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It's Draft Time: Impeachment Edition
(05-19-2017, 06:24 PM)BoomerFan Wrote: I suppose that after he's gone conservatives will get angry at you for even mentioning him like they did with Bush.

And if history is any indication, the US will elect someone even worse before too much time has passed.

Nugent/Palin 2020. Revenge of the shitter and the quitter!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

From the article:

"Still, some conservatives are hinting that Pence looks like a particularly good alternative right now, especially as the Justice Department moves ahead with a special prosecutor for the FBI’s Russia probe.

Erick Erickson, a conservative pundit who was a strong Never Trumper but then pledged to give the president a chance, wrote on Wednesday that Republicans should abandon the president because they “have no need for him with Mike Pence in the wings.”

And conservative New York Times op-ed writer Ross Douthat, argued that abandoning Trump now should be easier because someone competent is waiting in the wings. “Hillary Clinton will not be retroactively elected if Trump is removed, nor will Neil Gorsuch be unseated,” Douthat wrote in Wednesday’s Times.

The pining for Pence is nothing new, however. From Capitol Hill to K Street, the notion that many Republicans prefer Pence to Trump in the Oval Office is perhaps the worst-kept secret in Washington.

Just ask Republican lobbyists who have watched the Trump administration struggle to move tax reform, health care and other top priorities...

Only once in American history has a president been forced from office by scandal, when Richard Nixon resigned amid Watergate. Ford assumed the presidency and sparked controversy by pardoning Nixon, a move that may have cost him the 1976 election but one that historians have since praised.

Ford, like Pence, had enjoyed a career in the House of Representatives and rose to a leadership position. There are other echoes, too.

It’s almost an eerie comparison that a more mild-mannered, religious conservative Republican Gerald Ford came in,” said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian at Rice University. “He’s much like Pence in temperament and personality. He doesn’t have that acerbic side that Nixon and Trump had.”

Or, as Yogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all over again."

The Democratic leaders are now shrewdly calling for patience. Rather than letting a handful of Republicans join an impeachment vote, they are going to sit back and wait for the Republicans to take the initiative. It is their mess, let them clean it up, or be engulfed by it. Hopefully the country isn't engulfed first as the Dems follow the Repukelican lead and put party over country.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
Marxist rag "Business Insider" strikes again:

From the article:

"White House attorneys are said to be researching impeachment procedures, CNN reported Friday, amid an avalanche of unflattering news hitting President Donald Trump's White House.

Officials at the White House have called a Trump impeachment a "distant" and "unlikely" possibility, according to CNN justice correspondent Evan Pérez, who cited two people briefed on the discussions.

The impeachment research was being conducted as a precautionary measure and was described as an informal process.

The White House has denied any such research was taking place, CNN said."

Well, if a spokesperson for the White House denied it that is good enough for me!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(05-20-2017, 07:42 AM)xxlt Wrote: That movie has been playing for almost 40 years! It can play for another 140! They will never get it!

Hope you are wrong about the percentage of the base that believes in the deep state. I realize Fox News is a powerhouse, but even they don't spout that shit. I mean do Breitbart et al even have one million readers combined?

Remember that Fox includes Hannity, Rush and Levin, among others.  Yes they do spout that shit, for hours every day. I have listened to Rush off and on for years and I have never heard him this rabid about a subject. Hannity is more strident about it than ever. Rush alone has as many as 12 million listeners on peak days, who hang on his explanation of the "bureaucrat class" now seeking to obstruct Trump from within--most especially by leaking. (Leaks are BAD now!)

And their listeners call in to express their outrage over the establishment Republicans who are helping to take down Trump because he is trying to "drain the swamp." 

Fox news forms a kind of total umbrella or SURFACE BUBBLE inside which millions of Fox News viewers huddle for hours every day. Among these are millions of people who are "default" rightists. They just don't choose to access diverse news sources. So they judge current events through the Fox filter. But if the chaos in the White House becomes too great, the filter breaks down; they won't blame it all on Democrats and the deep state. Many understand and are troubled by the fact that no liberals forced Trump to tweet to the world that Comey better watch out. Fox commentators like the Fox News Specialists strain for equivalences to make it seem Trump's missteps are no worse that Hillary's or Obama's or a problem that will go away as Trump gets experience.

Inside that large bubble, however, nestle even more extreme right news websites like the one you mentioned, Breitbart, but also dozens of Alt-right and religious conservative and NRA oriented sites and forums. As the true believers see the same faux scandals (how much uranium did Hillary sell the Russians?) "reported" on each site, these scandals become true and incontrovertible. Rightists discuss them for hours on long threads and link them to other faux scandals to form a totalizing picture of public institutions protecting Democrats and unfairly tarring Republicans. 

