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Things Trump says...
This post lead to a discussion that is better held in its own thread.

Note: Trump said these were off the record...then asked why they were not published.  

Note 2: All Responses that are in bold are my emphasis.

Quote:White House, from a conversation aboard Air Force One between President Trump and members of the press corps as they flew to Paris on Wednesday night.

The conversation was initially thought by the journalists to be off the record. However, the White House changed the terms of the exchange after Mr. Trump asked the pool reporter, who works for The New York Times, why it was not covered and she informed him that the journalists believed they were not allowed to use the material.

 Asterisks and ellipses denote sections of the president’s conversation that were left out by the White House.

9:15 P.M. EDT

On the visit to France:

Q When were you last in Paris? When were you last in France?

THE PRESIDENT: So I was asked to go by the President, who I get along with very well, despite a lot of fake news. You know, I actually have a very good relationship with all of the people at the G20. And he called me, he said, would you come, it’s Bastille Day — 100 years since World War I. And I said, that’s big deal, 100 years since World War I. SO we’re going to go, I think we’re going to have a great time, and we’re going to do something good. And he’s doing a good job. He’s doing a good job as President.

On North Korea, China, and trade:

THE PRESIDENT: A big thing we have with China was, if they could help us with North Korea, that would be great. They have pressures that are tough pressures, and I understand. And you know, don’t forget, China, over the many years, has been at war with Korea — you know, wars with Korea. It’s not like, oh, gee, you just do whatever we say. They’ve had numerous wars with Korea.
They have an 8,000 year culture. So when they see 1776 — to them, that’s like a modern building. The White House was started — was essentially built in 1799. To us, that’s really old. To them, that’s like a super modern building, right? So, you know, they’ve had tremendous conflict over many, many centuries with Korea. So it’s not just like, you do this. But we’re going to find out what happens.

Very important to me with China, we have to fix the trade. We have to fix the trade. And I’ve been going a little bit easier because I’d like to have their help. It’s hard to go ***. But we have to fix the trade with China because it’s very, very none-reciprocal.

Q Is that your bargaining chip with them to get on board with North Korea? Is, like, you want to —

THE PRESIDENT: Nobody has ever said it before. I say it all the time. Somebody said, what cards do you have? I said, very simple — trade. We are being absolutely devastated by bad trade deals. We have the worst of all trade deals is with China.

We have a bad deal with South Korea. We’re just starting negotiations with South Korea. South Korea, we protect, but we’re losing $40 billion a year with South Korea on trade. We have a trade deficit of $40 billion. The deal just came up.

That was another Hillary Clinton beauty. Remember she said it was five-year deal, and now it’s an extension period.
She said this will put jobs in our country. She said we’ll make money with it. Great. We’re losing $40 billion a year. It’s a horrible deal. So we’re starting — we started, as of yesterday, renegotiating the deal with South Korea. We have to.

But the biggest strength we have are these horrendous trade deals, like with China. That’s our strength. But we’re going to fix them. But in terms of North Korea, our strength is trade.

Q And do you think that’s going to bring them around?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, yeah, when I say reciprocal — you make reciprocal deals, you’re talking about hundreds of billions of dollars. But before I did that, I wanted to give it a good shot. Let’s see. And they helped us. I have a very good relationship with him. I think he’s a tremendous guy. But don’t forget. He’s for China. I’m for the U.S. So that’s always going to be.

So he could be a tremendous guy, but he’s going to do what’s good for China. And he doesn’t want 50 million people pouring across his border. You know, there are a lot of things. I understand the other side. You always have to understand the other side.

Q What about steel?

THE PRESIDENT: Steel is a big problem. Steel is — I mean, they’re dumping steel. Not only China, but others. We’re like a dumping ground, okay? They’re dumping steel and destroying our steel industry, they’ve been doing it for decades, and I’m stopping it. It’ll stop.

Q On tariffs?

THE PRESIDENT: There are two ways — quotas and tariffs. Maybe I’ll do both.

On healthcare:

THE PRESIDENT: No, I think, first, I want to do — well, we have a few things. We have a thing called healthcare. I’m sure you haven’t been reading about it too much. It is one of the — I’d say the only thing more difficult than peace between Israel and the Palestinians is healthcare. It’s like this narrow road that about a quarter of an inch wide. You get a couple here and you say, great, and then you find out you just lost four over here. Healthcare is tough.

But I think we’re going to have something that’s really good and that people are going to like. We’re going to find out over the next — you know, we just extended for two weeks. Which, that’s a big —

On the border wall:

You were joking about solar, right?

