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Trump to become first president to speak at anti-LGBT hate group's summit
(10-20-2017, 07:07 PM)Vlad Wrote: The college prof that happens to be conservative is a part of liberal dominated academia, but so what?
Again irrelevant.

You can fin liberal privilege anywhere...a liberal democrat politician who uses racist language is given a pass, but a conservative Republican? Dream on.
This boards mods lean left. You are privileged.

More examples.

1) You can commit a crime and your local newspaper usually won't mention what party you're in if you're a Democrat.

2) You can be a white liberal who viciously mocks black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, and Ben Carson without being called a racist.

3) You can be a Communist or a radical Islamist, you can hate America or even engage in acts of terrorism and still get a job as a college professor. In fact, it probably makes it more likely you'll be hired.

4) You can live in a mansion, fly around in private jets and consume more energy than a small town and still be taken seriously when you say we need to cut back on our lifestyles to fight global warming.

5) You can hold a conference like Netroots Nation that's as white as any Tea Party without having people suggest that your event is somehow "racist" for not having more minorities present.

6) You can hold protests without paying for permits, illegally sleep in the park for weeks, and crap in the street and the police turn a blind eye to what you're doing.

7) You can make Ebenezer Scrooge look like Mother Teresa and you'll still be told you're "compassionate" for supporting liberal policies that ruin the lives of poor Americans.

8) You have the option of sending your kids to a liberal school, watching liberal news, and then enjoying liberal TV shows so that your insular liberal world never has to be shaken by actual conservatives explaining their ideas.

9) If you work for a newspaper, a college, or in Hollywood, you can freely spout your political beliefs at every opportunity without fear of facing any retaliation for your beliefs. As an added bonus, you can then tell everyone how "brave" you are for taking the same positions all of your friends and colleagues hold.

10) If you're a liberal minority politician, you can be crooked, ignore your constituents, and do nothing of consequence to make their lives better while you get elected over and over again.

11) You can be taken seriously as some kind of girl power, women's rights icon even though your entire career is built on being married to a serial adulterer who became President.

12) You can have millions of dollars in the bank and not be laughed at when you complain about all those awful rich people ruining the country.

13) Newspapers will ignore scandals that would be front page news FOR MONTHS if a Republican were involved because a liberal is behind them.

14) You can wear mom jeans, throw like a girl, and look like a dork on a bike and Hollywood will tell everyone you're cool if you're a liberal President.

15) You can cheer for women who abort their female babies right before you accuse OTHER PEOPLE of waging a "war" on women.

LOL these are not "examples."   

These are highly subjective, one-sided impressions which circulate through the right wing media--exactly the kind of thing every right-winger "knows" without being able to cite examples.

More likely to be hired as a college professor if you are a "radical islamist"??      Mr. President you look cool in mom jeans?   

Defending a woman's right to control her own body=three cheers for abortion? Somehow the REAL war on women?

And how long will Netroots Nation keep their white "pass" if they call BLM thugs and announce that ALL LIVES MATTER when people complain of bias in law enforcement?

B-b-but they're BLACK! So puzzling that whites who criticize "good blacks" like Thomas, West, and Carson get a "pass" while post-racial whites who criticize "thugs" don't! 

Republicans own the three branches of government but liberals never have to listen to conservatives explaining their ideas? 

And speaking of "conservative ideas"--Paul Ryan excepted, how often do they simply amount to list of crochets and imagined grievances like the list above?

Who is this mysterious "everyone" who gives liberal politicians, newspapers, college professors and Hollywood "passes"?
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(10-20-2017, 07:07 PM)Vlad Wrote: No. Liberal privilege in general.

No, the bengalsboard is not the mainstream media.
Again inconsequential.

The college prof that happens to be conservative is a part of liberal dominated academia, but so what?
Again irrelevant.

You can fin liberal privilege anywhere...a liberal democrat politician who uses racist language is given a pass, but a conservative Republican? Dream on.
This boards mods lean left. You are privileged.

More examples.

1) You can commit a crime and your local newspaper usually won't mention what party you're in if you're a Democrat.

True. Also true: they won't mention if you're a Republican.

This is like saying the U.S. Postal Service won't deliver mail to white people on Sundays. It's true, but also really incorrect.

2) You can be a white liberal who viciously mocks black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, and Ben Carson without being called a racist.

