Poll: Does Devon Still Make the Team this year?
Yes! Makes the 53 man roster
No he doesn't make it all
Yes he makes the practice squad if eligible.
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Devon Still Makes the team? I don't see it.
(08-18-2015, 12:58 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The coaches will keep the best players.

And they are not loyal to a fault.  Just ask Willie Anderson, Rudi Johnson, Deltha O'Neal, Ochocinco, Kyle Cook and many others who were shown the door.

Everyone besides maybe Willie was kept a year too long. As evident nobody wanted them after they were cut. Well Ocho got another opportunity, but he was clearly done when they decided to trade him.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-18-2015, 02:20 PM)jj22 Wrote: Everyone besides maybe Willie was kept a year too long. As evident nobody wanted them after they were cut.  Well Ocho got another opportunity, but he was clearly done when they decided to trade him.

Everyone of them got signed by another team.

Typical criticism of the Bengals.  If they release a guy who goes on to play well someplace else then the Bengals were stupid for not keeping him longer, but if the Bengals cut a guy who doesn't make it anywhere else then the Bengals were stupid for keeping him too long.

Why doesn't anyone want to talk about the Patriots signing Ocho Cinco?
And what did they do after the Bengals cut them? Anybody can get their "tires kicked," it's what you do when you're signed that matters. All those players were done or very close to it.

I recall your example of Ochocinco doing jack squat. Not exactly the best way to prove your point. That doesn't dent the "Bengals are a loyal to a fault" thought one iota because it's 100% truth in many other ways, notwithstanding examples of players who never did anything after they were cut.
The artist formerly known as Heretic
Because it was a huge failure and Ocho was clearly done. I don't remember Rudy, Deltha, or Cook doing anything else so you've stumped me saying they were signed elsewhere.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-18-2015, 02:38 PM)jj22 Wrote: Because it was a huge failure and Ocho was clearly done. I don't remember Rudy, Deltha, or Cook doing anything else so you've stumped me saying they were signed elsewhere.

All Rudi did after was get his underwear stolen by Tatum Bell
The artist formerly known as Heretic
Atkins, Dunlap, Johnson, Gelberry, Peko, Thompson, Hunt, Clarke, Sims, Hardison make the roster.  Williams is the only lock I see for PS  (if he's not picked up).  The Devon Still story is heart-wrenching but thid year the reality sets in.  He's gone.
I wouldn't consider Hunt a lock. I'm not even counting him in my "arm chair gm projections". And I'm not sold they'll keep 10.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-18-2015, 02:44 PM)GarbageDisposal Wrote: All Rudi did after was get his underwear stolen by Tatum Bell

Actually, Rudi had better/equal numbers in Detroit that season than Chris Perry, the guy they kept over Rudi.
Rudi: 76 carries, 237 yds, 1 TD, 3.1 ypc
Chris: 104 carries, 269 yds, 2 TD, 2.6 ypc

He was done, but he played about as much as the guy that 'replaced' him.
(08-18-2015, 12:32 PM)jj22 Wrote: Still wouldn't have made it last season if it wasn't for circumstance. He's out. All that talk about getting stronger and he showed nothing yet again. Ced should be beat out by younger backs but it's not ONLY because he's a preacher, he is a special teams ace, but hopefully they are willing to move on from him if Watson and co continue to shine. Same with Peko if our young DT's shine. I like Peko, but why cut young players at the position for one more year with him. There are going to be some tough decisions, but why cut young talent for folks on the final year of their contract. Championship teams wouldn't let loyalty dictate roster as much as Marv and Co does.

Cracks me up when people mention Peko as being on the block.  How many ex Bengal coaches (some now NFL head coaches) have to indicate he is a very productive player before people give up this nonsense?  His job is to tie up the interior OL and take up space, which he actually does it quite well.

What he does isn't pretty but it must be effective cause every coach they play seems to comment about his productivity.

To cut somebody you have to have better player options, not only starters but back ups also.  The Bengals do not at the present time.  Peko is not going anywhere - and shouldn't.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2015, 03:24 PM)#1 Bengal Fan in KS Wrote: Atkins, Dunlap, Johnson, Gelberry, Peko, Thompson, Hunt, Clarke, Sims, Hardison make the roster.  Williams is the only lock I see for PS  (if he's not picked up).  The Devon Still story is heart-wrenching but thid year the reality sets in.  He's gone.