THE PRESIDENT: No, not joking, no. There is a chance that we can do a solar wall. We have major companies looking at that. Look, there’s no better place for solar than the Mexico border — the southern border. And there is a very good chance we can do a solar wall, which would actually look good. But there is a very good chance we could do a solar wall.

One of the things with the wall is you need transparency. You have to be able to see through it. In other words, if you can’t see through that wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what’s on the other side of the wall.

And I’ll give you an example. As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don’t see them — they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It’s over. As crazy as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. But we have some incredible designs.

But we are seriously looking at a solar wall. And remember this, it’s a 2,000 mile border, but you don’t need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers. You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don’t really have people crossing. So you don’t need that. But you’ll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles.

Plus we have some wall that’s already up that we’re already fixing. You know, we’ve already started the wall because we’re fixing large portions of wall right now. We’re taking wall that was good but it’s in very bad shape, and we’re making it new. We’re fixing it. It’s already started. So we’ve actually, in the true sense — you know, there’s no reason to take it down or ***. So in a true sense, we’ve already started the wall.

On Donald Trump, Jr.:

THE PRESIDENT: Don is — as many of you know Don — he’s a good boy. He’s a good kid. And he had a meeting, nothing happened with the meeting. It was a short meeting as he told me — because I only heard about it two or three days ago.

As he told me, the meeting went — and it was attended by a couple of other people who — one of them left after a few minutes — which is Jared. The other one was playing with his iPhone. Don listened, out of politeness, and realized it wasn’t . . . .
Honestly, in a world of politics, most people are going to take that meeting. If somebody called and said, hey — and you’re a Democrat — and by the way, they have taken them — hey, I have really some information on Donald Trump. You’re running against Donald Trump. Can I see you? I mean, how many people are not going to take the meeting?

On President Putin and Russia:

Q Are you mad that Putin lied about the meeting that you had with him, especially about —

THE PRESIDENT: What meeting?

Q At the G20, when he said that you didn’t — you know, you accepted that the hacking wasn’t real.

THE PRESIDENT: He didn’t say that. No. He said, I think he accepted it, but you’d have to ask him. That’s a big difference. So I said, very simply — and the first 45 minutes, don’t forget, most of the papers said I’d never bring it up. Had to be the first 20 to 25 minutes.

And I said to him, were you involved with the meddling in the election? He said, absolutely not. I was not involved. He was very strong on it. I then said to him again, in a totally different way, were you involved with the meddling. He said, I was not — absolutely not.

Q Do you remember what the different way was that you asked —

THE PRESIDENT: Somebody said later to me, which was interesting. Said, let me tell you, if they were involved, you wouldn’t have found out about it. Okay, which is a very interesting point.

Q But did you say, okay, I believe you, let’s move on?

THE PRESIDENT: What I said, I asked him, were you involved? He said, very strongly — said to him a second time — totally different — were you involved? Because we can’t let that happen. And I mean whether it’s Russia or anybody else, we can’t let there be even a scintilla of doubt when it comes to an election. I mean, I’m very strong on that.

And I’m not saying it wasn’t Russia. What I’m saying is that we have to protect ourselves no matter who it is. You know, China is very good at this. I hate to say it, North Korea is very good at this. Look what they did to Sony Studios. They were the ones that did the whole deal to Sony. You know, we’re dealing with highly sophisticated people.

So, China is very good. You have many countries. And you have many individuals that are very good at this. But we can’t have — and I did say, we can’t have a scintilla of doubt as our elections and going forward.

Q Have you told him that?

THE PRESIDENT: I told him. I said, look, we can’t — we can’t have — now, he said absolutely not twice. What do you do? End up in a fistfight with somebody, okay? Because then I brought up Syria, and I said —

Q Afterwards?

THE PRESIDENT: Very shortly there afterward. And I said, there’s so much killing in Syria. We got to solve Syria. We’ve got to solve Ukraine. And you know, I’ve always said — and I’m not just talking about Russia — we’re a lot better off — like it’s a good thing that I have a good relationship with President Xi. It’s a good thing I have a good relationship with every one of them — Modi — you saw that.
Every single one of them of all 19 — there’s 20 with us. All 19, I have a great relationship with.

More on the Visit to France and Trade:

So we’re doing well. I mean, we’re doing well and we’re having a good time. Now what we’ll do is we’ll go celebrate with the President of France — we have a good relationship — open up a little trade with them. But it’s got to be fair trade. I mean, every deal we have is bad. It’s got to be fair trade.