Depends. If you're posting a picture of a monkey and saying "Resembles Ben Carson," then you're going to get called a racist. Party is irrelevant. If you mock Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize for encouraging discussions with the muslim world and then bombing the **** out of them, you aren't going to get called a racist. Party, again, is irrelevant.

See the difference? 

3) You can be a Communist or a radical Islamist, you can hate America or even engage in acts of terrorism and still get a job as a college professor. In fact, it probably makes it more likely you'll be hired.

I'm not sure what the point of this is, so... ok.

4) You can live in a mansion, fly around in private jets and consume more energy than a small town and still be taken seriously when you say we need to cut back on our lifestyles to fight global warming.

Agreed. I don't see that as a partisan issue as that's pretty much on both sides.

5; 7; 12;  14; 15) You can hold a conference like Netroots Nation that's as white as any Tea Party without having people suggest that your event is somehow "racist" for not having more minorities present.

No idea what you're talking about.

6) You can hold protests without paying for permits, illegally sleep in the park for weeks, and crap in the street and the police turn a blind eye to what you're doing.

I'm not sure why you're picking on homeless people.

7) You can make Ebenezer Scrooge look like Mother Teresa and you'll still be told you're "compassionate" for supporting liberal policies that ruin the lives of poor Americans.

8) You have the option of sending your kids to a liberal school, watching liberal news, and then enjoying liberal TV shows so that your insular liberal world never has to be shaken by actual conservatives explaining their ideas.

Likewise, you have the option of sending your kids to conservative schools, watching conservative spun news and enjoying conservative TV shows. What you're suggesting is a lot like communism. 

9) If you work for a newspaper, a college, or in Hollywood, you can freely spout your political beliefs at every opportunity without fear of facing any retaliation for your beliefs. As an added bonus, you can then tell everyone how "brave" you are for taking the same positions all of your friends and colleagues hold.

You can also spout conservative views. 

10) If you're a liberal minority politician, you can be crooked, ignore your constituents, and do nothing of consequence to make their lives better while you get elected over and over again.

That's pretty much every politician these days. 

11) You can be taken seriously as some kind of girl power, women's rights icon even though your entire career is built on being married to a serial adulterer who became President.

Or you can be considered a jobs builder even though those jobs were mostly paid for by taxpayers in Southeast Asian sweat shops.

12) You can have millions of dollars in the bank and not be laughed at when you complain about all those awful rich people ruining the country.

13) Newspapers will ignore scandals that would be front page news FOR MONTHS if a Republican were involved because a liberal is behind them.



14) You can wear mom jeans, throw like a girl, and look like a dork on a bike and Hollywood will tell everyone you're cool if you're a liberal President.

15) You can cheer for women who abort their female babies right before you accuse OTHER PEOPLE of waging a "war" on women.

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(10-20-2017, 07:07 PM)Vlad Wrote: 6) You can hold protests without paying for permits, illegally sleep in the park for weeks, and crap in the street and the police turn a blind eye to what you're doing. 

You can launch an armed takeover of a government building, hold it for weeks, and the feds will not attempt to take it back from you. After you give up, you'll be found not guilty of all charges, including possessing firearms in a federal building lol?
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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Well I read the transcript of the speech and folks can rest a little easier; as he did not say "kill da gheys".

He did say "We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life." and pointed to ISIS killing innocent Muslims
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-23-2017, 06:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well I read the transcript of the speech and folks can rest a little easier; as he did not say "kill da gheys".

He did say "We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life." and pointed to ISIS killing innocent Muslims

Seems like he kept to the script.  Good for him.

Lot's of pandering.  Sounded like a politician.  Weird.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-23-2017, 06:54 PM)GMDino Wrote: Seems like he kept to the script.  Good for him.

Lot's of pandering.  Sounded like a politician.  Weird.

Scary pandering. 

The American Founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence -- four times.  (Applause.)  How times have changed.  But you know what, now they're changing back again.  Just remember that. . . .

But I pledged that, in a Trump administration, our nation’s religious heritage would be cherished, protected, and defended like you have never seen before.  That's what’s happening.  That's what’s happening.  You see it every day.  You're reading it.

Wonder who wrote the script.

And I wonder if cherishing the dignity of every human life will affect immigration policy in any visible way.
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(10-23-2017, 06:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well I read the transcript of the speech and folks can rest a little easier; as he did not say "kill da gheys".

