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Trump Is Giving This Country Its Identity Back
(04-19-2017, 10:00 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: 1. Yeah, I believe so.

2. I don't believe they are motivated by something "other than" but rather that hatred for Trump is included with the criticism of his actions, which tend to lead to a mob mentality whenever Trump does something "bad".

Lets think about us average Americans. For instance if we have multiple bankruptcies and fail to pay bills... Then refuse to release current financial information to a lender. Would we even be able to get a car loan? Not even close. 

We play by that set of rules. 

Trump files bankruptcy multiple times, fails to pay bills, and has his Russian buddies buy his junker off him for millions of dollars. And then with their media wing they help him take over the leadership of the Bank so he is the one making the rules. 

If you question his moves. You are obviously a hater and a snow flake. 
(04-19-2017, 11:49 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Lets think about us average Americans. For instance if we have multiple bankruptcies and fail to pay bills... Then refuse to release current financial information to a lender. Would we even be able to get a car loan? Not even close. 

We play by that set of rules. 

Trump files bankruptcy multiple times, fails to pay bills, and has his Russian buddies buy his junker off him for millions of dollars. And then with their media wing they help him take over the leadership of the Bank so he is the one making the rules. 

If you question his moves. You are obviously a hater and a snow flake. 
What does any of that have to do with his current actions as President?
(04-20-2017, 12:09 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: What does any of that have to do with his current actions as President?

He will be 71 years old. He is who he is. Born rich, ran businesses into the ground, failed to pay workers , shipped jobs over seas , hired immigrant labor , was bailed out by Russians... Multiple wives , sexual deviant , sexually attracted to his daughter. Liar , con man , fraud.

Why would i relate a man to his actions? 

Have any of his appointees been accussed of having Russian ties? Or was I dreaming that our national security adviser stepped down after weeks on the job? Countless cabinet members with Russian ties? 

His actions are flying to his private resort every weekend to golf. The one he charges hundreds of thousands for people to join. Price raised since he was elected. While he meets with leaders who grant copyrights to his family and peddles cake and clothes and the American people pay for it.

Dude is a hypocritical clown. He spewed lies to get elected because he had experience with reality TV and ripping people off and knew how to sell bullshit to the masses. Throw in a little help from his Russian buddies and you have have the Merican hero.. Who has to be reminded by his communist wife to put his hand over his heart for the camera.
"An aircraft carrier strike group that the Trump administration had said was headed toward North Korea in a powerful show of force has instead spent the last week thousands of miles away – and heading in the opposite direction."
Some show of force. Thump is such a moron.
(04-19-2017, 03:13 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Which kid?  Ivanka?

That's not what she cried last night.
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(04-20-2017, 06:49 AM)ballsofsteel Wrote: "An aircraft carrier strike group that the Trump administration had said was headed toward North Korea in a powerful show of force has instead spent the last week thousands of miles away – and heading in the opposite direction."
Some show of force. Thump is such a moron.

Who knows why they were going in the opposite direction but now they're on their way back to Norty Korea.

Do some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative.
(04-20-2017, 09:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Who knows why they were going in the opposite direction but now they're on their way back to Norty Korea.

Because they were never headed straight towards North Korea. They were going to take part in the joint exercise with the Australian Navy. If you had done "some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative", you may have found that answer in the article that Ballsofsteel was quoting from.
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(04-20-2017, 09:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Who knows why they were going in the opposite direction but now they're on their way back to Norty Korea.

Do some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative.

[Image: pot-and-kettle.jpg]
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(04-20-2017, 10:04 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Because they were never headed straight towards North Korea. They were going to take part in the joint exercise with the Australian Navy. If you had done "some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative", you may have found that answer in the article that Ballsofsteel was quoting from.


That's actually the story that I got my information from and didn't post why but that's obviously not what Ballsofsteel because then he would have posted the rest of the article that states that they were on their way back to North Korea.

How was that helping fulfill my preconceived narrative?  Ballsofsteel was one to blindly hate Trump, which he did by not showing the rest of the article.  How was mine blindly hating?
deja vu
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(04-17-2017, 10:33 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: And the action is Trump sent the carrier into South China Sea

(04-20-2017, 09:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Who knows why they were going in the opposite direction but now they're on their way back to Norty Korea.

Do some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative.

Did He send them into the South China Sea or did He send them back?

I guess poor communication is another trait of good leadership?
(04-20-2017, 12:34 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Did He send them into the South China Sea or did He send them back?

I guess poor communication is another trait of good leadership?

Still not near there.

Quote:The U.S. aircraft carrier strike force that is finally steaming toward North Korea, more than a week after the White House said it was doing so, has had its deployment extended by a month.

Rear Adm. Jim Kilby, commander of the force, posted the news on a Facebook page used by the crew of the Carl Vinson and their families.

Kilby wrote that the 30-day extended tour was intended “to provide a persistent presence in the waters off the Korean peninsula.”

The strike force -- which includes the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, two guided-missile destroyers and a guided-missile cruiser -- was steaming north on Wednesday toward the Sea of Japan, officials said.

The warships' movements came under scrutiny after the Navy announced on April 8 that the group had been diverted from Singapore to the Western Pacific as the Trump administration sought to defuse a crisis with North Korea.

Over the next week, President Trump, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, national security advisor H.R. McMaster, White House spokesman Sean Spicer and other officials all spoke of the carrier's positioning as a dramatic show of force against Pyongyang.

On Tuesday, it became clear that the Carl Vinson was actually thousands of miles away in the Indian Ocean last week on joint exercises with the Australian navy and did not head north until after the weekend crisis with Pyongyang had passed.

The Navy posted a photograph showing the Carl Vinson still in the Sunda Strait, between the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java, about 3,500 miles south of the Korean peninsula. The photo was taken Saturday.

