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Milo Yiannopoulos spars with Bill Maher
For the record:  I felt the protests to keep him from speaking were stupid.  You have to let these people speak so others can see how hateful and dumb they really are.

Quote:Don't look now, Ann Coulter, but you've just been usurped as Bill Maher's go-to conservative provocateur guest.

Milo Yiannopoulos made his debut on HBO's Real Time Friday night, appearing at the top of the show in a solo interview and returning later to spar with the host and his three-member guest panel in an online-only "Overtime" segment. (That panel, we should add, was missing frequent guest Jeremy Scahill, who pulled out after learning the Breitbart editor would also be on the show that night, writing, "Whatever one might say about Bill, he always allows guests to challenge or disagree with him. But Milo Yiannopoulous is many bridges too far.")

Maher defended the invitation saying he thought Yiannopoulos was "colossally wrong" on a number of issues. "But if I banned everyone from my show who I thought was colossally wrong, I would be talking to myself."

However, the two do agree on a couple of key issues: the importance of free speech and comedy and their views on Islam. And they've both been banned at Berkeley. ("They just disinvited you," Yiannopolous pointed out. "I had riots.")

They also agreed that "everyone is capable of (expletive) stupid thinking."

"It's a characteristic of the modern left," Yiannopoulos opined, requiring this absolute consistency. But they're forgetting that people are messy and complicated."

It kind of went downhill from there, though, especially when he joined the rest of the panel: Comedian Larry Wilmore, terrorism expert Malcolm Nance and former Republican Rep. Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia.

Yiannpoulous did manage to elicit "Go (expletive) yourself" from two of the three panelists during the 11-minute "Overtime" segment. (Guess which one abstained.)

Here's a roundup of the topics they covered and some of the evening's more memorable quotes.

You remind me of someone ...

"You look like Bruno," Maher said upon meeting Yiannapolous, who accessorized his black bomber jacket and camouflage pants with pearls.

Later, after getting a full serving of Milo, he updated his analogy: "You remind me of a young, gay, alive Christopher Hitchens," Maher said, comparing him to the late Vanity Fair writer.

Yiannapoulos on why he doesn't hire gay people

"You can't trust them to show up to work on time," he said. "Too much sex, too many drugs, always have excuses. They're not as bad as women, but no, I don't hire gays."

When the audience booed, he pointed at them and said, "You're very easily triggered. It's pathetic."

On mean humor

"I consider myself a virtuous troll," Yiannopoulos said of his sense of humor. "Policing humor for racism and sexism is utterly wrong-headed. That's how we build bridges, not how we break them. When you make jokes, that's how you connect with somebody."

On Leslie Jones

"The one area where I'm a little concerned," Maher cautioned, "is when you go after people individually. If it's in the cause of a greater truth, if people are hurt as collateral damage, I'll go there. But I didn't understand the Ghostbusters thing."
"I wrote a bad review of a movie," Yiannopoulos said. "Am I not entitled to do that? I said she looked like a dude. She does. I said that she was barely literate, which she is. And I simply don't accept that an A-list Hollywood celebrity is sitting at home crying over mean words on the internet."

Ixnay on the Enala UnamDay

"Your side has gone insane," he told Maher, whom he describes as the "only good" liberal. "The Democrats are the party of Lena Dunham. These people are mental. The more Americans see of Lena Dunham, the fewer votes the Democrats will ever get."

Recognizing where his bread is buttered, Maher stopped him right there. "Let's not pick on fellow HBO stars."

So Yiannopoulos went after Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman instead, both of whom Maher said he finds funny.

"These people used to be funny before they contracted feminism," Yiannopoulos noted.

On the alt-right
"Are you the real, true face of the alt-right?" retired intelligence official Malcolm Nance asked Yiannopoulos. "Because I thought there were Nazis in there.
How did they take you on board?"

"This was one of the enduring mysteries of American media," the Brit acknowledged. "How can this movement be an anti-Semitic, white supremacist, hateful, bigoted, racist, homophobic movement and gay dude never shuts up about his black boyfriend is the head of it? Something's not quite right."

"Some of them are your fans," Maher said, a point Yiannopoulos took issue with. "They hate me. This is what the media doesn't report. The Daily Stormer hates me. They declared holy war against me. The worst people on the very far left and the very far right all hate me."

Comedian Larry Wilmore interjected, "I think you're leaving out a lot of people."

