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Anthem Protest Bengals
(08-23-2017, 07:59 PM)Wyche Wrote: It is different strokes for different'll notice I used the word some.  That said, here's the seems a majority of people take offense to this, so why not cut it out?  We're always worried about offending this one, or offending that one, but oddly enough, we don't care who we offend with this nonsense. Pretty shitty if you ask me.

I'm not sure if it's a majority of, more players are doing it and white players are starting to show support.  It seems like Kaepernick was the one to do it first and he fell on his proverbial sword ala Ray Rice with domestic abuse, but more players are doing it and it's getting less specific.  

Kaepernick isn't even on an NFL team to kneel on the sidelines and he's still getting the heat for it while current players do it.  Do we know all their names?  I know I don't.  Marshawn Lynch doesn't stand, but I guess that fits in with his attitude or something.  This seems like something that will continue, but as long as Kaepernick goes down in flames for it and we aren't constantly alerted by the media that others are doing it it MIGHT die down.

Kaepernick being banned for life from the NFL for starting this and the reality that eventually everyone's favorite NFL team will have at least one guy who is kneeling will likely help the whole thing be a rather unpleasant normality.  Life goes on for most.  Football starts.
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(08-23-2017, 08:14 PM)Wyche Wrote: Same goes for have/had a platform. Use it.  I find his method distasteful....but he could have given a presser or pre/postgame interview and got his message out, a message on his helmet or something. I'd be fine with that. Calling attention to YOURSELF during the anthem reeks of being an attention ***** to me....not an activist.....and like I some class and respect to those that died or lost loved ones in order for you to make millions playing a GAME.

CK wore X hats, X shirts, pro-Castro shirts, and who knows what else during press conferences with the 49rs. Pretty sure one reason the Fins passed on him was due to the large Cuban population in the area. He wasnt a good guy, but hated America which is probably why CK wore it, as I think he has been 'radicalized' to some extent of hating America. Hence what he wears and his style of hair & beard choice. Cause if he loves America, he has a very odd way of showing it.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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(08-22-2017, 10:15 PM)TKUHL Wrote: Freedom to kneel should be reason enough to stand.
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(08-23-2017, 06:13 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: Agreed Bonnie,

I have an Uncle who was a prisoner of war during WW2, his B-24 Liberator was shot down during a Ploesti oil field raid. He just passed away a couple years ago. And another uncle who won 2 purple hearts and bronze stars in Vietnam. I served in the U.S. Navy.

Here's my stance and I'll never change it. Protest all you want however you want, except during our National Anthem. And don't disgrace our flag ! EVER To many people have suffered and died for that flag for ALL of us to be here.

You nailed it.....
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(08-22-2017, 03:54 PM)TKUHL Wrote: Remember that the anthem was written during the Battle of Baltimore. The resistance of Baltimore’s Fort McHenry during bombardment by the Royal Navy inspired Francis Scott Key to compose the poem "Defence of Fort McHenry", which later became the lyrics for "The Star-Spangled Banner", the national anthem of the United States of America. This was not composed during any social protest, but during a battle at which American servicemen were dying in defense of the country. This is why kneeling or sitting during the anthem is so disrespectful to anyone that has served the country. I saluted that flag everyday for 21 years and myself find it insulting for anyone to disrepect what the flag and anthem represent to the military. Servicemen did not fight, and many die for social injustice, but to defend the country and each players right to protest against social injustice, so why disrespect them when there are many other ways to protest.

This is one of the best responses I've read on this topic. I'm not sure what's going on with this hatred people suddenly have for their Country. When the media portrays a group of people waving a communist flag as "the good guys" while allowing our flag to be burned, spit on, ridiculed, and dare I say flown in pride without being considered a racist is insane. I love my country, and I love my football. I just don't think the Anthem is the proper time to decide to make a statement. Athletes have a mic in their face whenever they want, say your peace on your own time. If someone runs on the field with a sign during the game they don't show them. These players are doing this on the NFL's dime, stop showing them. Or just start playing the Anthem before these clowns come out on the field. I will be very disappointed if any of our players participate in this.

Agree completely 

Play the Anthem while the players are in locker room.

Would add that people do have the right to say what they want wit the exception of when one is working. Then one needs to represent the company how they are told or do not work there.