Spicer deflected all questions about the embarrassing episode at Wednesday's White House press briefing, insisting that the Trump administration was honest from the beginning.

“The president said we have an armada going to the peninsula," Spicer said. "That is a fact. It has happened; it is happening, rather."

“We said it was ‘heading’ there,” he said. “It is ‘heading’ there.”

If it wasn't so seriously stupid it would funny.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-20-2017, 09:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Who knows why they were going in the opposite direction but now they're on their way back to Norty Korea.

Do some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative.

Over a week ago Thump and the mannequin VP stated that strike force was on its way headed to Norty Korea (as you called it) as a show of force  to that pillsbury doughboy dictator. They lied. It was headed in the opposite direction. What part of this you don't understand. Thump and Pence are two baffoons. How are you going to spin this Shaun Spicer?
(04-19-2017, 10:00 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: 1. Yeah, I believe so.

2. I don't believe they are motivated by something "other than" but rather that hatred for Trump is included with the criticism of his actions, which tend to lead to a mob mentality whenever Trump does something "bad".

Looks like you missed a question there. --> Are the "masses" fed disinformation about Trump? 

You say "hatred for Trump is included with criticism of his actions." 

And you put scare quotes around "bad"--suggesting what? Maybe "bad" is in the eye of the beholder?

But where does the hatred you discern come from?  Was it there before he bragged of sexual assault, before he jumpstarted the birther movement?   Before he took out a full page ad in the New York times calling for a death sentence for the Central park 5 in 1989?
[Image: 1989-Trump-Death-Penalty-ad.png]
When you suggest Trumphate is simply unmotivated or somehow arising from personality defects in Trump's critics, then you are disconnecting his behavior from any kind of accountability--as if he is not himself the cause of the criticism he receives.
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(04-20-2017, 10:31 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Hilarious

That's actually the story that I got my information from and didn't post why but that's obviously not what Ballsofsteel because then he would have posted the rest of the article that states that they were on their way back to North Korea.

So you are aware of the article he was quoting but still didn't know why they were headed that way and assumed he didn't do some research and just blindly posted? Also, how does the rest of the article change the fact that they were currently heading 4,000 miles in the wrong direction when the administration was implying they were heading straight to Norty Korea?

Quote:How was that helping fulfill my preconceived narrative?  Ballsofsteel was one to blindly hate Trump, which he did by not showing the rest of the article.  How was mine blindly hating?

I didn't say you were blindly hating, I just implied that since you claimed you didn't know why they were headed to Australia, you likely didn't do any research and were posting blindly in a manner that fulfilled the preconceived narrative. 
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(04-20-2017, 10:04 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Because they were never headed straight towards North Korea. They were going to take part in the joint exercise with the Australian Navy. If you had done "some research instead of just blindly posting what helps you fulfill your preconceived narrative", you may have found that answer in the article that Ballsofsteel was quoting from.

So steel quotes a thread and erroneously comments that it shows Trump is a moron, Brad calls him on it, but know Brad is the one that needs to research?  
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(04-21-2017, 10:46 AM)bfine32 Wrote: So steel quotes a thread and erroneously comments that it shows Trump is a moron, Brad calls him on it, but know Brad is the one that needs to research?  

I guess whether or not it's erroneous to call Trump a moron is debatable as it is subjective, but to address my post, I'd recommend you look at my second response. I'll spell it out below for you.

Person A posts a quote from a news organization. Person B then states that they are unaware of a something (in this case why the US Navy was headed towards Australia) and then tells Person A that Person A needs to do some research. By all accounts, Person A clearly did research as they read an article, or at least a quote from an article, while Person B is claiming they don't know the reason an event occurred, which suggests they never read up on it or need to "do some research" to find the answer. Might be why Matt posted a pot and a kettle image in response to Brad's post. You can't say that you don't know and tell others to do research.
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(04-21-2017, 11:08 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I guess whether or not it's erroneous to call Trump a moron is debatable as it is subjective, but to address my post, I'd recommend you look at my second response. I'll spell it out below for you.

Person A posts a quote from a news organization. Person B then states that they are unaware of a something (in this case why the US Navy was headed towards Australia) and then tells Person A that Person A needs to do some research. By all accounts, Person A clearly did research as they read an article, or at least a quote from an article, while Person B is claiming they don't know the reason an event occurred, which suggests they never read up on it or need to  "do some research" to find the answer. Might be why Matt posted a pot and a kettle image in response to Brad's post. You can't say that you don't know and tell others to do research.

I could reply and suggest Brad was 100% correct in telling Steel to do some research; as he erroneously used his quote as grounds to assert POTUS is a moron (subjectively of course). But why bother. obviously if you quote an article you have researched the subject/ Roll with it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-21-2017, 08:44 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: So you are aware of the article he was quoting but still didn't know why they were headed that way and assumed he didn't do some research and just blindly posted? Also, how does the rest of the article change the fact that they were currently heading 4,000 miles in the wrong direction when the administration was implying they were heading straight to Norty Korea?
Because, even though they were heading in the wrong direction to start, doesn't change the fact that the destination was still the same.  

Let me try to explain this to you in a simple way:  

Say this bus is heading towards the school with a group of students, which is in the city to its right, and the driver tells the students' parents "I'm taking these students to school":

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
However, it has to turn left to first pick up other students, so does that change the fact that its destination is the school in the city to the right?  

(04-21-2017, 08:44 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I didn't say you were blindly hating, I just implied that since you claimed you didn't know why they were headed to Australia, you likely didn't do any research and were posting blindly in a manner that fulfilled the preconceived narrative. 

False again.  The reasons for heading to Australia were of insignificant points as to the discussion of this thread.

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