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Democratic senator "hopes Trump is assassinated"
Quote:Missouri senator deletes hope for Trump assassination post
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Missouri lawmaker acknowledged Thursday that she posted and later deleted a comment on Facebook about hoping for President Donald Trump’s assassination, saying she was frustrated with the president’s response to the white supremacist rally and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Democratic Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal said she was wrong for writing the post and didn’t mean what she said, but she refused calls to resign. She said she wrote “I hope Trump is assassinated!” in response to a post that suggested Vice President Mike Pence would try to have Trump removed from office.
“What I wrote down on my private Facebook page, was it wrong? Absolutely,” she told The Associated Press. “But I am going to continue to talk about the anger and the frustration that led to that.”
The post drew a swift rebuke, including calls from top Democrats for her resignation.
Among them were Missouri Senate Democratic Leader Gina Walsh, who condemned Chappelle-Nadal’s post as “horrible.” The chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party, Stephen Webber, said the comments were “indefensible” and the party “will absolutely not tolerate calls for the assassination of the president.”
“I condemn it. It’s outrageous,” added Democratic U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, the state’s senior senator. “And she should resign.”
The state Republican party also called for her resignation, but Chappelle-Nadal said she had no intention of doing so.
“I refuse to resign for exercising my First Amendment rights, even though what I said was wrong,” she said.
The U.S. Secret Service released a statement saying it looks into all threats against the president, “whether they be direct, implied, or comments in passing.”
Chappelle-Nadal, from the St. Louis suburb of University City, said constituents in her predominantly black district are concerned about how Trump blamed “both sides” of the clashes in Charlottesville. The violence included a man slamming his car into people protesting against the white supremacist rally, killing one woman and injuring more than a dozen other people.
“By our president saying things such as he does, supporting white supremacy and the Nazis and KKK, it’s causing a lot of trauma,” Chappelle-Nadal said.
Chappelle-Nadal, who is black, was elected to the Missouri Senate in 2010, after serving in the state House for five years.
She has been an outspoken activist while in the Legislature. She was a prominent voice during the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after the police killing of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old resident who was unarmed when fatally shot by an officer in 2014.
(08-17-2017, 10:30 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote:    

That's nuts.  She's completely wrong for writing that even if she believes it.

Wishing for someone's death is not acceptable,
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
That's kind of crazy, just a little after someone opened fire on a bunch of GOP at baseball practice, no less.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
I haven't seen any reports about this on CNN. Strange.
From another article about the possibility of resigning:

Quote:As colleagues heard about the post, calls for her resignation echoed from Jefferson City to Washington D.C., but Chappelle-Nadal said she isn’t going anywhere.

“No. Absolutely not. I told people if there are legislators cheating on their wives and smoking marijuana in their offices and they’re not being asked to resign, but I am for a mistake I made and owned up to,” she said.

However, she specifically told Fox 2 News reporter Chris Hayes that she is not apologizing for her remarks.

She compared cheating and smoking weed to publicly stating you hope the POTUS gets assassinated.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(08-17-2017, 11:43 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: From another article about the possibility of resigning:

She compared cheating and smoking weed to publicly stating you hope the POTUS gets assassinated.

And it's not a "mistake" was a choice.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-17-2017, 11:58 PM)GMDino Wrote: And it's not a "mistake" was a choice.

Apparently she's a really angry person. Her bill on something didn't pass, so she put the photos of people who opposed it up on her Twitter and posted this:
Quote:The Baby Killers of Missouri. No Decency. No Humanity. Just jerks & highly paid lobbyists who deserve to burn in HELL!
(I didn't embed the tweet, because it also included a fetus, which is generally more graphic than I want to post.)

Does not come off as a particularly stable person.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(08-18-2017, 12:08 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Apparently she's a really angry person. Her bill on something didn't pass, so she put the photos of people who opposed it up on her Twitter and posted this:
(I didn't embed the tweet, because it also included a fetus, which is generally more graphic than I want to post.)

Does not come off as a particularly stable person.

And she also seems to be pretty passionate when it comes to the Black Lives Matter movement and has helped set up protests in the past. Definitely not a smart post by her.
(08-17-2017, 11:25 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I haven't seen any reports about this on CNN. Strange.

I have. Also strange.

(Oh and of course, she needs to disappear from the public stage for that.)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-17-2017, 11:25 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I haven't seen any reports about this on CNN. Strange.

She is a state senator so more of a local thing that wont get much national tread, especially being a black democratic woman. Maybe Fox will cover it more though.

edit: hah, just turned it over to CNN, and they are talking about this.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
If you're stupid and mentally unhinged enough to share that with the world you have no business being a public servant.
(08-18-2017, 12:34 AM)hollodero Wrote: I have. Also strange.

(Oh and of course, she needs to disappear from the public stage for that.)