Many things if I said or did at work could have consiquences involved. 

If they do do it though I and others will certainly let them know about it if they make mistakes on the field. Because doing their job is what I expect full concentration on directly before kick off. 
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The water tastes funny when you're far from your home,
yet it's only the thirsty that hunger to roam. 
          Roam the Jungle !
(08-23-2017, 07:41 PM)TKUHL Wrote: Sorry for your loss, and thankful for their service. My dad has 13 brothers and sisters. Huge Irish Catholic family, my dad had 2 brothers in WW2 both was part of the invasion on D-day, a sister in WW2 that was a shuttle or escort pilot for a Colonel i believe, another brother in the Korean War. My dad was in Vietnam, was even on the same ship with another brother of his till they split them up. Then he served in Vietnam on the riverboats. Somehow everyone lived and returned home.

So I'm going to be a little biased on this topic of course. But when you see what these young men and woman went threw, and you see the raising of the American flag at Iwo Jima, it's hard for military personal not to be offended by this.

Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and have freedom of speech but not if it's in a disrespectful way. In a culture where everyone that gets offended at the silliest things causing these ridiculous laws to be made to protect the feelings of these snowflakes, is it too much to ask that these players find another way to take a stance that doesn't involve the flag, the Anthem and the people who faught and lost their lives over that flag.

You want to protest police brutality, go protest near a police station. Give back to your community, have lectures at schools and town halls. Or is that all too difficult. Taking a knee does nothing, it's just a lazy and easiest way to give people the impression that your making a difference when your not. Your just causing more anger and social and racial tension.


And thanks to you and yours for their service !

(08-23-2017, 08:14 PM)Wyche Wrote: I've remained mum on my position so I'll give it. I'm against police brutality against anyone. If someone thinks it doesn't happen or that cops don't exaggerate charges and what happened or plant're simply thinking wrong.

As for TKUHL put summation....there are many other ways.  Hell....the sumbitch could have held a press conference FFS.

I don't watch sports or go to concerts to hear your political view.  I stay out of PnR because I've already hashed those battles and I can tell ya NEITHER side likes my politics of accountability and compromise. So I just keep it to myself.

I don't like Trump...or HilLIARry....but Roger Waters' incessant bellyaching (thank God I saw clips of the show before I bought tickets) during his whole The Wall shows kept me from going.  I don't want my entertainment muddled with politics. I want my entertainment to be an escape. Waters also has ample opportunity to speak his platform.  Do it on your own time Roger....and not on my ticket dime. Don't cram it down my throat....I don't cram my views down anyone else's. No wonder the rest of the band wouldn't reunite with you.

Same goes for have/had a platform. Use it.  I find his method distasteful....but he could have given a presser or pre/postgame interview and got his message out, a message on his helmet or something. I'd be fine with that. Calling attention to YOURSELF during the anthem reeks of being an attention ***** to me....not an activist.....and like I some class and respect to those that died or lost loved ones in order for you to make millions playing a GAME.


And I'll go on to say this. I as well choose to remain silent on most, nearly all PnR because I'm not really here to argue that stuff. I just wanna talk Bengals and football. I've avoided this thread for a couple days now.

I have no problem with anybody protesting whatever they want in a peaceful respectful manner. Like you said at the Police station, Courthouse or whatever. Start a website, twitter, pass out flyers, etc.

It's just that IMHO during the anthem is not the place or time. There are a ton of things wrong in this country, I don't dispute that in any way. Police brutality is real, abuse of power is real, racism is real. But if that flag was not still flying they would not be making millions playing a game. Men and women have died, white, black, hispanic, asian, you name it for them to live the lifestyle they and we do. Despite all it's problems this is still the Greatest Country in the world, if you don't believe that take off and try it elsewhere ! 
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(08-23-2017, 09:04 PM)Go Cards Wrote: Play the Anthem while the players are in locker room.

Perfect solution. I blame the media for most of this nonsense as I've clearly stated before. The media are those kids in a circle on the playground yelling "fight, fight, fight, fight," as two kids who really in their hearts don't want to hurt each other, are peered into doing so. However, on this scale, it's much larger and people die. Yet, it's highly acceptable to the media because their currency is violence and fear. While ours is peace and unity. You can't have peace when fear lives in your hearts.
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(08-23-2017, 08:24 PM)Millhouse Wrote: If the kneeling goes on, I think it would be great if all fans joined them and you by not attending the games & not tuning in to watch. Basically a boycott, for different reasons.

