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Alt-right rallies in Charlottesville, VA
(08-13-2017, 09:12 PM)jason Wrote: I remember the yearly uproar when the Klan wanted to display a cross in Fountain Square every year when I was a kid.

One was from Maumee and two from Centerville.  Apparently Dayton has been a hotbed for neo nazis for a while now ("from what I've been hearing", to use a POTUS phrase).  

Looking at the twitter account mentioned above is high-quality entertainment.  Even better than when I found my home county's jail tracker site and got to look up ex-classmate's mugshots for a laugh.  I can't recommend it enough.  However, while I love the idea of making these clowns accountable for their affiliations (to employers and neighbors), I think they take it a bit too far.  

Some of the doxing involved pics of residences and actual (alleged) addresses.  I could give a shit if someone curb stomps these turds tomorrow morning, but the internet mob mentality is not exactly efficient when it comes to making sure they have the right people.  I'd hate for someone with the same name as one of the clowns to get a beatdown or even harassed.  Gotta be real careful about that shit.
(08-13-2017, 10:43 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So the klan can have a rally without a riot for many years.  

Now add in antifa and BLM and we have all heck breaking loose.

While there was an angry crowd around the klans cross on Fountain Square at Christmas, there were never any punches thrown even when the klan posted sentries. There were calls to remove the cross and it was knocked down a few times. The city never removed it and the way they handled the situation was to deny all display permits. I don't know if the city allows displays downtown or not but it defused the situation.

I am of the belief that in this country it is all or none. 
You want religion taught in public schools? Then you must allow all religion taught in public schools.
You want to allow one march protest for a cause? You must then allow all to march and protest.

You can not pick and choose. You take the good with the bad. You can not allow a Civil Rights march then deny the Nazi march. You allow one, you allow them all.
(08-13-2017, 10:52 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: While there was an angry crowd around the klans cross on Fountain Square at Christmas, there were never any punches thrown even when the klan posted sentries. There were calls to remove the cross and it was knocked down a few times. The city never removed it and the way they handled the situation was to deny all display permits. I don't know if the city allows displays downtown or not but it defused the situation.

I am of the belief that in this country it is all or none. 
You want religion taught in public schools? Then you must allow all religion taught in public schools.
You want to allow one march protest for a cause? You must then allow all to march and protest.

You can not pick and choose. You take the good with the bad. You can not allow a Civil Rights march then deny the Nazi march. You allow one, you allow them all.


I just can't believe how many DEFEND the Nazi's and their beliefs.  That's the part that boggles my mind.

I also think that any group marching should expect protesters.  But violence is never the right call.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2017, 10:55 PM)GMDino Wrote: Agreed.

I just can't believe how many DEFEND the Nazi's and their beliefs.  That's the part that boggles my mind.

I also think that any group marching should expect protesters.  But violence is never the right call.

I don't think anyone here is defending nazi beliefs, they are defending their right to be nazis.

What happened in Virginia yesterday was two violent groups with differing ideologies clashed and innocent people got caught in the middle.
(08-13-2017, 11:04 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I don't think anyone here is defending nazi beliefs, they are defending their right to be nazis.

What happened in Virginia yesterday was two violent groups with differing ideologies clashed and innocent people got caught in the middle.

I disagree.  People have actively tried to defend the scum who rammed his car into that group of people.  That's defending them.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2017, 11:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: I disagree.  People have actively tried to defend the scum who rammed his car into that group of people.  That's defending them.

Speculation is not defending. We have a system of innocent until proven guilty and while I do believe this guy drove that car into that crowd to harm people and I think I know why he did it, I am not going to positively say he did until its proven in a court of law. Once he is convicted, lock him up and throw away the key. Until then, he is innocent.

You all should know what I'm going to say by now and anticipate my response, lol. Well, maybe not, I don't know. I don't post all that much.
(08-13-2017, 11:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: I disagree.  People have actively tried to defend the scum who rammed his car into that group of people.  That's defending them.

Lots of half-steppers out here on the internet.  On one hand, they are emboldened by Trump and the resurgence of white identity politics.  On the other, there's still a huge price to pay with most rational Americans when you openly identify as a nazi.  No company wants to employ a racist and have the public find out about it.  No nazi wants people to be able to find out where he/she lives or frequents.  

