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Tony Romo
(09-25-2017, 02:37 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: I want Tony Romo on the coaching staff.  It was amazing how he knew what each team was going to do on offense.

He was honest in pointing out Dalton's flaws.

He also pointed out the offensive coordinators flaws.

He was able to dissect plays very quickly.

I was pleasantly surprised by Romo, an announcer who actually knows his stuff.

Aikman is good too, hate the Cowboys but these two are actually very good at what they do.

Kind of wild watching the game and Romo saying exactly what i was thinking.
I like how he would sometimes let his emotions get the better of him: "CALL A TIMEOUT!!"
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Count me firmly in the "I-REALLY-LIKE-TONY-ROMO-AS-AN-ANNOUNCER" camp.
He's great at his job. Plus, he got Phil Simms removed from game broadcasts. Seriously, how much better can we get?
You can always trust an dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to look out for.
"Winning makes believers of us all"-Paul Brown
(09-25-2017, 04:32 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I like how he would sometimes let his emotions get the better of him: "CALL A TIMEOUT!!"

It was funny when he called the one shirtless wild redneck his dad.
I am not a fan. His ego is off the charts like he has a fist full or rings. That kinda annoyed me.

I will give it to him, he knows his stuff, I liked some of the insights etc.

However I just found way too many awkward moments due to his inexperience that just left me flat.

They all cannot be Gus Johnson, lol
(09-25-2017, 04:43 PM)Bengal Dude Wrote: He's great at his job. Plus, he got Phil Simms removed from game broadcasts. Seriously, how much better can we get?

True, never liked ole dim Simms.
(09-25-2017, 04:32 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I like how he would sometimes let his emotions get the better of him: "CALL A TIMEOUT!!"

Lol yea everyone here has mentioned his football IQ like it's better than guys like Sims Gruden Collinsworth Aikmen lol.

I really warmed up to him cuz he sounded like a fan calling a game lol. 
I have the Heart of a Lion! I also have a massive fine and a lifetime ban from the Pittsburgh Zoo...

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 02:37 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: I want Tony Romo on the coaching staff.  It was amazing how he knew what each team was going to do on offense.

He was honest in pointing out Dalton's flaws.

He also pointed out the offensive coordinators flaws.

He was able to dissect plays very quickly.

Tony Romo is likely getting paid a lot more as a broadcaster than he would as a coach on the Bengals unless he was an offensive coordinator.
Zac Taylor 2019-2020: 6 total wins
Zac Taylor 2021-2022: Double-digit wins each season, plus 5 postseason wins
Patience has paid off!

Sorry for Party Rocking!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 02:46 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: I think he would make a hell of a head coach one day. Or at the very least a great offense of coordinator because he is so honest players respect that.

Please tell me you're using talk-to-text software. My inner Grammar Nazi is going insane at this.
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I enjoyed his commentary. I think he was pretty unbiased which is a rarity. Replacing Phil Simms is another huge plus. I didn't mind him calling out Dalton, but that seems to be all everyone remembers. He called out the OLine a lot as well. Everyone complaining about Dalton overthrowing LaFell in the end zone and Romo correctly mentioned how LaFell pulled up. If he was full go the entire time, he might've made the grab. Of course, it's just easier to place all of the blame on Dalton.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 05:44 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: I enjoyed his commentary. I think he was pretty unbiased which is a rarity. Replacing Phil Simms is another huge plus. I didn't mind him calling out Dalton, but that seems to be all everyone remembers. He called out the OLine a lot as well. Everyone complaining about Dalton overthrowing LaFell in the end zone and Romo correctly mentioned how LaFell pulled up. If he was full go the entire time, he might've made the grab. Of course, it's just easier to place all of the blame on Dalton.

Yeah, it is easy to put the blame on Dalton, everybody does it seems.

He did have a couple plays that were on him. He didn't see Lafell wide open running a slant right in front of him and he
should of audibled out of the run a couple times but overall Dalton had a good game and gave the team a chance to win
in one of the toughest places to win in the NFL.

I think Dalton and the boys love Lazor though. Seen a different type of swagger to them this game.
(09-25-2017, 06:12 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Yeah, it is easy to put the blame on Dalton, everybody does it seems.

He did have a couple plays that were on him. He didn't see Lafell wide open running a slant right in front of him and he
should of audibled out of the run a couple times but overall Dalton had a good game and gave the team a chance to win
in one of the toughest places to win in the NFL.

