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Trump's First 100 Days
(02-19-2017, 06:37 PM)GMDino Wrote: But you're missing the point.

We have to "give him a chance" ™

He's gonna change and start acting real presidential any time now.


Well of course nobody can force you to approach it with an open-mind. It'll just be interesting to see how long folks can stay mad because they lost. My guess is they will waste about 2 years of their short lives being so. We are about 1/3 of the way through his first 100 days. 
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(02-19-2017, 07:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well of course nobody can force you to approach it with an open-mind. It'll just be interesting to see how long folks can stay mad because they lost. My guess is they will waste about 2 years of their short lives being so. We are about 1/3 of the way through his first 100 days. 

It's more interesting to see people "not defend" Trump by saying every one of his missteps that get's pointed out is about "losing the election".

Meanwhile they are willing to "not defend" Trump at every turn.  "Give him a chance" ™

That will make a great t-shirt slogan.   ThumbsUp
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 07:14 PM)hollodero Wrote: I take this particular one off the table since Trump clarified on twitter, which was a decent thing to do.

Not saying that my confidence is particularly growing considering he obviously gets his opinion from news networks he likes, including some "Alex Jones" guy. Yeah I admit, John Oliver showed me that particularly troubling one.

Clarifying it makes it no better.

He saw a "news segment" (during an opinion show) and because nuance and details are for losers he completely misunderstood and then went out and passed it off at his rally as a fact of some sort.

This is the reality we are in right now.  A POTUS who is playing the "telephone game" with terrorist acts.

But "let's give him a chance" ™ because he won the election and we should ignore everything he does because...uh,  "give him a chance" ™ .
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Back on topic...

Quote:White House dismisses 6 over failed background checks

Several White House staffers were dismissed Thursday morning after failing FBI background checks, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Some of the aides were "walked out of the building by security" on Wednesday after not passing the SF86, a Questionnaire for National Security Positions for security clearance.
Among those who won't be working at the White House was President Donald Trump’s director of scheduling, Caroline Wiles, the daughter of Susan Wiles, Trump’s Florida campaign director and former campaign manager for Governor Rick Scott. Wiles, who resigned Friday before the background check was completed, was appointed deputy assistant secretary before the inauguration in January. Two sources close to Wiles said she will get another job in Treasury.

She's among others who failed to pass the intensive background check, which includes questions on the applicant's credit score, substance use and other personal subjects.

A White House spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 08:06 PM)GMDino Wrote: Clarifying it makes it no better.

Not necessarily, no. I widely agree with your evaluation, Trump seems to get his information from dubious sources like FOX and obviously aims to be a big star on the right-wing networks. His world is the commentators and news network world, they outrage and please him, it's really a bit freaky to watch how it's all about that for him. All about admiration for him on TV. I watched CNN, so much hatred, I don't watch it anymore (he really contradicted himself within the same sentence, which has to be some kind of world record). Always about the media, always about his perception, that is indeed not a president's behaviour and I really don't see how it should change anytime soon. Maybe his supporters are fed up at some point from this narcissistic reality show office has become, at which point he's probably done and throws a fit that finally does it for everyone.

- I take the Sweden thing off the table because it no longer fits my narrative too well. The point got marginalized and any further outrage would take energy away from being outraged over more outrageous things.

Plus, when he clarifies, that at least is the right thing to do after claiming untrue things.
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(02-19-2017, 08:19 PM)GMDino Wrote: Back on topic...

Is it me or is the timeline confusing in this article? They were escorted out Wednesday, but fired on Thursday, yet girl quit on Friday before the results were complete, but she failed it. Not that it's a big deal, just seems kinda jumbled up.

As to the checks: They were most likely conditional hires pending results of the background check. A few years ago (during the crash) they were a little more lax on the financial part, but I did see folks lose their jobs or have to be reassigned. 
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(02-19-2017, 08:23 PM)hollodero Wrote: Not necessarily, no. I widely agree with your evaluation, Trump seems to get his information from dubious sources like FOX and obviously aims to be a big star on the right-wing networks. His world is the commentators and news network world, they outrage and please him, it's really a bit freaky to watch how it's all about that for him. All about admiration for him on TV. I watched CNN, so much hatred, I don't watch it anymore (he really contradicted himself within the same sentence, which has to be some kind of world record). Always about the media, always about his perception, that is indeed not a president's behaviour and I really don't see how it should change anytime soon. Maybe his supporters are fed up at some point from this narcissistic reality show office has become, at which point he's probably done and throws a fit that finally does it for everyone.

- I take the Sweden thing off the table because it no longer fits my narrative too well. The point got marginalized and any further outrage would take energy away from being outraged over more outrageous things.

Plus, when he clarifies, that at least is the right thing to do after claiming untrue things.

Agreed that this is a small thing compared to some of the big lies he likes to tell and never retract.

However his "clarification" remains "I saw it somewhere."  