It is heart-wrenching.  I don't think he makes the team either but feel he is good enough to stick on another team with a weaker D-line.  Just tough to crack the rotation the Bengals have currently.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
As I said, in another thread, I really think that this is the year that the Bengals cut their losses with Thompson and Still.  Neither one has proven to be a worthy backup, let alone starter material.  So glad that they drafted Hardison, and that he is looking like good material, so far.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
There are 3 pre-season games left so I'm not going to vote. That said, based on what I've seen so far...no probably not. I like Sims, Atkins, Thompson, Peko, Hardison, and Deshawn Williams. One of those last two will be on the PS I think.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Unfortunately, Still probably isn't going to make the team since I bought one of his jersey's last year. The last two jerseys I bought before that were David Pollack's and Kijana Carter's. That's why I don't buy them very often.

Come to think of it, he might be safe though as I didn't buy the jersey, my wife bought it for me. He might stick around on a technicality. Wink
[Image: PApinhead-Sig-1_2.png]

Sig compliments of ExtraRadiohead
Even if we kept 10 Dlinemen this year, Still doesn't make the cut.

Clarke, Will Shows promise
Dunlap, Carlos Getting even better
Johnson, Michael Yet to see, but . . .
Gilberry, Wallace The Ultimate Yeoman. He just works!
Hardison, Marcus Looking really polished for a rookie. I'm impressed.

Peko, Domata - he's a fixture, but he's on his way out.
Atkins, Geno - Playing like Geno
Williams, DeShawn - playing like "Little Geno"
Sims, Pat - Can be a real plug
Thompson, Brandon - hasn't really impressed me much yet
Today I'm TEAM SEWELL. Tomorrow TEAM PITTS. Maybe TEAM CHASE. I can't decide, and glad I don't have to.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2015, 12:58 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The coaches will keep the best players.

And they are not loyal to a fault.  Just ask Willie Anderson, Rudi Johnson, Deltha O'Neal, Ochocinco, Kyle Cook and many others who were shown the door....

... who were contributors passed their prime. We seem to let guys of lesser talent — especially draft picks — linger. Hunt, Kenny Irons, Jerome Simpson, Marvin White, Keith Rivers, 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2015, 02:31 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Everyone of them got signed by another team.

Typical criticism of the Bengals.  If they release a guy who goes on to play well someplace else then the Bengals were stupid for not keeping him longer, but if the Bengals cut a guy who doesn't make it anywhere else then the Bengals were stupid for keeping him too long.

Why doesn't anyone want to talk about the Patriots signing Ocho Cinco?


Willie played one season for the Ravens and retired. Cook retired a Bengal. Chad played one season for the Pats. Rudi played a season for the Lions. Deltha played a season for the Pats.

I'm not sure where you're going here, since they all but one got signed for a season (Cook, who just reitred). Most of which were pretty bad. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
His story is heart breaking and truly one that we've all supported from the start. Eventually though, like others have said, reality sets in and his story can't be the main reason he is here. If he gets cut here, I have no doubt that another team will step in and give him a chance. If he somehow can't find another chance, I hope the NFL shows some generosity and helps the guy find a job within the league. They did something similar for Brian Banks, the LB who was falsely accused of rape in HS. That way, he can keep supporting Leah and stay involved in the league.
[Image: Bch_OOih_CIAARIjw_jpg_large.jpg]
(08-19-2015, 12:40 AM)Benton Wrote: ... who were contributors passed their prime. We seem to let guys of lesser talent — especially draft picks — linger. Hunt, Kenny Irons, Jerome Simpson, Marvin White, Keith Rivers, 

And we've got the talent at DE this year to make Hunt expendable unless he can come in and really start producing in preseason.
Today I'm TEAM SEWELL. Tomorrow TEAM PITTS. Maybe TEAM CHASE. I can't decide, and glad I don't have to.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2015, 10:18 PM)PApinhead Wrote: Unfortunately, Still probably isn't going to make the team since I bought one of his jersey's last year.  The last two jerseys I bought before that were David Pollack's and Kijana Carter's.  That's why I don't buy them very often.


If I were you, I'd quit the jersey game. You have some horrid luck
(08-18-2015, 12:22 PM)GarbageDisposal Wrote: If Cedric Peerman can make the team for being team preacher, I believe Devon Still deserves to make the squad for being so inspirational (and to keep Leah on health insurance).

So we are gonna cut a guy who has worked his tail off and is better and more deserving for some "motivation." Isnt that the coaches job anyways?

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