I mean, the European Union, as an example — I’m all for the European Union, but we have things that we can barely sell into the European Union. They’re very protectionist. And we’re not. And you have to be reciprocal.

To me, the word reciprocal is a beautiful word. Because people can say, we don’t like a border tax or we don’t like this or we don’t like that. But what they can’t say is that, if you’re selling a motorcycle and they’re coming into your country and not paying tax, and they’re going into another country and paying 100 percent tax, people understand that’s not fair. So we say we make it reciprocal.

More on President Putin and Russia, and on energy:

Q Do you think you’ll invite Putin to the White House?

THE PRESIDENT: I would say yes, yeah. At the right time. I don’t think this is the right time, but the answer is yes I would. Look, it’s very easy for me to say absolutely, I won’t. That’s the easy thing for me to do, but that’s the stupid thing to do. Let’s be the smart people not the stupid people. The easiest thing for me to tell you is that I would never invite him. We will never ever talk to Russia. That all of my friends in Congress will say, oh he’s so wonderful, he’s so wonderful. Folks, we have perhaps the second most powerful nuclear country in the world. If you don’t have dialogue, you have to be fools. Fools. It would be the easiest thing for me to say to Maggie and all of you, I will never speak to him, and everybody would love me. But I have to do what’s right.

And, by the way, I only want to make great deals with Russia. Remember this, I have built up — we’re getting $57 billion more for the military. Hillary was going to cut the military. I’m a tremendous fracker, coal, natural gas, alternate energy, wind – everything, right? But I’m going to produce much much more energy than anyone else who was ever running for office. Ever. We’re going to have clean coal, and Hillary wasn’t. Hillary was going to stop fracking. She was going to stop coal totally. Hey, in West Virginia I beat her by 42 points. Remember, she went and sat with the miners and they said get the hell out of here. So, I was going to — if Hillary got in, your energy prices right now would be double. You’d be doing no fracking. You’d be doing practically no fossil fuels.

So Putin, everything I do is the exact opposite. I don’t believe — in fact, the one question that I didn’t ask him that I wish I did — but we had so many other things going, and really the ceasefire was a very complicated talk, it was a very important talk to me because I wanted to see if we could start a ceasefire.


Now, why does that affect Russia? Because Russia makes its money through selling of oil, and we’ve got underneath us more oil than anybody, and nobody knew it until five years ago. And I want to use it. And I don’t want that taken away by the Paris Accord. I don’t want them to say all of that wealth that the United States has under its feet, but that China doesn’t have and that other countries don’t have, we can’t use. So now we no longer have the advantage. We have a tremendous advantage. We have more natural resources under our feet than any other country. That’s a pretty big statement. Ten years ago, five years ago even, you couldn’t make that statement.

We’re blessed. I don’t want to give it up. I don’t want to say oh, okay, we won’t use it. But think of it. So, if Hillary is there, you’re going to have a far less amount of fuel. Therefore, energy prices will be much, much higher. That’s great for Russia.

So, the next time I’m with Putin, I’m going to ask him: who were you really for? Because I can’t believe that he would have been for me. Me. Strong military, strong borders — but he cares less about the borders — but strong military, tremendous. We’re going to be an exporter of fuel this year. We’re going to be exporting. What was the first thing I signed when I got in? The Keystone Pipeline, and the Keystone Pipeline goes from Canada all the way through our country right into the Gulf, and the ships are there to take it all over and compete with Russia.

More on Energy:

The first thing I signed, the first day, was the Keystone Pipeline. That first * was the Keystone and the Dakota Access Pipeline — also Dakota Access. Now, what does that mean? Dakota Access takes it to the Pacific. Who do they compete with? Russia. Hillary would have never signed — that was with the reservation — she would have never signed it. I was given great credit for that one. That was a tough one. First day. It’s also 48,000 jobs between both of them. The other one I signed, that was the Keystone. That was dead. That was dead for two years. It was never going to happen. I revived it on day one. You know, you’ll check, please check it. I have to be exactly accurate. They’ll say, oh I wasn’t totally accurate. But that goes to the Gulf, right? Competes with Russia.

More on Energy and Russia:

THE PRESIDENT: So now oil is getting to be record low — and gas — because we’re producing so much. That means Russia — and you know Russia *** is having a little hard time because it has come down so much.

