Their views on Trump were generally pretty favorable when he was first elected. That is completely changed now. To a person, they now complain about him. I had to cut people off several times this morning to get back on track (I don't permit that politics crap in my class). Obviously, this is just one small example. But if this is going on in a lot of places, the GOP will have to do something. And it would better serve them to do it earlier rather than later.

Imagine how different our world today would be if the GOP had turned their backs on Nixon earlier rather than later. The Republican leadership of that time might have been hailed as heroes.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(02-19-2017, 05:16 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The problem is that the media and the Democrats need to wake the hell up and realize that there is an opportunity here to win back people that they have lost. There are people that still feel like the left and the MSM are being too smug and arrogant about all of this. Trump's war against the media is succeeding with his base. They are buying it, lock, stock, and barrel.

A lot of lessons have yet to be learned from the rise of Trump.

The media is now at war with 45; right, wrong, or indifferent. And I have no clue as to how long it will last, other than an obvious outcome of Trump going away.

But the Democrats have no leg to stand on.....not after the whole primary fiasco. Any Dem that had a thought involved with that should never be heard from again imo. New, legit leadership must rise from this for them to be successful again, if that's even possible. 
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]

Quote:‘Fox News Sunday’ Stuns America & Formally Denounces Donald Trump

Quote:Fox News’ Chris Wallace tore into White House chief of staff Reince Priebus on Sunday morning after President Donald Trump tweeted Friday calling the media the “enemy” of the American people.

‘When he said the fake news media is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people, I believe that crosses an important line,’ Wallace noted.

Wallace also went on to note that he agrees with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ.) who recently compared Trump’s relentless attacks on the media to that of a dictator.

‘It’s a check on power, and he was saying that in dictatorships, there’s state-run media and there’s no opportunity for a free independent press. So, I think he’s exactly right there,’ Wallace said of McCain.’

Fox News host Pete Hegseth then tried to defend Trump, claiming the president is “taking on the hidden bias” of the media.

‘When our founders were there, there were partisan press. Papers were Republican or Democrat or Federalist and it was open about it. [Trump] is saying, they tell you they’re unbiased, but I know they’re biased because I see the fake news. It’s not about the independence of the press, it’s about the bias of the press,’ he asserted.

Wallace then proceeded to compare Trump’s disparaging of the media to past comments President Obama made about Fox News, saying, “Lord knows, Barack Obama criticized Fox News. If Donald Trump wants to criticize The New York Times, that’s fine. But it’s different from saying we are an enemy of the American people. That’s a different thing.”

Then, in one of the best parts of the segment, Wallace pointed out something a lot of Fox listeners probably needed to hear:

‘And I know there are a lot of [Fox News] listeners out there who are going to reflexively take Donald Trump’s side on this. It’s a different thing when it’s a president because if it’s a president you like trying to talk about the press being the enemy of the people, then it’s going to be a president you don’t like saying the same thing. And that’s very dangerous.’

Wallace’s remarks not only come at the heels of Trump’s multiple attacks against the media via Twitter this week, but also his comments at a press conference Thursday and at a campaign rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday.

[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(02-19-2017, 10:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think Matt's point is someone should try. To suggest that Trump and his "followers" are not ridiculed just points to bias. If the left doesn't what the White House ever again they can just continue to push back harder. I didn't vote for Trump but if I had known how the left would have reacted to his victory, I would have. I also would have put Trump signs in my yard and worn my MAGA hat to the voting booth. 

Somebody better look for the middle soon, because the Right out numbers the far Left and pushing further left will make their numbers smaller. Their campaign strategy of focusing on Trump instead of the issues didn't work and I don't the post-election strategy of doing the same will have a different effect. 

I dunno.

Before the primaries nearly every projection had Trump beating Clinton in the general, or Sanders beating Trump. Results on the plethora of other GOP candidates versus Clinton or Sanders varied. Your moderate candidates didn't do very well against extreme ends. And despite how she was portrayed, Clinton was very moderate. You could put policies by her, Obama, Rubio and Kasich in a hopper, spin it around and — outside of maybe abortion and tax breaks — you could pin most of the responses on any of the four. You couldn't say the same with Trump, Rand Paul and Sanders.

The conversation right now is that the left needs to move more to the middle if they want to win in 2020. My fear is they're going to look back at those projections and move further left. They'll look at the data and say Clinton wasn't liberal enough to bring out the base. 

Some are saying the Trump candidacy was voter displeasure with the "move left." Except, there wasn't one. Obama was president for two terms, had the chance to pass whatever he wanted and he used it to roll out the Republican healthcare plan. No mandatory abortions. No death squads. No piles of guns melted down, their metal used to build a sculpture of Baal. No Bible burnings.

Yeah, some bipartisan courts ruled in favor letting people pee where it looked like they should, or upheld the executive branch stepping between big corporate and people. But, really, rhetoric aside, there wasn't a lot of difference under Obama than under the last year or two of Bush.

(02-19-2017, 10:30 PM)Bengalzona Wrote:  
Imagine how different our world today would be if the GOP had turned their backs on Nixon earlier rather than later. The Republican leadership of that time might have been hailed as heroes.

