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First Female Ranger School Gaduates
(08-20-2015, 01:01 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The "appearance of credibility" is a funny thing.  I would show up to a new unit in a sterile uniform on day 1.  I'd wear all the boy scout badges on day 2 and the way I was treated was totally different.

It's so funny how this works. This doesn't just happen in the military, but coincidentally in the organization you mentioned the badges of. I'm a lifelong Scout. I've got more awards and everything than can be fit on my uniform. I have a couple of different uniforms. One is sterile as you call it for when I am more likely to get it dirty or ripped, one has more minimal stuff on it for usual meetings, and one is a long sleeved "dress" uniform that is for awards dinners, courts of honor, etc.

I, not too long ago, was invited to help out with an Eagle project for the younger brother of a Scout I had helped with his project and taught him a merit badge or two, and served as kind of a mentor for a bit. He had moved to another area and knew I would be willing to make the trip to help his brother out and of course I did. When I was there, the adult leaders brushed me off every which way they could. My uniform said "Troop Committee" on it, the unit numbers, and a council strip. Plain as could be.

Last week I attended the court of honor for the newly minted Eagle whose project I had assisted with. As per my usual ways, I showed up in my dress uniform. Vigil lodge flap, Founders' Award, knots 5 rows tall above the pocket, gold shoulder loops (designating a regional/national position held), Eagle medal, Silver Beaver, etc. The look that was received when the adult leaders of this young man's unit realized the way they had treated me was rather humorous. Got a good laugh out of that one.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-20-2015, 04:08 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's so funny how this works. This doesn't just happen in the military, but coincidentally in the organization you mentioned the badges of. I'm a lifelong Scout. I've got more awards and everything than can be fit on my uniform. I have a couple of different uniforms. One is sterile as you call it for when I am more likely to get it dirty or ripped, one has more minimal stuff on it for usual meetings, and one is a long sleeved "dress" uniform that is for awards dinners, courts of honor, etc.

I, not too long ago, was invited to help out with an Eagle project for the younger brother of a Scout I had helped with his project and taught him a merit badge or two, and served as kind of a mentor for a bit. He had moved to another area and knew I would be willing to make the trip to help his brother out and of course I did. When I was there, the adult leaders brushed me off every which way they could. My uniform said "Troop Committee" on it, the unit numbers, and a council strip. Plain as could be.

Last week I attended the court of honor for the newly minted Eagle whose project I had assisted with. As per my usual ways, I showed up in my dress uniform. Vigil lodge flap, Founders' Award, knots 5 rows tall above the pocket, gold shoulder loops (designating a regional/national position held), Eagle medal, Silver Beaver, etc. The look that was received when the adult leaders of this young man's unit realized the way they had treated me was rather humorous. Got a good laugh out of that one.


In the Army I learned to never piss of certain people from other's mistakes.

Medics...they will lose your shot record.
PAC...they will lose your orders.
Supply...if you need it they don't have it.
Cooks...the will f with your chow.
I'm happy for these women and I'm happy this was done in the right way. As the women themselves stated, lowering the standards for them only serves to endanger others and stigmatize women graduates. The military made this exact mistake when they opened combat piloting to women. I'm sure I told this story on the old board; when I was in ROTC I, and around six friends, had been given pilot a slot. During FSP (flight screening program) we were all brought in and told that, due to budget cuts, all pilot slots would go to academy cadets for the foreseeable future. All of us were re-designated, I got SP (yeah!). As you can imagine the competition for pilot slots was huge. Just about anything washed you out from consideration, the biggest factor was uncorrected eyesight. If you didn't have natural 20/20 vision or better you had zero chance of getting a pilot slot.

