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LOL.. where PC is taking us.
(07-07-2017, 11:22 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I get what you're saying but I don't think it's even that well thought out.  I think it's the logical extension of the gains that have been made socially in the past ten or so years.  We've seen rapid social change, initially for the better.  However, the eventual lack of push back has led to more extreme behavior as it inevitably does.  Saying someone isn't born with a sex is the height of absurdity, the fact that the idea is entertained by more than the radical fringe shows just how extreme many on the left have become.  People patrolling Evergreen college with baseball bats to enforce their SJW agenda is another extreme example.  The ironic thing is that this behavior is self destructive in the extreme, it turns off 100 people for every one it recruits, myself included.  I would, and did, proudly identify with the progressive agenda on social issues until rather recently.  Now I'd rather drink bleach than do so.

The ultimate expression of the upshot of this inane behavior can be seen in who was elected president.

Wait, I thought that was Obama's fault! I been blaming the wrong minority again!?
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(07-07-2017, 01:40 PM)Dill Wrote: You don't see a big deal that an advocacy group advocated or

you don't see a big deal that an sighted actor played a blind character?

The latter, as well as it being a dumb joke.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-07-2017, 02:38 PM)xxlt Wrote: Says the man who's mantra is something something not a monolith. Tongue

Well, it's not really a mantra, it's a generally logical statement.  Of course we're talking about the radical left, you know, the topic of the thread.  That being the case my statement holds up as generally true and I completely stand by it.

(07-07-2017, 02:45 PM)xxlt Wrote: Wait, I thought that was Obama's fault! I been blaming the wrong minority again!?

I'm being honest when I say that it really saddens me to see what recent events have done to you as a poster.  In response to your snarky comment, I will reiterate that extreme behavior drives away moderates, and the most extreme behavior drives people to the opposite end of the spectrum in a subconscious attempt to balance, or defend themselves from, the extremism.  Your responses are indicative of a broader swath of the far left that continue to fail to grasp this basic concept and thus continue to dig the current hole they themselves in deeper.  Which, again, is the exact topic of this thread.
(07-07-2017, 03:59 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Well, it's not really a mantra, it's a generally logical statement.  Of course we're talking about the radical left, you know, the topic of the thread.  That being the case my statement holds up as generally true and I completely stand by it.

I'm being honest when I say that it really saddens me to see what recent events have done to you as a poster.  In response to your snarky comment, I will reiterate that extreme behavior drives away moderates, and the most extreme behavior drives people to the opposite end of the spectrum in a subconscious attempt to balance, or defend themselves from, the extremism.  Your responses are indicative of a broader swath of the far left that continue to fail to grasp this basic concept and thus continue to dig the current hole they themselves in deeper.  Which, again, is the exact topic of this thread.

I've seen PC stand for a lot of things. "The radical left" is not one of them. Thanks for introducing the term since it is, as I now know, the topic of the thread. I know nobody is ever going to give me a secret decoder ring since I am such a mother snarker, so I depend on the kindness of others to tell me what the insiders are really talking about. Thanks again.

I have to say it never dawned on me that extreme behavior could be repugnant to some, particularly moderates. The complete absence of extreme behavior in right wing political commentary and political action is abundantly clear as I observe the contemporary scene. It certainly explains so many modern American phenomena, and I'm ever so grateful for the revelation contrasting it with the radical left, of which I've clearly been an unwitting dupe. I wonder if the fluoride in the water is how they really have taken control of so many of us in spite of their radicalism. Do you brush your teeth with bottled water? Really, if that's the key to my personal salvation I'm ready to sign up with Culligan.

Now that I've seen the light, I'm also looking into the John Birch Society, the KKK (maybe the radical left was wrong about religion too, and that flaming cross they like to show off sure says "we're nothing, if not Christians"), and of course the NRA. When I think about how the NRA has grown profits for gun sellers it just warms my heart. Some people worship hedge fund managers and market deregulators, and I totally get why moderate Americans think they are heroes our children should learn about in school, but just think what the NRA could do for other sectors if we gave them more power and influence. Now I'm not saying the deregulators aren't moderate heroes to be acknowledged too.  I mean, why can't we replace Black History Month with Wall Street Deregulator Month? And why should their be a day honoring a guy like Martin Luther King - a radical leftist if there ever was one - and not Bernie Madoff? I mean, who made more money? Hell, Mitt Romney should get a holiday too, right? I mean, who made more money, Romney or Columbus? Columbas Day can't be a holiday moderates want more than Romney Day, can it?

Couple more questions. Can I give more to the NRA than just my membership? Do I have to have a sponsor to pledge John Birch? And if I don't look good in white do they let you wear other colored robes in the Klan? I'm not saying you are a member of any of these moderate groups, just figured since you knew so much about the radical left (like PC means radical left) you probably knew about moderate social clubs that advance the agenda of all, but especially moderate, Americans. Thanks in advance for any further light you can shed.

