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Target removes gender based signage for kids
(08-23-2015, 02:22 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: That's fine, and by no means am I suggesting that they stop being gay.   That's their deal.    

The i was "born" this way is just tired.

How can people claiming homosexuality is genetic be the "tired" option when the argument against it is 2,000 years old and hasn't changed a bit?  If we were having this argument in the 1920's you'd be trying to convince everyone that left-handed people were just taught how to do things backwards and have no neurological differences than right-handed people.

Blah, new perspectives are so tired, can't we just pretend we know as little about something as we did 50 years ago?  That never gets old.
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(08-23-2015, 02:38 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Has nothing to do with how they are brought up.   I have not blamed parenting one time or said that parenting mattered.     It's puberty.   And what happens then.   .

So in your mind how important are these early connections?  Does it work for factors other than the gender of the person?  If only make emotional connections to blonde girls when I'm in puberty does it mean I won't be attracted to Angelina Jolie when I'm older?
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(08-23-2015, 02:36 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I don't think they thought they had a choice.   Just as we don't....  But I think we all choose at puberty.    I'm not just talking gays here, talking all of us.   It's a choice we make without knowing we made the choice.

So it's not a conscious choice, but you still believe there is a choice being made?  I have a cousin that is gay and we all knew he was probably be gay since he was about 5yo.

I know I never wrestled with this "choice", since I can remember I always liked girls.  I suspect you never had to make that choice either whether consciously or unconsciously.
(08-23-2015, 02:39 AM)Nately120 Wrote: How can people claiming homosexuality is genetic be the "tired" option when the argument against it is 2,000 years old and hasn't changed a bit?  If we were having this argument in the 1920's you'd be trying to convince everyone that left-handed people were just taught how to do things backwards and have no neurological differences than right-handed people.

Blah, new perspectives are so tired, can't we just pretend we know as little about something as we did 50 years ago?  That never gets old.

I was left handed and I taught myself to use my right. My expierences when I was young led me there. .... Funny how those expierences when we were young lead to things ....
(08-23-2015, 02:38 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Has nothing to do with how they are brought up.   I have not blamed parenting one time or said that parenting mattered.     It's puberty.   And what happens then.   .

I didn't say that you blamed "parenting"  but you do argue Nurture vs Nature a lot.  
(08-23-2015, 02:43 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: So it's not a conscious choice, but you still believe there is a choice being made?  I have a cousin that is gay and we all knew he was probably be gay since he was about 5yo.

I know I never wrestled with this "choice", since I can remember I always liked girls.  I suspect you never had to make that choice either whether consciously or unconsciously.

I def do not think its a conscience choice. That's why people think they are born one way or another. I think it matters when we hit puberty and what happens then. I would love to get a bunch of gays together and breakdown what happened with them at puberty. I think it would be interesting.

As far as your cousin being gay at 5. Not sure that's possible because we are talking what it takes to arouse them. Yeah he may have been feminine. But honestly I'm not sure that has much to do with it
(08-23-2015, 02:44 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I was left handed and I taught myself to use my right.   My expierences when I was young led me there. .... Funny how those expierences when we were young lead to things ....

I use my right hand for lots of things, too but you and I have different wirings than 87% (or so) of the population.  Using your right hand doesn't change that.  I write with my left hand and crook my wrist.  This wasn't learned, in fact attempts to alter how I do things were not successful because my language center is in the opposite side of my brain as a "normal" person.

This can be proven via neurological mapping, use of electrodes, and other sciency crap I'm sure you don't give a flying fart about because you can put a pencil in your right hand and say "See?!  I'm right handed" so kudos to you I guess.
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(08-23-2015, 02:47 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I didn't say that you blamed "parenting"  but you do argue Nurture vs Nature a lot.  

Yeah I was speaking more narrow of the time of puberty.
(08-23-2015, 02:48 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I def do not think its a conscience choice.   That's why people think they are born one way or another.    I think it matters when we hit puberty and what happens then.    I would love to get a bunch of gays together and breakdown what happened with them at puberty.    I think it would be interesting.  