He did say "We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life." and pointed to ISIS killing innocent Muslims

ThumbsUp yeah, more harmless than expected. Still no fan, but that's for ideological reasons alone. I am curious about one detail though: Why do such large parts of the right insist that "Christmas" is a word the left wants banned? That seems to be quite unfactual, yet I hear that over and over again, "we can finally say Merry Christmas again". Was there ever any limitation to that liberty?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-23-2017, 07:21 PM)Dill Wrote: Scary pandering. 

The American Founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence -- four times.  (Applause.)  How times have changed.  But you know what, now they're changing back again.  Just remember that. . . .

But I pledged that, in a Trump administration, our nation’s religious heritage would be cherished, protected, and defended like you have never seen before.  That's what’s happening.  That's what’s happening.  You see it every day.  You're reading it.

Wonder who wrote the script.

And I wonder if cherishing the dignity of every human life will affect immigration policy in any visible way.

and they invoked a creator at no point in the Constitution. It's amusing that he would mention Jefferson's neutral references to a creator. Most in that room would have joined in with Jefferson's critics in denouncing him as an atheistic for his views. 

He wants to defend the heritage of Jefferson's "Nature's God", a god of theism and reason. By all means, defend the man who called on respecting Jesus as moral figure, praising his devotion to others and not the corrupted forms of Christianity, as he called them. I'm not sure his view of Christianity translate very well to the hatred spewed by that group. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(10-23-2017, 08:09 PM)hollodero Wrote: ThumbsUp yeah, more harmless than expected. Still no fan, but that's for ideological reasons alone. I am curious about one detail though: Why do such large parts of the right insist that "Christmas" is a word the left wants banned? That seems to be quite unfactual, yet I hear that over and over again, "we can finally say Merry Christmas again". Was there ever any limitation to that liberty?

As to the Christmas thing, I think it is in reference to folks stating that saying Merry Christmas does not include all religions and/or atheists. There have been examples of open-minded folks wanting Nativity scenes removed, ect... The feeling is that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ so why should it not be focused on him? 

As for me: I'll say Merry Christmas to everyone, if they tell me it offends them (and they have) I'll say Okey Doke, have a good day. 

As to Trump's remarks, that's why I said let's wait to see what he says.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-23-2017, 10:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As to the Christmas thing, I think it is in reference to folks stating that saying Merry Christmas does not include all religions and/or atheists. There have been examples of open-minded folks wanting Nativity scenes removed, ect... The feeling is that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ so why should it not be focused on him? 

Wasn't it more that the religious displays were on public property? And then rather than allow all religions to have displays many place simply removed the navities or moved them to religious sites.

(10-23-2017, 10:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As for me: I'll say Merry Christmas to everyone, if they tell me it offends them (and they have) I'll say Okey Doke, have a good day. 

Color me stunned. Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-23-2017, 10:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As to the Christmas thing, I think it is in reference to folks stating that saying Merry Christmas does not include all religions and/or atheists. There have been examples of open-minded folks wanting Nativity scenes removed, ect... The feeling is that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ so why should it not be focused on him?

As for me: I'll say Merry Christmas to everyone, if they tell me it offends them (and they have) I'll say Okey Doke, have a good day. 

Hm. If someone told me the words "Merry Christmas" were offensive to him/anyone, I would consider that person to be an idiot. I probably wouldn't say it out loud and be a bit mad at myself for not doing so afterwards, but that's not normal and isn't about to become the new normal either. I know I'm from a somewhat different culture and also about PC police stretches, but it doesn't really go quite that far. A few strange fellas are of course everywhere, you say you have met some, but the "Merry Christmas is offensive" people are not an influential sociological group, while the "those people are idiots" group probably is.

Which is why I feel the fear of the words Merry Christmas to be frowned upon and forbidden by PC soon is, to put it too mildly, way overblown. That rather childish talking point annoys me. The fact that nothing annoyed me more about the speech though means Trump was probably quite composed. Boring, almost.

And issues with nativity scenes? Removed from where exactly, this is dependent on context. In general, I'm all for everyone focusing on what he wants to be focused on.

(10-23-2017, 10:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As to Trump's remarks, that's why I said let's wait to see what he says.  

Which was a reasonable approach.
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(10-23-2017, 10:05 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: and they invoked a creator at no point in the Constitution. It's amusing that he would mention Jefferson's neutral references to a creator. Most in that room would have joined in with Jefferson's critics in denouncing him as an atheistic for his views. 