On Russia sanctions:

Q But you wouldn’t sign a new sanctions bill if it passes the House?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m not talking about new, I’m talking about the old sanctions. Wait, we got to get this right. Ready? I think I said it right but just in case. We have very heavy sanctions on Russia right now. I would not and have never even thought about taking them off. Somebody said, Donald Trump wants to — I don’t want to take them off.

Q Putin didn’t raise that with you?

THE PRESIDENT: He never raised it. We did, I think, talk about the sanctions that Congress wants to pass, but it was very brief. Much of it was talked about Ukraine. Look, we talked about the elections. We talked about Ukraine and Syria. Not in that order. We talked about Syria and Ukraine. But I will just tell you, I didn’t say this to him. We didn’t talk about this aspect of it. I would never take the sanctions off until something is worked out to our satisfaction and everybody’s satisfaction in Syria and in Ukraine.

I saw a report and I read a report that Trump wants to take off the sanctions. I’ve made a lot of money. I’ve made great deals. That’s what I do. Why would I take sanctions off without getting anything?

On allegations of collusion with Russia:

THE PRESIDENT: What pressure? I didn’t — I did nothing. Hey, now it’s shown there’s no collusion, there’s no obstruction, there’s no nothing. Honestly, the whole thing, it is really a media witch hunt. It’s been a media witch hunt. And it’s bad for the country. You know, when you talk about Russia, if Russia actually did whatever they want to do, they got to be laughing, because look at what happens — how much time. . . .

They feel it’s a witch hunt, the people. There are a lot of people. And those people vote. They don’t stay home because it’s drizzling. We proved that. But every single party chairman said that my base is substantially stronger than it was in November. That’s a big compliment.

That’s a big compliment. And I feel it.

And I think what’s happening is, as usual, the Democrats have played their card too hard on the Russia thing, because people aren’t believing it. It’s a witch hunt and they understand that. When they say “treason” — you know what treason is? That’s Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for giving the atomic bomb, okay? But what about all the congressmen, where I see the woman sitting there surrounded by — in Congress.

So I think it’s a good thing. When Hillary Clinton spent her ads — you know, she spent almost 100 percent of her ads on anti-Donald Trump ads. You know that. Every ad was an anti ad. When the election came, nobody knew what she stood for.

I heard tonight, and I saw tonight, and I read tonight that they’re making a big mistake. And I a lot of the Democrats feel — they say, we’re putting all our money into this Russia stuff and it’s making Trump stronger. Because my people and the people that support me, who are incredible people, those people are angry because they feel it’s being unfair and a witch hunt.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-15-2017, 12:28 PM)GMDino Wrote: [url=][/url]And I’m not saying it wasn’t Russia. What I’m saying is that we have to protect ourselves no matter who it is. You know, China is very good at this. I hate to say it, North Korea is very good at this. Look what they did to Sony Studios. They were the ones that did the whole deal to Sony. You know, we’re dealing with highly sophisticated people.

So, China is very good. You have many countries. And you have many individuals that are very good at this. But we can’t have — and I did say, we can’t have a scintilla of doubt as our elections and going forward.

Could be that North Korean and Chinese operatives were meeting with Flynn, Trump jr., Kutschner, Matafort, et al too. They were working to end Russian sanctions.

Why isn't the MSM looking into that?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
He cannot speak with pretending its a campaign rally...


Quote:President Trump drew a crowd of tens of thousands of supporters at a national gathering of Boy Scouts in West Virginia on Monday evening, where he hammered his political opponents and pressured Republicans in the Senate to repeal and replace ObamaCare. 

Media reports put the crowd size at 35,000, while Trump estimated about 45,000 were on hand.

Trump said he was happy to escape the heated politics of Washington, but nonetheless took shots at the media, Democrats and even home-state Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.) on the eve of a critical vote on healthcare in the Senate.

Trump also invited former Scout and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price on stage at one point and jokingly told him that he’d be fired if the Senate doesn’t vote to move forward on debate to repeal ObamaCare on Tuesday.

“He better get [the votes],” Trump said. “Otherwise I’ll say, ‘Tom, you’re fired!’ He better get Sen. Capito to vote for it. Better get the other senators to vote for it, it’s time.”
Capito is one of several Republicans who has said she cannot vote to repeal ObamaCare without a replacement plan. 

Later, Trump asked the Boy Scouts if President Obama ever came to their national jamboree. The crowd seemed to boo the former president. (While Obama did not attend the event in person, he recorded a video message in 2010.) 

For Trump, the trip was a quick getaway from Washington, where his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is meeting this week with Congressional investigators on Capitol Hill about Russian meddling in the 2016 election. 

