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Rachel Maddow

A poster made the observation that the claim Trump does not pay taxes is bogus. In response I provide this clip in which Hillary Clinton states Trump does not pay any federal income taxes and Trump replies, "That makes me smart."

Later in the same exchange (I posted a short clip - anyone can easily find the whole debate on you tube or full excerpts of this section) he complains about the government wasting money and when Mrs. Clinton points out it wasn't any of Trump's money since he didn't pay any income tax his reply is, "It would have been wasted too." So twice in the debate he acknowledged he does not pay any income tax. This isn't some left wing conspiracy theory. This isn't a "he's really a Kenyan Muslim" smear designed to incite uninformed racists or idiots. Trump acknowledged - on national television during the presidential debates -and even boasted about not paying income taxes.

I suppose it is refreshing in the sense that he didn't reflexively lie as he so often does, but how anyone can say the claim he doesn't pay income tax is false is quite confusing to me.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(03-17-2017, 08:48 AM)xxlt Wrote:

A poster made the observation that the claim Trump does not pay taxes is bogus. In response I provide this clip in which Hillary Clinton states Trump does not pay any federal income taxes and Trump replies, "That makes me smart."

Later in the same exchange (I posted a short clip - anyone can easily find the whole debate on you tube or full excerpts of this section) he complains about the government wasting money and when Mrs. Clinton points out it wasn't any of Trump's money since he didn't pay any income tax his reply is, "It would have been wasted too." So twice in the debate he acknowledged he does not pay any income tax. This isn't some left wing conspiracy theory. This isn't a "he's really a Kenyan Muslim" smear designed to incite uninformed racists or idiots. Trump acknowledged - on national television during the presidential debates -and even boasted about not paying income taxes.

I suppose it is refreshing in the sense that he didn't reflexively lie as he so often does, but how anyone can say the claim he doesn't pay income tax is false is quite confusing to me.

Ut oh, he might have talked out of his ass in a debate. Is there any room left on the impeachment train, cause I'm coming aboard?

I don't think anyone thinks his tax record is a "left-wing" conspiracy. They most likely, like me, get a kick out of the left making it into such a big deal. He is not required to release his past taxes to the public and in over 70 years has never been arrested for tax fraud. The "conspiracy" comes from what folks think these taxes form will reveal:

Evaded paying taxes
Paid to the KGB
Donations to sexual assaulters are us
Business expenses of white hoods claimed
made the government pay him taxes
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(03-17-2017, 09:24 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Ut oh, he might have talked out of his ass in a debate. Is there any room left on the impeachment train, cause I'm coming aboard?

I don't think anyone thinks his tax record is a "left-wing" conspiracy. They most likely, like me, get a kick out of the left making it into such a big deal. He is not required to release his past taxes to the public and in over 70 years has never been arrested for tax fraud. The "conspiracy" comes from what folks think these taxes form will reveal:

Evaded paying taxes
Paid to the KGB
Donations to sexual assaulters are us
Business expenses of white hoods claimed
made the government pay him taxes

I don't get the fascination with his taxes. Do I think they should be shared? Absolutely, I think that should be something every candidate should release. I also find it very sad that he had said he would release them, only to backpedal and give an excuse that is bull shit for doing so. But honestly what does it matter if the public sees them at this point?

I'm in favor of an investigation on the Trump/Russia stuff to get it all out of the way so we can move past it and get to policy. If the tax records have the potential to show anything they will be acquired at that point and the people who need to see the information, will.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-17-2017, 09:56 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: If the tax records have the potential to show anything they will be acquired at that point and the people who need to see the information, will.


When the Republican leadership in Congress decide that they have no more use for the distraction his admin provides, his tax records and alleged relations with Russia will become more pertinent issues.

Never underestimate political expediency.
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Trump "ran" a foundation that was so bad it had to shut down after paying fines for mishandling their funds.

