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NFL Protest
Just read Reagan Report on Facebook that stated Newt Gingrich saying "that the NFL has gotten themselves into a position regarding the players and the Anthem protest and they don't know how to get out of it,that he foresees the NFL dropping the Natonal Anthem being played b4 NFL games" Which he said will only make the situation worse.
It's ironic how a group of people protest the disrespect to them in their own country by being disrespectful to others in the same country.
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(09-28-2017, 09:08 PM)Mer Wrote: It's ironic how a group of people protest the disrespect to them in our country by being disrespectful to others in our country.

It's the law of the land these days....everyone is so caught up in themselves. Don't offend me or disrespect me...but **** you if my stance offends or disrespects you.

We need a whole lot of understanding and striving for the common good and a whole lot less of "look at me" and self gratification.

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I don't want you bringing these politics onto my message board! First it invades my football and now my message board about football.
Would hate to see it not played.

Have seen some great renditions of the anthem at Bengals games.

Especially when they use to buzz the stadium with those fighter jets at the songs end. Have not seen that in a few years though.

Seems the answer would be to keep teams in locker room while it is being played.

Let them know they are on the clock, will do as told and can protest on their own time.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

The water tastes funny when you're far from your home,
yet it's only the thirsty that hunger to roam. 
          Roam the Jungle !
(09-28-2017, 09:48 PM)Go Cards Wrote: Would hate to see it not played.

Have seen some great renditions of the anthem at Bengals games.

Especially when they use to buzz the stadium with those fighter jets at the songs end. Have not seen that in a few years though.

Seems the answer would be to keep teams in locker room while it is being played.

Let them know they are on the clock, will do as told and can protest on their own time.

Same answer we have experienced with prayer, just remove it. Wrong, I would insist I get the opportunity to stand for the anthem just like I do proudly before every high school match I coach.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(09-28-2017, 09:36 PM)Wyche Wrote: It's the law of the land these days....everyone is so caught up in themselves. Don't offend me or disrespect me...but **** you if my stance offends or disrespects you.

We need a whole lot of understanding and striving for the common good and a whole lot less of "look at me" and self gratification.

Nicely put. :andy:
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(09-28-2017, 09:48 PM)Go Cards Wrote: Would hate to see it not played.

Have seen some great renditions of the anthem at Bengals games.

Especially when they use to buzz the stadium with those fighter jets at the songs end. Have not seen that in a few years though.

Seems the answer would be to keep teams in locker room while it is being played.

Let them know they are on the clock, will do as told and can protest on their own time.

This is how it used to be anyway. No issue if they went back to this.
Zac Taylor 2019-2020: 6 total wins
Zac Taylor 2021-2022: Double-digit wins each season, plus 5 postseason wins
Patience has paid off!

Sorry for Party Rocking!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Just play "America the Beautiful" instead.
Everything in this post is my fault.
Players come and go. Anthem stays, flag stands, until every last breath is taken to defend it. It's been that way since the first life was taken to defend it, It should remain that way till the last!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-28-2017, 10:44 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Players come and go. Anthem stays, flag stands, until every last breath is taken to defend it. It's been that way since the first life was taken to defend it, It should remain that way till the last!

Actually NFL players stayed in the locker room during the National Anthem until 2009.
Goddamn, the level of whining over these "protests" is far beyond annoying.

The reaction from conservative America over this is causing a contempt for the flag with me. Every time I see someone crying about it, it gets worse.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-28-2017, 09:08 PM)Mer Wrote: It's ironic how a group of people protest the disrespect to them in their own country by being disrespectful to others in the same country.

I've never heard unjust murder of a group of people based on their race by police called "disrespect" before.
My biggest issue with the NFL protests is President Trump's faux outrage to the protest. Somehow Americans waving the Nazi flag in Charlottesville Va. is less offensive to our American Flag and to our Military troops than kneeling during the Anthem? Or did I miss President Trump calling the Nazi flag wavers SOB's and calling on them to fired? If I did miss him saying that, please direct me to where he condemned the actions of the Nazi flag wavers as strongly as he has the players taking a knee during the Anthem. So I ask everyone here who wants to condemn the players. Will you step up and admit that actions taken in Virginia and at rally's across the country where the Nazi flags are being waved by other Americans, are FAR more disrespectful to those that have fought the very Nazi's they are cheering, those who have died for our freedoms, to our current military troops and to our own American flag? Where is the Donald Trump saying that many many sides are to blame for the protests at NFL games? Does he reserve that only for protests where the side he supports gets out of line? Before President Trump can be taken seriously, he MUST be consistent in condemning the actions of those that have taken far more egregious actions in the disrespect shown to our troops and our flag.
(09-28-2017, 08:46 PM)firstand10 Wrote: Just read Reagan Report on Facebook that stated Newt Gingrich saying "that the NFL has gotten themselves into a position regarding the players and the Anthem protest and they don't know how to get out of it,that he foresees the NFL dropping the Natonal Anthem being played b4 NFL games" Which he said will only make the situation worse.