The easiest way to reconcile this is moral equivalency.  Just go easy on the nazis and continue to point out how the other guys are shitbags, too.  Meanwhile, they're still rooting for the nazis when nobody's paying attention.  They're just waiting for the right moment to come out of the closet.  They love calling people *****, snowflakes, and betas, but when called out on their own bs, they tuck their tails and deny, deny, deny.  

Honestly, I respect the actual nazis more than these lukewarm facist cowards.  Don't get me wrong, I hope every white nationalist at that protest dies of AIDS or ass cancer.  Or of excessive bleeding after biting a curb and having their face stomped into it. However, at least they didn't half-step.  They can at least claim the courage of their misguided convictions.  The others are just wimps and chickenshits waiting for it to be safe for them to come out and shine openly.   
Really the President needed to come down beyond hard on Nazis and racists. More than that of North Korea. As it is happening in our backyard there.
Happy Halloween
(08-14-2017, 02:33 AM)Passepartout Wrote: Really the President needed to come down beyond hard on Nazis and racists. More than that of North Korea. As it is happening in our backyard there.

At this point it is too late. Because he didn't come down hard on them initially, they see it as his approval of their actions. Even with the statement released later, he didn't do it himself. At this point if he does it, they will see it as a forced hand. There is nothing he can do in words to reverse the damage he has done by not condemning it outright. They are bolstered by his words and policy decisions in the White House that have taken them off of the radar of federal law enforcement.
So yesterday, I went over for a vigil for Heather Heyer. Met up with some friends that live there and we walked around where everything happen. It's just a bit unreal. Seeing the blood stains on the pavement after an event like this is something that will stick with you. I also purposely went to the parking garage where a black man was beaten nearly to death with poles by a handful of Nazis. This took place right next to the police station.

I came home to attend our local event for Charlottesville. Because of our proximity, a lot of people in the crowd had gone over for the counter-protests. It was a wonderful time, and while it left me, and others, emotionally raw, it was a good time for healing.

I wanted to say something, though. I've been a bit heated with all of this going on. I can get feisty sometimes, but it got more so. Western Virginia isn't an area that makes the headlines globally. UVA and VT, sure, but they exist in a status of their own. Charlottesville and Blacksburg aren't really mentioned much beyond "where UVA/VT is located." The names of the cities west of Richmond don't come out of the mouths of elected officials that don't directly represent us unless they are here pandering to us for some reason. We are "metropolitan areas," but we are anything but. So when we see a city so close by get this kind of attention and have something like this unfurl, it is insane. We're talking about a place where my wife was born and raised. Where her mother lived until her death, where her godmother and most of her friends still do live. Where we do most of our Christmas shopping. Where we go apple picking in the fall and eat fresh, hot, apple cider donuts. Where I spent evenings in my teen years at punk and metal shows (and goth shows, though I got dragged to those). Right where the terrorist slammed his car into the crowd, there is a foundation's office door. I've been there many times working with agencies they support.

When this happens somewhere like this, where you spend so much time and know so many people, it makes it different. It makes you angry. And that is what has been going on, here. I hope you never have to experience it.
Isn't it special how these Antifa clowns mimic their Islamic counterparts.

As of yesterday the group solely responsible for the mayhem not being called out by the media or anyone else.
Virginia Democrat governor Terry McDoofus refuses to condemn this violent group.

And liberals are soooo upset Trump didn't call out the "white supremacists", after all Obama called it "Islamic Terrorism" almost every day.

Trump got it right when he said "all sides".

[Image: antifa.jpg]
(08-13-2017, 10:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: But a group that spreads vile and hate in an are and add a group opposed to them and you may have violence.

However I will still choose to side with the group that isn't Nazi's, white supremacists, racists, etc.

Violence is never good...but it's not hard to choose the side of not being a Nazi.

For most people it isn't hard.

Dude you siding with Antifa. Outside of Muslims they are by far the most violent group currently out and active now. Certainly the most violent here domestically.
(08-13-2017, 10:52 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: While there was an angry crowd around the klans cross on Fountain Square at Christmas, there were never any punches thrown even when the klan posted sentries. There were calls to remove the cross and it was knocked down a few times. The city never removed it and the way they handled the situation was to deny all display permits. I don't know if the city allows displays downtown or not but it defused the situation.