Because once that revenue stops flowing in, they may start changing their tune.

I think it will definitely hurt the NFL. It did last year. And another point-is military members just died on the USS McCain not long before the Browns players did their protest. Theirs was a protest of millionaires because another millionaire can't be a quarterback anymore. And the coffin of every military member who dies will be draped with the flag that those millionaires are protesting.
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(08-23-2017, 07:50 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So people need to stop being so easily offended BUT players who offend us by kneeling during the anthem need to stop offending us?

Nate don't try to twist this, that is not what I said. I basically said in a culture where the few seem to get their way is it too much to ask that the majority have a say for once without fear of hurting someone's feelings.
I guess that I don't understand why they're protesting in the first place. It's a make believe problem. Number 1, more whites than blacks get killed by cops every year. The media pushes a false narrative and people run with it. Young black males between the ages of 13-45 make up like 3 % of our population and commit 50% of the murders. Now that is worthy of protest. The media constantly pushes a one sided narrative as if they want a race war. I'm far from racist but I will never be PC. Violence from anyone is wrong. There are obviously some bad cops, it sounds like they also kill whites too. Most of these deaths have been justified. "Hands up don't shoot", that was all made up and a proven fake. People also never wait for facts to come out! I know that there have been some blacks murdered by cops, just as there has had to of been some whites. It's not this major issue that it's made out to be though.
Freedom doesn't mean a whole lot if you don't have the freedom to sit during the national anthem. I wouldn't care, in fact, I would prefer it.

In my opinion, one of the best things you can do for our country is care about it getting better. Sometimes that has to do with being aware that our country IS NOT in a good place right now and sitting out the nation anthem (as a professional athlete) brings awareness to the issue.
(08-24-2017, 01:08 AM)Circleville Guy Wrote: I guess that I don't understand why they're protesting in the first place. It's a make believe problem. Number 1, more whites than blacks get killed by cops every year. The media pushes a false narrative and people run with it. Young black males between the ages of 13-45 make up like 3 % of our population and commit 50% of the murders. Now that is worthy of protest. The media constantly pushes a one sided narrative as if they want a race war. I'm far from racist but I will never be PC. Violence from anyone is wrong. There are obviously some bad cops, it sounds like they also kill whites too. Most of these deaths have been justified. "Hands up don't shoot", that was all made up and a proven fake. People also never wait for facts to come out! I know that there have been some blacks murdered by cops, just as there has had to of been some whites. It's not this major issue that it's made out to be though.

I've been beaten by cops, falsely accused, wrongfully convicted and jailed several times ( you read that right) for something someone else did, I had no knowledge or any involvement in any way. I know all cops aren't bad. I understand however how the black community would feel that way when the media is constantly pushing the narrative just for ratings. It's pathetic. I don't think anyone should be treated the way I was no matter what race they are. I also don't think there should be a double standard when it comes to race. White kids are killed every day by black cops, Hispanic kids by white cops it just goes on and on. The media won't report any of these stories. Morgan Freeman said it best when he said "Racism will not go away talking about it. It will go away when we stop talking about it". He went on to say "I'm going to stop calling you a white man, and I'll ask that you stop calling me a black man". Of course there will still be idiots on all sides, but the sooner we start treating each other as humans rather than races the better off everyone will be.
(08-23-2017, 03:37 AM)yellowxdiscipline Wrote: Keep your stupid politics out of football. Kneeling for the anthem isn't going to change anything except for ticket sales. I watch the sport to get away from shit like that.

This. Tired of hearing about it tbh.
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(08-24-2017, 01:08 AM)Circleville Guy Wrote: I guess that I don't understand why they're protesting in the first place. It's a make believe problem. Number 1, more whites than blacks get killed by cops every year. The media pushes a false narrative and people run with it. Young black males between the ages of 13-45 make up like 3 % of our population and commit 50% of the murders. Now that is worthy of protest. The media constantly pushes a one sided narrative as if they want a race war. I'm far from racist but I will never be PC. Violence from anyone is wrong. There are obviously some bad cops, it sounds like they also kill whites too. Most of these deaths have been justified. "Hands up don't shoot", that was all made up and a proven fake. People also never wait for facts to come out! I know that there have been some blacks murdered by cops, just as there has had to of been some whites. It's not this major issue that it's made out to be though.