The White House is also frustrated that with the August recess looming, the GOP-controlled Congress has failed to deliver a major legislative achievement for the president. The GOP efforts to repeal and replace ObamaCare appear hopelessly stalled in the Senate. 

But in West Virginia, Trump cut loose in front of an adoring crowd. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke came on stage in his Boy Scouts garb, where he was joined by Energy Secretary Rick Perry, another former Eagle Scout.

The president boasted that 10 members of his Cabinet are former scouts, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was once president of the national organization.

“Tonight we put aside all of the policy fights in Washington, D.C. You've been hearing about with the fake news and all of that,” Trump said.

“You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians, and I see the swamp and it's not a good place,” he continued. 

“In fact, today I said, we ought to change it from the word 'swamp' to the word 'cesspool' or perhaps to the word 'sewer,' but it's not good. Not good. And I see what's going on. And believe me, I'd much rather be with you.”

Trump’s speech was repeatedly broken up by cheering and chants of “U.S.A.”

The president’s approval rating is historically low nationally, but he remains popular in the deep red states he carried in the 2016 election, such as West Virginia. 

There, Trump gleefully recounted his election victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“What we did, in all fairness, is an unbelievable tribute to you and all of the other millions and millions of people that came out and voted [to] make America great again,” Trump said.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-24-2017, 10:46 PM)GMDino Wrote: He cannot speak with pretending its a campaign rally...


I was going to start a thread about this, but I don't know if I will. This has me so peeved. I really try hard to be one that focuses on the rational approach to Trump and what he is doing but this action was a mockery of an institution that I hold very dear. I am a part of a number of Scouting Alumni groups, and it has been nearly unanimous that this was a disgrace.

The BSA has a long history of being non-political. You aren't allowed to wear your uniform at a political function. The BSA does not endorse candidates. It is about being a good citizen of your community, of your country, and of the world. Politics are not supposed to be a part of that and by turning that speech into a political one he was mocking the principles of the organization. I'm going to guess he doesn't understand the history of the organization and those ideals, much like he doesn't understand so many things.

I'm going to cut this short right here, because I could go into quite the tirade on this topic. I'll just end with saying that this was an affront to all that Scouting stands for and may the ghost of Gerald Ford haunt Trump or the rest of his days.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(07-25-2017, 08:28 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I was going to start a thread about this, but I don't know if I will. This has me so peeved. I really try hard to be one that focuses on the rational approach to Trump and what he is doing but this action was a mockery of an institution that I hold very dear. I am a part of a number of Scouting Alumni groups, and it has been nearly unanimous that this was a disgrace.

The BSA has a long history of being non-political. You aren't allowed to wear your uniform at a political function. The BSA does not endorse candidates. It is about being a good citizen of your community, of your country, and of the world. Politics are not supposed to be a part of that and by turning that speech into a political one he was mocking the principles of the organization. I'm going to guess he doesn't understand the history of the organization and those ideals, much like he doesn't understand so many things.

I'm going to cut this short right here, because I could go into quite the tirade on this topic. I'll just end with saying that this was an affront to all that Scouting stands for and may the ghost of Gerald Ford haunt Trump or the rest of his days.

You're not alone.  Many/Most of the articles I read before posting said the same.  

But remember that Trump has no idea and no respect for anything except himself and his brand.  "Give him a chance", if you will.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I know his supporters don't care because they still think they are going to get better health care for less money and tax cuts...but the man is insane.

Quote:The 14 Most Inappropriate Moments From Trump’s Speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree

[Image: 25-trump-boy-scout-jamboree.w710.h473.jpg]
Be prepared … for controversy. Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

“Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts?” President Trump asked the 40,000 people gathered in Glen Jean, West Virginia, on Monday for the Boy Scout Jamboree.

The answer is President Trump. The event, which occurs every four years, was attended by about 24,000 boys, ages 12 to 18, but Trump treated it like a raucous campaign rally. During a rambling, 35-minute speech, he playfully threatened a member of his cabinet about getting the votes to repeal Obamacare, recounted his election win in great detail, and attacked President Obama.

post on the Jamboree’s blog had warned troops to be “courteous” and refrain from chanting phrases like “lock her up” as they are “considered divisive by many members of our audience, and may cause unnecessary friction between individuals and units.” That did not prevent the audience from applauding Trump’s partisan attacks and even booing when he mentioned Hillary Clinton.

It seems the president had prepared a speech about letting “your scouting oath guide your path,” but his trademark asides and non sequiturs dominated the address. Here are Trump’s weird comments to his largely underage audience.