What makes anyone think his personal taxes are just as shady?   Cool
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2017, 09:56 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't get the fascination with his taxes. Do I think they should be shared? Absolutely, I think that should be something every candidate should release. I also find it very sad that he had said he would release them, only to backpedal and give an excuse that is bull shit for doing so. But honestly what does it matter if the public sees them at this point?

I'm in favor of an investigation on the Trump/Russia stuff to get it all out of the way so we can move past it and get to policy. If the tax records have the potential to show anything they will be acquired at that point and the people who need to see the information, will.

You are correct. And of course, investigating Russia could end the Trump presidency meaning we would get on to policy with Pence, assuming he didn't go down with the ship.

But it is quite clear why Trump will move heaven and earth, perhaps even resign the presidency and seek asylum in a friendly country like Russia to avoid disclosing his taxes. They are the keystone of "the big lie." He doesn't have anywhere near the money he says he has, and he is not a good business person. Revealing his taxes will make that quite clear. Sure, he's rich enough, and getting richer every day through his schemes to loot the treasury and monetize the presidency while the House leadership fiddles. But he doesn't want the big lie exposed. It is not just pride and ego, but the fact that every lie he has told from the ones he tells as Donald Trump to the one's he tells when he calls reporters and pretends to be someone else talking about Donald Trump all hinge on his make believe billions.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(03-17-2017, 10:17 AM)xxlt Wrote: You are correct. And of course, investigating Russia could end the Trump presidency meaning we would get on to policy with Pence, assuming he didn't go down with the ship.

But it is quite clear why Trump will move heaven and earth, perhaps even resign the presidency and seek asylum in a friendly country like Russia to avoid disclosing his taxes. They are the keystone of "the big lie." He doesn't have anywhere near the money he says he has, and he is not a good business person. Revealing his taxes will make that quite clear. Sure, he's rich enough, and getting richer every day through his schemes to loot the treasury and monetize the presidency while the House leadership fiddles. But he doesn't want the big lie exposed. It is not just pride and ego, but the fact that every lie he has told from the ones he tells as Donald Trump to the one's he tells when he calls reporters and pretends to be someone else talking about Donald Trump all hinge on his make believe billions.

I don't disagree that we would likely find out that Trump is just a big bullshit artist were we to see his taxes. But, him being a bullshit artist and lying about his worth doesn't change the results of the election, and it likely doesn't change the minds of those loyal to him.

Also, I think a major part of the big lie of his is that he doesn't really know what's going on. When he talks policy he displays an ignorance not just about policy in general, which is to be expected from a neophyte to policy, but to the policy he is supposedly behind. I am convinced more and more that he is not the one pulling the levers.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-17-2017, 10:30 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't disagree that we would likely find out that Trump is just a big bullshit artist were we to see his taxes. But, him being a bullshit artist and lying about his worth doesn't change the results of the election, and it likely doesn't change the minds of those loyal to him.

Also, I think a major part of the big lie of his is that he doesn't really know what's going on. When he talks policy he displays an ignorance not just about policy in general, which is to be expected from a neophyte to policy, but to the policy he is supposedly behind. I am convinced more and more that he is not the one pulling the levers.

Agree on all points.

But, remember the old Shakespeare line, "Me thinks he doth protest too much?"

Why did Trump claim before the election that if he lost it could only be because the election was rigged? Why, when the margin of victory was so small, did he talk about how big it was for weeks after the inauguration? Why does he continue to claim 5 or 6 million people fraudulently voted against him?

The answer to all three questions could certainly be, "Because he is a dumbass." But, the answers could also be because the election was in fact rigged, that in claiming a huge victory margin he is attempting to establish in the minds of the average mouth breather that he would have won even were it not rigged, and because if the evidence of the election being rigged materializes he can hope the average mouth breather will shrug and say, "It don't matter none, 'cause both of 'em was cheatin'."

And then there is the little matter of if - as you suspect - the president isn't the one pulling the levers, who is? One man? Many? Bannon? Russians? Organized criminals? All of the above?
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
George Soros was and is still trying to. Total Scumbag.
As others have pointed out, the people who said Trump is a genius for NOT paying his taxes aren't going to suddenly turn on him because he's a dumbass who DOES pay his taxes. I don't get why his PR team decided to start the spin that not paying taxes makes him smart if he did indeed pay them, but meh...politics has gotten super political these days.

