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Trump's First 100 Days
In another thread I asked what promises Trump has "kept" that would keep his supporters happy.

From what I gather he's signed a bunch of EOs and that's about it.

So far he pulled us out of the TPP...that we weren't in yet.

And kept that one place open in Indiana.  

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Gee whiz.

Who would have thought electing a senile, reality tv show host, conman to run our country would go bad?
Obama had my "wires tapped".

Where's the evidence?

There are articles showing that American citizens could have been wire tapped.

There are articles that show that federal judges have signed off on requests by the justice department which is not the same as Obama unilaterally wire tapping someone.

Well, it is him because it's his administration.

There's still no evidence that Trump was wire tapped

That's why we need an investigation.

So let's investigate this and not investigate Russia.
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(03-06-2017, 10:32 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Obama had my "wires tapped".

Where's the evidence?

There are articles showing that American citizens could have been wire tapped.

There are articles that show that federal judges have signed off on requests by the justice department which is not the same as Obama unilaterally wire tapping someone.

Well, it is him because it's his administration.

There's still no evidence that Trump was wire tapped

That's why we need an investigation.

So let's investigate this and not investigate Russia.

No, no, Mole Face Chaffetz said it will be PART of the Russian investigation....because if they are going to look into ANYTHING it will be a baseless claim against a Democrat.  Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-06-2017, 10:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: No, no, Mole Face Chaffetz said it will be PART of the Russian investigation....because if they are going to look into ANYTHING it will be a baseless claim against a Democrat.  Mellow

I thought that was Nunes?
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-06-2017, 12:17 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I thought that was Nunes?

Did I hear it wrong then?  thought they said Chaffetz but maybe the were talking to someone else too?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-06-2017, 12:36 PM)GMDino Wrote: Did I hear it wrong then?  thought they said Chaffetz but maybe the were talking to someone else too?

Nunes is the House Intel chair and he said they were going to investigate the whole Obama claim, but he has been pushing against an investigation on the Trump campaign/Russia connections investigation.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-06-2017, 12:38 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Nunes is the House Intel chair and he said they were going to investigate the whole Obama claim, but he has been pushing against an investigation on the Trump campaign/Russia connections investigation.

Quote:Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said this morning that the House will take a "hard look at" President Donald Trump's claim that President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of Trump Tower during the presidential campaign. 

The tweets from Trump early Saturday accused Obama of "McCarthyism," comparing it to Watergate and calling Obama "sick."

On Sunday, the White House called on Congress to investigate following a swift denial from Obama's spokesman. 

Chaffetz, the chairman of the Oversight Committee, said the Intelligence Committee -- led by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) -- will take the lead on the probe and that his committee will play a supporting role. 

"I'm going to go into it [with] eyes wide open," said Chaffetz.

He pointed out that the Obama administration is "notorious" for this type of behavior, including the IRS "targeting Americans based on their political beliefs" and the DOJ's surveillance of Fox News reporter James Rosen.

Last year, dozens of Secret Service agents were disciplined for leaking information about Chaffetz as apparent retribution for his investigation of the agency.

"This stuff does happen and it's not necessarily done the legal, lawful way. ... I'm the chairman of the Oversight Committee. Forty Secret Service agents dove into my records illegally," he recalled.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-06-2017, 01:13 PM)GMDino Wrote:

With eyes wide open is a better policy than with arms wide open
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The Patriot Act pretty much allows the government to eavesdrop on anyone.

I love it when a plan comes together.
Breitbart got upset that Bloomberg said they didn't do their own independent research and wrote an article showing that they linked to other news articles.

Then Jake Tapper retweeted them and said "independent sources means your own sources, not those of NYT and Heat Street".

The original article, which is just them paraphrasing Mark Levin's rant on his radio show, reads like a reddit post on pizzagate.
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was reading in wapo, apparently the initial plan to pay for the wall does so by, in part, cutting funds to border security.

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(03-08-2017, 10:34 AM)Benton Wrote: was reading in wapo, apparently the initial plan to pay for the wall does so by, in part, cutting funds to border security.


And the coast guard.  Mellow

Because Bannon told Trump illegals can't swim.  Ninja
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-08-2017, 10:34 AM)Benton Wrote: was reading in wapo, apparently the initial plan to pay for the wall does so by, in part, cutting funds to border security.


Oh, brother. 

Stupid laws aren't just limited to career politicians, I guess. 
(03-08-2017, 10:38 AM)GMDino Wrote: And the coast guard.  Mellow

Because Bannon told Trump illegals can't swim.  Ninja
pretty sure trump is getting immigrants and vampires mixed up. One can't gross open water but I dunno if he knows which.
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This was in Governing's "News in Numbers" section of today's email:

I know we talked about it before, but this has the additional discussion of the impact on business owners.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

Quote:Trump blames wrong president for most Guantánamo ‘back to battlefield’ releases

[Image: Gitmo14Feb2017%2001%20EKM]
[Image: Gitmo14Feb2017%2002%20EKM]

President Donald Trump broke his White House silence on the topic of Guantánamo Tuesday, incorrectly blaming Barack Obama, not George W. Bush, for the release of more than 100 captives whom U.S. intelligence agencies consider recidivists.

