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Will we see players kneel?
(09-25-2017, 08:28 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I love the cowboys approach .

Cancel this post. What a disaster.
(09-25-2017, 03:46 PM)jason Wrote: Do you guys suppose that it's this way in other countries too? Like in Albania or Chile or wherever... Does everything that goes on with their flag or national anthem come back around to the military or veterans? Do the common folk of other nations worship their flag like we seem to do? Am I the only one who doesn't immediately associate the American flag with veterans or the military in general.

I think it depends on the country. 

Lots of people love their flag when they see it flying with their Olympic team or with their World Cup team. 

But I don't think it's very common that people in other countries burn flags or use them in protest of their own government (though they burn other countries flags--like the US and Russia's). That is in part because they are not required to salute them, and in part because the flag isn't made to represent specific political programs of specific parties the way it is in the US.

Veterans are a separate, special group in this country, where only a small percentage ever wear the uniform and we fight a lot of wars. In many other countries, there is universal conscription, so after a certain age everyone is a veteran. Nothing special. There aren't veterans policies and the like.

In authoritarian cultures where people are required to publicly reverence the flag, like North Korea, they don't dare burn it. The sons of bitches would be fired, and more.

But one difference between the US and other countries concerns the kind of claims the US makes about itself. It represents itself as a city on the hill, as a model for other countries in respect of political equality and opportunity. So far as I know, Chileans and Albanians do not do that.

2nd point. The US fought a war with southern states who had their own flag. The Stars and Stripes thereafter was object of reverence by Unionists and vilification by former Confederates. It promised the slaves freedom and represented Northern "aggression." Also in the 1890s came the first state statues against flag desecration, though these were often aimed at commercial uses of the flag, like putting it on beer bottles and the like. After WWI, the US started making people salute the flag and pledge allegiance to it in schools.

Post WWII especially, some politicians have identified the US and its "exceptionalist" claims with the flag in a way not found in most other countries. And they have represented their platform with the flag, so that if you are rejecting their platform, you are rejecting the flag, the US, and God, whom we have been one nation under since 1954. This makes the flag itself a means of multiple political statements in a way it is not in other countries.  People who burn the flag or refuse to stand or salute it may be protesting some specific policy of some group wrapping itself in the flag, but more frequently they claim the US is not living up to its ideals. To anti-protestors this is disrespecting all the flag stands for, including people who died for "freedom" and "rights."  That usually muddles any discussion of how the US may not be living up to its ideals. Some people grasp the contradiction entailed by preventing someone from exercising his/her right to free speech because people died for it; some do not.

Thus the flag becomes a means of manipulating and orchestrating emotion for political purposes.
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(09-25-2017, 08:28 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I love the cowboys approach .

(09-25-2017, 11:22 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Cancel this post.  What a disaster.

Lucie I haven't laughed that hard in a while thank you.

I can't decide which is funnier.  What you thought their "approach" would be? or your post?

(09-26-2017, 02:02 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Lucie I haven't laughed that hard in a while thank you.

I can't decide which is funnier.  What you thought their "approach" would be? or your post?


Standing. Then I saw where it was that hot mess.

The only response for this anthem stuff is either all standing or locked arms and standing.

Still amazes me how they are letting Trump win this stuff. Every time these guys kneel it just is another donation for trumps re-election campaign.
(09-26-2017, 10:28 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Standing.   Then I saw where it was that hot mess.    

The only response for this anthem stuff is either all standing or locked arms and standing.  

Still amazes me how they are letting Trump win this stuff.   Every time these guys kneel it just is another donation for trumps re-election campaign.

Trump is baiting people into spitting on the graves of veterans so people donate money to him.  So much winning.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-26-2017, 10:28 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Standing.   Then I saw where it was that hot mess.    

(09-26-2017, 10:28 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: The only response for this anthem stuff is either all standing or locked arms and standing.  

Actually, no.  There are lots of responses.  Just none that you like.  

(09-26-2017, 10:28 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Still amazes me how they are letting Trump win this stuff.   Every time these guys kneel it just is another donation for trumps re-election campaign.

Sure it is.  I'd rather than protested his small-minded, thin skinned ways and speech anyway.

The "Patriots" who love the man who said he prefers veterans who "weren't captured" were sending him their SSI checks anyway.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-26-2017, 10:35 AM)GMDino Wrote: Actually, no.  There are lots of responses.  Just none that you like.  

Sure it is.  I'd rather than protested his small-minded, thin skinned ways and speech anyway.

The "Patriots" who love the man who said he prefers veterans who "weren't captured" were sending him their SSI checks anyway.

Majority of the country do not like disrespecting the flag or anthem. They one of the few unifying symbols of this country. Stadiums of people were booing yesterday. Trump is winning because the leftists do not know how to react in a way that turns off the rest of the country.

Now trump has LeBron calling people who live in Ohio who voted for trump .... uneducated. Which is funny coming from the guy who didn't go to university.

That's not gonna help democrats win Ohio.
(09-26-2017, 10:43 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Majority of the country do not like disrespecting the flag or anthem.  They one of the few unifying symbols of this country.    Stadiums of people were booing yesterday.   Trump is winning because the leftists do not know how to react in a way that turns off the rest of the country.