Oh, and for anyone worried about the thread being hijacked - don't. After my questions above are answered I am totally ready to get back to learning more about the radical left and how it is destroying everything. Speaking of which, did you hear that Pizza Parlor in D.C. where Hillary runs the child porn ring wasn't the only one - just a franchise?! And she owns more all over D.C. but that's not the real story. See, they are all across America. It is a very famous national brand and the real owners are Papa George Soros and Papa Bill Gates. They only franchise to sexual deviants on the left like the Clintons, Bill & Melinda Gates (their "foundation" owns a bunch of them), Arianna Huffington... you know the type. There may be be one near you, so please do your homework to make sure the next pie you eat is not advancing the sexual enslavement of children by the radical left. But I know that story is nothing compared to what the radical left is really doing. I just can't wait to learn what!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
We need to get away from being PC and get back to real conservationism and a christian way of life.
I present to you the pride of the right: The Duggars ThumbsUp

[Image: jxhd3o7e6cb1u9h6g.jpg]
(07-07-2017, 01:22 PM)Dill Wrote: That's a broad "They" there, Bels. In what sense do progressives who push for greater visibility for disabled and minorities' rights embrace neoliberalism?

It was intended to be a broad brush because it wasn't an entirely serious sentiment. It was more of a critical remark towards the established Democratic party in the United States.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(07-08-2017, 10:45 AM)ballsofsteel Wrote: We need to get away from being PC and get back to real conservationism and a christian way of life.
I present to you the pride of the right: The Duggars ThumbsUp

[Image: jxhd3o7e6cb1u9h6g.jpg]

I can't wait to see which ones turn out to be complete weirdo deviants. Oh wait.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-08-2017, 10:45 AM)ballsofsteel Wrote: We need to get away from being PC and get back to real conservationism and a christian way of life.
I present to you the pride of the right: The Duggars ThumbsUp

[Image: jxhd3o7e6cb1u9h6g.jpg]

I think you just inspired me to an artistic rendering. I am going to call it, "The Uterus as Clown Car," and my medium will be Silly Putty. I'm off to get supplies for the project. Paraphrasing Roy Scheider, "I'm gonna need a bigger SUV."
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(07-08-2017, 10:21 AM)xxlt Wrote: I've seen PC stand for a lot of things. "The radical left" is not one of them. Thanks for introducing the term since it is, as I now know, the topic of the thread. I know nobody is ever going to give me a secret decoder ring since I am such a mother snarker, so I depend on the kindness of others to tell me what the insiders are really talking about. Thanks again.

I can't begin to explain how much this level of sarcasm turns me on.  So, thank you.

Quote:I have to say it never dawned on me that extreme behavior could be repugnant to some, particularly moderates. The complete absence of extreme behavior in right wing political commentary and political action is abundantly clear as I observe the contemporary scene. It certainly explains so many modern American phenomena, and I'm ever so grateful for the revelation contrasting it with the radical left, of which I've clearly been an unwitting dupe. I wonder if the fluoride in the water is how they really have taken control of so many of us in spite of their radicalism. Do you brush your teeth with bottled water? Really, if that's the key to my personal salvation I'm ready to sign up with Culligan.

You're really going to have to do better than, "there's extreme behavior on the right as well", if you're going to make a serious point.  If you want to discuss radical right behavior then start a thread about it and we'll discuss it.  Complaining about them in a thread about the far left is off topic and makes it appear that you have no argument other than "but he did it too".

Quote:Now that I've seen the light, I'm also looking into the John Birch Society, the KKK (maybe the radical left was wrong about religion too, and that flaming cross they like to show off sure says "we're nothing, if not Christians"), and of course the NRA. When I think about how the NRA has grown profits for gun sellers it just warms my heart. Some people worship hedge fund managers and market deregulators, and I totally get why moderate Americans think they are heroes our children should learn about in school, but just think what the NRA could do for other sectors if we gave them more power and influence. Now I'm not saying the deregulators aren't moderate heroes to be acknowledged too.  I mean, why can't we replace Black History Month with Wall Street Deregulator Month? And why should their be a day honoring a guy like Martin Luther King - a radical leftist if there ever was one - and not Bernie Madoff? I mean, who made more money? Hell, Mitt Romney should get a holiday too, right? I mean, who made more money, Romney or Columbus? Columbas Day can't be a holiday moderates want more than Romney Day, can it?

Yet more of what I just cited above.  If you can't discuss the thread topic then why post it in?

Quote:Couple more questions. Can I give more to the NRA than just my membership? Do I have to have a sponsor to pledge John Birch? And if I don't look good in white do they let you wear other colored robes in the Klan? I'm not saying you are a member of any of these moderate groups, just figured since you knew so much about the radical left (like PC means radical left) you probably knew about moderate social clubs that advance the agenda of all, but especially moderate, Americans. Thanks in advance for any further light you can shed.