He wants to defend the heritage of Jefferson's "Nature's God", a god of theism and reason. By all means, defend the man who called on respecting Jesus as moral figure, praising his devotion to others and not the corrupted forms of Christianity, as he called them. I'm not sure his view of Christianity translate very well to the hatred spewed by that group. 

Jefferson did not want to include "God" in the Declaration. It was absent from the first drafts. Other drafters asked that he put it in. 

I should add that Jefferson refers to "nature's God," which is typical of deists who thought in terms of the great clock maker rather than the concerned old man with the beard who personally monitors everyone's life and thoughts.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-23-2017, 11:53 PM)hollodero Wrote: Hm. If someone told me the words "Merry Christmas" were offensive to anyone, I would consider that person to be an idiot. I probably wouldn't say it out loud and be a bit mad at myself for not doing so afterwards, but that's not normal and isn't about to become the new normal either. I know I'm from a somewhat different culture and also about PC police stretches, but it doesn't really go quite that far. A few strange fellas are of course everywhere, you say you have met some, but the "Merry Christmas is offensive" people are not an influential sociological group, while the "those people are idiots" group probably is.

Which is why I feel the fear of the words Merry Christmas to be frowned upon and forbidden by PC soon is, to put it too mildly, way overblown. That rather childish talking point annoys me. The fact that nothing annoyed me more about the speech though means Trump was probably quite composed. Boring, almost.

And issues with nativity scenes? Removed from where exactly, this is dependent on context. In general, I'm all for everyone focusing on what he wants to be focused on.

Against the intent of the founding fathers, US religionists have increasingly introduced "God" into state affairs. Many think the US should be a kind of theocratic democracy, founded specifically upon Christianity but not "established" on any specific denomination. 

When municipal, state or federal officials spend taxpayer money on manger scenes--that's where the trouble begins. The US has many non-Christians, as well as some Christians, who are concerned about the separation of church and state.
This can carry over to public schools as well, where school boards often afford explicitly Christian-themed Christmas programs.  I am 100% behind this, though I often say "Merry Christmas" to people. In fact, I don't know of anyone who really gets upset over this, though Bill O'Reilly assured his viewers every year that this was the case.
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(10-24-2017, 12:58 AM)Dill Wrote: Jefferson did not want to include "God" in the Declaration. It was absent from the first drafts. Other drafters asked that he put it in. 

I should add that Jefferson refers to "nature's God," which is typical of deists who thought in terms of the great clock maker rather than the concerned old man with the beard who personally monitors everyone's life and thoughts.

Yep. "Their creator" and "Nature's God" are clear references to his own views while the later references to "divine protection" and "Supreme Judge" are more in line with the interventionist God of the other drafters. 
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(10-20-2017, 07:44 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Ah, so you're part of the liberal privilege problem.

Is plagiarism part of conservative privilege?

Yeah just go with that... now I plagiarize because I didn't happen to link it.

Here are 7 more.

. Assuming that you have the right to control what everyone else does, what they have, what they say, and how they think.  The idea of living your own life and – here’s a thought – leaving others the hell alone to do the same never crosses your mind.
2. Assuming that you have the right never to hear any opinion that contradicts your own, and using intimidation and violence if necessary to protect your ideological bubble.  And if someone actually does or says something you don’t like, you are entitled to a hug or a puppy.
3. Assuming that feeling offended on your part constitutes a political crisis on the nation’s part.  Others might have to grow up and accept the fact that the world will not bow to their every whim, but not you.

4. Having exquisite sensitivity to the moral speck in society’s eye while ignoring the beam in your own.  It is your privilege to establish the standards by which others must live and to critique them at will, but any criticism of you is evidence of hatred.  
5. Consistency is for other people.  You are free to deny the existence of absolutes while imposing absolute standards that others must follow.  As long as your heroes condemn fossil fuels and support gun control, they are free to fly in private jets and live in mega-mansions protected by armed guards.  You are free to say the vilest things about conservative blacks or women, but any criticism of liberal blacks or women is evidence of racism or sexism. 
6. You must be judged only by your rhetoric and not by your results.  If your social policy weakens black families, the resulting social ills are the result of racism on society’s part and not any arrogance, presumption, or failing on your part.  As long as you claim to value education, you are free to support an educational system that cranks out students who cannot read or do basic math, and who are ignorant of even the most essential points of American and world history.