1. Trump starts off by marveling at the size of the crowd and attacking the press.
“Boy, you have a lot of people here. The press will say it’s about 200 people. [Laughter.] It looks like about 45,000 people. You set a record today. [Applause.] You set a record. That’s a great honor, believe me. Tonight we put aside all of the policy fights in Washington, D.C. — you’ve been hearing about that with the fake news and all of that. [Applause.] We’re going to put that aside. And instead we’re going to talk about success, about how all of you amazing young Scouts can achieve your dreams … I said, who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts, right?”

2. Trump calls our nation’s capital a “cesspool.” 
“You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians, and I see the swamp. And it’s not a good place. In fact, today, I said we ought to change it from the word swamp to the word cesspool, or perhaps, to the word sewer. But it’s not good. Not good.” [Applause.]

3. Trump boasts that ten members of his cabinet were Boy Scouts, then threatens to fire one of them.
“Secretary Tom Price is also here. Today Dr. Price still lives the Scout Oath, helping to keep millions of Americans strong and healthy as our Secretary of Health and Human Services. And he’s doing a great job. And hopefully, he’s going to get the votes tomorrow to start our path toward killing this horrible thing known as Obamacare that’s really hurting us, folks.”

[Applause. Crowd chants “USA! USA! USA!”]

“He better get them. He better get them. Oh, he better — otherwise, I’ll say ‘Tom, you’re fired!’ I’ll get somebody. [Applause.] He better get Senator Capito to vote for it. You got to get the other senators to vote for it. It’s time. After seven years of saying repeal and replace Obamacare, we have a chance to now do it. They better do it. Hopefully they’ll do it.”

4. Trump says we need more “loyalty,” doesn’t explain what he’s referring to. 
“As the Scout Law says: ‘A Scout is trustworthy, loyal’ — we could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that.”

5. Trump marvels at the size of the crowd and attacks the “fake media” for refusing to show it (though CNN aired the speech).
“I’m waving to people back there so small I can’t even see them. Man, this is a lot of people. Turn those cameras back there, please. That is so incredible. By the way, what do you think the chances are that this incredible, massive crowd, record-setting is going to be shown on television tonight? One percent or zero? [Applause.] The fake media will say: President Trump — and you know what this is — President Trump spoke before a small crowd of Boy Scouts today. That’s some — that is some crowd. [Applause.] Fake media. Fake news. Thank you.”

6. Trump attacks his predecessor for failing to address the Boy Scouts (Obama sent a video message in 2010).
[Audience chants, “We love Trump! We love Trump! We love Trump!”]

“By the way, just a question, did President Obama ever come to a jamboree?”
[Audience shouts, “No!”]
“And we’ll be back. We’ll be back. The answer is no, but we’ll be back.”

7. Trump tells a long, meandering story about the real-estate developer William Levitt and alludes to “interesting” activities he engaged in on his yacht. 
“[Levitt] he sold his company for a tremendous amount of money. At the time especially — this was a long time ago — [he] sold his company for a tremendous amount of money. And he went out and bought a big yacht, and he had a very interesting life. I won’t go on any more than that because you’re Boy Scouts, so I’m not going to tell you what he did.”

[Audience boos.]

“Should I tell you? Should I tell you?”
[Audience shouts, “Yes!”]

“Oh, you’re Boy Scouts, but you know life. You know life. So — look at you. Who would think this is the Boy Scouts, right?”

“So, he had a very, very interesting life, and the company that bought his company was a big conglomerate …” [Trump explains that years later Levitt bought his company back.]

“He so badly wanted it, he got bored with this life of yachts and sailing and all of the things he did in the south of France and other places. You won’t get bored, right? You know, truthfully, you’re workers. You’ll get bored, too. Believe me. Of course, having a few good years like that isn’t so bad.”

8. Trump recalls meeting Levitt at a hot New York party.
“In the end he failed, and he failed badly. Lost all of his money. He went personally bankrupt, and he was now much older. And I saw him at a cocktail party, and it was very sad because the hottest people in New York were at this party. It was the party of Steve Ross who was one of the great people — he came up and discovered — really founded — Time Warner and he was a great guy.”

“He had a lot of successful people at the party. And I was doing well so I got invited to the party. I was very young, and I go in — but I’m in the real-estate business — and I see 100 people, some of whom I recognize and they’re big in the entertainment business …”
[Trump recognizes Levitt.] “So I went over and talked to him, and I said, Mr. Levitt, ‘I’m Donald Trump.’ He said ‘I know.’”

