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It's Draft Time: Impeachment Edition
(03-21-2017, 12:01 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'll simply point out that there is a difference between disagreement, opposition and obsessive chicken little syndrome.  Did you try the bourbon yet?  I think it might really help you.

I stopped by the liquor store. They were out. The guy behind the counter mumbled something about sales being through the roof since the end of January. I asked for details but he said had no idea what was causing the spike  in sales. However, he did say he was glad America is great again and he couldn't wait to see Hillary locked up and the wall completed, adding, "By the way, it is already ahead of schedule and it was a great deal!"

Guess you and he are the only ones who knows the sky isn't falling. Good for you. Its like W said, "Fool my once shame on... fool me... don't get fooled again!" Watergate was a hoax. They faked it like the moon landing. Donny ain't goin' nowhere, the opinions of experts, Senators, and odds makers be damned!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(03-21-2017, 12:11 PM)xxlt Wrote: I stopped by the liquor store. They were out. The guy behind the counter mumbled something about sales being through the roof since the end of January. I asked for details but he said had no idea what was causing the spike  in sales. However, he did say he was glad America is great again and he couldn't wait to see Hillary locked up and the wall completed, adding, "By the way, it is already ahead of schedule and it was a great deal!"

Guess you and he are the only ones who knows the sky isn't falling. Good for you. Its like W said, "Fool my once shame on... fool me... don't get fooled again!" Watergate was a hoax. They faked it like the moon landing. Donny ain't goin' nowhere, the opinions of experts, Senators, and odds makers be damned!

It's just funny to me that the people who were unhinged during the Obama adminsitration; GA9, TommyC (admittedly the same person), Sloppy, et al. demonstrated the exact same kind of behavior that you're exhibiting now.  An unhinged borderline manic obsession and a need to lash out at anyone you don't feel is 100% in lockstep with your views.  It must be something about feeling like your views are out of power and under attack.  Whatever it is, I sincerely feel sorry for you.
(03-21-2017, 12:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: It's just funny to me that the people who were unhinged during the Obama adminsitration; GA9, TommyC (admittedly the same person), Sloppy, et al. demonstrated the exact same kind of behavior that you're exhibiting now.  An unhinged borderline manic obsession and a need to lash out at anyone you don't feel is 100% in lockstep with your views.  It must be something about feeling like your views are out of power and under attack.  Whatever it is, I sincerely feel sorry for you.

And I sincerely feel sorry for you for several reasons. First, you apparently see no difference between the way the Obama and Trump administrations launched. Or, you just aren't paying attention. Second, you apparently see no difference between a President acting presidential and people coming unhinged (presumably because he was black, but maybe it was because he was a Kenyan Muslim) and a President whose behavior is routinely called, "unhinged," by most objective observers, who has ethical challenges out the wazoo, and who is being hailed in national and international publications from both sides of the political spectrum as an embarrassment and a threat to America and people who are concerned about this. Third, your commentary is every bit as subject to the allegation you direct at mine, namely "an unhinged borderline manic obsession and need to lash out at anyone you don't feel is 100% in lockstep with your views." The truth is I probably agree and disagree with you in about equal amounts, but you don't perceive it that way. I don't believe I have never "lashed out" at you or anyone else here. If you prefer not to communicate with me because I don't agree with everything you say and that is too painful for you to stomach, or because you perceive me as (fill in the blank), fine. Just don't project your hostility and inability to conceptualize and/or tolerate another point of view onto me.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(03-21-2017, 12:47 PM)xxlt Wrote: And I sincerely feel sorry for you for several reasons. First, you apparently see no difference between the way the Obama and Trump administrations launched. Or, you just aren't paying attention.

I see tremendous differences.  Where have I stated otherwise?

Quote:Second, you apparently see no difference between a President acting presidential and people coming unhinged (presumably because he was black, but maybe it was because he was a Kenyan Muslim) and a President whose behavior is routinely called, "unhinged," by most objective observers, who has ethical challenges out the wazoo, and who is being hailed in national and international publications from both sides of the political spectrum as an embarrassment and a threat to America and people who are concerned about this.