7. And finally, liberal privilege means never having to say “not guilty.”  Laws that apply to everyone else do not apply to you.  Laws protecting public and private property may be suspended in order to allow leftists room to ventilate their feelings.  Laws protecting classified information or forbidding the abuse of governmental positions to harass opponents do not apply to you or your allies.
The left constantly introduces new words and phrases into our political discourse.  Perhaps the phrase that has been missing is, “Your liberal privilege is showing.”
This would be a good time to introduce it.

(10-24-2017, 12:54 PM)Vlad Wrote: Yeah just go with that... now I plagiarize because I didn't happen to link it.

Here are 7 more.

. Assuming that you have the right to control what everyone else does, what they have, what they say, and how they think.  The idea of living your own life and – here’s a thought – leaving others the hell alone to do the same never crosses your mind.

And this is where the conservative party is losing folks. Jumping up and down and labeling everything as intolerance is equally as bad and misleading as jumping up and down and labeling everything as sexist/racist/etc.

2. Assuming that you have the right never to hear any opinion that contradicts your own, and using intimidation and violence if necessary to protect your ideological bubble.  And if someone actually does or says something you don’t like, you are entitled to a hug or a puppy.

I've not gotten the contradiction. Liberals are all weak, snowflake losers who are too easily intimidated while at the same time being violent thugs who won't listen to reason and hurt peaceful Nazis. LOL

3-7. Assuming that feeling offended on your part constitutes a political crisis on the nation’s part.  Others might have to grow up and accept the fact that the world will not bow to their every whim, but not you.

Don't really make any sense.

4. Having exquisite sensitivity to the moral speck in society’s eye while ignoring the beam in your own.  It is your privilege to establish the standards by which others must live and to critique them at will, but any criticism of you is evidence of hatred.  

5. Consistency is for other people.
  You are free to deny the existence of absolutes while imposing absolute standards that others must follow.  As long as your heroes condemn fossil fuels and support gun control, they are free to fly in private jets and live in mega-mansions protected by armed guards.  You are free to say the vilest things about conservative blacks or women, but any criticism of liberal blacks or women is evidence of racism or sexism. 
6. You must be judged only by your rhetoric and not by your results.  If your social policy weakens black families, the resulting social ills are the result of racism on society’s part and not any arrogance, presumption, or failing on your part.  As long as you claim to value education, you are free to support an educational system that cranks out students who cannot read or do basic math, and who are ignorant of even the most essential points of American and world history.

7. And finally, liberal privilege means never having to say “not guilty.”  Laws that apply to everyone else do not apply to you.  Laws protecting public and private property may be suspended in order to allow leftists room to ventilate their feelings.  Laws protecting classified information or forbidding the abuse of governmental positions to harass opponents do not apply to you or your allies.
The left constantly introduces new words and phrases into our political discourse.  Perhaps the phrase that has been missing is, “Your liberal privilege is showing.”
This would be a good time to introduce it.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-24-2017, 12:54 PM)Vlad Wrote: Yeah just go with that... now I plagiarize because I didn't happen to link it.

Here are 7 more.

. Assuming that you have the right to control what everyone else does, what they have, what they say, and how they think.  The idea of living your own life and – here’s a thought – leaving others the hell alone to do the same never crosses your mind.
2. Assuming that you have the right never to hear any opinion that contradicts your own, and using intimidation and violence if necessary to protect your ideological bubble.  And if someone actually does or says something you don’t like, you are entitled to a hug or a puppy.
3. Assuming that feeling offended on your part constitutes a political crisis on the nation’s part.  Others might have to grow up and accept the fact that the world will not bow to their every whim, but not you.

4. Having exquisite sensitivity to the moral speck in society’s eye while ignoring the beam in your own.  It is your privilege to establish the standards by which others must live and to critique them at will, but any criticism of you is evidence of hatred.  
5. Consistency is for other people.  You are free to deny the existence of absolutes while imposing absolute standards that others must follow.  As long as your heroes condemn fossil fuels and support gun control, they are free to fly in private jets and live in mega-mansions protected by armed guards.  You are free to say the vilest things about conservative blacks or women, but any criticism of liberal blacks or women is evidence of racism or sexism. 
6. You must be judged only by your rhetoric and not by your results.  If your social policy weakens black families, the resulting social ills are the result of racism on society’s part and not any arrogance, presumption, or failing on your part.  As long as you claim to value education, you are free to support an educational system that cranks out students who cannot read or do basic math, and who are ignorant of even the most essential points of American and world history.