I am of the belief that in this country it is all or none. 
You want religion taught in public schools? Then you must allow all religion taught in public schools.
You want to allow one march protest for a cause? You must then allow all to march and protest.

You can not pick and choose. You take the good with the bad. You can not allow a Civil Rights march then deny the Nazi march. You allow one, you allow them all.

Well said Neb. Couldn't agree more.
(08-14-2017, 08:44 AM)Vlad Wrote: Isn't it special how these Antifa clowns mimic their Islamic counterparts.

As of yesterday the group solely responsible for the mayhem not being called out by the media or anyone else.
Virginia Democrat governor Terry McDoofus refuses to condemn this violent group.

And liberals are soooo upset Trump didn't call out the "white supremacists", after all Obama called it "Islamic Terrorism" almost every day.

Trump got it right when he said "all sides".

[Image: antifa.jpg]

Nobody condemns them. Really sessions needs to investigate them and treat them the same as the klan..... or possibly Muslim terrorism, it's only a matter of time until these lunatics kill someone.
(08-14-2017, 02:33 AM)Passepartout Wrote: Really the President needed to come down beyond hard on Nazis and racists. More than that of North Korea. As it is happening in our backyard there.

I completely agree with you, with the codicil that you come down equally hard on Antifa and other violent left wing groups at the same time.

(08-14-2017, 07:42 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: At this point it is too late. Because he didn't come down hard on them initially, they see it as his approval of their actions. Even with the statement released later, he didn't do it himself. At this point if he does it, they will see it as a forced hand. There is nothing he can do in words to reverse the damage he has done by not condemning it outright. They are bolstered by his words and policy decisions in the White House that have taken them off of the radar of federal law enforcement.

You're right it is too late to come down hard on people who would use physical violence against those they disagree with politically.  It should have started with "I need some muscle over here" Glick.  With Yvette Falarca, who was caught on video assaulting someone she disagrees with and wasn't arrested for months.  With Eric Clanton who hit people in the head with a bike lock for the crime of not sharing his political beliefs.  At the Trump rallies where attendees were physically attacked for the crime of choosing a different political candidate.  It should have started with the riots at Berkely that occurred because a gay right wing troll had the temerity to speak at a hosted event.  When a lone gunman tried to kill numerous GOP congresspeople it was, as you say, "much too late". I suppose the violence at Evergreen college could be considered much, much, much too late.

Some of you will, predictably and sadly, equate this comment with support for the person who ran his car into a group of people, taking the life of one of them.  That is, unfortunately, the state of discourse in this country.  However, the latest, and of course rawest, example of political violence in this country should not blind us to what proceeded it.  I hope all of you will join me and, as I once asked as the topic of one of my rare threads, condemn violence against anyone for speaking their beliefs, no matter how repugnant you find them.  Yes, lets crack down on violent mobs of all sorts and lets stop pretending this problem is special or unique to one side of the spectrum or another.  if you fail to do so, all of us, then you perpetuate what you claim to despise.
(08-12-2017, 06:50 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Except it's not incredible, it's called doing your job.  The fact that someone finds a professional doing their job professionally "incredible" honestly makes me unhappy.
(08-14-2017, 09:43 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Except it's not incredible, it's called doing your job.  The fact that someone finds a professional doing their job professionally "incredible" honestly makes me unhappy.

The "incredible" part is the trash behind him.  Being protected by a man they would remove from the country.
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(08-14-2017, 09:48 AM)GMDino Wrote: The "incredible" part is the trash behind him.  Being protected by a man they would remove from the country.

You're not going to find a lot of logic in politically extreme views. 
I was thinking about this more this morning.

I don't really care if people want to say I am "siding with" anyone...other than the Nazi's.

I've spent too long listening to the right talk about how Chamberlain "appeased" Hitler but just letting him do whatever to now hear them say we just need to let these trash talk and not protest them.

I do not condone violence.  Never have.

If these Antifa are violent they are wrong.

Put that with the right's calling every time Obama wasn't "tough enough" with our "enemies" an apology tour and I'll still say I'm on the right side of this one.

We're either anti-nazi or your not.

You can still be anti-violence.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-14-2017, 09:50 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You're not going to find a lot of logic in politically extreme views. 

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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