I see tremendous differences.  However, you and your ilk are being disingenuous.  Your opposition to Trump is largely based on his policies.  His actions are the icing on the cake of your dislike for him but, in reality you just don't like his politics.  Additionally, while GA9 and others may have had less cause to react as they did there isn't much difference in their reactions and yours.  You both came unhinged and attack anyone who even points out the fallacies in some of your arguments or claims.  This post is yet another example.

Quote:Third, your commentary is every bit as subject to the allegation you direct at mine, namely "an unhinged borderline manic obsession and need to lash out at anyone you don't feel is 100% in lockstep with your views."

This statement is pure unadulterated garbage.  Aside from you, of late, the only posters I have issues with are GMDino, because he's dishonest, smarmy and dodges direct questions and Fredtoast, because he's also dishonest, dodges direct questions and condescending.  If you make the assertion that I am subject to alleged "unhinged borderline manic obsession with a need to lash out at anyone who isn't 100% in lockstep with my views" feel free to pull a few examples for the class.  You won't, because you can't, but it won't stop you from making the claim again I am sure.

Quote:The truth is I probably agree and disagree with you in about equal amounts, but you don't perceive it that way.

Probably less agreement of late but in the past, certainly.  I generally tend to have issues with extreme viewpoints endlessly stated. 

Quote:I don't believe I have never "lashed out" at you or anyone else here. If you prefer not to communicate with me because I don't agree with everything you say and that is too painful for you to stomach, or because you perceive me as (fill in the blank), fine. Just don't project your hostility and inability to conceptualize and/or tolerate another point of view onto me.

It appears you want to have a semantic argument over the term "lashed out".  I view your smug condescension as lashing out, I am sure I am not the only one.  I have no hostility towards you personally, the only people on this board I have a low personal opinion of are Fredtoast and GMDino, in both cases because they are chronically dishonest people.  I know they don't view themselves as that, but I deal with that type all day every day and recognize it when I see it (remember I have a sixth sense).

In summation, I have no issue with you personally.  I would ask that you not conflate, as you already did in another thread, pointing out fallacies in arguments against Trump as full throated support of his presidency.  The left's reaction, as a whole, has been so over the top since his election it's honestly hard to take any of their complaints seriously, even the ones that deserve it.  I would honestly suggest a toning down of the rhetoric.  I think doing so would make the relevant points resonate much more with an audience that would be much more inclined, and able, to hear them.
(03-21-2017, 03:13 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I see tremendous differences.  However, you and your ilk are being disingenuous.  Your opposition to Trump is largely based on his policies.  His actions are the icing on the cake of your dislike for him but, in reality you just don't like his politics. 

I'm honestly not sure that is the case SSF.  My personal disdain for him stems from the individual has shown himself to be, not the actual policies he's put in place.  Lets face it, he hasn't done THAT MUCH.  

Quote:Additionally, while GA9 and others may have had less cause to react as they did there isn't much difference in their reactions and yours.  You both came unhinged and attack anyone who even points out the fallacies in some of your arguments or claims.  This post is yet another example.

I think its a stretch to say there isn't much difference between the two considering much of the hatred for Obama was not rooted in his policies, but the color of his skin and his funny sounding name.  I remember one particular half illiterate POS around here trying to convince me Obama was neither intelligent or a good orator.  I'm not sure how someone with a certificate in kickball thinks anyone can take their judgement as worthwhile but it happened often.

I can't speak to the 'unhinged' assertion as I haven't paid all that much attention to this thread.  I certainly know xxlt has no prior convictions which placed a hinge order on him.  If so, we'll need to get someone over to his library home right away. 

Quote:I would honestly suggest a toning down of the rhetoric.  I think doing so would make the relevant points resonate much more with an audience that would be much more inclined, and able, to hear them.

Certainly sound advice no matter what the topic.  Well put.  

In summation, you gentlefolk are two of the best contributors to this cesspool.  Seems like you guys have been doing a back and forth saying the other one is taking it personally.  Let me assure you both.  Neither of you are taking it personally.  You can drop that line of reasoning and get back to facts at hand.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 03:56 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I'm honestly not sure that is the case SSF.  My personal disdain for him stems from the individual has shown himself to be, not the actual policies he's put in place.  Lets face it, he hasn't done THAT MUCH.  

