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Will we see players kneel?
(09-24-2017, 01:46 PM)Millhouse Wrote: If kneeling does happen, I hope it is every single player out there. And issue a joint statement from the team saying they were kneeling in solidarity in protest of the Orangutan in Chief for injecting his idiocy into the sphere of the NFL. Maybe he will get a message in hopes that maybe someday he should start acting like the President of all Americans and work to bring is together. Not create deeper divisions that we are seeing under him.

And for those that dont visit p&r here, no, I am not a liberal and I am not a fan of Kaep kneeling in the first place.

When I first read this I thought it was going to be about the players kneeling to support Harambe!!

A whole lot of people who are upset about players kneeling during the anthem, sure haven't given a darn about violation of the flag code. A gal wearing a flag bikini, or a flag on a lunch box, or on a six-pack of beer is fine, but you uppity so-and-so, you better not kneel during the anthem.
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(09-24-2017, 01:40 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: I hope they do kneel.  So we can either watch you bluff, or watch you ditch the Bengals over some protests, when you fully embraced them after the players assaulted multiple people and destroyed some girl's face.

There would not be one NFL fan if all of us used the criteria of any criminal activity of any player on any team meant no support for a team

But, you will be pleased to know I will still be here, I just won't be watching in a club seat with friends.   Smirk
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
I'll probably stop supporting the team if they kneel and probably stop watching the NFL in general
[Image: 83-A0733-D-167-F-44-AB-9994-4-BE98-E6-E353-B.webp]
I leave politics out of my sports thank god bc all these liberal pussbags drive me crazy
Who Dey!!!

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One Steeler came out for the anthem, the one who was in the military. The rest stayed in.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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(09-24-2017, 01:57 PM)Trademark Wrote: I'll probably stop supporting the team if they kneel and probably stop watching the NFL in general

I pray that my Packers don't kneel either. 
(09-24-2017, 01:59 PM)packerbacker Wrote: I pray that my Packers don't kneel either. 

Too late Aaron Rodgers posted a photo on IG of them kneeling at practice and said unity
[Image: 83-A0733-D-167-F-44-AB-9994-4-BE98-E6-E353-B.webp]
(09-24-2017, 01:59 PM)Trademark Wrote: Too late Aaron Rodgers posted a photo on IG of them kneeling at practice and said unity

I hope that isn't true. 
After much deep thought on the matter, my stance is Who gives a flying ****?
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(09-24-2017, 11:52 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Like I said if they kneel I'm out. My uncle died for this country and his coffin was wrapped in that flag and that's what it's about for me.

Bonnie, i mean this with the absolute most respect i could possibly offer. Your uncle, like many other fine men and women have given their lives so that the rest of us could practice freedom. That's the most unselfish act i could only imagine. I get choked up every time the anthem is played because my thoughts are always with those that gave that ultimate and unselfish sacrifice, as well as their family.

What these players are doing is practicing that freedom. They feel there is something wrong and they're trying to bring light to it. I don't fully agree with how it's been done and i don't like the amount of air time it's getting, but what i don't like as well is that it's turned into a 'disrespecting the flag' argument instead of a 'what are they protesting and what merit does it have' argument. 

I offer my condolences for your loss. I have many family members that have served in the military as well as law enforcement and some have lost their lives. I'm not trying to tell you how to think, only offering a different way to look at it. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
Which is more important of a symbol....the flag and anthem or the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Because that is essentially what this whole issue comes down too. Do you protect the player's 1st amendment rights to protest or do you force standing for the anthem/flag?

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(09-24-2017, 02:02 PM)pally Wrote: Which is more important of a symbol....the flag and anthem or the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?  Because that is essentially what this whole issue comes down too.  Do you protect the player's 1st amendment rights to protest or do you force standing for the anthem/flag?

Unless someone's first amendment rights were violated, what you're saying isn't true.

What we're seeing pan out now is the first amendment as intended.

Player's first amendment rights aren't violated by forcing them to stand, because the NFL and its consumers aren't the government.
Trademark according to Rodgers its all about Unity Dedication Family and love. It doesn't sound like protesting to me. They aren't protesting our country In my opinion or at least I hope not.
Well, they've gone after the flag and the anthem. Watch out, Jesus, you're next.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(09-24-2017, 11:05 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: If any Bengals kneel I'm out. So this could be my last day as a Bengals fan and NFL fan.

I'm not watching any NFL today (Bengals included) due the the league-wide protest. I will also not be watching any Bengals games that start with them intentionally disrespecting once sacred traditions that are meant to unify our nation. The Anthem used to be the one moment where we all put our differences aside and respected the freedoms we're graced with. Now that's gone, as is our escape from politics (sports).