Quote:[/url][url=] Follow
[Image: DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg]Donald J. Trump 

122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!
7:04 AM - 7 Mar 2017

The president’s tweet, just after 7 a.m., correctly referred to an Obama-era report from the Office of the Directorate of National Intelligence as citing 122 former captive as “re-engagers.”

But it failed to note that 113 of the men described by Trump in his tweet as “vicious prisoners” were released by the George W. Bush administration. The report, released in September, said nine captives sent to other countries by the Obama administration were confirmed to re-engage, the term for what is colloquially called having gone back to the fight.

The so-called recidivist rate may have interested the new president because of the Pentagon’s disclosure a day earlier that a U.S. air strike in Yemen had killed a captive repatriated by the Obama administration in December 2009.

MORE NEWS: Pentagon says U.S. airstrike in Yemen killed ex-Guantánamo detainee

Trump’s vow to keep Guantánamo open and add new prisoners was a popular soundbite during his campaign. He had not spoken about the prison since moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; only alleged draft versions of proposed detention policy have leaked.

Congress established the regular reporting mechanism by the intelligence community on what has become of captives released from Guantánamo in 2012.

It breaks down the report between the 532 transferred to other nations’ custody during the Bush administration and those by the Obama administration, which transferred 182. Those release figures don’t include the seven captives who died at Guantánamo and the Tanzanian man serving life in prison after a federal trial in New York.

As it happens, the national intelligence directorate issued an updated report hours after Trump’s tweet. It dropped the confirmed figure of those found to reengage to 121. Of them, 113 were released by the Bush administration and eight during the Obama years.

It also reported that 31 were dead, one more than in the report the president referenced. The report as of Jan. 15 doesn’t identify the dead. But the intelligence community might have added a former British captive who reportedly killed himself in a suicide bombing in Iraq at an undisclosed date. The Bush administration repatriated the British citizen in 2004.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:China approves Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels and massage parlours without US Congress permission
Preliminary approval has been granted for 38 trademarks which raises further questions about conflicts of interest

Chinese authorities have granted preliminary approval for dozens of Trump-branded businesses, expanding his commercial empire and raising further conflicts of interest, say lawyers.

The 38 trademarks include new hotels, spas, escort and concierge services, massage parlors, personal security services and insurance, according to public documents.

The President’s lawyers applied for the trademarks in April last year, at the same time the then Presidential candidate Trump was accusing China of "ripping off" the US and deliberately manipulating its currency to its own advantage.
[Image: eric-donald-trump.jpg]

[/url]Trump family say they will continue with foreign deals

If there is no objection, the trademarks will be formally registered after 90 days.

Ethics lawyers argue that if the Trump trademarks receive any special treatment due to their association with the President, it would violate the US Constitution, which prohibits those in public office from accepting anything of value from foreign governments, unless they are approved by Congress.

Congress has not approved the China trademarks.

Norm Eisen, who served as chief ethics lawyer for former President Barack Obama, told The Independent that the initial registration of a long-denied Trump trademark "certainly seems to run afoul of the foreign emoluments clause" of the US Constitution.

"I anticipate that these issues will enter into our litigation," he said.

"When Trump is profiting from these valuable Chinese benefits [...], how can we be sure he will advance US interests in his engagements with that country, for example by staunching the flow of American jobs out from the US to China?"

Richard Painter, who served as chief ethics lawyer for George W Bush, said a trademark in itself was not likely to be a violation of the constitutional emoluments clause, but he questioned why so many were granted over such a short period, and whether there was "an accommodation in at least some of them."

They have already filed a lawsuit to challenge the President’s alleged conflicts of interest.

China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which oversees the Trademark Office, and Trump Organization general counsel Alan Garten did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Independent.

Spring Chang, a founding partner at Chang Tsi & Partners, a Beijing law firm that has represented the Trump Organization, declined to comment specifically on Trump's trademarks. But she did say that she advises clients to take out marks defensively, even in categories or subcategories of goods and services they may not aim to develop.

"I don't see any special treatment to the cases of my clients so far," she added. "I think they're very fair and the examination standard is very equal for every applicant."

The Trump Organisation is being run by Mr Trump’s two oldest sons, Donald Jr and Eric Trump, whilst he is in the White House. He was urged to divest from his businesses and place assets in a blind trust but has not done so. The trust, of which he is the sole beneficiary, is being run by Donald Jr and longtime associate Allen Weisselberg. The President can revoke the trust at any time and stands to benefit financially from it after his term is over.

His sons have continued to expand the Trump brand since Inauguration; in Canada and Dubai. Taxpayers have reportedly spent millions on security costs for the sons on their business trips around the world.

Quote: Donald Trump's business will continue to pursue deals in the United States, though not abroad, while he is president, and he will relinquish control of the company, a lawyer who worked with the Trump Organization on the plan said Wednesday.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
So Trump and his supporters are raving about the February jobs report.

And it is a good one.


...not as good as the last two years.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Today only marks the halfway point of his first 100 days. Folks are not going to be able to keep it up for another 1410 days, they will have a breakdown.
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