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Rubio: Life begins at conception
(08-11-2015, 06:01 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Okay then, when do you believe that a fertilized egg becomes a human?

If you lived in Maryland, you'd take that as a compliment.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-09-2015, 11:31 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I don't know many babies outside of the womb that could survive without someone caring for it.

If that's the pro-abortion stance now, I guess we should extend the abortion age until at least 8 or 9 years after birth.  

There isn't a "pro-abortion" stance.  There is a pro-choice stance.  Pro-choice individuals recognize people have differences based upon religion, cultures, philosophies, etc.  Pro-choice individuals recognize there isn't one single, universal, definition of when life begins.  Rather than imposing their beliefs, values, morals on others who may have different beliefs; pro-choice individuals believe this is a decision best left up to the individuals directly involved based upon their beliefs, values, morals etc.

There is a difference between "care" and "life support."

[Image: Integrated_neonatal_life_support_system.jpg]

I don't think any reasonable adult would confuse neonatal life support with "care."
(08-09-2015, 11:41 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Not sure what this has to do with anything. 

I was replying to his assertion that a baby cannot live outside of the womb, not commenting on what SCOTUS declared was constitutional.

Fred was discussing an embryo or a fetus, not a baby.
(08-09-2015, 11:54 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: This.

I fail to understand how the "choice" of one can end the life of another.  People can argue all day long about whether it's a life yet or not, but I think that's hogwash.  Whether you believe it is or not before birth, chances are with our advances in medicine it would be if left the F alone. 

Advances in medicine are interventions.  If you left it the F alone, you can't intervene medically.  If you intervene medically, you aren't leaving it the F alone.

Once more, approximately 50% of zygotes fail to result in pregnancy because they don't implant in uterus and approximately 30% of recognized pregnancies result in spontaneous abortions. 

Also, the countries with the highest perinatal mortality rates are the countries with the least amount of care.  Less care = leaving it the F alone.
(08-10-2015, 01:57 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: We all know the law allows baby murders.  As long as the mother is doing the killing .    

But the debate isn't the law.   The debate is how can we morally allow a law like this ....  How long does it take someone to be ok with mass murdeR?  

I know the choice sucks for people but at what point do we just look at ourselves and admit to how much mass murder we have allowed in our lifetime.  

A lot of you want to slam A belief in God, and that's fine, but picking and choosing who lives and who dies is playing God yourself.

If you go back to your original post the debate began with Rubio claiming "Science" stated something it hasn't.  It is a debate based upon a lie.  Aren't you playing god by telling others who lives and dies?  Yes.
(08-10-2015, 02:13 AM)Brownshoe Wrote: So would your opinion change if new advances in medical technology allows the fetus to live at 1 week after conception? Just because it can't live without help does not make it any more or less alive. Any human that is alive should have rights.

If something can't live without life support it will die very quickly.  If something is dead it is very much "less alive."
(08-10-2015, 02:15 AM)Brownshoe Wrote: Personally I think it should be made illegal after the baby has a beating heart. That's about 8 weeks. Once the fetus has a beating heart it's alive and it deserves the right to continue its life.

So Rubio and his false claim about "Science" are wrong about life beginning at conception?
(08-07-2015, 04:57 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Rubio provided nothing to back up his claim.  In fact it was comical when he mentioned how soon the heart starts beating.    Apparently he thinks there is a heart at the point of conception.  

A glob of undifferentiated cells is not a human, by any definition.  It is like saying that an acorn is an oak tree.  It just is not true.  They are two very different things.  

I have also noticed that when people have actual facts to argue with they don't have to keep talking over the other person.  Rubio was acting like a child instead of an adult having a grown up debate.

Those little baby cadavers Planned Parenthood was hawking didn't look like a "glob of cells."  And since when does a "glob of cells" have organs?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-11-2015, 08:54 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: There isn't a "pro-abortion" stance.  There is a pro-choice stance. 

I stopped reading right there.  There is no difference between the two.  "Pro-choice" was chosen because it sounds less grotesque and offensive than "pro-abortion".  In other words, it was a marketing decision.  The same can be said for the term "reproductive rights". 

I personally prefer to call it baby murder, because that's what it is.  All of this talk about embryos, fetuses, contraceptives, and rape are nothing more than deflections and cop-outs used by those that support and enable the inhumanity that is called abortion. 
(08-11-2015, 09:06 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Fred was discussing an embryo or a fetus, not a baby.

I fail to see the difference between the two.  I know that when my wife was expecting with our daughter, I didn't believe there was any difference at all. 
(08-11-2015, 09:40 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I stopped reading right there.  There is no difference between the two.  "Pro-choice" was chosen because it sounds less grotesque and offensive than "pro-abortion".  In other words, it was a marketing decision.  The same can be said for the term "reproductive rights". 