(09-24-2017, 11:20 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Even though it is clearly their right to kneel in protest, I do not support these displays.  I don't much care for politics to be injected into every facet of our lives.  With the NFL losing viewers and sponsors, one would think that they would opt to not have the cameras drawing attention to these acts.

You would think, yet they've done nothing to stop or even slow the protests despite declining ratings and attendance. 

(09-24-2017, 12:10 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Sick of the BS kneeling before games. It is their right to protest. It is Trump's right to tell the world he thinks it is BS. Funny, one group who wants respect has disrespected the free speech of the President.

They kneel and my many years of buying 6 seats in the club section will end after this year. I will speak with my wallet.

Funny how Trump is getting slammed for saying what most Americans are thinking. Shouldn't that be his job? People say he should work with the protesters and find some compromise. That sounds great and all, but "compromise" in this scenario would probably alienate the 99.9% of cops who aren't murderers. Trump is in a tough spot, especially with the entire national media against him, as well as all black athletes.

(09-24-2017, 12:37 PM)leonardfan40 Wrote: Yep seems like anytime free speech comes up nowadays it's people claiming theirs is being disrespected by those that don't agree. You're allowed to disrespect the flag, others won't be ok with that which is also allowed (which you clearly knew and we're counting on or you wouldn't have done it). Trump to my knowledge hasn't tried to jail any of them so he's entitled to his opinion too without it denying free speech. 

As for the protests in general I think it's perfectly reasonable to have concerns about some of the things going on in this country, but voicing them in a manner like this is not the way to do it. This protest is divisive which will not bring about change, only war. Collin Kaepernick is not part of the solution, he's just causing further division and hatred...real leaders unify people on both sides, not divide them. People who set out to divide should not be labeled heros and followed even if their intentions may be good.

As for the Bengals, I'd be extremely disappointed to see them kneeling but not the least bit surprised. I'd be perfectly fine if they all locked arms like the browns did, especially if it included more than just the players. Nothing wrong with a protest, but you don't have to disrespect the flag, your freedom, those that have died for it, and this country to do it. If you want more support and to unify then don't keep this kneeling thing going. I for one can not support it.

And sorry, went a little into the P&R realm there

United we stand, divided we fall. Right now we're very divided. 

Btw, Takeo's blog post was pathetically out of touch. I'm sure the average black man (or any average person) can relate to the plight of millionaire athletes. He stopped just short of comparing them to slaves. Embarrassing.
The training, nutrition, medicine, fitness, playbooks and rules evolve. The athlete does not.
(09-24-2017, 01:18 PM)leonardfan40 Wrote: They may not be protesting to disrespect the flag, but their prostest is disrespectful to the flag and that upsets people which is 100% why they protest in this manner. Some people don't get that and try to separate what they are protesting and the way they are doing it to make it seem like it's not about that flag, but it is otherwise they wouldn't be kneeling during the anthem. The people kneeling are doing so because they KNOW it is disrespectful to the flag and that will get them/their cause attention. 

If you're trying to get the attention of the guy in front of you and you slap him in the face to do it, you still slapped him in the face...even if you only did it to tell him his shoe is untied 

(09-24-2017, 02:02 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: Bonnie, i mean this with the absolute most respect i could possibly offer. Your uncle, like many other fine men and women have given their lives so that the rest of us could practice freedom. That's the most unselfish act i could only imagine. I get choked up every time the anthem is played because my thoughts are always with those that gave that ultimate and unselfish sacrifice, as well as their family.

What these players are doing is practicing that freedom. They feel there is something wrong and they're trying to bring light to it. I don't fully agree with how it's been done and i don't like the amount of air time it's getting, but what i don't like as well is that it's turned into a 'disrespecting the flag' argument instead of a 'what are they protesting and what merit does it have' argument. 

I offer my condolences for your loss. I have many family members that have served in the military as well as law enforcement and some have lost their lives. I'm not trying to tell you how to think, only offering a different way to look at it. 

See is about the flag no matter how much people try to distinguish the two. They are disrespecting the flag for publicity, make no mistakes about it. Otherwise they would find a different less offensive way of protesting 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
They just need to stop playing the Anthem before games period. We are the only country that does this before domestic national games. Save it for the Olympics. Most countries think it's weird to even display a *** on your porch when it's not a national holiday. This country is being stripped of its history anyway. Just stop playin it, and just play the damn game.
Really... After all this time of being a fan of a team under a cheap incompetent owner, this will be what stops someone from being a Bengals fan? I dont get it.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-24-2017, 02:02 PM)McC Wrote: After much deep thought on the matter, my stance is Who gives a flying ****?

Right there with ya

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