7. And finally, liberal privilege means never having to say “not guilty.”  Laws that apply to everyone else do not apply to you.  Laws protecting public and private property may be suspended in order to allow leftists room to ventilate their feelings.  Laws protecting classified information or forbidding the abuse of governmental positions to harass opponents do not apply to you or your allies.
The left constantly introduces new words and phrases into our political discourse.  Perhaps the phrase that has been missing is, “Your liberal privilege is showing.”
This would be a good time to introduce it.


WOW!  Where to start--maybe with "consistency is for other people"?  Pull that thread a bit and the whole unravels.

We need to locate the office that hands out liberal "passes" to offenses but restricts conservatives from--what exactly? becoming president and publicly denigrating women, the handicapped, Muslims, etc.? 

?????Assuming that feeling offended on your part constitutes a political crisis on the nation’s part. ????
Wait, who is listing offended feelings here--liberals or conservatives?  

LOL it's ok when liberals "criticize" blacks, but not conservatives.  So unfair liberals are all focused an WHAT is said instead of WHETHER the speaker is black or white. If you are not racist you don't criticize blacks. Ever. Right?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-24-2017, 12:54 PM)Vlad Wrote: Yeah just go with that... now I plagiarize because I didn't happen to link it.

Here are 7 more.

. Assuming that you have the right to control what everyone else does, what they have, what they say, and how they think.  The idea of living your own life and – here’s a thought – leaving others the hell alone to do the same never crosses your mind.
2. Assuming that you have the right never to hear any opinion that contradicts your own, and using intimidation and violence if necessary to protect your ideological bubble.  And if someone actually does or says something you don’t like, you are entitled to a hug or a puppy.
3. Assuming that feeling offended on your part constitutes a political crisis on the nation’s part.  Others might have to grow up and accept the fact that the world will not bow to their every whim, but not you.

4. Having exquisite sensitivity to the moral speck in society’s eye while ignoring the beam in your own.  It is your privilege to establish the standards by which others must live and to critique them at will, but any criticism of you is evidence of hatred.  
5. Consistency is for other people.  You are free to deny the existence of absolutes while imposing absolute standards that others must follow.  As long as your heroes condemn fossil fuels and support gun control, they are free to fly in private jets and live in mega-mansions protected by armed guards.  You are free to say the vilest things about conservative blacks or women, but any criticism of liberal blacks or women is evidence of racism or sexism. 
6. You must be judged only by your rhetoric and not by your results.  If your social policy weakens black families, the resulting social ills are the result of racism on society’s part and not any arrogance, presumption, or failing on your part.  As long as you claim to value education, you are free to support an educational system that cranks out students who cannot read or do basic math, and who are ignorant of even the most essential points of American and world history.

7. And finally, liberal privilege means never having to say “not guilty.”  Laws that apply to everyone else do not apply to you.  Laws protecting public and private property may be suspended in order to allow leftists room to ventilate their feelings.  Laws protecting classified information or forbidding the abuse of governmental positions to harass opponents do not apply to you or your allies.
The left constantly introduces new words and phrases into our political discourse.  Perhaps the phrase that has been missing is, “Your liberal privilege is showing.”
This would be a good time to introduce it.


1-4. describe the  religious right and their attempts to impose their religious standards on everyone else.
5. How many anti gay Republicans have been caught with young men in hotel rooms or bathrooms?
6. See every Republican fiscal policy
7. Again, I ask about Ammon Bundy holding a government building with firearms. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-24-2017, 07:19 PM)Dill Wrote: WOW!  Where to start--maybe with "consistency is for other people"?  Pull that thread a bit and the whole unravels.

We need to locate the office that hands out liberal "passes" to offenses but restricts conservatives from--what exactly? becoming president and publicly denigrating women, the handicapped, Muslims, etc.? 

?????Assuming that feeling offended on your part constitutes a political crisis on the nation’s part. ????
Wait, who is listing offended feelings here--liberals or conservatives?  

LOL it's ok when liberals "criticize" blacks, but not conservatives.  So unfair liberals are all focused an WHAT is said instead of WHETHER the speaker is black or white. If you are not racist you don't criticize blacks. Ever. Right?

I really like:

Quote:Assuming that you have the right to control what everyone else does, what they have, what they say, and how they think.  The idea of living your own life and – here’s a thought – leaving others the hell alone to do the same never crosses your mind.