"I'm the perfect example of how a human can bring people together," Yiannopoulos laughed.

Hillary vs. Donald

"(Hillary) pandered to gays while taking money from Saudi Arabia," Yiannopoulos declared. "I'll take Russian spies over Saudis any day."

"Are you American?" asked Nance. When Yiannopoulos said he was not, that prompted a "(expletive) off" from Nance.

On transgender people

"I don't have a problem with it," Yiannopoulos said, "but I think that women and girls should be protected from men who are confused about their sexual identities in their bathrooms."

"That's not unreasonable," Maher said.

Larry Wilmore wasn't having it, though: "I just think it's sad because it's the same argument used against gay people, treating them like aliens who just wanted to (expletive) everything that moved and that's why we should avoid them at all costs. There's a difference without a distinction ... It's like when people tried to compare gays and blacks. They're not the same thing. We share an invisibility. People didn't see us in society and gay people hid out from society. But there were a lot of the same issues that you have to deal with when you're marginalized."

"Well (transgender people) are disproportionately involved in those sorts of sex crimes," Yiannopoulos interjected. calling it a "psychiatric disorder" and saying "most gays have a very long road to coming to terms with their sexuality."

"Do you always have to fight with everybody?" Maher asked him.

"No, but you always invite such awful people on your show," Yiannopoulos protested. "You need to start inviting higher IQ guests."

And that promoted "Go (expletive) yourself" No. 1. from Wilmore (He threw in No. 2 for Yiannopoulos' declaration that Leslie Jones was "illiterate.")

Speaking of Wilmore ...

The comedian, who hosted last year's White House Correspondents Dinner, stressed that whoever is offered the job this year should not turn it down: "To go along with the free speech thing, what an opportunity. You have Donald Trump, the president, there. Donald Jung-Ing! You have the opportunity to stand right next to him and do comedy? You're going to give that up?!?"

This guy is a hoot!  Stupid and thinks he's funny!  Let him speak...he's just hanging himself.

Quote:"You can't trust them to show up to work on time," he said. "Too much sex, too many drugs, always have excuses. They're not as bad as women, but no, I don't hire gays."

I wonder if he's going to fire himself?  Oh, right.  He's the EXCEPTION to all the other gays.  Right.   Cool
Quote:"Policing humor for racism and sexism is utterly wrong-headed. That's how we build bridges, not how we break them. When you make jokes, that's how you connect with somebody."


"Your side has gone insane," he told Maher, whom he describes as the "only good" liberal. "The Democrats are the party of Lena Dunham. These people are mental. The more Americans see of Lena Dunham, the fewer votes the Democrats will ever get."

Recognizing where his bread is buttered, Maher stopped him right there. "Let's not pick on fellow HBO stars."

So Yiannopoulos went after Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman instead, both of whom Maher said he finds funny.

"These people used to be funny before they contracted feminism," Yiannopoulos noted.


Every so often a new "Conservative comedian" rolls out to show "the left" that they aren't really funny because they aren't inclusive of the "humor" on the right.

And then they're gone in a couple years because, well, they aren't funny and they try to hide their position/message behind "jokes" instead of using jokes to show the humor in the other sides position/message.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2017, 01:03 PM)GMDino Wrote: For the record:  I felt the protests to keep him from speaking were stupid.  You have to let these people speak so others can see how hateful and dumb they really are.

This guy is a hoot!  Stupid and thinks he's funny!  Let him speak...he's just hanging himself.

I am crashing this thread to protest your letting Milo speak in this forum!  Where are the Starbuck's windows!!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The sad part is, while to many he is hanging himself, there are plenty that think he is clear and coherent and worst of all, correct.
(02-18-2017, 04:09 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: The sad part is, while to many he is hanging himself, there are plenty that think he is clear and coherent and worst of all, correct.