So chubbed right now.

Quote:Oh, and for anyone worried about the thread being hijacked - don't. After my questions above are answered I am totally ready to get back to learning more about the radical left and how it is destroying everything. Speaking of which, did you hear that Pizza Parlor in D.C. where Hillary runs the child porn ring wasn't the only one - just a franchise?! And she owns more all over D.C. but that's not the real story. See, they are all across America. It is a very famous national brand and the real owners are Papa George Soros and Papa Bill Gates. They only franchise to sexual deviants on the left like the Clintons, Bill & Melinda Gates (their "foundation" owns a bunch of them), Arianna Huffington... you know the type. There may be be one near you, so please do your homework to make sure the next pie you eat is not advancing the sexual enslavement of children by the radical left. But I know that story is nothing compared to what the radical left is really doing. I just can't wait to learn what!


Look at the effort you expended to remind everyone that both sides have their radical elements, as if this was news to anyone.  The complete dearth of any cogent points related to the topic at hand is yet further evidence of why you make me honestly feel bad for you of late.  It must be incredibly annoying being so angry and sarcastic.
(07-08-2017, 10:53 AM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I can't wait to see which ones turn out to be complete weirdo deviants.   Oh wait.

The Duggars are vile people (I'm referring to the parents, the kids can't help the family they were born in to).  Also, IMO, having that many children is abusive, as there is zero chance you can be a real parent to any of them.
(07-08-2017, 10:21 AM)xxlt Wrote: Oh, and for anyone worried about the thread being hijacked - don't. After my questions above are answered I am totally ready to get back to learning more about the radical left and how it is destroying everything. Speaking of which, did you hear that Pizza Parlor in D.C. where Hillary runs the child porn ring wasn't the only one - just a franchise?! And she owns more all over D.C. but that's not the real story. See, they are all across America. It is a very famous national brand and the real owners are Papa George Soros and Papa Bill Gates. They only franchise to sexual deviants on the left like the Clintons, Bill & Melinda Gates (their "foundation" owns a bunch of them), Arianna Huffington... you know the type. There may be be one near you, so please do your homework to make sure the next pie you eat is not advancing the sexual enslavement of children by the radical left. But I know that story is nothing compared to what the radical left is really doing. I just can't wait to learn what!

Interesting post--though not, perhaps, for the irony challenged.

Since the "PC far left" is a construction of the extreme right, it's kind of hard to talk about it separately from far right politics and social definitions--unless you are yourself far right and accept those definitions.

If you "stay on topic" by accepting those definitions and going on about how the "far left" is dragging the country down, then you are just reproducing and implicitly validating the right wing perspective which produced them.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-08-2017, 05:50 PM)Dill Wrote: Interesting post--though not, perhaps, for the irony challenged.

Yes, none of us pick up on the persistent, thinly veiled, insults you send our way. 

Quote:Since the "PC far left" is a construction of the extreme right, it's kind of hard to talk about it separately from far right politics and social definitions--unless you are yourself far right and accept those definitions.

This is obviously your opinion, but it's clearly an opinion constructed to insulate yourself from the ugliness that originates from your side of this conflict.  You live in a very, "I'm right and you're wrong" type of world and your every post screams this.  

Quote:If you "stay on topic" by accepting those definitions and going on about how the "far left" is dragging the country down, then you are just reproducing and implicitly validating the right wing perspective which produced them.

Yes, the radical left is simply a construct of the far right.  Eric Clanton is a victim of far right perception, not a criminal who assaulted people with a deadly weapon.  The scales have fallen from my eyes.
(07-08-2017, 05:58 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yes, none of us pick up on the persistent, thinly veiled, insults you send our way. 

This is obviously your opinion, but it's clearly an opinion constructed to insulate yourself from the ugliness that originates from your side of this conflict.  You live in a very, "I'm right and you're wrong" type of world and your every post screams this.  

Yes, the radical left is simply a construct of the far right.  Eric Clanton is a victim of far right perception, not a criminal who assaulted people with a deadly weapon.  The scales have fallen from my eyes.

"Us"? Speaking for the group again?
LOL so the "far left" cannot be a right wing construct because one guy attacked some others with a bicycle lock. 

Sounds like an "opinion" is a bad thing, and something others post, but not you. 

So what is your method for distinguishing "opinion" from fact or knowledge?  Or is your description of me and my motivations above also opinion, just more special in some way?

A guy who sets himself up as arbiter of what is a serious point and what is not should be able to offer more than opinion in response to these questions.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-08-2017, 06:33 PM)Dill Wrote: LOL so the "far left" cannot be a right wing construct because one guy attacked some others with a bicycle lock.