This sort of bubble knowledge is contested or ignored by the mainstream media, of course. But that is only more fodder for the bubble. It is proof, not of the MSM's higher journalistic standards, but of their "liberal bias." So the same lack of credibility you and I might accord Breitbart, they direct to the entire spectrum of MSM.  The result is a significantly large segment of the electorate who still believe Al Gore said he invented the internet, the Clintons killed Vince Foster, and Obama was born in Kenya. For them it is no stretch to believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. Might as well add those voters were illegals, living off welfare and taking jobs from Americans. I call this THE DEEP BUBBLE. People in it live in a world in which Big Government is ready to take away our guns, Muslims are ready to impose Sharia on the US, and the MSM are distorting this news and lying ALL the time, while Trump and his minions are taking them on--exposing the TRUTH BEHIND THE FACADE.

And in this bubble, the liberals and establishment Republicans are not really upset by what they call Trump's lack of fitness for office (Liberal hypocrisy!); they are upset because they lost and the game is up. America is about to become great and they'll be out of power forever--these are the stakes, according to Rush. So the globalist liberals and Republicans cannot let that happen!

oops, sorry I went on so long XXLT. 
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(05-20-2017, 07:42 AM)xxlt Wrote: Hope you are wrong about the percentage of the base that believes in the deep state. I realize Fox News is a powerhouse, but even they don't spout that shit.

Oh yes they do. Not the respectable ones like Wallace and Smith. But the ones people listen to, like Hannity. I witnessed him talking deep state. Tough watch.
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(05-20-2017, 01:09 PM)Dill Wrote: Remember that Fox includes Hannity, Rush and Levin, among others.  Yes they do spout that shit, for hours every day. I have listened to Rush off and on for years and I have never heard him this rabid about a subject. Hannity is more strident about it than ever. Rush alone has as many as 12 million listeners on peak days, who hang on his explanation of the "bureaucrat class" now seeking to obstruct Trump from within--most especially by leaking. (Leaks are BAD now!)

And their listeners call in to express their outrage over the establishment Republicans who are helping to take down Trump because he is trying to "drain the swamp." 

Fox news forms a kind of total umbrella or SURFACE BUBBLE inside which millions of Fox News viewers huddle for hours every day. Among these are millions of people who are "default" rightists. They just don't choose to access diverse news sources. So they judge current events through the Fox filter. But if the chaos in the White House becomes too great, the filter breaks down; they won't blame it all on Democrats and the deep state. Many understand and are troubled by the fact that no liberals forced Trump to tweet to the world that Comey better watch out. Fox commentators like the Fox News Specialists strain for equivalences to make it seem Trump's missteps are no worse that Hillary's or Obama's or a problem that will go away as Trump gets experience.

Inside that large bubble, however, nestle even more extreme right news websites like the one you mentioned, Breitbart, but also dozens of Alt-right and religious conservative and NRA oriented sites and forums. As the true believers see the same faux scandals (how much uranium did Hillary sell the Russians?) "reported" on each site, these scandals become true and incontrovertible. Rightists discuss them for hours on long threads and link them to other faux scandals to form a totalizing picture of public institutions protecting Democrats and unfairly tarring Republicans. 

This sort of bubble knowledge is contested or ignored by the mainstream media, of course. But that is only more fodder for the bubble. It is proof, not of the MSM's higher journalistic standards, but of their "liberal bias." So the same lack of credibility you and I might accord Breitbart, they direct to the entire spectrum of MSM.  The result is a significantly large segment of the electorate who still believe Al Gore said he invented the internet, the Clintons killed Vince Foster, and Obama was born in Kenya. For them it is no stretch to believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. Might as well add those voters were illegals, living off welfare and taking jobs from Americans. I call this THE DEEP BUBBLE. People in it live in a world in which Big Government is ready to take away our guns, Muslims are ready to impose Sharia on the US, and the MSM are distorting this news and lying ALL the time, while Trump and his minions are taking them on--exposing the TRUTH BEHIND THE FACADE.

And in this bubble, the liberals and establishment Republicans are not really upset by what they call Trump's lack of fitness for office (Liberal hypocrisy!); they are upset because they lost and the game is up. America is about to become great and they'll be out of power forever--these are the stakes, according to Rush. So the globalist liberals and Republicans cannot let that happen!

oops, sorry I went on so long XXLT. 