I think the sad part is the folks that let him get under their skin. As to article stated 2 of the 3 guests were driven to a F.O. If the guy were on pay me per view I'd have to get at least $1 a minute to listen to him. 
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I though Milo actually did a good job in the one on one segment of the show. He says outrageous, and intentionally hurtful, things for shock value, but he also makes some legitimate points. He did not handle the panel discussion very well and rather showed his weakness in confrontations with people at least as quick witted as him. Regardless, the Berkeley protests accomplished the exact opposite of their intention, they made Milo more famous and made their cause look both weak and violent. How that woman from BAMN still has a job as a public school teacher is beyond me. Any public employee saying and doing what she does should lose their job.
(02-18-2017, 05:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I though Milo actually did a good job in the one on one segment of the show.  He says outrageous, and intentionally hurtful, things for shock value, but he also makes some legitimate points.  He did not handle the panel discussion very well and rather showed his weakness in confrontations with people at least as quick witted as him.  Regardless, the Berkeley protests accomplished the exact opposite of their intention, they made Milo more famous and made their cause look both weak and violent.  How that woman from BAMN still has a job as a public school teacher is beyond me.  Any public employee saying and doing what she does should lose their job.

How do you tell the difference between someone saying something for shock value and saying what they actually mean?
(02-18-2017, 05:39 PM)CageTheBengal Wrote: How do you tell the difference between someone saying something for shock value and saying what they actually mean?

A fair question.  I've actually watched a fair amount of Milo's old appearances on the BBC, where he was something of a regular.  He made a lot of the same points, he just did it in a much less confrontational fashion.  Granted, the more extreme points of view did not come up on the BBC.  I get the impression that he believes a lot of what he says, he simply says it in a outrageous way to provoke more of a response.

Maher called him a potential heir to Hitchens, who I believe is one of the most intelligent, erudite and articulate human beings the planet has produced.  In this I disagree, Milo isn't a tenth of what Hitchens is, but they both enjoy(ed) stirring the pot. 
I can't say that I regularly watch Maher. I usually just check out clips while bored at work. But this Milo guy had me intrigued. I'm not on twitter so I didn't catch that whole thing, but his reputation is hard to tune out 100%. After watching the show, I'm convinced he's just another guy who wouldn't be able to make it as a legit journalist and found a niche group that will listen to him and make him rich. He probably believes about 10% of what he says, but his followers will never see that.

Like Dino alluded to, he's just another name in a long line of people who are probably better suited to be "shock-jock" types of people that foray into the world of politics. Rush Limbaugh, Tomi Lahren, and Ann Coulter are people that yell real loud, get real angry, and appeal to their target groups, and profit. I'd wager that it's at best 25% real them, and 75% smart business decisions.

A similar trend on the left would be the laundry list of comedians who try their hand at political commentary. Hell, look no further than Bill Maher himself. Both these sets of people can hold their own in structured one-on-one interviews, but as soon as you put them in a panel discussion you can see that they're out of their comfort zone. Then they'll just resort to either their tried and true lines, or the old "I'm just a provocateur" "I'm just a comedian" lines.

Unfortunately, there are far too many who would rather get their news from sources that confirm their beliefs like The Daily Show (if you're a far left SJW) or Brietbart (If you're far right, or our president) rather than engage in some critical thinking.
Milo doesn't bother me much. He's a rodeo clown for the most part. Not a fan of neo nazis and facists using his engagements as recruiting grounds, though. I wish death on that species in general.
(02-18-2017, 04:21 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think the sad part is the folks that let him get under their skin. As to article stated 2 of the 3 guests were driven to a F.O. If the guy were on pay me per view I'd have to get at least $1 a minute to listen to him. 

Clearly, the adult thing to do is ask, "WWDD?"

What would Donald do? Threaten a lawsuit until he receives an apology. 
News from yesterday is that he will be the "keynote" speaker at CPAC this weekend. In response to this, CPAC has said that the keynote speaker at the Reagan dinner on Friday is Michael Reagan, though, in the past, the final speaker on Friday has been considered the "keynote" speaker, as it is considered the biggest draw.

As of half an hour ago, Fox News is reporting that Milo is indeed the keynote speaker. His speech is to focus on his "experiences in America battling feminists, Black Lives Matter, the media, professors and the entertainment industry."

A few years ago, it seemed as if pseudo libertarian conservatism was the trending ideology at CPAC, but it appears that the alt-right is moving more and more mainstream.
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(02-19-2017, 01:55 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: News from yesterday is that he will be the "keynote" speaker at CPAC this weekend. In response to this, CPAC has said that the keynote speaker at the Reagan dinner on Friday is Michael Reagan, though, in the past, the final speaker on Friday has been considered the "keynote" speaker, as it is considered the biggest draw.

As of half an hour ago, Fox News is reporting that Milo is indeed the keynote speaker. His speech is to focus on his  "experiences in America battling feminists, Black Lives Matter, the media, professors and the entertainment industry."