Of course, this is the only example I could ever come up with.  Ya got me! 

Quote:Sounds like an "opinion" is a bad thing, and something others post, but not you. 

I have zero issues with opinions.  I just find yours to be specious.

Quote:So what is your method for distinguishing "opinion" from fact or knowledge?  Or is your description of me and my motivations above also opinion, just more special in some way?

I'm sorry, not being your father I'm not going to expend energy teaching you basic concepts.

Quote:A guy who sets himself up as arbiter of what is a serious point and what is not should be able to offer more than opinion in response to these questions.

Not an arbiter, just a guy giving his opinion. Smirk
(07-08-2017, 06:53 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Of course, this is the only example I could ever come up with.  Ya got me! 

I have zero issues with opinions.  I just find yours to be specious.

I'm sorry, not being your father I'm not going to expend energy teaching you basic concepts.

Not an arbiter, just a guy giving his opinion. Smirk

You told XXLT "You're really going to have to do better than, 'there's extreme behavior on the right as well', if you're going to make a serious point."

That's not just "giving an opinion." It is asserting there is a standard and that you can hold others to it--until you are asked to articulate that standard or held to it yourself.

So you can "expend energy" offering negative opinions on a range of topics, and judge others, but refuse to explain what makes yours not specious.

That sort of judge-and-run keeps discussion at the level of quips.  And safe.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-08-2017, 07:39 PM)Dill Wrote: You told XXLT "You're really going to have to do better than, 'there's extreme behavior on the right as well', if you're going to make a serious point."

In a thread about the extreme left, absolutely.  "They do it to", is the kind of crap kindergarten age children use as an argument.

Quote:That's not just "giving an opinion." It is asserting there is a standard and that you can hold others to it--until you are asked to articulate that standard or held to it yourself.

No, it absolutely is not.  It's asserting that pointing out extreme behavior by others is not a defense for the extreme behavior you are attempting to excuse.  It's really not that complicated.

Quote:So you can "expend energy" offering negative opinions on a range of topics, and judge others, but refuse to explain what makes yours not specious.

You constantly do this, stating that others have not explained their position when they very clearly have.  This fools not one but your small cadre of parrots.

Quote:That sort of judge-and-run keeps discussion at the level of quips.  And safe.

Please, feel free to elevate the level of discourse.  After all, your every post claims intellectual superiority over us proles.  Enlighten us, master.
(07-08-2017, 05:50 PM)Dill Wrote: Interesting post--though not, perhaps, for the irony challenged.

Since the "PC far left" is a construction of the extreme right, it's kind of hard to talk about it separately from far right politics and social definitions--unless you are yourself far right and accept those definitions.

If you "stay on topic" by accepting those definitions and going on about how the "far left" is dragging the country down, then you are just reproducing and implicitly validating the right wing perspective which produced them.

Aye, but if you "stay on topic" in the fashion you describe you can proudly say:

[Image: 0060-0909-1413-3051_Baby_Boy_With_A_Bib_..._image.jpg]

I tried to be a good boy. I really did. But the other boys said I was bad because I asked too many dumb questions so they wouldn't tell me their secrets and they wouldn't let me have a decoder ring.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

Man, after watching this video I can see why people think the Ruderman Family Foundation is pure evil. Brace yourself. The video is not for the faint of heart. Seriously. Adult Content Warning. NSFW.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
Here's more. It is shocking.

I am so glad this group is being exposed! I had no idea taking down the radical left could be so exhilarating!!!!! Simply put, they are monsters.

You won't believe what the mission is, so I copied it from their website. Check it out!

ruderman foundation Logo
Including Each. Strengthening All.

Mission And Values

*We are pleased for the attention our message received at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The Foundation does not support or oppose any candidate for public office.


The Ruderman Family Foundation believes that inclusion and understanding of all people is essential to a fair and flourishing community.

Guided by our Jewish values, we support effective programs, innovative partnerships and a dynamic approach to philanthropy in our core areas of interest: advocating for and advancing the inclusion of people with disabilities throughout our society; strengthening the sense of commitment and responsibility towards the American Jewish community among Israeli leadership; and modeling the practice of strategic philanthropy worldwide.

We aim to operate as a non-partisan strategic catalyst in our areas of focus in cooperation with the government, private sector, civil society, and philanthropies. We are driven by the values of social justice, equality, and tikkun olam.


There is only one word to describe people like this. EVIL!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
More Ruderman propaganda from here:


As part of our commitment to inclusion and enhancing the lives of adults and children with disabilities, we are actively supporting a range of innovative projects with organizations that focus on integration into society and minimizing feelings of loneliness. These projects cover education, housing, employment, synagogues, community life and much more.


Who in the hell could support such a radical agenda?! How do those Rudermans sleep at night? This is really getting me worked up!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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