When they opened up combat pilot slots to females the news (CNN iirc) interviewed the first woman to be qualified for the F-16. She was wearing ***** glasses! I wanted to vomit, it's honestly the only time I've been upset that much by something that didn't happen directly to me. This extreme relaxing of standards to push women into these position caused an enormous amount of resentment, it was a veritable shit storm. So, I guess what I'm trying to say in my long winded way is that I'm glad the DoD learned from that complete pig-effing mistake.
(08-20-2015, 02:55 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: LOL..Find someone that knows how to clearly communicate ideas via the written English language, so they can transcribe your ideas.  Benton would be a good start for you, you know, since he makes a living communicating ideas through the written English language.  I't a meager living, nut he gets by.

Khakis are bunching up your panties there jake.



PS As an aside, there are three typos in that sentence alone, four in the graf and six in the whole post. That's almost as depressing as the Browns-Bills game.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-20-2015, 11:53 PM)Benton Wrote: Sonofa...


PS As an aside, there are three typos in that sentence alone, four in the graf and six in the whole post. That's almost as depressing as the Browns-Bills game. one makes a mountain of wealth knowing or caring about that.   ThumbsUp
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(08-20-2015, 09:53 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'm happy for these women and I'm happy this was done in the right way.  As the women themselves stated, lowering the standards for them only serves to endanger others and stigmatize women graduates.

I agree.  If they changed the standards or made any accommodations it wouldn't put them on equal footing with their male peers.

I joined the Army with a Ranger contract.  Spent my first seven years at Ft. Benning at 3rd Ranger Battalion and 4th Ranger Training Battalion.  Got my first taste of the "real" Army, as we call it, at Ft. Campbell with the 101st as a weapons squad leader and Infantry scout team leader and platoon sergeant.  It was there I realized I didn't give a shit if a soldier was straight, gay, male, female, Martian or whatever.  I just wanted soldiers who could do their job and I didn't have to baby sit.  I was accustomed to getting rid of men who didn't meet the standard; poof and they were gone on the next thing smokin'.  Not at Ft. Campbell.  They believed in "rehabilitative transfers" meaning if a soldier didn't meet the standard, rather than kick his ass out of the Army, they would reassign him to another brigade where he become some other NCO's pain in the ass.

I had one soldier with financial problems.  I wouldn't allow him to open his own damn mail unless I was physically present so I could track his bills so he didn't open up any more credit.  I caught him in a lie the very first week.  I had another soldier who was over weight.  I found his cache of junk food in his damn car in the parking lot.  I had another soldier who was an APFT failure.  In addition to planning and conducting normal PT, I was the company's Master Fitness Trainer.  This meant I was also in charge of planning PT for the entire company (but the 1SG would never let me get rid of the stupid shit which was a waste of time), the fat boys, the PT failures, and the broke dicks.  The Army, in its infinite wisdom, spends millions of $ on gyms and fitness equipment which they don't allow you to utilize during normal PT hours.  So I had to use my free time to train them.  The only one I wasn't able to "rehabilitate" was the piss test failure who went AWOL, pissed hot again after he came back, then threatened to commit suicide which meant I was on suicide watch the first 24 hours until we could make other arrangements for that little shit.

That's when I understood why they call the "real" Army a leadership challenge.  It is easy to lead MFers in the Regiment who are all trying to exceed the standard.  It isn't so easy when you have to drag MFers kicking and screaming just to meet the bare minimum because they should have already been kicked out of the Army.

I'd take both of these women over some of the infantrymen I led in a heartbeat without hesitation.
Photos of the two young women:

[Image: two-army-rangers-26d0cea9aa7b02f17b27034...00-c85.jpg]

I like the haircuts.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(08-21-2015, 12:39 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: Photos of the two young women:

[Image: two-army-rangers-26d0cea9aa7b02f17b27034...00-c85.jpg]

I like the haircuts.

My haircut was recently butchered by Sports Clips. Looks pretty damn close to their buzz cuts. A Lowes' employee asked if I was military. I told her, "No. I'm just the victim of a bad haircut."  She didn't even crack a smile. I thought, "Wow, tough crowd here tonight."
West Pointers. That sort of stands to reason. West Point puts out a good product.