I think its a stretch to say there isn't much difference between the two considering much of the hatred for Obama was not rooted in his policies, but the color of his skin and his funny sounding name.  I remember one particular half illiterate POS around here trying to convince me Obama was neither intelligent or a good orator.  I'm not sure how someone with a certificate in kickball thinks anyone can take their judgement as worthwhile but it happened often.

I can't speak to the 'unhinged' assertion as I haven't paid all that much attention to this thread.  I certainly know xxlt has no prior convictions which placed a hinge order on him.  If so, we'll need to get someone over to his library home right away. 

Certainly sound advice no matter what the topic.  Well put.  

In summation, you gentlefolk are two of the best contributors to this cesspool.  Seems like you guys have been doing a back and forth saying the other one is taking it personally.  Let me assure you both.  Neither of you are taking it personally.  You can drop that line of reasoning and get back to facts at hand.

Yeah the impeachment proved that.  Oh wait.  That was a white guy they impeached.  Definitely all the predicted assassination attempts.  Wait there weren't any of those either.  But there has to be some answer a to why Republicans would oppose a Democrat President.  I'll keep digging and let you know what I find.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 04:38 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Yeah the impeachment proved that.  Oh wait.  That was a white guy they impeached.  Definitely all the predicted assassination attempts.  Wait there weren't any of those either.  But there has to be some answer a to why Republicans would oppose a Democrat President.  I'll keep digging and let you know what I find.

I was specifically talking about the 'unhinged' individuals previously referenced here.  If you took that as all republicans are racists, I apologize, but really didn't think it came out that way.    

I haven't heard about 'predicted assassination attempts' on Trump, but it wouldn't surprise me.  I do however remember quite a few assassination threats against Obama.

Please keep me informed of your findings.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 05:13 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I was specifically talking about the 'unhinged' individuals previously referenced here.  If you took that as all republicans are racists, I apologize, but really didn't think it came out that way.    

I haven't heard about 'predicted assassination attempts' on Trump, but it wouldn't surprise me.  I do however remember quite a few assassination threats against Obama.

Please keep me informed of your findings.

Alright my bad.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 05:16 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Alright my bad.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 05:21 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: NO MY BAD!

Fine.  If it will end this argument, I'll swallow my pride and admit you were completely in the wrong.  Happy?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 05:13 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I was specifically talking about the 'unhinged' individuals previously referenced here.  If you took that as all republicans are racists, I apologize, but really didn't think it came out that way.    

I haven't heard about 'predicted assassination attempts' on Trump, but it wouldn't surprise me.  I do however remember quite a few assassination threats against Obama.

Please keep me informed of your findings.

You didn't hear Madonna saying she wanted to blow up the White House. I doubt it was because she had something against buildings painted white.

You did see Snoop's new video that dropped. it has him pointing a gun against someone dressed up as Trump in "Orange face".

At least you are not surprised.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 05:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You didn't hear Madonna saying she wanted to blow up the White House. I doubt it was because she had something against buildings painted white.

You did see Snoop's new video that dropped. it has him pointing a gun against someone dressed up as Trump in "Orange face".

At least you are not surprised.

Fair enough. But there might be a little difference between those and that which I referenced against Obama. But then again, words hurt this guy real bad.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 03:56 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I'm honestly not sure that is the case SSF.  My personal disdain for him stems from the individual has shown himself to be, not the actual policies he's put in place.  Lets face it, he hasn't done THAT MUCH.

I'll certainly take you at your word, but I just don't think that's the case for many.  His actions on illegal immigration, the travel ban, his picks for cabinet positions, those are all political reasons people don't like him.  Again, his personal conduct and demeanor are the icing on the cake.  They aren't unimportant, but they aren't the key point.  Let's just say that if he was liberal politically and the same jerk he wouldn't face calls for impeachment from the same group of people.

Quote:I think its a stretch to say there isn't much difference between the two considering much of the hatred for Obama was not rooted in his policies, but the color of his skin and his funny sounding name.  I remember one particular half illiterate POS around here trying to convince me Obama was neither intelligent or a good orator.  I'm not sure how someone with a certificate in kickball thinks anyone can take their judgement as worthwhile but it happened often.

