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Will we see players kneel?
(09-24-2017, 12:53 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Go fix Chicago and black on black murders, then get back to us on other issues. It is criminal kids can't walk down the street safely in Chicago and other neighborhoods in the US, but it is ignored by this same group.

I've always felt this was a very legitimate argument about what's going on. There are a lot of issues that deserve the same kind of attention at the very least.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-24-2017, 12:52 PM)packerbacker Wrote: Im really sick of politics. I hate it with a passion. I say next election nobody goes out and votes. That's how sick of it that I am. When it takes over the game of football I have a problem with it. People want to follow politics go watch CNN or Fox News. Anyone that mentions politics at their place of work should be warned about it and if it continues your fired.
I'm certainly not allowed get political at work...where'd my free speech go?!?!? Poor beaten down millionaire athletes, can't even disrespect the flag at work without some of their customers getting upset
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
That's like my relatives started talking about politics at the lunch table yesterday and that's all they talk about. I agree with their views and not saying who I supported last year but I don't care and told them straight out stop with the political talk and my Mom told them the same thing.
I really wish the NFL would go back to playing the anthem before the players take the field, that way we can avoid seeing these bozos kneel.
[Image: s4ed9rgnqb251.jpg]
If they do I'm probably done with the NFL
[Image: 83-A0733-D-167-F-44-AB-9994-4-BE98-E6-E353-B.webp]
This has taken a turn into a political thread, but they're not protesting to disrespect the flag. That is not the point of the protest at all. It's not to disrespect the flag, country, service men and women, or anything like that. It's to bring more light on social injustice.

Yes, more white people are killed by police than black people in total number. However, when you adjust for total population, black people are 7 times more likely to be killed than white people. That is something that should be looked into. That is a problem.

People keep wanting to twist the message. Part of that is that Kaepernick has became the poster boy for this protest and he is a total douchebag. However, it is a real issue that needs to be worked on.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-24-2017, 12:53 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I have put up with losing. But, I don't have to put up with a bunch of entertainers bringing politics into the sport. So, they protest by kneeling, I protest them by refusing to go watch them play in person anymore.

There are many ways to use free speech and try and work on issues, this is  the lazy and divisive way by them. 

Go fix Chicago and black on black murders, then get back to us on other issues. It is criminal kids can't walk down the street safely in Chicago and other neighborhoods in the US, but it is ignored by this same group.

Yeah, as a fan who's stayed with this team through countless incidents of players actually breaking the law, I would feel like a total hypocrite if I said I'm done because they performed a legal activity.  Smirk
I want to go back even 10 years ago in our country. It seems like there is so much hate nowadays especially in politics. Its like were headed for a civil war. I miss the good old days when there was all love and we weren't divided.
(09-24-2017, 01:03 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: This has taken a turn into a political thread, but they're not protesting to disrespect the flag. That is not the point of the protest at all. It's not to disrespect the flag, country, service men and women, or anything like that. It's to bring more light on social injustice.

Yes, more white people are killed by police than black people in total number. However, when you adjust for total population, black people are 7 times more likely to be killed than white people. That is something that should be looked into. That is a problem.

People keep wanting to twist the message. Part of that is that Kaepernick has became the poster boy for this protest and he is a total douchebag. However, it is a real issue that needs to be worked on.

Well, it's nice to see these guys are doing as little as possible, which is exactly what they're doing.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(09-24-2017, 01:03 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: Yeah, as a fan who's stayed with this team through countless incidents of players actually breaking the law, I would feel like a total hypocrite if I said I'm done because they performed a legal activity.  Smirk

Bingo  ThumbsUp
I just cant stop watching football because of this. I love the game of football a lot. I hate that they are disrespecting our country though. Were going to lose football if this behavior continues. I wish they would respect our country and soldiers who fought for us.
(09-24-2017, 12:23 PM)snowy Wrote: My giveadamn about the Bengals ended on Friday, but it's worth jumping in to mention that Tomlin and his Steely Minions are opting out of the whole thing. They're staying in the locker room during the national anthem. Bunch of wusses, who have neither ballz nor the courage of their convictions.