Since this is compared to the whole "Obama wasn't born in America" thing, I have to wonder how his critics would have responded if he said "I was born in Kenya, but that makes me a genius because I pulled myself up by my bootstraps from a grass hut to the most powerful position on earth. Suck it, haters!" Yeah yeah, Constitution and all that but my point remains. Oh and then he DOES produce his birth certificate and the liberals would be like "SEE, I TOLD you he was born in Hawaii! I bet you feel pretty stupid now!" and then conservatives would be all like "But then why did he admit to it and start making excuses and spin?" Geez, we could have been pulling this crap for an additional 8 years!

On a personal note, it is rather fun to take criticisms, completely admit to them, and then spin them into absurd positives.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-17-2017, 07:27 PM)tigerseye Wrote: George Soros was and is still trying to. Total Scumbag.
(03-17-2017, 08:49 PM)Rotobeast Wrote:

If Soros want to push progressive agenda and shape politics in 3rd world countries, he should do it on his own dime.  Doing it under the guise of missions is completely misleading to the American general public.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(03-17-2017, 07:27 PM)tigerseye Wrote: George Soros was and is still trying to. Total Scumbag.

Yeah, he is opposing fascism everywhere--and getting help from our taxes!

We need to be talking about that rather than how the Russians shaped a US election.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-20-2017, 03:23 PM)Dill Wrote: Yeah, he is opposing fascism everywhere--and getting help from our taxes!

We need to be talking about that rather than how the Russians shaped a US election.

Where is there fascism in the United States?
Soros is a globalist low life (along with his puppets). The rest is cover for what they are actually doing. Putin is also against globalism. The globalists want to make sure the USA and the Russians remain apart/enemies. One of the reasons for the long list of Russian conspiracies from the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets and the globalists here in the US (probably won't be to hard given our history). Trump is a threat to the establishment and to the globalists plans. Globalism is good for the SUPER rich (like Soros). It is all about more money (like they don't have enough) for the .00000000001% of the rich and the control of the common people so they can make the world the way they want it without our input. Right now the Constitution and national soveriegnty is in their way that is why they are constantly under attack.

They have not hidden what they are doing or their future plans but you won't find it on the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets.

There are many,many truth telling independent free journalists out there (for now). I hope people search out as many as possible and decide for them selves which ones are telling the truth.

If you are the .00000000001% of the wealthiest people in the world, your right Soros is a great guy. If your not, you might be being used.

God Bless America.
(03-20-2017, 05:47 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Where is there fascism in the United States?

The referenced article concerns Macedonia and Greece.
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(03-20-2017, 06:06 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Soros is a globalist low life (along with his puppets). The rest is cover for what they are actually doing. Putin is also against globalism. The globalists want to make sure the USA and the Russians remain apart/enemies. One of the reasons for the long list of Russian conspiracies from the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets and the globalists here in the US (probably won't be to hard given our history). Trump is a threat to the establishment and to the globalists plans. Globalism is good for the SUPER rich (like Soros). It is all about more money (like they don't have enough) for the .00000000001% of the rich and the control of the common people so they can make the world the way they want it without our input. Right now the Constitution and national soveriegnty is in their way that is why they are constantly under attack.

They have not hidden what they are doing or their future plans but you won't find it on the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets.

There are many,many truth telling independent free journalists out there (for now). I hope people search out as many as possible and decide for them selves which ones are telling the truth.

If you are the .00000000001% of the wealthiest people in the world, your right Soros is a great guy. If your not, you might be being used.

God Bless America.

These globalists sound like a bad lot of wealthy people.  What sort of Russian conspiracies are you referring to? Do you think they tried to influence the last election, or is that what you mean by a conspiracy theory.

