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Anthem Protest Bengals
I honestly couldn't care less. If people want to use their additional exposure as athletes/celebrities to bring light to issues they feel strongly about, good for them. If people want to stay out of it or want to do it privately, good for them.

Whether it's movies, sports, tv, music, or whatever I couldn't care less if they want to protest or whatever. I'll love the Bengals even if everyone on the team took a knee for the anthem. I'll love the Reds even if every player sat in the dugout for the anthem. I'll still see a Matt Damon movie if he wipes his ass with the flag. I'll still listen to Kendrick Lamar even if he says Donald Trump hates black people.

I may not agree with these things, like what they do or how they do it, or support any of it. However, it's not my place to tell others what to do or how to do it. If they're abiding by the law, it's their right.
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(08-23-2017, 10:09 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Uh, yes they do.  I'm sitting on a military base as we speak.  And people stop, even in their cars, while the anthem is played.  The raise the flag and play the anthem in the morning, and then again at night.

You most likely are talking about Reveille (start duty day) and To the Colors (end duty day). These are bugle calls and not the National Anthem.
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On the one hand, kneeling during the anthem doesn't really bother me. The REASON for the kneeling is what bothers me (thought it only bothers me a little). It's based on something that's just not really true AND the act of kneeling does absolutely nothing to address the issue that they feel so strongly about.
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(08-23-2017, 01:12 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You most likely are talking about Reveille (start duty day) and To the Colors (end duty day). These are bugle calls and not the National Anthem.

I'm sitting here on a a base.  They play the anthem.  We all stop whatever we're doing, put our hands over our hearts until it's finished.  I know the what my national anthem sounds like. I spent 20 years living on military bases when I was younger too. I can speak for the Air Force. They play the anthem in the morning and at night. I'm on a Marine base in Okinawa right now They play the anthem at 8:00 a.m. Also , as a side note, when you go to the movies, they play the anthem before the movie, and everybody stands. It's beautiful.
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If they do it, you won't see me at all. I'll be done. My country is a lot more important to me than football. My uncle died for it at the age of 19, a few days before his 20th birthday. That's a lot more important than football. And it's a lot more important than some privileged millionaires protesting the country.
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(08-22-2017, 10:44 PM)SYLVIA Wrote: Jerry Jones told his team would fire any one that kneeled

Good for him.
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(08-22-2017, 01:22 PM)OrangeLacroix Wrote: It's embarrassing and a shame for the franchise/city.

Protesting Freedom and everything that has been fought for you.

I would rather have the Bengals go 0-16,  than have a group of 10 morons (like the browns)  kneeling for the Anthem,  yet somehow win a playoff game or three.

Millionaires, who play sports for a living, protesting the USA.  Guys who cant even pay alimony to their kids, protesting the National Anthem.  Hilarious yet disgraceful.

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(08-23-2017, 05:12 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: I'm sitting here on a a base.  They play the anthem.  We all stop whatever we're doing, put our hands over our hearts until it's finished.  I know the what my national anthem sounds like.  I spent 20 years living on military bases when I was younger too. I can speak for the Air Force.  They play the anthem in the morning and at night. I'm on a Marine base in Okinawa right now  They play the anthem at 8:00 a.m.  Also , as a side note, when you go to the movies, they play the anthem before the movie, and everybody stands.  It's beautiful.

Okinawa is beautiful! Lots of fond memories there. A lot of training at White Beach.
(08-23-2017, 05:32 PM)sandwedge Wrote: Okinawa is beautiful! Lots of fond memories there. A lot of training at White Beach.

White Beach is the most beautiful base of all of them IMO.  
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(08-23-2017, 05:15 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: If they do it, you won't see me at all.  I'll be done.  My country is a lot more important to me than football.  My uncle died for it at the age of 19, a few days before his 20th birthday.  That's a lot more important than football.  And it's a lot more important than some privileged millionaires protesting the country.

Agreed Bonnie,

I have an Uncle who was a prisoner of war during WW2, his B-24 Liberator was shot down during a Ploesti oil field raid. He just passed away a couple years ago. And another uncle who won 2 purple hearts and bronze stars in Vietnam. I served in the U.S. Navy.