Or they could just simply go back to playing it before the players take the field.
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I will admit, I tried to put this on the back shelf where, at the time, it belonged. However, it has since became a popular family discussion, work discussion, etc. Seems since I'm a veteran, everybody wants to know my take on it and I continue to be as politically correct as possible. There is a lot of anger in peoples voices and opinions over this. Not to mention, people questioning me because I plan on watching football Sunday instead of boycotting the NFL. My best response to all of this has been that I believe people have every right to protest, but protesting the flag or the national anthem is a protest that lacks understanding. The NFL has handled this situation very badly. Trump has handled this very badly as well as many people have handled it very badly.

However, the same passion that defends the flag and feel kneeling is disrespectful is the same spirit which has kept this country free. Yep, those who are not afraid to stand and defend it and those who have fallen in the process. This is a very deep rooted issue and if its not stomped out quickly, more hate and separation will be the result. The flag is a symbol of our great nation which has continued to grow through all it's pains and turmoil. It cannot be used as a stage to protest. We, as a people, will overcome this issue.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
They've made their stand. They've brought attention to certain issues which were already getting plenty to begin with. Time to go out personally, individually, and get busy finding a solution.

Carrying it on further strikes me as incitement and further takes attention away from their cause. When people are so busy talking about kneeling or standing, they won't be talking about the actual issue.

Keep seeing this phrase on FB--Stand for the flag, kneel for the cross.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(09-28-2017, 11:30 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: I've never heard unjust murder of a group of people based on their race by police called "disrespect" before.

So what would you call it? Respectful? 
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(09-28-2017, 11:23 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Goddamn, the level of whining over these "protests" is far beyond annoying.

The reaction from conservative America over this is causing a contempt for the flag with me. Every time I see someone crying about it, it gets worse.

This is getting all P&R forum, but I'll say the issue (as I see it) is that the American flag as a symbol has been (quite brilliantly) established over the past 30 or so years as a symbol of the neo-con post-Reagan republican party.  It is supposed to represent freedom and liberty and everyone within the country regardless of color, creed, or affiliation but in the marketing and brand recognition sense it does not.

This is one of the reasons you see the American flag waved in earnest by people who oppose freedoms with which they disagree.  If someone holds a rally for gay rights or (if we go way back) interracial marriage, the construction of a mosque or a slew of other things you'll see the right-wing opposition waving the American flag in a sense of defiance.  Take your liberal crap elsewhere because this is America.  Personally, seeing someone zealously wave a flag that stands for freedom and liberty as an argument to deny freedom and liberty seems downright blasphemous to me.  Mingling the American flag with the Nazi flag just shows how far off-base people's perception of our nation's flag has become, but people are free to be that hypocritical.  

Short version...the neo-cons have brilliantly turned our nation's flag into their own corporate logo and the backlash against them spills over to it.  It's genius marketing, but it's also causing a sacred symbol of freedom to be bastardized for biased personal gain.  

Red is Coke, blue is Pepsi, red and yellow is McDonalds and red white and blue is neo-con.  

(09-29-2017, 08:10 AM)McC Wrote: Keep seeing this phrase on FB--Stand for the flag, kneel for the cross.

And if people choose not to do those things and you feel they are important you should just do them yourself instead of booing loudly. Side note, I was raised Catholic and my gf is a Methodist and I go to church with her family and they don't kneel at all. I asked where the kneelers were the first time we were in the church, ha. Alas, I haven't booed them for refusing to kneel for the cross.

They don't even have holy water. Lord knows what they'll do if/when Dracula shows up.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-29-2017, 08:16 AM)Mer Wrote: So what would you call it? Respectful? 

No. Disrespect is such an understatement it's absurd to act like it's just "disrespectful." To call it disrespectful is to put it on a lower tier, as to devalue what the protest is actually about.

I understand why people aren't happy with the way that the protest was held - via kneeling during the anthem. That makes sense to me and I understand why it offends them.

But to put 'kneeling during the anthem' and 'the murder of innocent black people by an authority of the government on a consistent and unreasonable basis' on the same level of "disrespectful" is a false equivalency that I am not okay with.

People should be outraged about the latter, not the former.

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