I think you're wrong here too, for the same reason.  Most of the hate for Obama came from political differences, his being a black man (and secret muslim!) were merely the icing on the cake for them in the same way Trump's personality is for the current crop of hysterical people.  Also, as Bfine already pointed out, there was no one of prominence talking about blowing up the White House or making videos in which Obama was assassinated.  Many on the left have gone way overboard and the posters here are not immune to this.

Quote:I can't speak to the 'unhinged' assertion as I haven't paid all that much attention to this thread.  I certainly know xxlt has no prior convictions which placed a hinge order on him.  If so, we'll need to get someone over to his library home right away. 

His reactions to reasonable disagreements have been way over the top.  He's entitled to respond any way he chooses but I have noticed a very discernible difference in his responses and posts in the past year or so.  He probably doesn't give a shit about my opinion but I have absolutely observed this.

Quote:Certainly sound advice no matter what the topic.  Well put.  

In summation, you gentlefolk are two of the best contributors to this cesspool.  Seems like you guys have been doing a back and forth saying the other one is taking it personally.  Let me assure you both.  Neither of you are taking it personally.  You can drop that line of reasoning and get back to facts at hand.

I will freely admit that I take GMDino's constant attacks on the law enforcement profession personally.  Aside from that I can think of no issue I have gotten to that pitch with.  In any event, your point is taken and appreciated.
Imagine the reaction to Obama if he actually said the shit the NRA accused him of saying.
(03-21-2017, 09:04 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'll certainly take you at your word, but I just don't think that's the case for many.  His actions on illegal immigration, the travel ban, his picks for cabinet positions, those are all political reasons people don't like him.  Again, his personal conduct and demeanor are the icing on the cake.  They aren't unimportant, but they aren't the key point.  Let's just say that if he was liberal politically and the same jerk he wouldn't face calls for impeachment from the same group of people.

I think you're wrong here too, for the same reason.  Most of the hate for Obama came from political differences, his being a black man (and secret muslim!) were merely the icing on the cake for them in the same way Trump's personality is for the current crop of hysterical people.  Also, as Bfine already pointed out, there was no one of prominence talking about blowing up the White House or making videos in which Obama was assassinated.  Many on the left have gone way overboard and the posters here are not immune to this.

I think I have a better understanding of your perspective now. While his cabinet picks have been a complete reversal from what he originally stated, and I believe take the country in the wrong direction in many cases, they still haven't actually accomplished anything to date. The travel ban is revealing in that it shows a complete lack of compassion and outright racism, imo, but still the system is working and it's getting shut down. For some reason I have more confidence in the system of checks and balances now than in the past. Maybe that's a self preservation tactic for my sanity, but I've noticed myself thinking that lately.

Again, and this may just be me, but my real problem with the guy is that he's only looking out for his own interests and is shaping up to be incredibly corrupt. I also don't think any of the other republican candidates would have garnered anywhere near the same disdain in the first couple of months. I think that says something about both the person and policy.

I completely accept the point bfine made regarding madonna and snoop. Not a good look, but they are using the same banal tactics trump employs by making wild statements to garner attention and paychecks. If DT wanted to win a popularity contest, he's gone about it all wrong. Who is actually surprised the guy who called Obama, a darling of the media and a new generation, a Muslim from Kenya? His complete ignorance to the concept of blowback is terrifying when put into the context of potus. There are plenty of examples of artists making poignant political statements that don't include empty illusions to assasination. Rick Ross - "I'm happy Donald trump became the president, because we gotta destroy it before we elevate."

I will openly admit that I hope the man is impeached solely because it would send a clear message that the potus is reserved for individuals who genuinely want to promote the best interests of the country, not their own. I also believe we deserve a leader who is much more mentally competent, compassionate and in touch with the actual American experience. He truely lacks in all areas by all accounts.

/VD out
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 03:13 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I see tremendous differences.  However, you and your ilk are being disingenuous.  Your opposition to Trump is largely based on his policies.  His actions are the icing on the cake of your dislike for him but, in reality you just don't like his politics.  Additionally, while GA9 and others may have had less cause to react as they did there isn't much difference in their reactions and yours.  You both came unhinged and attack anyone who even points out the fallacies in some of your arguments or claims.  This post is yet another example.