[Image: 11866412_10153019683521232_3546570973182...e=566BEB3A]

[Image: 11896195_10153019683341232_5523338952421...e=563B79C0]

Old War Story Warning: I lost out an XO job I had my eye on to a female West Point grad. I thought I had a lock on it. Then she transferred to our unit about two months before it opened up (she probably came because of the impending opening). Not only was she a West Point grad, but she had been in Air Defense Artillery and had numerous medals and commendations for commanding a battery of Patriot missiles in Saudi during Desert Shield/Storm (they had nailed several SCUD's). To put it simply, her resume kicked the crap out of mine. And it turned out she was a dam fine officer and person. We became good friends.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(08-21-2015, 12:39 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: Photos of the two young women:

[Image: two-army-rangers-26d0cea9aa7b02f17b27034...00-c85.jpg]

I like the haircuts.

I was going to joke "a couple of fine looking gentlemen"....but they're both actually pretty attractive with hair.
(08-21-2015, 02:46 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: West Pointers. That sort of stands to reason. West Point puts out a good product.

[Image: 11866412_10153019683521232_3546570973182...e=566BEB3A]

[Image: 11896195_10153019683341232_5523338952421...e=563B79C0]

Old War Story Warning: I lost out an XO job I had my eye on to a female West Point grad. I thought I had a lock on it. Then she transferred to our unit about two months before it opened up (she probably came because of the impending opening). Not only was she a West Point grad, but she had been in Air Defense Artillery and had numerous medals and commendations for commanding a battery of Patriot missiles in Saudi during Desert Shield/Storm (they had nailed several SCUD's). To put it simply, her resume kicked the crap out of mine. And it turned out she was a dam fine officer and person. We became good friends.

Pretty ladies.   But are they Proper ladies?  Doing all this boy stuff Big Grin
(08-21-2015, 03:07 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Pretty ladies.   But are they Proper ladies?  Doing all this boy stuff Big Grin

No.  They are no longer anything like proper ladies.  They can never be compassionate or caring because they are now just like boys.
(08-21-2015, 03:14 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No.  They are no longer anything like proper ladies.  They can never be compassionate or caring because they are now just like boys.

What kind of ladies are we trying to raise in this country? Confused
(08-21-2015, 03:14 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No.  They are no longer anything like proper ladies.  They can never be compassionate or caring because they are now just like boys.

I know, right?  Because they care so much about their fellow citizens the are willing to risk their lives to ensure people like Lucie can enjoy the freedom to sit at home wrapped in the blanket of safety they help provide in order for him to spew criticism of them from his computer for not doing girlie stuff like he believes they should.

(08-21-2015, 03:26 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I know, right?  Because they care so much about their fellow citizens the are willing to risk their lives to ensure people like Lucie can enjoy the freedom to sit at home wrapped in the blanket of safety they help provide in order for him to spew criticism of them from his computer for not doing girlie stuff like he believes they should.


[Image: You-Cant-Handle-The-Truth-Jack-Nicholson.gif]
(08-21-2015, 01:19 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: My haircut was recently butchered by Sports Clips. 

There's your problem, bro. I only go to local barbers that are old Italian men or Asian. 

A Korean dude I used to work with once told me that the key was finding the Asian guy with the worst haircut in the shop, because that means he cuts all the other barbers' hair. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-22-2015, 11:06 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: There's your problem, bro. I only go to local barbers that are old Italian men or Asian. 

A Korean dude I used to work with once told me that the key was finding the Asian guy with the worst haircut in the shop, because that means he cuts all the other barbers' hair. 

Yeah, I know. I cut my own hair every week for about 10 years while I was in the Infantry. High and tights aren't that difficult. When I became a PA I let it grow out a little.

My wife, whose mom is from the Philippines, told me I have to start going to her guy because she is tired of the bad haircuts.

Anyone who claims women don't need or won't use the leadership training they will receive at Ranger School is an idiot.
(11-11-2015, 10:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:

Anyone who claims women don't need or won't use the leadership training they will receive at Ranger School is an idiot.

When did she go to Ranger School?
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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