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Trump to become first president to speak at anti-LGBT hate group's summit
(10-20-2017, 11:52 AM)GMDino Wrote: The school as a policy of allowing anyone to rent the space.  So they let him speak.  

No one said anyone had to listen.

I'm assuming the Gov was afraid of clashes due to "both sides"™ going at each other.

Fortunately it seems little of that happened.  Although Spencer apparently told the people yelling they were antifa because the disagreed with him. Tolerant?

It doesn't help oppose that allegation when one of the counter protestors punched a Nazi. It's hard to say "we're tolerant and peaceful opposition" when you threw the only punch.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2017, 11:41 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Tried that before and got a 4 month suspension.

You guys are great.

Yeah, it's everyone's fault except Lucie's he is suspended once more after violated the COC again.
(10-20-2017, 12:12 PM)Benton Wrote: It doesn't help oppose that allegation when one of the counter protestors punched a Nazi. It's hard to say "we're tolerant and peaceful opposition" when you threw the only punch.

From what I read he said that to the people inside who were yelling back at him...not the guy who threw the bunch.

I've have been firm that violence is never acceptable in these situations except in self defense.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-20-2017, 12:12 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Yeah, it's everyone's fault except Lucie's he is suspended once more after violated the COC again.

Violating the CoC you say:


Personal attacks are any communications that are intended to harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment to a fellow member. There is absolutely no need for this....If you can't make your points and/or disagree with another member(s) without resorting to a personal attack- then it's better to just not reply to the user(s) or perhaps avoid posting in that topic altogether.

But as I said: You guys are great
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2017, 12:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Violating the CoC you say:


Personal attacks are any communications that are intended to harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment to a fellow member. There is absolutely no need for this. 

But as I said: You guys are great

But, you don't literally mean we are great. In fact, you mean the opposite. Ironic considering you're complaining about insults while insulting the "clique."

Does anyone in "the clique" have the ability to suspend anyone? No.

People are suspended for breaking the rules. Period. When I have been suspended it was my fault and only my fault. Not the mods. Not other posters. Not because someone complained. Not some clique. It was my responsibility and mine alone. I wasn't some innocent bystander hit with a stray suspension.

I assume you know it is frowned upon to make a joke based upon the rape of a 10 year old girl IOT insult another member which included a word the mods had to add to the language filter because of its repeated abuse in the first post of a thread which had to be deleted in its entirety?
(10-19-2017, 03:27 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I could be wrong about you, and I hope I am, but my encounters with you have caused me to believe that you have little to no genuine compassion to the plight of people that are not cis straight able-bodied Christian white males. Again, I hope that my perception of you is wrong, but I am being 100% sincere when I say this is my impression of you based on your posts.

You should refrain from attacking his character. Same as a personal attack.
(10-20-2017, 12:52 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: People are suspended for breaking the rules. Period. When I have been suspended it was my fault and only my fault.

True, and I would expect see a lot less of you and Bel for all the times you have belittled StLuc.
Liberal privilege I guess. 
(10-20-2017, 12:52 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: But, you don't literally mean we are great. In fact, you mean the opposite. Ironic considering you're complaining about insults while insulting the "clique."

Does anyone in "the clique" have the ability to suspend anyone?  No.

People are suspended for breaking the rules. Period. When I have been suspended it was my fault and only my fault. Not the mods. Not other posters. Not because someone complained. Not some clique. It was my responsibility and mine alone. I wasn't some innocent bystander hit with a stray suspension.

I assume you know it is frowned upon to make a joke based upon the rape of a 10 year old girl IOT insult another member which included a word the mods had to add to the language filter because of its repeated abuse in the first post of a thread which had to be deleted in its entirety?

I'm not the one that introduced the CoC into the discussion; nor, have I complained about insults in this discussion. I simply saw your concern with violating the CoC and wanted to ensure that you and others what not doing it through ignorance.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2017, 12:55 PM)Vlad Wrote: You should refrain from attacking his character. Same as a personal attack.

(10-20-2017, 01:05 PM)Vlad Wrote: True, and I would expect see a lot less of you and Bel for all the times you have belittled StLuc.
Liberal privilege I guess. 
Need a safe space?
(10-20-2017, 12:55 PM)Vlad Wrote: You should refrain from attacking his character. Same as a personal attack.

Well, it's not. It pushes up against the line, I'll give you that, but it isn't a personal attack. I know where the line is and while I freely admit to toeing it when it comes to Lucie, he and I can go tit-for-tat in one thread and have a decent conversation in another. Since his response to me wasn't deleted, that wouldn't have been the CoC violation this time around as the offending posts usually get deleted. I'm not sure what happened since I pulled out after that, concerned that had the conversation continued, it would cross the line.
(10-20-2017, 01:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm not the one that introduced the CoC into the discussion; nor, have I complained about insults in this discussion. I simply saw your concern with violating the CoC and wanted to ensure that you and others what not doing it through ignorance.

Gimme a break . . .

(10-20-2017, 11:05 AM)bfine32 Wrote: The clique got what they wanted I see.

