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Alt-right rallies in Charlottesville, VA
(08-12-2017, 07:02 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I have been contemplating that picture all day. I have wanted to say something about it, but I can't find the words to adequately express my emotions about it.

(08-12-2017, 07:57 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: No, that includes them. Of course, they wouldn't have been in that helicopter there had it not been for the carpetbagging bigots of the alt-right.

That picture is impressive because although he (presumably) doesn't agree with what they're saying yet he's still defending their right to say it, because it's his job and it's their right, and that's an admirable demonstration of how things are supposed to work. Blaming the helicopter crash on the protestors is fairly ridiculous. I'm going to have to delve into the slimy territory of defending these shitheads on this matter, but the simple fact is they planned a protest. Even the guys carrying their weapons around were doing so legally, protesting legally (at least at first) regardless of the filth they spew out of their mouth.

"Counter-protestors" showed up with the express intent of blocking other's free speech and committing violence. That's wrong. They escalated a situation from a bunch of racist Nazi shitbags legally protesting, to a violent skirmish in the street. That skirmish is what caused that helicopter to be needed, which resulted in it being crashed. The carpetbagging bigots of the alt-right weren't the cause of that helicopter being needed, because they were (disgustingly) using their rights in a legal manner. No skirmish would have broken out if they had just been ignored with the disdain that they deserve.

Just because they are horrible people, though, does not mean they can be refused free speech and the right to assembly. That's something that needs to be remembered in this situation.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-12-2017, 11:41 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: That picture is impressive because although he (presumably) doesn't agree with what they're saying yet he's still defending their right to say it, because it's his job and it's their right, and that's an admirable demonstration of how things are supposed to work. Blaming the helicopter crash on the protestors is fairly ridiculous. I'm going to have to delve into the slimy territory of defending these shitheads on this matter, but the simple fact is they planned a protest. Even the guys carrying their weapons around were doing so legally, protesting legally (at least at first) regardless of the filth they spew out of their mouth.

"Counter-protestors" showed up with the express intent of blocking other's free speech and committing violence. That's wrong. They escalated a situation from a bunch of racist Nazi shitbags legally protesting, to a violent skirmish in the street. That skirmish is what caused that helicopter to be needed, which resulted in it being crashed. The carpetbagging bigots of the alt-right weren't the cause of that helicopter being needed, because they were (disgustingly) using their rights in a legal manner. No skirmish would have broken out if they had just been ignored with the disdain that they deserve.

Just because they are horrible people, though, does not mean they can be refused free speech and the right to assembly. That's something that needs to be remembered in this situation.

I'm perfectly happy that people went there to oppose them. If more people in Germany opposed the Nazis in the 1920s and early 30s, maybe they would have never got into power like they did, and 60 some million lives would have been saved from the war of extermination and domination they brought about.

Point is if people want to spew their ideas and whatnot fine. But if its evilness they are spewing, I hope for the sake of humanity there will be people there to oppose them. 
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2017, 11:54 PM)Millhouse Wrote: I'm perfectly happy that people went there to oppose them. If more people in Germany opposed the Nazis in the 1920s and early 30s, maybe they would have never got into power like they did, and 60 some million lives would have been saved from the war of extermination and domination they brought about.

Point is if people want to spew their ideas and whatnot fine. But if its evilness they are spewing, I hope for the sake of humanity there will be people there to oppose them. 

Yep.  They have a right to spew their evil. People have a right to protest.

Hopefully people also know that these white trash nationalists are just that. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-12-2017, 11:54 PM)Millhouse Wrote: I'm perfectly happy that people went there to oppose them. If more people in Germany opposed the Nazis in the 1920s and early 30s, maybe they would have never got into power like they did, and 60 some million lives would have been saved from the war of extermination and domination they brought about.

Point is if people want to spew their ideas and whatnot fine. But if its evilness they are spewing, I hope for the sake of humanity there will be people there to oppose them. 