Why is Trump not a globalist?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-20-2017, 06:06 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Soros is a globalist low life (along with his puppets). The rest is cover for what they are actually doing. Putin is also against globalism. The globalists want to make sure the USA and the Russians remain apart/enemies. One of the reasons for the long list of Russian conspiracies from the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets and the globalists here in the US (probably won't be to hard given our history). Trump is a threat to the establishment and to the globalists plans. Globalism is good for the SUPER rich (like Soros). It is all about more money (like they don't have enough) for the .00000000001% of the rich and the control of the common people so they can make the world the way they want it without our input. Right now the Constitution and national soveriegnty is in their way that is why they are constantly under attack.

They have not hidden what they are doing or their future plans but you won't find it on the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets.

There are many,many truth telling independent free journalists out there (for now). I hope people search out as many as possible and decide for them selves which ones are telling the truth.

If you are the .00000000001% of the wealthiest people in the world, your right Soros is a great guy. If your not, you might be being used.

God Bless America.

If you think Putin and Russia are our friends you might be brain washed.

If you think Soros is a bad guy because he is rich but give Putin a pass even though he may be the richest man in the world you may consume too much infowars propaganda.

Super rich kgb agent interfering and rigging elections around the world. But keep on living in fantasy land. Because humanity coming together and cooperating is pure evil.
I think Putin is out for Putin and Russia.

But he is against globalism and Soros for that matter.

That is why the globalist and their bought and paid for Main Stream Propaganda Outlets continue to do everything in their power to keep the US and Russia apart.

Globalism is not a conspiracy theory. They have been quite open about the whole thing.

The globalists want the terrorists in the US because it can be twisted to their advantage. To accomplish other goals.

The Constitution and national soverignty is in their way.

The strength of the US is in their way.

The US citizens are in their way.

You might not like Trump but he is fighting what these low lifes are trying to do to our country.

Its not Rep v Dem anymore.  We are fighting to keep our country.

This is no conspiracy theory it is very real.

Soros is the lowest of the low and will manipulate and use anybody.

The US has been sold out by many of our elected officials from both parties and by many working within our government (the establishment).

The globalists are putting a full court press on Trump. He is the first President we have had in a long time who is not a globalist. (I don't believe he is since they are going after him so hard).

I know there are those who don't believe what I'm telling you but it is all true.

If you don't believe me that is fine but I can at least say that I tried and I wish you all nothing but the best anyway.

(03-30-2017, 12:03 AM)tigerseye Wrote: I think Putin is out for Putin and Russia.

But he is against globalism and Soros for that matter.

That is why the globalist and their bought and paid for Main Stream Propaganda Outlets continue to do everything in their power to keep the US and Russia apart.

Globalism is not a conspiracy theory. They have been quite open about the whole thing.

The globalists want the terrorists in the US because it can be twisted to their advantage. To accomplish other goals.

The Constitution and national soverignty is in their way.

The strength of the US is in their way.

The US citizens are in their way.

You might not like Trump but he is fighting what these low lifes are trying to do to our country.

Its not Rep v Dem anymore.  We are fighting to keep our country.

This is no conspiracy theory it is very real.

Soros is the lowest of the low and will manipulate and use anybody.

The US has been sold out by many of our elected officials from both parties and by many working within our government (the establishment).

The globalists are putting a full court press on Trump. He is the first President we have had in a long time who is not a globalist. (I don't believe he is since they are going after him so hard).

I know there are those who don't believe what I'm telling you but it is all true.

If you don't believe me that is fine but I can at least say that I tried and I wish you all nothing but the best anyway.


How is it that you "know" all of this. What are your sources?

Why is Trump not a "globalist"?  So far as I know, globalism is just a label we put on the interconnectedness of nations through global trade. Some people don't like that because it enables rich countries to exploit poor. Others don't like it because it facilitates movement of people people around globe, including immigrants and cheap labor. Still others don't like it because they want to keep their own culture "pure."

You think the Mainstream media is trying to keep the US and Russia apart? Why wouldn't Putin's own actions "keep us apart"?

Why wouldn't a strong America help American "globalists" if there are such.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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