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Alt-right rallies in Charlottesville, VA
(08-14-2017, 03:45 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I typed several responses to this, deleting each one. I want you to know that this comes across as you calling these Nazi shitstains decent people.

Yes, "it may come across as"... but that isn't what StLuc was implying.
Who is StLuc offending now? You?
Fields can't afford a lawyer, and the public defender is related to the victim.

Maybe the ACLU or Rutherford Institute can pony up the money to defend him since they helped this fiasco go down the way it did.
(08-14-2017, 04:33 PM)Vlad Wrote: Yes, "it comes across as"... So?
Who is StLuc offending now? You?

I'd hope calling Nazis decent people would offend everyone. Why am I not surprised you don't seem to think so?

Edit: Just saw your edit after my response. It comes across as that because it says that. If that's not the intended message, then he should be aware of how it comes across so it can be addressed. Just as you did with the edit of your post since the original version could easily, and was, be inferred as "so what if he is calling Nazis decent people?"

This is why I deleted all of the inflammatory responses to his statement, to allow him to clarify.
I won't link to it, since there is an F-bomb and embedding/linking it may be seen as a CoC violation, but John Oliver's segment was excellent, last night.
(08-14-2017, 04:58 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I won't link to it, since there is an F-bomb and embedding/linking it may be seen as a CoC violation, but John Oliver's segment was excellent, last night.

I just saw a link for it.  Have to watch at home tonight.

He is brilliant at taking down a lot of things!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-14-2017, 02:04 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Okay, I see where you are coming from. Sorry, still a little worked up about this situation. Usually you can kind of step away from things when something like this happens and take a break, but when it is so local, it infects your whole life and you get no rest from it.

Completely understandable, no apology necessary.

(08-14-2017, 02:10 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: One of the things that makes it hard to discuss this without coming off as excusing the behavior one particular violent group is that partisan conservatives tend to equate all against the Nazis as Antifa while partisan liberals tend to ignore any Antifa presence. 

Conservatives believe liberals have failed in the past to distance themselves from or disavow Antifa. It's almost like they want that to be a condition for any disavowing of Nazis/White Nationalists/Supremacists. Unfortunately in this case, the result is that a lot of people are writing off peaceful victims as Antifa, condoning the violence as "well, I'm not saying Nazis are good but was it self defense?"

And of course, some, on both sides, are so utterly unaware of the sources of their information that I still see people pushing that 4chan bullshit that the Ohio Nazi wasn't the killer.

I'm not referring to anything coming out of /pol/, but I get what you're saying.  This kind of violence over political differences has become normalized over the past year or so.  You don't have to defend or excuse anyone by pointing this out.  Like I said earlier, I devoted an entire thread to this very topic quite a while ago.  There is a prevailing notion among many that it's ok to physically attack someone if they're engaging in "hate speech".  It's not, not even a little.  Hate speech is as protected as any other speech in our country and it's not even remotely defending or excusing what happened this weekend to point this out.
(08-14-2017, 05:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: I just saw a link for it.  Have to watch at home tonight.

He is brilliant at taking down a lot of things!

You should also see Liberal Redneck's latest: Virginia is for lovers, not Nazis.
(08-14-2017, 05:05 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Hate speech is as protected as any other speech in our country and it's not even remotely defending or excusing what happened this weekend to point this out.

I think the difficulty is how to determine motive. When they call events like Charlottesville a success, and based on some of the online activity, you have to look at them and see when you can start saying they are intending to incite the violence. I know it's a difficult thing to prove, and a fine line to walk with free speech, but we have to figure this out as a society.
(08-14-2017, 05:10 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I think the difficulty is how to determine motive. When they call events like Charlottesville a success, and based on some of the online activity, you have to look at them and see when you can start saying they are intending to incite the violence. I know it's a difficult thing to prove, and a fine line to walk with free speech, but we have to figure this out as a society.

I agree.  We need to, as a nation, state that any violence at political rallies will be met with an immediate response from law enforcement.  It's a catch 22 for local PD's, they don't want to be perceived as jack boots shutting down political rallies.  The problem is, as usually happens, is that the pendulum has swung way too far into non-interference, as we saw at Berkeley.  All it would take would be one decisive crack down by law enforcement and this kind of thing would stop happening.  Right now inaction by law enforcement has emboldened both sides to more extreme action.  I wasn't being insensitive when I said a death was inevitable given the way things have been going.  We need to be a little more tolerant of law enforcement and stand behind them when they have to deal with this kind of incident.
(08-14-2017, 05:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I agree.  We need to, as a nation, state that any violence at political rallies will be met with an immediate response from law enforcement.  It's a catch 22 for local PD's, they don't want to be perceived as jack boots shutting down political rallies.  The problem is, as usually happens, is that the pendulum has swung way too far into non-interference, as we saw at Berkeley.  All it would take would be one decisive crack down by law enforcement and this kind of thing would stop happening.  Right now inaction by law enforcement has emboldened both sides to more extreme action.  I wasn't being insensitive when I said a death was inevitable given the way things have been going.  We need to be a little more tolerant of law enforcement and stand behind them when they have to deal with this kind of incident.

I definitely agree, here. I don't know how much you have been following the events in the city, but the police were harshly criticized at the 08 July rally for being too aggressive. This weekend, they are being criticized by the left for not doing enough, and the right for being authoritarian jackboots. McAuliffe has come out and said that there was hesitation on the law enforcement end because they had been notified by DHS and FBI ahead of time that the racist groups coming in would be heavily armed based on their intelligence, and were looking for trouble. As a result, law enforcement handled them with kid gloves to avoid a bloodbath that could have happened because the racists were, according to McAuliffe, better armed and armored than the police.