I knew they would eventually report on it. I was pointing out the fact they hadn't yet when other outlets were already reporting on it hours earlier. Which is strange to me considering a state senator literally said she hopes the president is assassinated.

I feel like if this was some old white republican senator saying this about Obama it would have been breaking news on CNN. If they want to talk about rhe rhetoric that inspires hate groups, then a black senator that supports black lives matter who posts on Facebook about how she hopes the president is assassinated is a great example. Or maybe it's only old white men that can incite these racist idealogies and that's the only time it deserves exceptional attention?
(08-18-2017, 07:01 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I knew they would eventually report on it. I was pointing out the fact they hadn't yet when other outlets were already reporting on it hours earlier. Which is strange to me considering a state senator literally said she hopes the president is assassinated.

I feel like if this was some old white republican senator saying this about Obama it would have been breaking news on CNN. If they want to talk about rhe rhetoric that inspires hate groups, then a black senator that supports black lives matter who posts on Facebook about how she hopes the president is assassinated is a great example. Or maybe it's only old white men that can incite these racist idealogies and that's the only time it deserves exceptional attention?

Yeah well. I've been visiting this place for quite some time, and this "if the shoe were on the other foot" argument comes frequently. I don't think it holds too much merit here. First, there was a terrorist attack in Spain, that consumes time. Your media doesn't cover a broad scope of subjects. Second, she wasn't an all important political figure, and not a senator. And third, they did report it. 

I get an idea of how political Americans tend to think in teams, and CNN is considered to be part of the other team. To me it's a trap they cannot avoid. Someone will always spin the things they report or don't report the way you did. It isn't quite accurate, and it isn't quite helpful, for in the end it fuels a conspiracy (CNN is under the carpet with democrats, they suppress stories, they are complicit in a hate tweet etc.) - And when trying to be objective (which is always a subjective feeling in the end), I think a terrorist attack is more important - as is an US president seriously suggesting methods like killing a group of moslems with bullets put in pig blood and let one survive to tell "his people". If Obama had said something like that... it always goes both ways. But whatever, those were the stories of the day. Another day, the tweet might have been featured more heavily.

It wasn't swept under the rug, she will face the consequences, and leaving it at that is the more harmonic way then to engage in a forced media/CNN outrage. Those things also contribute to an environment of mistrust.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2017, 07:01 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I knew they would eventually report on it. I was pointing out the fact they hadn't yet when other outlets were already reporting on it hours earlier. Which is strange to me considering a state senator literally said she hopes the president is assassinated.

I feel like if this was some old white republican senator saying this about Obama it would have been breaking news on CNN. If they want to talk about rhe rhetoric that inspires hate groups, then a black senator that supports black lives matter who posts on Facebook about how she hopes the president is assassinated is a great example. Or maybe it's only old white men that can incite these racist idealogies and that's the only time it deserves exceptional attention?

Your reaching aren't you.
" I was pointing out the fact they hadn't yet when other outlets were already reporting on it hours earlier"
You know this for a "fact" do ya.
I'm sure this was all Fox was talking about 24/7.
Maybe CNN was concentrating on more important news like the terrorist attacks in Spain.
"hours earlier" Are you serious.? Anything Right wingers can assume to keep their main narrative alive and well, MSM bias.
And yes, the moron senator who said this should resign. After all the violence going on she is hoping for more.
Turtle neck Mitch O'Connell will not condemn what Trump said because Trump gave his wife a job.
Evangelical holy roller Mike Suckabee did not come out condemning what Trump said because Trump gave his mule face daughter a job.
Lets see Fox talk about that, LOL.
Yeah, I believe disciplinary action and removal from the legislative body is needed.
(08-18-2017, 07:01 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I knew they would eventually report on it. I was pointing out the fact they hadn't yet when other outlets were already reporting on it hours earlier. Which is strange to me considering a state senator literally said she hopes the president is assassinated.

I feel like if this was some old white republican senator saying this about Obama it would have been breaking news on CNN. If they want to talk about rhe rhetoric that inspires hate groups, then a black senator that supports black lives matter who posts on Facebook about how she hopes the president is assassinated is a great example. Or maybe it's only old white men that can incite these racist idealogies and that's the only time it deserves exceptional attention?

That CNN story was online three hours before you posted this thread. It went up about the same time as the NYP story.
If you can't see through what CNN is doing, you need to look harder.

CNN sends its pawns to slaughter, to accomplish their larger goals.

Propaganda for their owners. The super rich.

Their owners want open borders, no national identity, no more Constitution, one world government, etc.... (money and power)

They crank people up and use it to accomplish their goals.

Right now they are cranking people up on race relations to erase some of our national monuments (destroying our history/identity) and they have plenty of morons to do they're bidding. (on both sides)

They will never allow race relations to be fixed. They don't want it fixed. They use it for votes and for use and supply of pawns/tools.