Here's my stance and I'll never change it. Protest all you want however you want, except during our National Anthem. And don't disgrace our flag ! EVER To many people have suffered and died for that flag for ALL of us to be here.
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(08-22-2017, 08:48 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: I just think it would be an incredible case of hypocrisy for NFL owners to not allow protesting players on the field during the anthem (for the excuse that it brings embarrassment to the owner/franchise)...when they have no problem allowing players who have had myriads of different issues, including things like drunk driving, domestic violence, drug and weapons charges, etc, etc. 

Ok. so I work for the NAACP and I am not going to go stand to honor President Obama do to say lack of change in gun violence over his terms in office.. do you think I would still have my job ??  My point is a owner has the right to not allow that if it is going to hurt their brand their brand to a degree.. 

As far as hypocrisy, don;t you think protesting the "National Anthem" for athletes that are making millions of dollars from a sport in the country they live in is also hypocrisy
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(08-23-2017, 04:10 PM)PhilHos Wrote: On the one hand, kneeling during the anthem doesn't really bother me. The REASON for the kneeling is what bothers me (thought it only bothers me a little). It's based on something that's just not really true AND the act of kneeling does absolutely nothing to address the issue that they feel so strongly about.

I don't have all the answers, but I think it could be said that you are wrong on both counts.  If nothing else, times like this make me realize I'm lucky to have the luxury to not care if it's true or not.
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I think this is getting a little too personal for some. I've had family fight and die in many wars too. I love my country and I can't thank our service men and women enough for allowing me the freedoms that I enjoy.

However, these people that are kneeling, I don't feel in any way that it's meant as a slap to our military heroes. Their issues are not related to the military. Either way, we have no control over how they protest, what they protest, or anything like that. I understand the personal connection some feel to the stars and stripes and/or national anthem. I am in no way trying to downplay or belittle or make light of anyone's personal connection to these things. Bless you and your patriotism. I'm just saying those that you hold high gave their time, effort, and in some cases their lives for these people to have the right to kneel. Continue to be proud no matter what people do during the anthem because they're able to do those things because of our loved ones.

I really hope I worded that well because I do not want to offend anyone.
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(08-23-2017, 06:13 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: Agreed Bonnie,

I have an Uncle who was a prisoner of war during WW2, his B-24 Liberator was shot down during a Ploesti oil field raid. He just passed away a couple years ago. And another uncle who won 2 purple hearts and bronze stars in Vietnam. I served in the U.S. Navy.

Here's my stance and I'll never change it. Protest all you want however you want, except during our National Anthem. And don't disgrace our flag ! EVER To many people have suffered and died for that flag for ALL of us to be here.

Sorry for your loss, and thankful for their service. My dad has 13 brothers and sisters. Huge Irish Catholic family, my dad had 2 brothers in WW2 both was part of the invasion on D-day, a sister in WW2 that was a shuttle or escort pilot for a Colonel i believe, another brother in the Korean War. My dad was in Vietnam, was even on the same ship with another brother of his till they split them up. Then he served in Vietnam on the riverboats. Somehow everyone lived and returned home.

So I'm going to be a little biased on this topic of course. But when you see what these young men and woman went threw, and you see the raising of the American flag at Iwo Jima, it's hard for military personal not to be offended by this.

Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and have freedom of speech but not if it's in a disrespectful way. In a culture where everyone that gets offended at the silliest things causing these ridiculous laws to be made to protect the feelings of these snowflakes, is it too much to ask that these players find another way to take a stance that doesn't involve the flag, the Anthem and the people who faught and lost their lives over that flag.

You want to protest police brutality, go protest near a police station. Give back to your community, have lectures at schools and town halls. Or is that all too difficult. Taking a knee does nothing, it's just a lazy and easiest way to give people the impression that your making a difference when your not. Your just causing more anger and social and racial tension.
(08-23-2017, 07:41 PM)TKUHL Wrote: Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and have freedom of speech but not if it's in a disrespectful way. In a culture where everyone that gets offended at the silliest things causing these ridiculous laws to be made to protect the feelings of these snowflakes, is it too much to ask that these players find another way to take a stance that doesn't involve the flag, the Anthem and the people who faught and lost their lives over that flag.