FWIW, the city tried to move the protest to a more rural park, so not in the downtown area, that was larger and could accommodate the expected crowds, as well as ban weapons and items commonly used as such (poles and the like). The court denied both of those requests and ruled in favor of the plaintiff, who was backed by the ACLU and the Rutherford Institute.
(08-14-2017, 05:23 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I definitely agree, here. I don't know how much you have been following the events in the city, but the police were harshly criticized at the 08 July rally for being too aggressive. This weekend, they are being criticized by the left for not doing enough, and the right for being authoritarian jackboots. McAuliffe has come out and said that there was hesitation on the law enforcement end because they had been notified by DHS and FBI ahead of time that the racist groups coming in would be heavily armed based on their intelligence, and were looking for trouble. As a result, law enforcement handled them with kid gloves to avoid a bloodbath that could have happened because the racists were, according to McAuliffe, better armed and armored than the police.

FWIW, the city tried to move the protest to a more rural park, so not in the downtown area, that was larger and could accommodate the expected crowds, as well as ban weapons and items commonly used as such (poles and the like). The court denied both of those requests and ruled in favor of the plaintiff, who was backed by the ACLU and the Rutherford Institute.

I think you'll find that those types who are armed to deal with the other side will be intensely reluctant to use those weapons against law enforcement.  It's one of the reasons I've pointed out in the past that a person who is willing to attack law enforcement is a much more dangerous person than your average criminal.  You hit the nail squarely, it's a catch 22 for local law enforcement, which is why we, as a nation, need to give them more of the benefit of the doubt in these situations.
(08-14-2017, 03:27 PM)hollodero Wrote: And in response refusing to utter the words nazi terrorism

C'mon man...yes the driver of that car committed and act of terror, as did that BLM supporter did when he killed 5 innocent cops.
Unlike Islamists neither group has made the killing of innocent people part of their agenda.

Although the "by any means necessary" slogan adopted by the alt left should give you a clue as to who would.
After all, it is the left who has determined that violence is the only way.
(08-14-2017, 05:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think you'll find that those types who are armed to deal with the other side will be intensely reluctant to use those weapons against law enforcement.  It's one of the reasons I've pointed out in the past that a person who is willing to attack law enforcement is a much more dangerous person than your average criminal.  You hit the nail squarely, it's a catch 22 for local law enforcement, which is why we, as a nation, need to give them more of the benefit of the doubt in these situations.

Yeah, I don't think most of them would have used their firearms. I will say, though, they weren't afraid to push against the police line. In other circumstances, I've seen people doing the same thing eat dirt or pavement pretty quick. But they let them get away with it.
Hi fellow Steeler fans. Couple of questions for you history buffs. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Are Nazi's and White Supremacist the same thing? Do they believe in the same thing, IE the white race is the only race? Wasn't Fartmans (Hitler) belief was that the Aryan race was a "pure" race and something about a thousand years?
Most of those Protesters Saturday that called themselves Nazi's were basically interbred trailer trash that married their cousins. Fartman would of marched these interbred miscreants to the ovens. I don't understand the association.
(08-14-2017, 05:36 PM)ballsofsteel Wrote: Hi fellow Steeler fans. Couple of questions for you history buffs. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Are Nazi's and White Supremacist the same thing?  Do they believe in the same thing, IE the white race is the only race? Wasn't Fartmans (Hitler) belief was that the Aryan race was a "pure" race and something about a thousand years?
Most of those Protesters Saturday that called themselves Nazi's were basically interbred trailer trash that married their cousins. Fartman would of marched these interbred miscreants to the ovens. I don't understand the association.

The only thing the nazis of today have in common with the nazis of the 30's and 40's is racism. 

They aren't a political party, they can't even spell Socialism let alone National. While there are many that are inbred backwoods rejects, more and more are joining up that have at least graduated from high school and there are more and more college students and grads joining up which is very dangerous.

EDIT: These college students and college grads who are in this nazi movement do know what National Socialism is though, that's why it is dangerous. It's crazy to think that an educated person could be a nazi in today's society, it really is scary.
(08-14-2017, 05:29 PM)Belsnickel Wrote:

Of course he would.  Trump is being used by these imbeciles. 

They wear MAGA hats and Trump shirts in order to rub in the faces of these Antifa vermin who refer to Trump as Hitler. Can you not see this?

Trump should have gone further today by making it clear to Spencers group that he (Trump) is not their friend and that he didn't want their support.

[Image: 2-13.jpg?fit=300%2C168&ssl=1]
(08-14-2017, 04:07 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Uh....

Insanity. People like this are scary....legitimately.  You cannot trust the kind of unstable mind that says things like this.  They're the kind of people that end up actually doing things like this.

That was in reference to the idiots who block interstates. There was antifa hit in California or Portland after the election for being dumb enough to try and block a highway.

But nice try making it out that I promoted this guy.
(08-14-2017, 06:00 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: That was in reference to the idiots who block interstates.   There was antifa hit in California or Portland  after the election for being dumb enough to try and block a highway.    

But nice try making it out that I promoted this guy.

That was your response to a woman being run down by a Nazi. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-14-2017, 05:59 PM)Vlad Wrote: Trump should have gone further today by making it clear to Spencers group that he (Trump) is not their friend and that he didn't want their support.

So I'm assuming Trump doesn't plan on running in 2020?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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