From a strictly football standpoint, given what would otherwise happen on the field today, wouldn't it be the Bengals best bet to stay in the locker room the whole day?  Just sayin.
“We're 2-7!  What the **** difference does it make?!” - Bruce Coslet
Is there any Mods here right now. Having problems with the board. It keeps giving me a server error.
(09-24-2017, 01:09 PM)packerbacker Wrote: I just cant stop watching football because of this. I love the game of football a lot. I hate that they are disrespecting our country though. Were going to lose football if this behavior continues. I wish they would respect our country and soldiers who fought for us.

I don't care if both teams have a giant orgy at the 50 yard long as the Bengals come out 'on top' at the of the day!  Ninja
(09-24-2017, 01:03 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: Yeah, as a fan who's stayed with this team through countless incidents of players actually breaking the law, I would feel like a total hypocrite if I said I'm done because they performed a legal activity.  Smirk

You have your views and I have mine.

Insinuate and call me names for voicing my free speech how I see fit, but typical crap from one who says they want free speech unless they disagree with it. Expected more from you than calling me a hypocrite.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(09-24-2017, 01:14 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: I don't if if both teams have a giant orgy at the 50 yard long as the Bengals  on top at the of the day!  Ninja

If we lose today which I think this is a huge trap game for us it is very possible. LOL at the orgy comment hahahaha. 
(09-24-2017, 01:13 PM)packerbacker Wrote: Is there any Mods here right now. Having problems with the board. It keeps giving me a server error.

What's the error?
(09-24-2017, 01:03 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: This has taken a turn into a political thread, but they're not protesting to disrespect the flag. That is not the point of the protest at all. It's not to disrespect the flag, country, service men and women, or anything like that. It's to bring more light on social injustice.

Yes, more white people are killed by police than black people in total number. However, when you adjust for total population, black people are 7 times more likely to be killed than white people. That is something that should be looked into. That is a problem.

People keep wanting to twist the message. Part of that is that Kaepernick has became the poster boy for this protest and he is a total douchebag. However, it is a real issue that needs to be worked on.

That's the problem with the statistics nobody what's to figure out why. Maybe they are just putting themselves in situations to be shot by police more than whites. Sounds horrible but it's reality. What is it something like blacks make up 12% of the population but 90% of the jails. Why is that. There's always going to be bad cops of all races towards all races. What is it that the black community is doing to put so many of their people at risk of being shot by police.
(09-24-2017, 12:23 PM)snowy Wrote: My giveadamn about the Bengals ended on Friday, but it's worth jumping in to mention that Tomlin and his Steely Minions are opting out of the whole thing. They're staying in the locker room during the national anthem. Bunch of wusses, who have neither ballz nor the courage of their convictions.

At a minimum, the various teams' NFLPA representatives should take a knee in solidarity. YMMV. Don't know who the Bengals' player reps are this year, and can't be arsed to go look.

Heh. Hiding in the locker room is apparently against league rules, according to a tweet that referenced NFL policy manuals:

"Note: All games must kick off within ten minutes of the end of visiting team introductions. Both teams must be on the field for national anthems in all games."

Sorry Tomlin. The rules apply to you, too. And nobody's buying your statement that you're not going to play politics. Refusal to take a stand is the essence of playing politics. And how dare you make the decision for someone else.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-24-2017, 01:03 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: This has taken a turn into a political thread, but they're not protesting to disrespect the flag. That is not the point of the protest at all. It's not to disrespect the flag, country, service men and women, or anything like that. It's to bring more light on social injustice.

Yes, more white people are killed by police than black people in total number. However, when you adjust for total population, black people are 7 times more likely to be killed than white people. That is something that should be looked into. That is a problem.

People keep wanting to twist the message. Part of that is that Kaepernick has became the poster boy for this protest and he is a total douchebag. However, it is a real issue that needs to be worked on.

They may not be protesting to disrespect the flag, but their prostest is disrespectful to the flag and that upsets people which is 100% why they protest in this manner. Some people don't get that and try to separate what they are protesting and the way they are doing it to make it seem like it's not about that flag, but it is otherwise they wouldn't be kneeling during the anthem. The people kneeling are doing so because they KNOW it is disrespectful to the flag and that will get them/their cause attention. 

If you're trying to get the attention of the guy in front of you and you slap him in the face to do it, you still slapped him in the face...even if you only did it to tell him his shoe is untied 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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