By that logic the owners and their flag-hating employees are winning because people will pay hundreds of dollars to go to the stadium and be offended by them.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Can’t wait to see the outrage and betrayal of all the Alejandro jersey buyers now that he came out and said he made a mistake going rogue from the team and he supports the players protesting during the anthem.
(09-26-2017, 10:43 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Majority of the country do not like disrespecting the flag or anthem.  They one of the few unifying symbols of this country.    Stadiums of people were booing yesterday.   Trump is winning because the leftists do not know how to react in a way that turns off the rest of the country.

Now trump has LeBron calling people who live in Ohio who voted for trump .... uneducated.    Which is funny coming from the guy who didn't go to university.  

That's not gonna help democrats win Ohio.

OT, but this is one of the problems with this country. People aren't dumb for not going to college. The guy who fixes your AC and charges you $80 an hour is possibly way smarter than the guy making $16 an hour in an office rubber stamping loans while he thinks about paying off his $20,000 student loan.

Anyway, back to Trumpers vs. non-trumpets.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-26-2017, 11:44 AM)Yojimbo Wrote: Can’t wait to see the outrage and betrayal of all the Alejandro jersey buyers now that he came out and said he made a mistake going rogue from the team and he supports the players protesting during the anthem.

Just toss his in the fire with all the other ones.  Burn 'em all and go root for the CFL or something.

Boy, I bet Trump has been dreaming about hitting the NFL hard since the USFL folded. Damn Trump, you sly bastard. It took decades, but you've done it. Now, time to reboot the USFL where we have 1/10th the talent, but 100 times the Anthem standing.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-26-2017, 11:53 AM)Benton Wrote: OT, but this is one of the problems with this country. People aren't dumb for not going to college. The guy who fixes your AC and charges you $80 an hour is possibly way smarter than the guy making $16 an hour in an office rubber stamping loans while he thinks about paying off his $20,000 student loan.

Anyway, back to Trumpers vs. non-trumpets.

LeBron calling Ohio citizens dumb shows a lack of maturity and just makes himself look ridiculous especially someone who relies on those dumb people to buy his products.
(09-26-2017, 11:09 AM)GMDino Wrote: The NFL allowed each team to decide if/how they wanted to respond to the POTUS calling their fellow players SOBs.

Only if they are fueled by hatred for anyone that thinks or looks differently than them.


And those teams who either just stood there or stood there and locked arms will not see any fan blowback.

Even the Patriots in leftist Mass. got a round of boos.
(09-25-2017, 08:28 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I love the cowboys approach .

(09-26-2017, 01:06 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And those teams who either just stood there or stood there and locked arms will not see any fan blowback.

Quote:Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones joined his team in taking a knee before the National Anthem, then the Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals players stood with arms locked for the anthem ahead of the "Monday Night Football" kickoff.

Still, the fans in Glendale, Arizona, booed as "America's Team" knelt.


(09-25-2017, 11:22 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Cancel this post.  What a disaster.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-26-2017, 01:30 PM)GMDino Wrote:



Taking a knee will get booed. ThAnks for making my point
(09-26-2017, 01:40 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Taking a knee will get booed.   ThAnks for making my point

At any time?  Because they stood arm and arm for the anthem.

So make up your mind.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-26-2017, 01:40 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Taking a knee will get booed.   ThAnks for making my point

Wait, are the people who are angry about players disrespecting the flag booing during the National Anthem? 

EDIT:  Yep, people are yelling and booing and expressing their disgust DURING the time when they are supposed to be respecting the flag and the troops.  What the hell is wrong with people?  Shut up and exercise your right to whine and ***** when the National Anthem isn't being performed if respecting the flag is so important to you. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Fire chief directs racial slur at Steelers coach Mike Tomlin on Facebook

A fire chief in a town outside Pittsburgh targeted a racial slur at Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin on Facebook over the team’s decision stay in the locker room for the national anthem on Sunday. 

Paul Smith, the chief of Cecil Township Volunteer Fire Station No. 2, wrote: “Tomlin just added himself to the list of no good (n------). Yes I said it.”
Smith’s use of the slur drew a rebuke from officials in Cecil, a town located about 20 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. 

“The Cecil Township Board of Supervisors is deeply disturbed by the comments made by Volunteer Fire Chief Smith, and in no way, shape or form condone his comments,” the board of supervisors said in a statement.

Smith himself told a TV station that he regretted his comments.

“I am embarrassed at this,” Smith told KDKA-TV. “I want to apologize. I was frustrated and angry at the Steelers not standing for the anthem. This had nothing to do with my fire department. I regret what I said.”

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[Image: oYo0wjKX_normal.jpg]KDKA 

Fire chief "embarrassed," "regrets" using racial slur against @steelers coach Mike Tomlin. @LisaWashing's report: 
6:50 AM - Sep 26, 2017

A message left with Cecil town manager Donald A. Gennuso was not immediately returned on Tuesday.

A nearby fire company in Cecil (No. 3) wrote on its Facebook page it “does not condone or support the comments made” by Smith.” The Facebook page for Smith’s company was not online Tuesday afternoon. 

Oh, he also said he is not racist.   Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-26-2017, 11:11 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Oh, he also said he is not racist.   Mellow

What ever happened to being man enough to admit to being racist?  
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