No worries. You did two things (at least). 1. You defined irony thoroughly in contemporary dynamics. Briefly, a fake news dynamo and a handful of sidekicks deliver false information so persistently and so long that a swath of a "society" now believes the lies and calls real events "fake news." That is irony. I guess my only question now is if the President really is "one of them," i.e. someone who can't differentiate truth from fiction because he has dieted on the latter for so long courtesy of Ailes et al. 2. You reminded me the situation isn't just as bad as I think, it is 10 fold or more worse. And just when my suicidal ideation was beginning to subside. Thanks. xoxo! Wink
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(05-20-2017, 01:58 PM)hollodero Wrote: Oh yes they do. Not the respectable ones like Wallace and Smith. But the ones people listen to, like Hannity. I witnessed him talking deep state. Tough watch.

He's a tough watch saying, "Hello, I'm Sean Hannity." I commend your courage in getting more than a few moments beyond that! Hilarious

Or, wait a minute, you're one of those European weirdos aren't you? 

Are you a masochist too?
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(05-21-2017, 07:22 AM)xxlt Wrote: No worries. You did two things (at least). 1. You defined irony thoroughly in contemporary dynamics. Briefly, a fake news dynamo and a handful of sidekicks deliver false information so persistently and so long that a swath of a "society" now believes the lies and calls real events "fake news." That is irony. I guess my only question now is if the President really is "one of them," i.e. someone who can't differentiate truth from fiction because he has dieted on the latter for so long courtesy of Ailes et al. 2. You reminded me the situation isn't just as bad as I think, it is 10 fold or more worse. And just when my suicidal ideation was beginning to subside. Thanks. xoxo! Wink

One more thing--How many Trump defenders do you know who admit to watching Fox news? What other news organization has the power to reach people who don't even watch it? That's a far larger audience than Nielsen can measure! Hilarious
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(05-20-2017, 07:52 AM)xxlt Wrote:

Or, as Yogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all over again."

The Democratic leaders are now shrewdly calling for patience. Rather than letting a handful of Republicans join an impeachment vote, they are going to sit back and wait for the Republicans to take the initiative. It is their mess, let them clean it up, or be engulfed by it. Hopefully the country isn't engulfed first as the Dems follow the Repukelican lead and put party over country.

I would like to see Pence serve out the last three years of Trump's term.

People need to see that yes, Trump is incompetent, but he alone is not the problem. The Republican base, no wiser, is still there, still ready to vote tax cuts for the rich and cuts in their own healthcare in exchange for the wall and anti-abortion legislation.

Until they are howling because of the POLICIES they voted for, not the politicians, nothing much will change in the US. We will all have to feel the pain before the New Right can finally be de-legitimized as a political movement. Of that I am convinced.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-18-2017, 10:24 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I have a hard time believing someone writing a note to himself saying that Trump said what he said can be legitimate evidence of obstruction, and if Comey thought it was obstruction, why didn't he report it to the Justice Dept at the time?

Comey wrote a lot of notes about Trump. Their validity will in part be determined by how well they are corroborated by Trump's words and actions. Remember Trump's own public tweets and interviews have the evidence of obstruction prosecutors usually find hidden in secret drawers or on hard drives.

Comey already has a defense for not immediately reporting Trump's obstruction to Trump loyalist Sessions, namely, he was trying to "educate" the president, trying to show him what the "traffic lanes" are for the Executive, since Trump is famously ignorant of these.

In other words, he was trying to serve a president who probably did not know what obstruction was, maybe still does not. At that point, the only evidence of obstruction was one remembered conversation which Trump could easily deny.

All that changed when Trump fired him, then tweeted a public warning to Comey about tapes. It was clear that Trump could not be educated, and when Trump gave an interview controverting the trumped up (pun intended) reasons for the firing, there was no longer any reason for holding back. 
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(05-21-2017, 07:25 AM)xxlt Wrote: He's a tough watch saying, "Hello, I'm Sean Hannity." I commend your courage in getting more than a few moments beyond that! Hilarious

Sometimes one needs to see what one is talking about. I have to say, it was worse than I thought. Manipulative right-wing agitator.

(05-21-2017, 07:25 AM)xxlt Wrote: Or, wait a minute, you're one of those European weirdos aren't you?

No sir. I'm a completely unique weirdo who just happens to live amongst those Europeans.

(05-21-2017, 07:25 AM)xxlt Wrote: Are you a masochist too?

The only way to enjoy life.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
We'll that woman that thinks Russia invaded Korea has putted the final nail in the coffin.

Members of PnR rejoice.
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(05-21-2017, 12:21 PM)hollodero Wrote: Sometimes one needs to see what one is talking about. I have to say, it was worse than I thought. Manipulative right-wing agitator.

No sir. I'm a completely unique weirdo who just happens to live amongst those Europeans.

The only way to enjoy life.

JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-20-2017, 11:29 AM)xxlt Wrote: I just read a list of five possible violations of the Constitution. Pretty impressive in just a month. Here it is:

In just his first month Trump has arguably violated 5 provisions of the U.S. Constitution:

1. By raking in money from foreign governments, Trump may have violated Article I, Section 9: “no person holding office shall… accept any emolument … from a foreign state.”
2. By banning travel from 7 countries with a majority of Muslims, and exempting Christians, Trump may have violated the 1st Amendment’s prohibition of any “law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
3. By denigrating the free press, publicly calling it an “enemy of the American people,” and seeking to turn the public against it, Trump may have abridged the freedom of the press under the 1st Amendment.
4. By disparaging and inciting violence against Mexican Americans, Muslim Americans, and African-Americans, Trump may have violated the 14th Amendment’s “equal protection” clause.
5. If he knew of or participated in Russia’s attempt to get him elected he violated Article III, Section 3: “Treason against the United States shall consist in … adhering to [America’s] enemies.”

That list was compiled by former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich. So, he is an idiot, he don't no nothin' 'bout govmint, and he hates Trump. Not credible. So much hate. Terrible, really. Terrible.

But there it is. And Reich says be patient, a bipartisan call for impeachment will come. But, see above to debunk that theory.

Lol...not going through 13 pages, but I'm trusting after 13 pages of this thread someone shot down this rubbish.

Well, #5 may have a shred of validity.

[Image: 18485883_10155826630196729_1913315559167...e=59B79842]
Ok, so fill me in on this impeachment thing.

So what was it that Trump did again?
Even if this leftwing concocted absurd notion that the Trumpster somehow colluded with the Russians to sway the election, it wouldn't be illegal anyway.  IMO no more illegal than Obama trying to sway the Israeli election.

So says self professed liberal Alan Dershowitz:

“[i] think he will be the beneficiary of the special prosecutor,” Dershowitz said. “A special prosecutor is supposed to investigate a crime and most of the things that have been leveled at the Trump administration are not criminal acts. Collaborating with the Russians to get yourself elected — not a criminal act. Terrible, morally wrong, but not criminal. The same thing is true with the leaking of the information to the Russians.”

Host Anderson Cooper and Dershowitz’s fellow panelists Jeffrey Toobin and Carl Bernstein argued the investigation should proceed, but Dershowitz insisted there wasn’t a criminal statute about what Trump and his campaign have been accused.

“Let’s assume that that’s true — show me the criminal statute,” he said. “I still sit here as a civil libertarian. I don’t want us ever to become what Stalinist Russia became when Stalin was told by Lavrentiy Beria, ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.’ What is the crime?”

Cooper said the question wasn’t whether or not it was illegal collusion or just collusion but if it occurred, to which Dershowitz said that wasn’t something over which Mueller would have jurisdiction.

“[T]hat is a political issue, but that doesn’t give Mueller jurisdiction,” he added. “Mueller has no jurisdiction to explore whether he made political mistakes, did terrible things, engaged in wrongdoing. Only criminal acts.”[/i]
(05-22-2017, 12:11 AM)Vlad Wrote: Collaborating with the Russians to get yourself elected — not a criminal act.

Honest question: Is this true?
Even when there's, let's say hypothetically, money involved? Alleged russian payments to people like Manafort, Flynn, an actual senior adviser... couldn't it at some point be treason?
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(05-22-2017, 01:35 AM)hollodero Wrote: Honest question: Is this true?

Well, if you knowingly and willfully funded/supported criminal acts, then probably.

But, otherwise, since the source of all this Russian collusion appears to be opposition research (which relied on PAYMENTS to Russians spies) initially funded by Republican primary candidates, and then supporters of Clinton.....

I mean, when you step back and try to put a bow on all this....Vlad is a frickin' genius.

(05-22-2017, 02:06 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: But, otherwise, since the source of all this Russian collusion appears to be opposition research (which relied on PAYMENTS to Russians spies) initially funded by Republican primary candidates, and then supporters of Clinton.....

Ehm, say what now? The FBI's investigating this, too. I doubt they just fell for fake news. There are subpoenas now. I don't know, isn't it a bit much now to just see it as a smear campaign?

(05-22-2017, 02:06 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I mean, when you step back and try to put a bow on all this....Vlad is a frickin' genius.

Oh, I'm sure he's Einstein.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-22-2017, 02:21 AM)hollodero Wrote: Ehm, say what now? The FBI's investigating this, too. I doubt they just fell for fake news.

Not what I'm saying, really.  That MI6 guy behind the dossier was legit.  I think it was credible enough to investigate, and when they started something they probably shouldn't have then they found things that warranted looking into.

It's entirely possible that BOTH the Trump campaign was dirty and that there was an abuse of power involved that led to the investigation in the first place.

The simple question is - if Trump didn't collaborate, then what's the next question we should be asking?

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