Conservatives generally agree that there should be little interference from the government is basically anything, but especially our personal lives. I agree with this and feel it is generally a good approach. The issue is that, on most big social issues, they want more government rules. People want to marry whomever they want regardless of sex? Conservatives feel the government should not allow same sex marriage. People want to smoke weed in the privacy of their own homes? Conservatives feel it should be illegal. Women want control over their own bodies? Conservatives say no way. People should have the right to protest peacefully? Not when the it involves the flag.

This point is so misguided to me. These ideals are more controlling than most any legislation and completely go against the idea of less government involvement in our lives. Allowing people to marry who they want, partake in activities they want, protest how they want, and women to make decisions on their own is the opposite of controlling.  
[Image: what%2Bday%2Bis%2Bit.jpg]
So my opinion of this article is I think it was wrong and that the POTUS shouldn't have spoken at such an event.

(I hope that makes everyone just a little bit happier tonight!)

Quote:A flier distributed at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday that promoted a book titled "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality" prompted outcry when photos surfaced on social media.

[Image: DMBdohRUEAAzsxV.jpg:small][Image: DMBdrXdWAAAWRbf.jpg:small]


[Image: roiuhoyi_normal.jpg]David Mack 

The president is addressing the Values Voter Summit today. Here's what they're giving guests in a swag bag: "The Hazards of Homosexuality"
9:55 AM - Oct 13, 2017

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The flier was given out to attendees at the gathering where President Donald Trump spoke in complimentary tote bags that also included a sticker saying, "I don't believe the liberal media."
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[Image: DMBx1EXUIAEe8wV.jpg:small]


[Image: HGgj19ga_normal.jpg]Garrett Haake 

In the #vvs17 swag bag: A free "I don't believe the liberal media" bumper sticker. Clearly keeping it.
11:22 AM - Oct 13, 2017

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MassResistance, a group based Massachusetts that identifies itself as "a pro-family activist organization that educates people to help them confront the attacks on the traditional family" on its website, created the fliers to promote the book by its founder, Bryan Camenker.

A request for comment from MassResistance was not immediately returned. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated MassResistance a hate group since 2008.

[Image: screen_shot_2017-10-13_at_12-54-21_pm_db...24x211.png] A portion of the contents of "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality" pamphlet distributed at the Values Voter Summit. Garrett Haake
According to its preface, the book "aims to alert the public — especially young people and their parents — on the serious physical and physiological health dangers inherent in adopting a 'gay,' lesbian or bisexual (GLB) identity."

The book says the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that resulted in the legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, made "sodomy a right and a legitimate basis for marriage."

It also claims homosexuality is a mental disorder and the truth is being suppressed by "the homosexual lobby and their allies," including the "radicalized" entertainment industry, press and educational establishments.

The book touts an official endorsement from a Dr. Paul Church, where he is listed as "Urologist, Asst. Clinical Professor of Surgery (part-time), Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016." A spokesperson for Harvard Medical School told NBC News that Church has not been affiliated with the school since December 2015.

Church was fired in January 2016 from his position as a urologist at Beth Israel Deaconess, one of Harvard’s affiliated hospitals, for sending anti-gay emails to staff.

Trump received a standing ovation at the Value Voters summit, which was organized by the Family Research Council (FRC), when he said in his remarks Friday that Americans "don't worship government, we worship God."

[Image: screen_shot_2017-10-13_at_12-50-26_pm_f5...20x417.png] Pamphlet distributed at Values Voter Summit promoting "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality" by Bryan Camenker of Mass Resistance. Garrett Haake

He became the first sitting president to address the annual gathering of evangelical conservatives, a powerful bloc that helped propel him to the White House in November.

According to its website, the FRC "does not consider homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and transgenderism as acceptable alternative lifestyles or sexual 'preferences'; they are unhealthy and destructive to individual persons, families, and society."

LGBTQ advocate groups condemned Trump's appearance at the summit.

"This morning, addressing a gathering of some of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ activists in the country, Trump once again legitimized hate speech and vowed, again and again to write discrimination into law by pushing laws focused on religious exemptions," Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, a media watchdog group, said in a statement, adding that religious exemption laws serve to legalize discrimination.

Oh!  I have another opinion!

I think its funny that groups like this back Trump when he couldn't care less...he just says whatever he thinks the people in front of him want to hear. Probably why he didn't care if he spoke...even he doesn't believe the things he says in his speeches.  Smirk
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