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Border wall prototypes
I'm gonna move this here because I don't want to comment in the original thread . . .

(11-01-2017, 02:22 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: 14 million apply for this and only 50k are chosen. Overwhelming Majority of these applications are made by third party people who charge these people to fill it out then charge them to see if they were selected. If selected they need to pay again.

Btw this is a free application

Is this program worth it when 14 million people are being exploited over the application for just 50,000 golden tickets?

I personally could care less How you feel on these immigration matters you have proven time and again you are just flat out ignorant on even the basic processes to file these forms.

This program is dangerous . Not just in letting in whoever but also for the millions who search out the golden ticket. As I have said before..... you want an immigrant family to come then by all means sponsor them.

50K out of 14 million is 3.6% which is on par with your beloved 1924 immigration act.
(11-01-2017, 04:20 PM)Dill Wrote:  
Your complaint was immigrants were forming ghettos and not assimilating--unlike previous immigrants.  My point was that previous immigrants also formed ghettos and refused to assimilate.  This does not deny the fact that immigrants continue to form ghettos. It only denies the claim the new immigrants behave differently.  

Sending me a snapshot of a Haitian ghetto in Florida hardly refutes a point that was not made.

You affirmed the Immigration Act of 1924, which was founded upon racist/eugenicist theories.  Eugenics and the 1924 act were not my idea, were they?  US immigration policies until the 1960s were explicitly race and ethnically based. When you appeal to these policies as suitable for the present, you should not be surprised if people ask whether race plays a role in your immigration preference. If it does not then most people will listen as you explain why.  Asking about or pointing out the racist precedents is not the same as calling someone a racist. 

However, complaining that people call "everything" racist when we are talking about policies explicitly grounded in racist theories is just whipping up dust around the question.

I believe you have in the past associated "progressives" with racism and eugenics in the past. Wilson maybe, Margaret Sanger? Was it bad when/if they supported racist/eugenicist theories?

Killing people and rounding up American citizens are not the same as restricting the border.

Have a word with yourself before you try and make these ridiculous comparisons.

Restricting the border is not racist.

When allow third worlders to stampede in here there is too many of them that they won’t assimilate.
(11-01-2017, 07:27 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I'm gonna move this here because I don't want to comment in the original thread . . .

50K out of 14 million is 3.6% which is on par with your beloved 1924 immigration act.

There is nothing positive or beneficial about The diversity Lottery.
Diversity is much harder when you see men 20 yrs your younger able to kick a kickball much further than you.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-02-2017, 01:32 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: There is nothing positive or beneficial about The diversity Lottery.

I'm positive you can't provide any evidence to back up another specious claim the same way you have twice failed to produce any evidence to back up your claim we were better off in 1924 compared to 2017. Failing to produce any evidence is kinda your thing.
(11-02-2017, 09:34 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I'm positive you can't provide any evidence to back up another specious claim the same way you have twice failed to produce any evidence to back up your claim we were better off in 1924 compared to 2017. Failing to produce any evidence is kinda your thing.

Why do you want third worlders stampeding into this country?

This will eventually just turn the third world mentality into the norm.
(11-02-2017, 05:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why do you want third worlders stampeding into this country?

This will eventually just turn the third world mentality into the norm.

I don't. They aren't.

Show me one single shred of evidence I have EVER suggested immigration standards should be more lax. Ever. Just one.

You can't because I never have.

Just another false statement to back up more unsupported opinions.

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