That is piss poor policy for the POTUS.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 08:23 PM)hollodero Wrote: Not necessarily, no. I widely agree with your evaluation, Trump seems to get his information from dubious sources like FOX and obviously aims to be a big star on the right-wing networks. His world is the commentators and news network world, they outrage and please him, it's really a bit freaky to watch how it's all about that for him. All about admiration for him on TV. I watched CNN, so much hatred, I don't watch it anymore (he really contradicted himself within the same sentence, which has to be some kind of world record). Always about the media, always about his perception, that is indeed not a president's behaviour and I really don't see how it should change anytime soon. Maybe his supporters are fed up at some point from this narcissistic reality show office has become, at which point he's probably done and throws a fit that finally does it for everyone.

- I take the Sweden thing off the table because it no longer fits my narrative too well. The point got marginalized and any further outrage would take energy away from being outraged over more outrageous things.

Plus, when he clarifies, that at least is the right thing to do after claiming untrue things.

This makes sense and others would be wise to pick their fights. I put this right up there with wrong size paper in folders and asserting he won the popular vote. There are things that are truly troubling, such as his comments about the press and the Judicial Branch, but they get lost in the white-noise of K-Mart pulling Ivanka's shoe line ect..
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-19-2017, 05:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Oh, that's obviously because he's racist.......

Okey Doke: It's a stupid tweet; as are a great number that he has made. He's petty and must strike back. He feels the media has treated him unfairly (they are not as fair as most in this forum) and he has to retaliate. As I said, he's learning on the job; perhaps he'll get it, perhaps he won't. Personally I hope he does even though his moves thus far have had a direct negative affect on me personally. There are those whose sole motivation is to see him fail and will bring up EVERYTHING and then try to suggest they are only bringing up the important stuff.

He had a rally recently, this rally hurt no one and those that attended were happy to be there; however, to some this is a big deal, just as many other trivial things he has done.

It's OK to think he's a "terrible" person; hell, he might be, but the pettiness that has been displayed by both sides is unprecedented.  

How many taxpayers dollars were wasted on the trip for a 2020 campaign rally 30 days into his first term?

But, suddenly fiscally responsible conservatives are like, "Who cares? Let's be thankful no one lost an eye!"
(02-19-2017, 07:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well of course nobody can force you to approach it with an open-mind. It'll just be interesting to see how long folks can stay mad because they lost. My guess is they will waste about 2 years of their short lives being so. We are about 1/3 of the way through his first 100 days. 

So in other words, ignore everything Trump did or said before January 2017. 
(02-19-2017, 09:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There are things that are truly troubling, such as his comments about the press and the Judicial Branch

Well, kudos, without any irony, kudos for acknowledging that there are things that might be truly troubling here. And that bringing them up is not merely the result of sour liberal loser speech. That the honest evaluation of these things might go over party borders, and over country borders for that matter.

What things are troubling and how troubling they are, opinions differ and my list of troubling stuff would be longer (like false voter fraud claims just to "win" the popular vote too, that I see as concerning as it's aimed to erode trust in democracy, but well), but things like what you or what Sen. McCain said give me a glimmer of hope.

In the end (this is my personal take) it's people like you, the more intellectual conservatives, that might have the historic duty to come around on Mr. Trump. Some time. Please don't take too much time, though.

- I do also understand the political opponent when pointing out the maybe less dangerous, but jaw-droppingly pathetic aspects of his presidency. Refraining from making a list, but still, I think some day these pathetic things have to be part of the color-blind evaluation too. Will be in the history books.

(--- My plan to reduce my time here really works out perfectly...)
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(02-19-2017, 09:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This makes sense and others would be wise to pick their fights. I put this right up there with wrong size paper in folders and asserting he won the popular vote. There are things that are truly troubling, such as his comments about the press and the Judicial Branch, but they get lost in the white-noise of K-Mart pulling Ivanka's shoe line ect..

Thank you. I could not agree more. If all could just take a breath, keep our eyes, ears, and minds open to what is actually being said (and vetted), then maybe we can move forward. Don't know where we're headed on some things for sure, but at least clearer heads just might make responsible/rational decisions that put fewer people behind the proverbial 8 ball. It would be a better place to start imho, than the (seemingly) constant partisanship being perpetuated, and I'm not pointing fingers specifically. It's the overall tone of just about every political conversation I see/hear/read.
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

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(02-19-2017, 10:19 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, kudos, without any irony, kudos for acknowledging that there are things that might be truly troubling here. And that bringing them up is not merely the result of sour liberal loser speech. That the honest evaluation of these things might go over party borders, and over country borders for that matter.

Of course there are issues that are truly troubling, but when folks make threads/ news stories out of the more trivial stuff; these things get lost. The other day he had a press conference and the fact that he asked a 20 year veteran of the White House if she was friends with the CBC dominated the news. This weekend he referenced an erroneous Sweden report; this becomes huge news. This is just a couple in the last few 2-3 days. Tomorrow's Presidents Day so I'm sure he'll do something of great consequence. Perhaps get Washington's birth date wrong or something. 
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(02-19-2017, 10:39 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Of course there are issues that are truly troubling, but when folks make threads/ news stories out of the more trivial stuff; these things get lost. The other day he had a press conference and the fact that he asked a 20 year veteran of the White House if she was friends with the CBC dominated the news. This weekend he referenced an erroneous Sweden report; this becomes huge news. This is just a couple in the last few 2-3 days. Tomorrow's Presidents Day so I'm sure he'll do something of great consequence. Perhaps get Washington's birth date wrong or something. 