Once you start deciding who is allowed to enjoy their rights and who isn't, you're not much better than those Nazi... because you choose one fight, and sure, maybe you're on the right side this time. Next time? Who knows, but you sure won't, because you physically beat down people who you disagree with and stripped them of their rights, you're morally compromised now. Maybe you liked the feeling of beating someone down and displaying your power over them. You want to do it some more. Next thing you know, you're roving around in gangs, covering up your face, carrying a weapon, and jumping anyone who disagrees with you, or even looks like they disagree with you, ruthlessly quashing all voices that believe differently than you. All in the name of "fighting" fascism:

[Image: antifa-berlin.jpg]
[Image: esw-denver201703-antifa.jpg]
[Image: ANtifa_violence.jpg]
[Image: Antifa-768x497-618x400.jpg]
[Image: montreal4march.jpg?w=640]

Then maybe it's time for someone to come beat the crap out of you, violently quashing you and your opinion and rights because they disagree with them... because that's what we will have then devolved into. A place where that's an acceptable method to deal with an opinion you don't like.

If this is allowed to continue, it's going to continue to escalate. At first it was just screaming, yelling at each other. Then it became spitting and punching, maybe a rock or something. Then people started bringing sticks, bottles, and mace. Now people are coming with eye protection from mace, helmets to protect their heads, some kind of weapon, bottles, mace. The next step in this escalation is when people start using those guns they're carrying (note there has been none used despite all the open carry people there, at least as far as I have seen). That's not going to last for forever if these people get violently mobbed any time they try to use their rights.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2017, 12:17 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Once you start deciding who is allowed to enjoy their rights and who isn't, you're not much better than those Nazi... because you choose one fight, and sure, maybe you're on the right side this time. Next time? Who knows, but you sure won't, because you physically beat down people who you disagree with and stripped them of their rights, you're morally compromised now. Maybe you liked the feeling of beating someone down and displaying your power over them. You want to do it some more. Next thing you know, you're roving around in gangs, covering up your face, carrying a weapon, and jumping anyone who disagrees with you, or even looks like they disagree with you, ruthlessly quashing all voices that believe differently than you. All in the name of "fighting" fascism:

[Image: antifa-berlin.jpg]
[Image: esw-denver201703-antifa.jpg]
[Image: ANtifa_violence.jpg]
[Image: Antifa-768x497-618x400.jpg]
[Image: montreal4march.jpg?w=640]

Then maybe it's time for someone to come beat the crap out of you, violently quashing you and your opinion and rights because they disagree with them... because that's what we will have then devolved into. A place where that's an acceptable method to deal with an opinion you don't like.

If this is allowed to continue, it's going to continue to escalate. At first it was just screaming, yelling at each other. Then it became spitting and punching, maybe a rock or something. Then people started bringing sticks, bottles, and mace. Now people are coming with eye protection from mace, helmets to protect their heads, some kind of weapon, bottles, mace. The next step in this escalation is when people start using those guns they're carrying (note there has been none used despite all the open carry people there, at least as far as I have seen). That's not going to last for forever if these people get violently mobbed any time they try to use their rights.

Yeah, all the sane people know which is the "right" side of this.

They are free to speak.  They are free to assemble.

They are evil, wrong and should be shouted down.

But hey "many sides" just like the POTUS said, right?   Whatever
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2017, 12:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: Yeah, all the sane people know which is the "right" side of this.

They are free to speak.  They are free to assemble.

They are evil, wrong and should be shouted down.

But hey "many sides" just like the POTUS said, right?   Whatever

One side is filled with horrible people exercising their rights.
The other side is filled with (maybe) not horrible people showing up with the express intent to violently refuse people their rights.

I don't care for either group, but I am going to choose to defend the side who are legally exercising their rights every single time, even if I don't agree with what they're using it for. Be it a gay pride parade, nazi protest, vagina hat feminism march, and even a bunch of shitty Steelers fans.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(08-13-2017, 12:32 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: One side is filled with horrible people exercising their rights.
The other side is filled with (maybe) not horrible people showing up with the express intent to violently refuse people their rights.

I don't care for either group, but I am going to choose to defend the side who are legally exercising their rights every single time, even if I don't agree with what they're using it for. Be it a gay pride parade, nazi protest, vagina hat feminism march, and even a bunch of shitty Steelers fans.

Yep.  I defend their right to speak..,they have no right to not be protested.

Once side ran over people with a car.