Very tolerant.

(10-20-2017, 11:15 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: State what you mean in plain English so when we discuss it you won't later claim you never said what you implied.

(10-20-2017, 11:41 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Tried that before and got a 4 month suspension.

You guys are great.

You are complaining about Lucie being suspended. Being suspended involves what? The god damn COC. Then after I asked you to plainly state what you're complaining about, you brought up your suspension which again involves the COC. Now, as I predicted, you're claiming you didn't bring it up.
(10-20-2017, 02:00 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Gimme a break . . .

You are complaining about Lucie being suspended. Being suspended involves what?  The god damn COC. Then after I asked you to plainly state what you're complaining about, you brought up your suspension which again involves the COC. Now, as I predicted, you're claiming you didn't bring it up.

You're great.

Keep up the good fight.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2017, 01:05 PM)Vlad Wrote: True, and I would expect see a lot less of you and Bel for all the times you have belittled StLuc.
Liberal privilege I guess. 

The liberal bias of the mainstream media? Meaning is part of the mainstream media for me to enjoy their liberal privilege. Since you're a member of this place that would make you a part of the liberal MSM.
(10-20-2017, 02:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You're great.

Keep up the good fight.

"Okey dokey," Mr. I Didn't Bring Up What I Brought Up Twice Before Denying I Brought It Up Twice
(10-20-2017, 12:12 PM)Benton Wrote: It doesn't help oppose that allegation when one of the counter protestors punched a Nazi. It's hard to say "we're tolerant and peaceful opposition" when you threw the only punch.

Donald Trump on protester: 'I'd like to punch him in the face'
(10-20-2017, 02:18 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: "Okey dokey," Mr. I Didn't Bring Up What I Brought Up Twice Before Denying I Brought It Up Twice

Roll with that. However, most folks can read and determine for themselves who introduced the CoC into this discussion. Regardless how badly you don't want to be the one that did.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2017, 02:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The liberal bias of the mainstream media?

No. Liberal privilege in general.

(10-20-2017, 02:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:  Meaning is part of the mainstream media for me to enjoy their liberal privilege.

No, the bengalsboard is not the mainstream media.
Again inconsequential.

(10-20-2017, 02:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Since you're a member of this place that would make you a part of the liberal MSM.

The college prof that happens to be conservative is a part of liberal dominated academia, but so what?
Again irrelevant.

You can fin liberal privilege anywhere...a liberal democrat politician who uses racist language is given a pass, but a conservative Republican? Dream on.
This boards mods lean left. You are privileged.

More examples.

1) You can commit a crime and your local newspaper usually won't mention what party you're in if you're a Democrat.

2) You can be a white liberal who viciously mocks black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, and Ben Carson without being called a racist.

3) You can be a Communist or a radical Islamist, you can hate America or even engage in acts of terrorism and still get a job as a college professor. In fact, it probably makes it more likely you'll be hired.

4) You can live in a mansion, fly around in private jets and consume more energy than a small town and still be taken seriously when you say we need to cut back on our lifestyles to fight global warming.

5) You can hold a conference like Netroots Nation that's as white as any Tea Party without having people suggest that your event is somehow "racist" for not having more minorities present.

6) You can hold protests without paying for permits, illegally sleep in the park for weeks, and crap in the street and the police turn a blind eye to what you're doing.

7) You can make Ebenezer Scrooge look like Mother Teresa and you'll still be told you're "compassionate" for supporting liberal policies that ruin the lives of poor Americans.

8) You have the option of sending your kids to a liberal school, watching liberal news, and then enjoying liberal TV shows so that your insular liberal world never has to be shaken by actual conservatives explaining their ideas.

9) If you work for a newspaper, a college, or in Hollywood, you can freely spout your political beliefs at every opportunity without fear of facing any retaliation for your beliefs. As an added bonus, you can then tell everyone how "brave" you are for taking the same positions all of your friends and colleagues hold.

10) If you're a liberal minority politician, you can be crooked, ignore your constituents, and do nothing of consequence to make their lives better while you get elected over and over again.

11) You can be taken seriously as some kind of girl power, women's rights icon even though your entire career is built on being married to a serial adulterer who became President.

12) You can have millions of dollars in the bank and not be laughed at when you complain about all those awful rich people ruining the country.

13) Newspapers will ignore scandals that would be front page news FOR MONTHS if a Republican were involved because a liberal is behind them.

14) You can wear mom jeans, throw like a girl, and look like a dork on a bike and Hollywood will tell everyone you're cool if you're a liberal President.

15) You can cheer for women who abort their female babies right before you accuse OTHER PEOPLE of waging a "war" on women.
(10-20-2017, 03:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Roll with that. However, most folks can read and determine for themselves who introduced the CoC into this discussion. Regardless how badly you don't want to be the one that did.

Are your sure? Because you won't even confirm nor deny what the hell it is you're complaining about because you're afraid you'll be suspended for violating the COC.
(10-20-2017, 07:07 PM)Vlad Wrote: No. Liberal privilege in general.

No, the bengalsboard is not the mainstream media.
Again inconsequential.