A few years ago, it seemed as if pseudo libertarian conservatism was the trending ideology at CPAC, but it appears that the alt-right is moving more and more mainstream.

The right got extreme, a la Tea Party.  The left then got more extreme which caused the right to get more extreme and so on.  At some point it's going to have to stop and the bubble will burst.  I fear that it will not be pretty when it does.
(02-19-2017, 01:55 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: News from yesterday is that he will be the "keynote" speaker at CPAC this weekend. In response to this, CPAC has said that the keynote speaker at the Reagan dinner on Friday is Michael Reagan, though, in the past, the final speaker on Friday has been considered the "keynote" speaker, as it is considered the biggest draw.

As of half an hour ago, Fox News is reporting that Milo is indeed the keynote speaker. His speech is to focus on his  "experiences in America battling feminists, Black Lives Matter, the media, professors and the entertainment industry."

A few years ago, it seemed as if pseudo libertarian conservatism was the trending ideology at CPAC, but it appears that the alt-right is moving more and more mainstream.


Quote:CPAC Yanks Milo Yiannopoulos Invitation After ‘Offensive Video’

[Image: milo-cpac-cancelled.w710.h473.jpg]
Disinvited. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Milo Yiannopoulos, the internet’s favorite right-wing troll, is no longer welcome to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference “due to the revelation of an offensive video in the past 24 hours condoning pedophilia,” the American Conservative Union said in a statement Wednesday.

The statement, tweeted by ACU chairman Matt Schlapp, called on Yiannopoulos “to immediately further address these disturbing comments” while acknowledging that “the CPAC platform is not an endorsement of everything a speaker says or does.” Still, the statement says, “there is no disagreement among our attendees on the evils of sexual abuse of children.”

The cancellation of Yiannopoulos’s speech comes hours after the announcement that President Trump would appear onstage to address the CPAC crowd, which will also hear from Vice-President Mike Pence and White House power players Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus.

Even with Trump’s invitation, though, Yiannopoulos has gotten the most attention, thanks to a viral video of him criticizing the “arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent.” In the 2016 video, which comes from an episode of The Drunken Peasants podcast and was tweeted by the Reagan Battalion, Yiannopoulos also says “relationships between younger boys and older men” can give the boys “security and safety and provide them with love.”

Yiannopoulos responded on Facebook to the cancellation of his CPAC appearance, blaming the controversy around his comments on “imprecise language” and “British sarcasm.” He added:

Quote:Anyone who suggests I turn a blind eye to illegal activity or to the abuse of minors is unequivocally wrong. I am implacably opposed to the normalization of pedophilia and I will continue to report and speak accordingly.

The full statement can be read here.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
So CPAC invites him because his speaking was protested only to realize WHY it was protested.
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(02-20-2017, 06:08 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: So CPAC invites him because his speaking was protested only to realize WHY it was protested.

That's why I say to let 'em speak.  Boo if you want.  But always let the people share their stupid.  Sometimes it's the only way to show how stupid they are.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-19-2017, 06:16 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The right got extreme, a la Tea Party.  The left then got more extreme which caused the right to get more extreme and so on.  At some point it's going to have to stop and the bubble will burst.  I fear that it will not be pretty when it does.

I've said it before, the last time our legislature was this divided ideologically was the 1850s.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(02-20-2017, 06:45 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I've said it before, the last time our legislature was this divided ideologically was the 1850s.

I don't remember anything that bad ensuing.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Now his book deal is done.

Here's my problem with people like this guy:

Quote:The gay British writer, who has collected kudos in the era of Donald Trump as a self-described "dangerous" provocateur, 


That's trying to hard in my book.

And that usually leads to the kinds of problems he's facing now.  

And he can't even blame the "intolerant left" for this one.

Quote:Republican conservatives released clips of videos-with-audio in which he talked about his own past as a teenager who had sex with men and suggested that some young teen boys might be old enough to give consent to such sexual relationships.

The clips were released Sunday on Twitter by The Reagan Battalion, a blog that describes itself as "news, information, commentary, from a conservative perspective."

And it is different describing your website or what you will cover and talk about than giving yourself a label.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Milo resigned from Breitbart today after their editor-in-chief disavowed his comments this morning.
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(02-21-2017, 06:02 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Milo resigned from Breitbart today after their editor-in-chief disavowed his comments this morning.

Boy he sure can't stand criticism.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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