They don't care about race relations to them it is a tool.
(08-18-2017, 07:59 AM)tigerseye Wrote: If you can't see through what CNN is doing, you need to look harder.

CNN sends its pawns to slaughter, to accomplish their larger goals.

Propaganda for their owners. The super rich.

Their owners want open borders, no national identity, no more Constitution, one world government, etc.... (money and power)

They crank people up and use it to accomplish their goals.

Right now they are cranking people up on race relations to erase some of our national monuments (destroying our history/identity) and they have plenty of morons to do they're bidding. (on both sides)

They will never allow race relations to be fixed. They don't want it fixed. They use it for votes and for use and supply of pawns/tools.

They don't care about race relations to them it is a tool.
"Propaganda for their owners. The super rich."
This could apply to Right also with the Koch brothers and the such.

They want to eliminate the middle class.

I always thought the "Money Changers" keep this two party system going. The old divide and conquer.

Trump trashes CNN labeling them "fake News". Trump tweets something stupid every day. CNN is pissed and wants to discredit him any chance they get. Trump gives them plenty of
ammo to do this. Is this being bias? Yes Just like Trump is bias loving Fox news.

The Repubs have been in power over six months now. Have you noticed your take home pay in your check go up yet? Don't hold your breath.
(08-18-2017, 07:32 AM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah well. I've been visiting this place for quite some time, and this "if the shoe were on the other foot" argument comes frequently. I don't think it holds too much merit here. First, there was a terrorist attack in Spain, that consumes time. Your media doesn't cover a broad scope of subjects. Second, she wasn't an all important political figure, and not a senator. And third, they did report it. 

She is a state senator, I think that's important. She's not the president of the United States but she still holds an influential position. As far as the reporting of the article I already had this thread typed out and ready to post but searched for about an hour looking for other articles on it to make sure it was real and accurate. I searched the CNN site trying to find any mention of it and I didn't find anything. I searched on google and no results showed up anywhere. Then all of a sudden it's there. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but other outlets were clearly shown to have reported it. Fox News was also one of the top results that popped up but I couldn't find anything from CNN. 

Quote:I get an idea of how political Americans tend to think in teams, and CNN is considered to be part of the other team. To me it's a trap they cannot avoid. Someone will always spin the things they report or don't report the way you did. It isn't quite accurate, and it isn't quite helpful, for in the end it fuels a conspiracy (CNN is under the carpet with democrats, they suppress stories, they are complicit in a hate tweet etc.) - And when trying to be objective (which is always a subjective feeling in the end), I think a terrorist attack is more important - as is an US president seriously suggesting methods like killing a group of moslems with bullets put in pig blood and let one survive to tell "his people". If Obama had said something like that... it always goes both ways. But whatever, those were the stories of the day. Another day, the tweet might have been featured more heavily.

It wasn't swept under the rug, she will face the consequences, and leaving it at that is the more harmonic way then to engage in a forced media/CNN outrage. Those things also contribute to an environment of mistrust.

For the record I'm not on any "side". I actually really used to like CNN and hate Fox News with a passion. But over the last year and a half or so I've really noticed how bias and ridiculous the reporting at CNN is. Yes, I understand a terrorist attack happened, but there's been multiple times where Ive seen CNN talk about something like Trump's comments about someone's weight or something and spend hours, sometimes days talking about something pretty minuscule when there were other important things happening in world. It's not all "conspiracy". Maybe I was wrong and they did report it earlier and for some reason my computer couldn't pick it up, but CNN clearly does have an agenda. Other times when I've searched for articles for their authenticity I've had no problem finding any mention of it by CNN.
(08-18-2017, 07:35 AM)ballsofsteel Wrote: Your reaching aren't you.
" I was pointing out the fact they hadn't yet when other outlets were already reporting on it hours earlier"
You know this for a "fact" do ya.
I'm sure this was all Fox was talking about 24/7.
Maybe CNN was concentrating on more important news like the terrorist attacks in Spain.
"hours earlier" Are you serious.? Anything Right wingers can assume to keep their main narrative alive and well, MSM bias.
And yes, the moron senator who said this should resign. After all the violence going on she is hoping for more.
Turtle neck Mitch O'Connell will not condemn what Trump said because Trump gave his wife a job.
Evangelical holy roller Mike Suckabee did not come out condemning what Trump said because Trump gave his mule face daughter a job.
Lets see Fox talk about that, LOL.

Well yes I do know for a fact, as I searched all over about it for about an hour or so before I even posted the thread because I wanted to make sure this wasn't all a ruse. I already had the thread typed up but was looking for more information. I even went straight to the CNN website and looked for the article and didn't see it anywhere. Other news sites already had reported it approximately 8 hours before I posted the thread. Yeah I'm sure it's all Fox News talked about 24/7 like how all CNN talked about 24/7 was "Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia" to the point that their own anchors even started to get annoyed with the Trump reporting and began to show their disdain live on the air.

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