9. Trump tells the boys the lesson to take from Levitt’s life is not to lose “momentum” — but if you do, that’s okay, too.
“But I’ll tell you, it was very sad, and I never forgot that moment. And I thought about it, and it’s exactly true. He lost his momentum. Meaning, he took this period of time off long — years — and then when he got back, he didn’t have the same momentum. In life, I always tell this to people, you have to know whether or not you continue to have the momentum, and if you don’t have it that’s okay. Because you’re going to go on and you’re going to learn and you’re going to do things that are great. But you have to know about the word momentum.”

10. Trump recalls his victory on November 8, and attacks the “dishonest people” for doubting that he could win.
“Now with that, I have to tell you our economy is doing great. Our stock market has picked up — since the election November 8. Do we remember that date? [Applause.] Was that a beautiful date? [Applause.] What a date. Do you remember that famous night on television, November 8, where they said — these dishonest people — where they said there is no path to victory for Donald Trump? They forgot about the forgotten people. By the way, they’re not forgetting about the forgotten people anymore. They’re going crazy trying to figure it out. But I told them, far too late. It’s far too late.”

“But do you remember that incredible night with the maps and the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue, and that map was so red, it was unbelievable, and they didn’t know what to say?” [Applause.]

11. Trump goes through his victories state by state and criticizes Hillary Clinton. 
And you know we have a tremendous disadvantage in the Electoral College — popular vote is much easier. Because New York, California, Illinois — you have to practically run the East Coast. And we did. We won Florida. We won South Carolina. We won North Carolina. We won Pennsylvania. [Applause.] We won and won. So when they said there is no way to victory, there is no way to 270, I went to Maine four times because it’s one vote, and we won. But we won — one vote. I went there because I kept hearing we’re at 269. But then Wisconsin came in. Many, many years — Michigan came in. And we worked hard there. My opponent didn’t work hard there because she was told —”

[Audience boos.]

12. Trump thanks his audience — which again, consisted largely of children — for voting for him in November. 
“[Clinton] was told she was going to win Michigan, and I said, well, wait a minute, the car industry is moving to Mexico. Why is she going to move — she’s there. Why are they allowing it to move? And by the way, do you see those car industry — do you see what’s happening, how they’re coming back to Michigan? They’re coming back to Ohio. They’re starting to peel back in.” [Applause.]

“And we go to Wisconsin — now, Wisconsin hadn’t been won in many, many years by a Republican. But we go to Wisconsin, and we had tremendous crowds. And I’d leave these massive crowds. I’d say, why are we going to lose this state? The polls — that’s also fake news. They’re fake polls. But the polls are saying — but we won Wisconsin.” [Applause.]

“So I have to tell you what we did, in all fairness, this is an unbelievable tribute to you and all of the other millions and millions of people that came out and voted for Make America Great Again.”
[Audience chants “USA! USA! USA!”]

13. Trump makes a false claim about the latest jobs reports, and updates the kids on his tax-repatriation plan. 
“We had the best jobs report in 16 years. The stock market on a daily basis is hitting an all-time high. We’re going to be bringing back very soon trillions of dollars from companies that can’t get their money back into this country, and that money is going to be used to help rebuild America.”

14. Trump assures the Scouts, out of nowhere, that they can finally say “Merry Christmas” again. 
“In the Scout Oath, you pledge on your honor to do your best and to do your duty to God and your country. [Applause.] And by the way, under the Trump administration, you’ll be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again when you go shopping. Believe me. Merry Christmas. [Applause.] They’ve been downplaying that little, beautiful phrase. You’re going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again, folks.” [Applause.]

He is literally one big talking point.  He knows a few things that will get pops from a friendly crowd (the only kind he will appear in front of) and repeats them  whether they fit into the speech or not.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Regardless of what happens with Russia can't we impeach this guy for being bat shit crazy? He's unable to do his job and represent himself or this country with any dignity.
(07-25-2017, 10:17 AM)CageTheBengal Wrote: Regardless of what happens with Russia can't we impeach this guy for being bat shit crazy? He's unable to do his job and represent himself or this country with any dignity.

[Image: trump.png]

Look in the mirror if you're a liberal. Its been clearly demonstrated over and over by liberals that they're the ones that have gone bat-shit crazy since the election of Donald J Trump. Women protesting in vagina costumes? Riots?

Liberal loonies gotta go so low as to whine about Trumps demand for 2 scoops of ice cream instead of the traditional 1 that is served at WH dinners...and its not because they think Trump could stand to lose a few pounds.