Guess we all make our own choices.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2017, 12:17 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Once you start deciding who is allowed to enjoy their rights and who isn't, you're not much better than those Nazi... because you choose one fight, and sure, maybe you're on the right side this time. Next time? Who knows, but you sure won't, because you physically beat down people who you disagree with and stripped them of their rights, you're morally compromised now. Maybe you liked the feeling of beating someone down and displaying your power over them. You want to do it some more. Next thing you know, you're roving around in gangs, covering up your face, carrying a weapon, and jumping anyone who disagrees with you, or even looks like they disagree with you, ruthlessly quashing all voices that believe differently than you. All in the name of "fighting" fascism:

Then maybe it's time for someone to come beat the crap out of you, violently quashing you and your opinion and rights because they disagree with them... because that's what we will have then devolved into. A place where that's an acceptable method to deal with an opinion you don't like.

If this is allowed to continue, it's going to continue to escalate. At first it was just screaming, yelling at each other. Then it became spitting and punching, maybe a rock or something. Then people started bringing sticks, bottles, and mace. Now people are coming with eye protection from mace, helmets to protect their heads, some kind of weapon, bottles, mace. The next step in this escalation is when people start using those guns they're carrying (note there has been none used despite all the open carry people there, at least as far as I have seen). That's not going to last for forever if these people get violently mobbed any time they try to use their rights.

I didnt say nor do I advocate violence when opposing them. But I am fully in favor of people opposing evilness if it rears its ugly head. Not fascism either mind you, but evil which was bred by the Nazis. In my opinion based on their history, they have fully earned the right to be shouted down and opposed wherever they may pop up. If one of them gets on a microphone, then I hope 1000 people sing loud enough to where he can't be heard. In other words, **** Nazis. Too many of our soldiers died fighting them, and too many innocents were wholesale slaughtered by their ideological hands.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
As if we don't have enough reason to hate white supremecists, add to that pile the opportunities they give to leftists and SJW to virtue signal.

This is exactly how antifa gets a pass for their violence and antics.
(08-12-2017, 10:51 PM)GMDino Wrote: Like saying driving cars into crowds is a "Muslim thing"?

Like that?


Who has made that a popular way to terrorize people?

"Religion of peace"
(08-13-2017, 12:36 AM)GMDino Wrote: Yep.  I defend their right to speak..,they have no right to not be protested.

Once side ran over people with a car.

Guess we all make our own choices.


Sure, except you're calling armed people who came with the express intent of violently breaking up a protest as "protested", which it's not. That's a mob. Creating a mob to attack people isn't a right. Showing up to violently break up a protest is not protesting, regardless of how much people use the BS term "counter-protestors".

Counter-protesting would be done peacefully, presumably from a small distance away so they are visible yet separate. Not arriving preemptively armed and armored for conflict. No matter how shitty those Nazi F's are (and they are). If the roles had been reversed and those Nazi shits showed up to violently break up some lawful protest, I would once again be defending the people who were there lawfully, regardless of who they were.

But you can feel free to continue to be snide and shitty, as if defending the rights of people is wrong, and attacking people to strip them of their rights is right.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
Antifa is the largest domestic terror group that's an actual threat to freedom and civil rights.

We should all be banding together to stop these loons.

These people are the worst.

Add to the list the antifa protestors turning violent on police.

Quote:Female Reporter for The Hill Allegedly Punched by ‘Antifa’ Protester in Charlottesville

Adam Shaw12 Aug 2017


Taylor Lorenz was filming the site of the incident that left at least one person dead — after a car was driven into a crowd of “anti-fascist” protesters responding to a parallel white nationalist protest in the city. The suspect was identified by police late Saturday as 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr.

According to video given to by Lorenz (who is a former reporter for the outlet), a nearby shirtless protester objects to her filming the resulting pandemonium and is heard asking her to stop filming. When she refuses to put her camera away, he appears to punch her and yells “stop ***** recording.” Lorenz can be heard yelling as her phone hits the ground, and others intervene.

She said on Twitter that she was fine apart from being “really ***** pissed,” and said she was attempting to file charges against the man who punched her.

She later updated to her followers to say that the man who punched her already had a warrant out for his arrest and was detained by police.

President Trump condemned the violence in a statement:

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides,” he said.

“Above all, we must remember this truth, no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first,” he added.

Adam Shaw is a Breitbart News politics reporter based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY
So, a few comments.

The idea that counter-protesting is done with the express intent of blocking free speech and inciting violence is offensive to the hundreds of clergy and other faith leaders as well as the local community that were there counter-protesting and had nothing to do with the violence, except be victims of it.