Yes, there are more whites killed than blacks, but when you adjust for population, it is much more likely for a black person to be killed than a white person. White people make up over 60% of the total population. Black people make up about 13-16%. So when you adjust for that, a black male is 7 times more likely to be killed by police than a white male. That's the problem. The false narrative is looking at it based solely on total numbers. If 300 are killed out of 300,000,000, that is not equal to 200 killed out of 50,000,000. Yes, more of the larger population were killed in total, but a higher percentage of the smaller population are getting killed.
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(08-24-2017, 09:13 AM)muskiesfan Wrote: Yes, there are more whites killed than blacks, but when you adjust for population, it is much more likely for a black person to be killed than a white person. White people make up over 60% of the total population. Black people make up about 13-16%. So when you adjust for that, a black male is 7 times more likely to be killed by police than a white male. That's the problem. The false narrative is looking at it based solely on total numbers. If 300 are killed out of 300,000,000, that is not equal to 200 killed out of 50,000,000. Yes, more of the larger population were killed in total, but a higher percentage of the smaller population are getting killed.

You fail to mention % of crime by white black. So it likely all balances out. Anyway, It is a problem that is not easily fixed. We need to reach kids at a young age and educate them on available opportunities that are out there.

Anyway, not going to get into a political debate. It isn't a racial problem it is a social economical problem. Unfortunately the majority of that "group" are black.
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(08-24-2017, 03:03 AM)TKUHL Wrote: I've been beaten by cops, falsely accused, wrongfully convicted and jailed several times ( you read that right) for something someone else did, I had no knowledge or any involvement in any way. I know all cops aren't bad. I understand however how the black community would feel that way when the media is constantly pushing the narrative just for ratings. It's pathetic. I don't think anyone should be treated the way I was no matter what race they are. I also don't think there should be a double standard when it comes to race. White kids are killed every day by black cops, Hispanic kids by white cops it just goes on and on. The media won't report any of these stories. Morgan Freeman said it best when he said "Racism will not go away talking about it. It will go away when we stop talking about it". He went on to say "I'm going to stop calling you a white man, and I'll ask that you stop calling me a black man". Of course there will still be idiots on all sides, but the sooner we start treating each other as humans rather than races the better off everyone will be.

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"Better send those refunds..."

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(08-24-2017, 09:23 AM)Bengalbug Wrote: You fail to mention % of crime by white black. So it likely all balances out.  Anyway, It is a problem that is not easily fixed.  We need to reach kids at a young age and educate them on available opportunities that are out there.

Anyway, not going to get into a political debate. It isn't a racial problem it is a social economical problem.  Unfortunately the majority of that "group" are black.

Yeah, I'm not trying to have this debate on a football board. There are a lot of things that can be done through families, communities, and law enforcement.

Loss of life is tragic, but when the amount of police interactions there are vs. how many result in any death, it's a very low percentage. I don't have the answers, but I feel like our police officers have a very tough job and that they do a good job overall. A much, much bigger issue (in my opinion) is Chicago. The amount of murders that take place in that city on any given weekend is astounding.

Okay, I'm done.

Who Dey!
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(08-23-2017, 10:08 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Perfect solution. I blame the media for most of this nonsense as I've clearly stated before. The media are those kids in a circle on the playground yelling "fight, fight, fight, fight," as two kids who really in their hearts don't want to hurt each other, are peered into doing so. However, on this scale, it's much larger and people die. Yet, it's highly acceptable to the media because their currency is violence and fear. While ours is peace and unity. You can't have peace when fear lives in your hearts.

That's a great analogy  Cool
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In the future, please put political topics in PnR, even if there's a football relation to them.

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(08-23-2017, 07:50 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So people need to stop being so easily offended BUT players who offend us by kneeling during the anthem need to stop offending us?

Its bigger than just offending someone. If I have to explain you wouldn't understand.

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