The college prof that happens to be conservative is a part of liberal dominated academia, but so what?
Again irrelevant.

You can fin liberal privilege anywhere...a liberal democrat politician who uses racist language is given a pass, but a conservative Republican? Dream on.
This boards mods lean left. You are privileged.

More examples.

1) You can commit a crime and your local newspaper usually won't mention what party you're in if you're a Democrat.

2) You can be a white liberal who viciously mocks black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, and Ben Carson without being called a racist.

3) You can be a Communist or a radical Islamist, you can hate America or even engage in acts of terrorism and still get a job as a college professor. In fact, it probably makes it more likely you'll be hired.

4) You can live in a mansion, fly around in private jets and consume more energy than a small town and still be taken seriously when you say we need to cut back on our lifestyles to fight global warming.

5) You can hold a conference like Netroots Nation that's as white as any Tea Party without having people suggest that your event is somehow "racist" for not having more minorities present.

6) You can hold protests without paying for permits, illegally sleep in the park for weeks, and crap in the street and the police turn a blind eye to what you're doing.

7) You can make Ebenezer Scrooge look like Mother Teresa and you'll still be told you're "compassionate" for supporting liberal policies that ruin the lives of poor Americans.

8) You have the option of sending your kids to a liberal school, watching liberal news, and then enjoying liberal TV shows so that your insular liberal world never has to be shaken by actual conservatives explaining their ideas.

9) If you work for a newspaper, a college, or in Hollywood, you can freely spout your political beliefs at every opportunity without fear of facing any retaliation for your beliefs. As an added bonus, you can then tell everyone how "brave" you are for taking the same positions all of your friends and colleagues hold.

10) If you're a liberal minority politician, you can be crooked, ignore your constituents, and do nothing of consequence to make their lives better while you get elected over and over again.

11) You can be taken seriously as some kind of girl power, women's rights icon even though your entire career is built on being married to a serial adulterer who became President.

12) You can have millions of dollars in the bank and not be laughed at when you complain about all those awful rich people ruining the country.

13) Newspapers will ignore scandals that would be front page news FOR MONTHS if a Republican were involved because a liberal is behind them.

14) You can wear mom jeans, throw like a girl, and look like a dork on a bike and Hollywood will tell everyone you're cool if you're a liberal President.

15) You can cheer for women who abort their female babies right before you accuse OTHER PEOPLE of waging a "war" on women.

Ah, so you're part of the liberal privilege problem.

Is plagiarism part of conservative privilege?
(10-20-2017, 07:07 PM)Vlad Wrote: No. Liberal privilege in general.

No, the bengalsboard is not the mainstream media.
Again inconsequential.

The college prof that happens to be conservative is a part of liberal dominated academia, but so what?
Again irrelevant.

You can fin liberal privilege anywhere...a liberal democrat politician who uses racist language is given a pass, but a conservative Republican? Dream on.
This boards mods lean left. You are privileged.

More examples.

1) You can commit a crime and your local newspaper usually won't mention what party you're in if you're a Democrat.

2) You can be a white liberal who viciously mocks black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, and Ben Carson without being called a racist.

3) You can be a Communist or a radical Islamist, you can hate America or even engage in acts of terrorism and still get a job as a college professor. In fact, it probably makes it more likely you'll be hired.

4) You can live in a mansion, fly around in private jets and consume more energy than a small town and still be taken seriously when you say we need to cut back on our lifestyles to fight global warming.

5) You can hold a conference like Netroots Nation that's as white as any Tea Party without having people suggest that your event is somehow "racist" for not having more minorities present.

6) You can hold protests without paying for permits, illegally sleep in the park for weeks, and crap in the street and the police turn a blind eye to what you're doing.

7) You can make Ebenezer Scrooge look like Mother Teresa and you'll still be told you're "compassionate" for supporting liberal policies that ruin the lives of poor Americans.

8) You have the option of sending your kids to a liberal school, watching liberal news, and then enjoying liberal TV shows so that your insular liberal world never has to be shaken by actual conservatives explaining their ideas.

9) If you work for a newspaper, a college, or in Hollywood, you can freely spout your political beliefs at every opportunity without fear of facing any retaliation for your beliefs. As an added bonus, you can then tell everyone how "brave" you are for taking the same positions all of your friends and colleagues hold.

10) If you're a liberal minority politician, you can be crooked, ignore your constituents, and do nothing of consequence to make their lives better while you get elected over and over again.

11) You can be taken seriously as some kind of girl power, women's rights icon even though your entire career is built on being married to a serial adulterer who became President.

12) You can have millions of dollars in the bank and not be laughed at when you complain about all those awful rich people ruining the country.

13) Newspapers will ignore scandals that would be front page news FOR MONTHS if a Republican were involved because a liberal is behind them.

14) You can wear mom jeans, throw like a girl, and look like a dork on a bike and Hollywood will tell everyone you're cool if you're a liberal President.

15) You can cheer for women who abort their female babies right before you accuse OTHER PEOPLE of waging a "war" on women.

Jeez, you're a snowflake.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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