Get a load of this...

(07-25-2017, 11:05 AM)Vlad Wrote: [Image: trump.png]

Look in the mirror if you're a liberal. Its been clearly demonstrated over and over by liberals that they're the ones that have gone bat-shit crazy since the election of Donald J Trump. Women protesting in vagina costumes? Riots?

Liberal loonies gotta go so low as to whine about Trumps demand for 2 scoops of ice cream instead of the traditional 1 that is served at WH dinners...and its not because they think Trump could stand to lose a few pounds.

Get a load of this...

Your the problem with this country. It's not Trump it's people who represent themselves like you and accept Trump despite him being at best a bully with little regard for anybody or anything other than his own wants and needs. You belittle others and add no substance to any intelligent discussion. You treat politics like a sports team you are rooting for and only look to tear down your opponent and pulverize their opinion to dust. I really do hope you are just a troll.

 I'm an Independent btw. Keep tossing labels around blindly though it doesn't make you look foolish at all.
(07-25-2017, 11:05 AM)Vlad Wrote: [Image: trump.png]

Look in the mirror if you're a liberal. Its been clearly demonstrated over and over by liberals that they're the ones that have gone bat-shit crazy since the election of Donald J Trump. Women protesting in vagina costumes? Riots?

Liberal loonies gotta go so low as to whine about Trumps demand for 2 scoops of ice cream instead of the traditional 1 that is served at WH dinners...and its not because they think Trump could stand to lose a few pounds.

Get a load of this...

I have a good friend on FB that claims he doesn't like Trump.  He works in the television news industry and likes to post stories like the CNN one.

The problem is...that was one part of the coverages of the entire interview Trump did.

So trying to make it out like this was the entire coverage or that this was the sole focus only makes him look bad.  

It's like if I point out that Charles Manson didn't care much for showering.  It's true, and it shows some of his mental problems, but in reality it is just more info added to the horrible man he is and the things he did.

The right wing noise machine is in OVERDRIVE trying to spin everything into "libruls" being upset and blaming Russia for everything.  

In the meantime more and more people are seeing through that fog and focusing on the actual words and actions of Trump and his administration.  THAT is leading to better conversations and exchanges of information.

THAT is exactly what Trump and his followers do not want.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Using logic, Donald Drumpf (his real last name) , is a F'n ******, therefore any one who supports and loves him is a F'n ******. This sounds about right.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-25-2017, 11:22 PM)GMDino Wrote:

I was there for that. Ah, nostalgia.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Unhinged leftists liken Boy Scout jamboree to a Hitler Youth rally.
Yeah, I've been fighting this battle. It's been pretty heated on my Facebook feed. It's a continuation of people not using reason when it comes to being against Trump.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(07-26-2017, 11:08 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Yeah, I've been fighting this battle. It's been pretty heated on my Facebook feed. It's a continuation of people not using reason when it comes to being against Trump.

The visual is just too easy to compare.  Throw in the inevitable Hitler references and there you go.

Personally I don't think Trump is anything like Hitler.  Hitler had a plan and was a leader.  Trump is just trying to garner applause and building up his brand to make more money.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-26-2017, 12:36 PM)GMDino Wrote: Personally I don't think Trump is anything like Hitler.  Hitler had a plan and was a leader.  Trump is just trying to garner applause and building up his brand to make more money.

...and doesn't promote concentration camps killing millions, doesn't seem to plan on a total war. Trump-Hitler comparisons accomplish nothing but giving Trump defenders a talking point and deepen the trenches. I wish people wouldn't do that. Picturing Trump as Trump should be damning enough.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2017, 12:36 PM)GMDino Wrote: The visual is just too easy to compare.  Throw in the inevitable Hitler references and there you go.

Personally I don't think Trump is anything like Hitler.  Hitler had a plan and was a leader.  Trump is just trying to garner applause and building up his brand to make more money.

I get that. There have just also been the large number of attacks towards the BSA. Having these discussions with some of the liberal people in my area is like arguing with a Trump supporter.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(07-26-2017, 01:30 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I get that. There have just also been the large number of attacks towards the BSA. Having these discussions with some of the liberal people in my area is like arguing with a Trump supporter.

I have no idea why anybody would be angry at the BSA for what happened at the Jamboree. The President should be able to give an appropriate speech at an event like that and even I thought he was capable of doing so. It should've been an easy win for him. All he had to do was give an inspiring speech to some Boy Scouts and he gets positive publicity.

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