I think Dalton and the boys love Lazor though. Seen a different type of swagger to them this game.

Dalton definitely made some mistakes. I didn't mind Romo calling him out on them either. Dalton did enough to win the game though. There were plenty of other breakdowns by plenty of other players. That does not absolve Andy of the mistakes he made. As the QB, he's going to take the heat. Things are just getting taken to extremes at the moment.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 06:17 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: Dalton definitely made some mistakes. I didn't mind Romo calling him out on them either. Dalton did enough to win the game though. There were plenty of other breakdowns by plenty of other players. That does not absolve Andy of the mistakes he made. As the QB, he's going to take the heat. Things are just getting taken to extremes at the moment.

Very true. If anyone should be taking the heat right now it should be Marvin Lewis though.

He made his Offense take their foot off the gas once again and it bit us in the ass once again.

We have seen this so many times it is not funny.

Dude keeps doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

It is not a coincidence that every OC this team has ever had has done this, it is Marv.

We need a coach that lets his Coordinators do their job. Lazor was doing great the first half.
I really liked Romo announcing. Like many of you have said, it was great to hear an honest announcer who wasn't biased of one side or the other. His ability to call the plays before they happened was very impressive.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 04:18 PM)Fan_in_Kettering Wrote: In Andy Dalton's defense, it's a LOT easier to see the defense from Tony Romo's position in the box with the television perspective. Still, he was right every single time. He would be an amazing quarterback coach or offensive coordinator.

Aaron Rogers fooled him a few times. Romo seemed to be a big fan of Dalton changing to a run head on into the blitz though.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(09-25-2017, 03:00 PM)Joelist Wrote: He was assuming Dalton had audible authority there which we do not know if he did. He also is the last person in the NFL who should talk about missing an open receiver as he was notorious for that in his career. That said, he did correctly call LaFell on pulling up prematurely on the endzone pass. He was...ok.

Missing open receivers?  I live TX and that's a complaint I never heard.  His main drawbacks were that he was prone to injury and then that he could let a large lead slip away by throwing picks and letting the other team back in the game.  

However, there were more times than I could remember that he would be responsible for game winning drives and he was able to take broken plays and turn them into big gains.  He played great in prime time and was certainly a risk taker (almost too much so).  No one knows if Dalton had the authority to audible there, but I can definitely understand why Romo disagreed with the call.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 05:27 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Please tell me you're using talk-to-text software. My inner Grammar Nazi is going insane at this.

it was from my phone
so ya.  
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-Paul Brown
“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

My album "Dragon"

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2017, 05:17 PM)ochocincos Wrote: Tony Romo is likely getting paid a lot more as a broadcaster than he would as a coach on the Bengals unless he was an offensive coordinator.

Not to mention the ninety hour work week for a coach.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

I said the same thing after the game!

He was calling plays we would run, while we were setting the play up. You have to study hours upon hours to be that meticulous and articulate with what your saying.

That means he studied not only the defenses he was playing but also the offenses. He had to put some extra time in to do all that.

It'd be a shocking hire, but lest be honest. Our offense is 32nd in points, 31st in yards, 28th in pass and 21st in rush. Even with the offensive line woes, we have Dalton, Green, Lafell, Boyd, Ross, Eifert, Bernard, Hill and Mixon.

To much talent to be arguably the worst offense in the NFL thus far. Way too much. I could understand a 10-15 offensive ranking with the O-Line, but the worst Offense? That to me is unexcusable. I'm afraid that it will lead to another Palmer situation which we don't want or need! Bill Lazor did very good with the time he had to prepare and the situation that was placed upon them.

However, you can't tell me that Tony Romo can't help Dalton. Tony Romo, was seen as a guy that was never going to be the one to lead them to the playoffs, he understands what this team is going through with these playoff disappointments.

Tony Romo was seen as a small school product, he was never the biggest, the biggest arm or the fastest 40. He has been through the mud just like Andy Dalton has. He could set the team aside, mainly the offense, tell them I've been through what you've been through I know how you feel right now. 

He could tell them if you want to be the best, then you have to prepare like the best, think like the best, train like the best. If he could get these guys to train like Manning and Harrison use to and if he could give Andy Dalton some of that knowledge that he has. We could finally see this guy mature into a top level caliber quarterback.

If I was Mike Brown, I couldn't call him fast enough. If you have to pay him 3-5 million a year so be it. Cause if we don't I guarantee somebody else will.
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