So people need to stop being so easily offended BUT players who offend us by kneeling during the anthem need to stop offending us?
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(08-23-2017, 07:41 PM)TKUHL Wrote: Sorry for your loss, and thankful for their service. My dad has 13 brothers and sisters. Huge Irish Catholic family, my dad had 2 brothers in WW2 both was part of the invasion on D-day, a sister in WW2 that was a shuttle or escort pilot for a Colonel i believe, another brother in the Korean War. My dad was in Vietnam, was even on the same ship with another brother of his till they split them up. Then he served in Vietnam on the riverboats. Somehow everyone lived and returned home.

So I'm going to be a little biased on this topic of course. But when you see what these young men and woman went threw, and you see the raising of the American flag at Iwo Jima, it's hard for military personal not to be offended by this.

Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and have freedom of speech but not if it's in a disrespectful way. In a culture where everyone that gets offended at the silliest things causing these ridiculous laws to be made to protect the feelings of these snowflakes, is it too much to ask that these players find another way to take a stance that doesn't involve the flag, the Anthem and the people who faught and lost their lives over that flag.

You want to protest police brutality, go protest near a police station. Give back to your community, have lectures at schools and town halls. Or is that all too difficult. Taking a knee does nothing, it's just a lazy and easiest way to give people the impression that your making a difference when your not. Your just causing more anger and social and racial tension.

Agree.....they may very well mean it to be a slap to some service personnel and their families....but that is exactly what they are doing. 

"Better send those refunds..."

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(08-23-2017, 07:51 PM)Wyche Wrote: Agree.....they may very well mean it to be a slap to some service personnel and their families....but that is exactly what they are doing. 

I guess my case is different.  My father was a veteran and one of my best pals is a Major in the Army and the idea of either of them being offended by this is laughable.  Then again my ol' man was a hippie who was drafted and my buddy is black, so who knows.
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(08-23-2017, 07:54 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I guess my case is different.  My father was a veteran and one of my best pals is a Major in the Army and the idea of either of them being offended by this is laughable.  Then again my ol' man was a hippie who was drafted and my buddy is black, so who knows.

It is different strokes for different'll notice I used the word some.  That said, here's the seems a majority of people take offense to this, so why not cut it out?  We're always worried about offending this one, or offending that one, but oddly enough, we don't care who we offend with this nonsense. Pretty shitty if you ask me.

"Better send those refunds..."

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I've remained mum on my position so I'll give it. I'm against police brutality against anyone. If someone thinks it doesn't happen or that cops don't exaggerate charges and what happened or plant're simply thinking wrong.

As for TKUHL put summation....there are many other ways.  Hell....the sumbitch could have held a press conference FFS.

I don't watch sports or go to concerts to hear your political view.  I stay out of PnR because I've already hashed those battles and I can tell ya NEITHER side likes my politics of accountability and compromise. So I just keep it to myself.

I don't like Trump...or HilLIARry....but Roger Waters' incessant bellyaching (thank God I saw clips of the show before I bought tickets) during his whole The Wall shows kept me from going.  I don't want my entertainment muddled with politics. I want my entertainment to be an escape. Waters also has ample opportunity to speak his platform.  Do it on your own time Roger....and not on my ticket dime. Don't cram it down my throat....I don't cram my views down anyone else's. No wonder the rest of the band wouldn't reunite with you.

Same goes for have/had a platform. Use it.  I find his method distasteful....but he could have given a presser or pre/postgame interview and got his message out, a message on his helmet or something. I'd be fine with that. Calling attention to YOURSELF during the anthem reeks of being an attention ***** to me....not an activist.....and like I some class and respect to those that died or lost loved ones in order for you to make millions playing a GAME.

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-23-2017, 05:15 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: If they do it, you won't see me at all.  I'll be done.  My country is a lot more important to me than football.  My uncle died for it at the age of 19, a few days before his 20th birthday.  That's a lot more important than football.  And it's a lot more important than some privileged millionaires protesting the country.

If the kneeling goes on, I think it would be great if all fans joined them and you by not attending the games & not tuning in to watch. Basically a boycott, for different reasons.

Because once that revenue stops flowing in, they may start changing their tune.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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