Sorry for not addressing the whole post, but I just wanted to counter this. While I agree that the reaction both on the Board and Nationally is ridiculous. I disagree with the motivation.

It is not motivated by policy, it is motivated by hate. Hate that they lost, hate that a mentality opposite their's has won, hate that they did not get what they wanted. These calls for impeachment  are clear examples of this hate blinding them. If Trump is removed then his replacement with make Trump's policies look like Jill Stein's.

This hate is what causes them to lose all rationale, nothing as clearly thought out as a stance on policy. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-21-2017, 09:55 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I think I have a better understanding of your perspective now.   While his cabinet picks have been a complete reversal from what he originally stated, and I believe take the country in the wrong direction in many cases, they still haven't actually accomplished anything to date.  The travel ban is revealing in that it shows a complete lack of compassion and outright racism, imo, but still the system is working and it's getting shut down.  For some reason I have more confidence in the system of checks and balances now than in the past.  Maybe that's a self preservation tactic for my sanity, but I've noticed myself thinking that lately.

Again, and this may just be me, but my real problem with the guy is that he's only looking out for his own interests and is shaping up to be incredibly corrupt.   I also don't think any of the other republican candidates would have garnered anywhere near the same disdain in the first couple of months.  I think that says something about both the person and policy.

I completely accept the point bfine made regarding madonna and snoop.  Not a good look, but they are using the same banal tactics trump employs by making wild statements to garner attention and paychecks.  If DT wanted to win a popularity contest, he's gone about it all wrong.  Who is actually surprised the guy who called Obama, a darling of the media and a new generation, a Muslim from Kenya?  His complete ignorance to the concept of blowback is terrifying when put into the context of potus.  There are plenty of examples of artists making poignant political statements that don't include empty illusions to assasination.  Rick Ross - "I'm happy Donald trump became the president, because we gotta destroy it before we elevate."

I will openly admit that I hope the man is impeached solely because it would send a clear message that the potus is reserved for individuals who genuinely want to promote the best interests of the country, not their own.  I also believe we deserve a leader who is much more mentally competent, compassionate and in touch with the actual American experience.  He truely lacks in all areas by all accounts.  

/VD out

All fair points.  I would suggest not using the initials VD though. Mellow

(03-21-2017, 10:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Sorry for not addressing the whole post, but I just wanted to counter this. While I agree that the reaction both on the Board and Nationally is ridiculous. I disagree with the motivation.

It is not motivated by policy, it is motivated by hate. Hate that they lost, hate that a mentality opposite their's has won, hate that they did not get what they wanted. These calls for impeachment  are clear examples of this hate blinding them. If Trump is removed then his replacement with make Trump's policies look like Jill Stein's.

This hate is what causes them to lose all rationale, nothing as clearly thought out as a stance on policy. 

I'm forced to largely agree with this as well.  It's not the sole reason but it certainly is part of the whole.
Can't we just dislike the guy because he openly lies and then doubles down or blames someone else when he's caught?

Nah..must be "hate".

I'm surprised "snowflakes" weren't mentioned too.   Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-21-2017, 11:35 PM)GMDino Wrote: Can't we just dislike the guy because he openly lies and then doubles down or blames someone else when he's caught?

Nah..must be "hate".

I'm surprised "snowflakes" weren't mentioned too.   Smirk

"The same time everybody else learned it through news reports," the president told Plante.

- - - - - -

“The point that the president was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address, he did,” Earnest said. “But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.”

- - - - - -

“I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections ... we need to take action,” Obama said

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Oh look, politicians lie. Never heard of that before.


[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(03-21-2017, 11:49 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote:

"The same time everybody else learned it through news reports," the president told Plante.

- - - - - -

“The point that the president was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address, he did,” Earnest said. “But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.”

- - - - - -

“I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections ... we need to take action,” Obama said

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Oh look, politicians lie. Never heard of that before.


Thanks for not denying he lies at least.

I know it kills you yo admit it while you are "not supporting him".   Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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