I personally prefer to call it baby murder, because that's what it is.  All of this talk about embryos, fetuses, contraceptives, and rape are nothing more than deflections and cop-outs used by those that support and enable the inhumanity that is called abortion. 

I am anti-abortion...and pro-choice.

Because I do not have to make that choice.  I WANT the choice to not be abortion.  But it is not my choice to make.  Nor is it my sin.  Nor is it my life being affected.

As an aside are you anti-contraceptive too?  
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-10-2015, 03:04 AM)Brownshoe Wrote: The point when you're considered dead is when your heart stops beating and you have no brain activity. I feel because that's the case it would only be logical to say that's when life starts. At 8 weeks the fetus has both brain activity and a beating heart.

If you are religious (which I once was) it says in the old testament (Leviticus) that life is in the blood. So it would be logical to assume that once you start producing blood you are alive.

I feel that you have 8 weeks after the person is raped or was apart of incest to make sure you don't bring life into the world. Once you bring life into the world then it's your responsibility to take care of that life until it can sustain itself. The fetus is a innocent life that should not pay for the crimes of another. If the fetus is threatening the life of the mother I think then it's the mother's decision if she wants to abort it or not.

A fetus at 8 weeks doesn't have brain activity.

Did you just quote Leviticus?  Seriously?  Leviticus is without a doubt one of the most ridiculous pieces of literature ever.  Modern day Christians are quick to disassociate themselves from Leviticus by claiming the Old Testament doesn't apply to them (except of course when they claim it does apply.  Kinda like Rubio claiming he doesn't believe in science except when he claims he does believe in science.)

At what point do we all become sinners?  Conception?  Birth?  Later?
(08-11-2015, 09:40 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I stopped reading right there.

It is refreshing to meet someone with an open mind who is capable of thinking objectively and critically.
(08-11-2015, 09:43 PM)GMDino Wrote: I am anti-abortion...and pro-choice.

Because I do not have to make that choice.  I WANT the choice to not be abortion.  But it is not my choice to make.  Nor is it my sin.  Nor is it my life being affected.

As an aside are you anti-contraceptive too?  

That makes zero sense.  You're anti-abortion and pro-choice?  So you're against abortion so much that every election you go and vote for the people in the party that support and condone the murder of babies? 

Such a tough stance you've taken there.  I'm sure those million murdered babies every year are thankful that you're anti-abortion.  
(08-11-2015, 09:41 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I fail to see the difference between the two.  I know that when my wife was expecting with our daughter, I didn't believe there was any difference at all. 

That's fine.  Believe what you want.  But, in this thread there isn't one universal definition when life begins.  So what gives you the right to impose your beliefs upon another with different beliefs?
(08-11-2015, 09:46 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: It is refreshing to meet someone with an open mind who is capable of thinking objectively and critically.

I have a very open-mind.  Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've ever discussed abortion in my life. 

I know what I know, and it's not likely to change.  
(08-11-2015, 09:48 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: That makes zero sense.  You're anti-abortion and pro-choice?  So you're against abortion so much that every election you go and vote for the people in the party that support and condone the murder of babies? 

Such a tough stance you've taken there.  I'm sure those million murdered babies every year are thankful that you're anti-abortion.  

Oh you broke in and found out who I vote for?  Rolleyes

I am anti abortion.  I find it a horrible, horrible decision to make.

It is not my decision.  It is the decision of the woman who is pregnant.  I want her to NOT make that decision but she has that freedom, which I am willing to grudgingly admit as it is her body...not mine.

Are you anti-contraceptive also?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-11-2015, 09:48 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: That makes zero sense.  You're anti-abortion and pro-choice?  So you're against abortion so much that every election you go and vote for the people in the party that support and condone the murder of babies? 

Such a tough stance you've taken there.  I'm sure those million murdered babies every year are thankful that you're anti-abortion.  

Are you in favor of imposing Sharia law in the US?
(08-11-2015, 09:49 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: That's fine.  Believe what you want.  But, in this thread there isn't one universal definition when life begins.  So what gives you the right to impose your beliefs upon another with different beliefs?

I don't really care about deciding where life begins.  I think it's BS deflection, to be honest.  It's an impossible question to answer, because everyone has an opinion about it.  To me it's like asking "what happens when we die?"  Same thing.  It's a trap, and I've found that when discussing this in the past, the people know that it's an impossible to question to answer in certainty and ask that question for that very reason.  
(08-11-2015, 09:50 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I have a very open-mind.  Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've ever discussed abortion in my life. 

Of course, that's why you stopped reading after the first sentence.  Because you have an open mind.

Quote:I know what I know, and it's not likely to change.

I think that might be the very definition.  Let's check...


[oh-puh n-mahyn-did] /ˈoʊ pənˈmaɪn dɪd/
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having or showing a mind receptive to new ideas or arguments.
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I guess not.

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