That's one of the aspects why I wouldn't take impeachment by 'his' party off the table. Members of Congress are primarily looking out for themselves. They grab as much cash and pass as many laws as they can to make the folks back home (and corporate donors) happy. If Trump is a liability to their reelection, they'll get rid of him. If more and more people continue to show up to town hall meetings and express displeasure over the direction in Washington or Trump's shenanigans, Congress will have bipartisan support in impeachment.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-20-2017, 01:33 AM)Benton Wrote: That's one of the aspects why I wouldn't take impeachment by 'his' party off the table. Members of Congress are primarily looking out for themselves. They grab as much cash and pass as many laws as they can to make the folks back home (and corporate donors) happy. If Trump is a liability to their reelection, they'll get rid of him. If more and more people continue to show up to town hall meetings and express displeasure over the direction in Washington or Trump's shenanigans, Congress will have bipartisan support in impeachment.

But he also serves a purpose for them: he deflects attention from them entirely. He makes them look great in comparison. They will keep him around long enough to shove through some legislation that they know will be generally unpopular.

It is a dangerous game. But Congress has always been full of gamblers.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
Last night in Sweden ?

He saw a thing on Sweden on Fox News ... and he thought it was live ??

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(02-20-2017, 01:33 AM)Benton Wrote: I dunno.

Before the primaries nearly every projection had Trump beating Clinton in the general, or Sanders beating Trump. Results on the plethora of other GOP candidates versus Clinton or Sanders varied. Your moderate candidates didn't do very well against extreme ends. And despite how she was portrayed, Clinton was very moderate. You could put policies by her, Obama, Rubio and Kasich in a hopper, spin it around and — outside of maybe abortion and tax breaks — you could pin most of the responses on any of the four. You couldn't say the same with Trump, Rand Paul and Sanders.

The conversation right now is that the left needs to move more to the middle if they want to win in 2020. My fear is they're going to look back at those projections and move further left. They'll look at the data and say Clinton wasn't liberal enough to bring out the base. 

Some are saying the Trump candidacy was voter displeasure with the "move left." Except, there wasn't one. Obama was president for two terms, had the chance to pass whatever he wanted and he used it to roll out the Republican healthcare plan. No mandatory abortions. No death squads. No piles of guns melted down, their metal used to build a sculpture of Baal. No Bible burnings.

Yeah, some bipartisan courts ruled in favor letting people pee where it looked like they should, or upheld the executive branch stepping between big corporate and people. But, really, rhetoric aside, there wasn't a lot of difference under Obama than under the last year or two of Bush.

The people do want more liberal/progressive policies, in certain areas. When you look at issue polling you can see that people are by-in-large in favor of social democrat policies. It's really interesting when you look at the statistics on these sorts of things and see just how liberal the country really is. The issue is the rhetoric we see. The majority of the people in this country are in favor of universal background checks, but it gets labeled as the newest effort to take our guns by the NRA and so they fight against it. The majority polled last time I saw wanted stricter regulations on the banking industry, but it gets labeled a certain way and now we have the same people saying they want stricter regulations applauding the rollback of Dodd-Frank going on.

When you look at the issues polling, the trend is always to go the opposite of the POTUS. Not even joking, when we have a liberal president, the public goes more conservative, when we have a conservative it goes more liberal. This is why we so rarely see three terms of the same party in the White House. Now, since they have started tracking these things, the numbers have never been on the conservative side of the chart. Ever. People think they are more conservative than they really are. Well, the reaction to Obama's tenure was steeper than for other presidents. The line, last time I looked at the graph, was close to the mid-point than it had been since Eisenhower. Anyway, it's just one of those things that I find interesting that we, as a country, are more liberal than people like to admit when they actually look at the issues. It will be interesting to look at that graph in a couple of years, though.

The other interesting part of that is that the number of people that hold consistent ideological views has always been a minority, but Pew has discovered that minority is growing. People are becoming more obstinate. But that's a whole other can of worms.

Edit: I just remembered the damn term for what I am talking about, policy mood!
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(02-20-2017, 07:01 AM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: Last night in Sweden ?

He saw a thing on Sweden on Fox News ... and he thought it was live ??

It's getting harder to tell. Sometimes I feel he is just as curious as I am about what he's going to say next.

He mentioned something happening last night in Sweden when the most obvious context, if that is a word that applies to things Trump says, was that he listed it as place where a terror attack happened. 
He then "clarified" by saying he referred to something about immigration to Sweden he saw on FOX news.
And soon after - blamed the fake news media for misreporting about Sweden.

I need some Trumpsplaining too, what "fake news" is he referring to? Couldn't find a CNN article titled "Everything works out beautifully in Sweden".
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-19-2017, 10:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think Matt's point is someone should try. To suggest that Trump and his "followers" are not ridiculed just points to bias. If the left doesn't what the White House ever again they can just continue to push back harder. I didn't vote for Trump but if I had known how the left would have reacted to his victory, I would have. I also would have put Trump signs in my yard and worn my MAGA hat to the voting booth. 

Somebody better look for the middle soon, because the Right out numbers the far Left and pushing further left will make their numbers smaller. Their campaign strategy of focusing on Trump instead of the issues didn't work and I don't the post-election strategy of doing the same will have a different effect. 

This just points to bias. 

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