Now, the whole back and forth over who is responsible for the events turning violent. I've said before, I don't care who threw the first punch. What occurred in Charlottesville was the that alt-right, white nationalist cum stains preyed on a community. They took advantage of a local issue and used it to spread their message of hate and gain attention. They knew, 100% guaranteed they knew, that their presence would bring in a counter group. These two groups come from all over the country. They aren't locals. They don't give two rabbit turds about the statue and park debate. They are only there to use this as an opportunity to carry out their fight that has been going on all across the nation. This is evidenced by how most of the people involved in these events aren't locals.

People want to say that if antifa, or whoever the ****, would just let them do their thing it would be done and over with. But the alt-right dickheads want those counter groups there. That is why they do this. This is their battle, this is what they are trying to do. They go to cities wanting to instigate the counter groups and gain sympathy for their cause. It swells their ranks for those sympathetic to their actions who blame it all on antifa. I blame all of them. I blame all of these people that travel all over the country and take advantage of these local issues and lay waste to communities that were already dealing with terrible strife.

Now, for those of you saying it would be fine without the antifa folks there, you're wrong. Clergy were attacked yesterday. Local clergy that were standing there singing were attacked. Local public figures that were just counter-protesting peacefully were pepper sprayed, assaulted, and spit on by the white nationalists. The night before, a small group of university students surrounded a statue on campus and were swarmed by white-nationalists carrying torches who beat them with flaming torches. Let me say this again, these counter-protesting students were in a small circle around this statue, holding a sign and linking arms, not doing anything violent, and they were beat with flaming torches by the same white nationalists that would be rallying the next day.

So, the reason I blame this on the white nationalists only is because if they would not have been there, none of this would have happened. They bring antifa with them. Both sides of that are pieces of shit that are violent, that are not just defending themselves, and they take advantage of communities in an effort to further their cause, not caring about the do in their wake. The alt-right relies on the naive to think they are the victims rather than aggressive, predatory, violent, carpetbagging bigots. Antifa wants the world to think they are just counter-protestors, but the counter-protestors are the local folks that end up in the hospital being caught in the crossfire between these two sides. If you come to a protest with weapons, whichever side you are on, you are doing it wrong.
(08-13-2017, 01:00 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

These people are the worst.

Add to the list the antifa protestors turning violent on police.

This could have gone in the other Cville thread. We could, though, talk about the reporters that were maced and had urine sprayed on them by white-nationalists. But th epissing contest over who is worse is ridiculous.
This was my Facebook rant on all of this, which may be a little more coherent:
Quote:In my conversations on what happened in Charlottesville, I consistently blame the "carpetbagging bigots" of the alt-right/white nationalists for what occurred. There are some that will try to tell me that if "antifa" or whomever would just let them say their thing then nothing would have happened and so they should be blamed. Here is why I lay it entirely at the feet of the alt-right.

First, on Friday night we saw right-wing extremists violently attack peaceful counter-protesters at UVA with flaming tiki torches. Then, the next day, the same group also attacked local, peaceful counter-protesters. We cannot pretend that the white nationalists are only defending themselves. They are aggressors in this as much as the antifa group.
Second, Richard Spencer, David Duke, and all the rest of them were not there for the statues and parks. They were feeding off of the controversy that the situation brings. They preyed on Charlottesville, a nearby community that many of us have ties to, that is dealing with a situation already causing strife in their community. They preying on this strife and using it to garner sympathy for their cause and swell their ranks.

They bring people from all over the country with the full knowledge that they will bring a counter-group that will do the same. They have been fighting this war in many places and leaving communities wrecked in their wake. They don't care about our communities, they don't care about our local issues, they care about spreading their hateful message, gaining sympathy because of a group fighting against them and making it easier for them to do so.

This is why I blame the white nationalists. If they did not prey on the community, then none of this would have happened. We need to recognize and make clear that this is their tactic. We need to fight against this to keep them out of our communities, because they aren't going to be here to clean up after they leave.
Counter-protesters from yesterday:
[Image: 20729141_10155078364818732_4818792445706...e=5A36C67C]

Among them my pastors, the bishop of the Virginia Synod of the ELCA (who is retiring in September), and the bishop-elect.

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