Actually LOTS of what he said was brought up beyond that obvious mistake on his part.

It gets glossed over by folks who want to say no one should bring up the "small" stuff.

If you looked at the media you'd see article fact checking almost everything he said from "Do you know Uranium?" to his yuge election win.

Some people who are "not defending" and "didn't vote" for Trump want to keep complaining about the little things to continue to distract from the bigger things.

Two way street my friend.

Like arguing over the dictionary definition of a word or the smallest nuanced part of a sentence in order to derail an entire thread and discussion.

The Sweden lie is something to make fun of Trump for.  But that's just the parsley on the plate of lies and bad policy.

Plenty of time to talk about all of it.

Rock On

Edit:  But let's not pretend that these lies don't have a nice little spot in his policies either.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 10:39 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Of course there are issues that are truly troubling, but when folks make threads/ news stories out of the more trivial stuff; these things get lost. The other day he had a press conference and the fact that he asked a 20 year veteran of the White House if she was friends with the CBC dominated the news. This weekend he referenced an erroneous Sweden report; this becomes huge news. This is just a couple in the last few 2-3 days. Tomorrow's Presidents Day so I'm sure he'll do something of great consequence. Perhaps get Washington's birth date wrong or something. 

Yes, I widely agree. Some topics don't deserve the amount of attention they get.

--- Although, and maybe that's some kind of confession, some things are really hard to stay away from; for someone like me who doesn't dislike the republican party per se (not a "liberal"!), but thoroughly dislikes - and even despises - Mr. Trump. I honestly hope for his fall, and from that perspective I tend to take anything that comes my way, every sign of stupidity, narcissism, incompetence, lieing and so on... it's in the nature of things. Maybe debate is necessary to filter out what really is important and what is not.
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(02-19-2017, 05:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I should know you can't stop a liberal from yelling racist once he gets his teeth sunk in and when you get more than one chanting it; forget about rationality. He simply tried to de-legitimize the President he didn't care what the reason. I've brought it up before, but he did the same thing with Cruz; but he's not Black, so that one don't count. 

As to your links: I've already said Hills and her crew didn't start it; however, they did kick it down the road; as your articles show. But for some reason it wasn't racist when she did it because she didn't ask for a birth certificate. As we know, Candidates are defined by their supporters, or have we changed that again? 

Before you stated Trump knowingly falsely claimed Obama's birth certificate was fake for political reasons and now you claim Trump didn't care about the reason. 

Which is it?
(02-19-2017, 05:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Oh, that's obviously because he's racist.......

Okey Doke: It's a stupid tweet; as are a great number that he has made. He's petty and must strike back. He feels the media has treated him unfairly (they are not as fair as most in this forum) and he has to retaliate. As I said, he's learning on the job; perhaps he'll get it, perhaps he won't. Personally I hope he does even though his moves thus far have had a direct negative affect on me personally. There are those whose sole motivation is to see him fail and will bring up EVERYTHING and then try to suggest they are only bringing up the important stuff.

He had a rally recently, this rally hurt no one and those that attended were happy to be there; however, to some this is a big deal, just as many other trivial things he has done.

It's OK to think he's a "terrible" person; hell, he might be, but the pettiness that has been displayed by both sides is unprecedented.  

If Trump tried to delegitimization Obama's presidency and didn't care about the reason or whatever biased nonsense you wrote earlier, that's pretty petty. So the current pettiness isn't unprecedented at all. That's just more Trump-like hyperbole and obviously biased. 
(02-20-2017, 03:00 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: If Trump tried to delegitimization Obama's presidency and didn't care about the reason or whatever biased nonsense you wrote earlier, that's pretty petty. So the current pettiness isn't unprecedented at all. That's just more Trump-like hyperbole and obviously biased. 

You are correct. It makes so much more sense to roll with "He did because Obama is Black!" You guys keep pushing that and I'll believe he did for political reasons, none of which had to do with skin color. But like I said: "Good luck trying to get a liberal not to call someone they disagree with a racist."
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(02-20-2017, 03:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You are correct. It makes so much more sense to roll with "He did because Obama is Black!" You guys keep pushing that and I'll believe he did for political reasons, none of which had to do with skin color. But like I said: "Good luck trying to get a liberal not to call someone they disagree with a racist."

Can't it be both?

Or can't it be he was blowing that dog whistle to drum up support from some "deplorable" types?  Even if he isn't racist himself maybe he jsut is willing to take support from anyone who will support him being "right".
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-20-2017, 03:49 PM)GMDino Wrote: Can't it be both?

Or can't it be he was blowing that dog whistle to drum up support from some "deplorable" types?  Even if he isn't racist himself maybe he jsut is willing to take support from anyone who will support him being "right".

If it's a dog whistle, how come everyone seems to be able to hear it?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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