As far as your cousin being gay at 5.   Not sure that's possible because we are talking what it takes to arouse them.   Yeah he may have been feminine.   But honestly I'm not sure that has much to do with it

Your "logic" is completely backwards.  Straight people aren't straight because they bonded with the opposite sex at puberty and gay people aren't gay because they bonded with the same sex at puberty.  Straight people bond with the opposite sex because they are straight and gay people bond with the same sex because they are gay.

You are honestly telling me when you hit puberty you were like "Hmm, boys and girls are both equally attractive to me...guess it's time to pick one!"

Oh, and I'm not choosing to argue you pointlessly at 2am when I want to go to bed...I assure you I was born with some sort of gene that compels me to do this against my will, better judgement, and the approval of society as a whole.
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(08-23-2015, 02:48 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I def do not think its a conscience choice.   That's why people think they are born one way or another.    I think it matters when we hit puberty and what happens then.    I would love to get a bunch of gays together and breakdown what happened with them at puberty.    I think it would be interesting.  

As far as your cousin being gay at 5.   Not sure that's possible because we are talking what it takes to arouse them.   Yeah he may have been feminine.   But honestly I'm not sure that has much to do with it

I didn't say he was gay at 5, I said we all knew he would probably be gay.  I remember kids in school, that were long suspected of being gay, but denied it out of fear.  Then came out later as young adults.  Point being they were gay all a long but afraid to come out, because fear of being picked on and the stigma that goes a long with it.  Why would you make that "choice"? 
(08-20-2015, 07:21 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:   Now whether it's being shy, lack of success with girls, you are left to be with your guy mates.   With the raging hormones we develop an intimate relationship with them.  

How do you feel about all-boy schools?
(08-23-2015, 12:21 AM)Benton Wrote: Aaaaand go!

Could it be a learned behavior? Probably not. Mating rituals and eating habits can be, but overall what you desire eating and what you desire mating with aren't. Think about it, does a steak taste good because your dad ate steak, or because it ****ing tastes good? Ever know a guy who eats Spam and mayo sandwiches? Does he do it because EVERYBODY is doing it, or because some whacky, ****ed up gene tells him that amount of meat byproduct and egg yuck is delicious?

What you eat = genetic. You body has needs. It will speak to you in that regard. As ****ed up as they may be.

Same with the mating rituals. You being attracted to women is genetic. You buying them a drink or clubbing them over the head or ordering them online is the learned behavior.

But — and listen here, this is the important part — if your homosexuality is determined by the environment, you most likely were gay anyway. You being attracted to dudes isn't related to that slightly feminine uncle or that coach who used to give you a shoulder rub after class. It was because you were already genetically more likely to be attracted to guys. 

So when can we start testing Infants and accurately predict their sexual preference?

No matter what the studies say, they almost always refer back to stating that Social and Cultural Pressures play a bigger part in an individual's sexual lifestyle than genes does.
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(08-24-2015, 02:08 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So when can we start testing Infants and accurately predict their sexual preference?

No matter what the studies say, they almost always refer back to stating that Social and Cultural Pressures play a bigger part in an individual's sexual lifestyle than genes does.

Yes...there are huuuuuuuge social and cultural pressures here in the US for making the "choice" to be gay.  It's a wonder how any of us are straight. 
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(08-24-2015, 02:08 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So when can we start testing Infants and accurately predict their sexual preference?

No matter what the studies say, they almost always refer back to stating that Social and Cultural Pressures play a bigger part in an individual's sexual lifestyle than genes does.

To the first, heck if I know. I'm a writer, not a doctor, Jim. Mellow

But the science is there. And it's not unheard of for there to be physical characteristics for things we can and can't see. For instance, a diagonal crease in your ear lobe is a good indicator of advanced heart disease. It's present in about three quarters of all fatal heart attacks.


No clue. I'm — as mentioned — not a doctor. But there is a physical trait that develops in the majority of cases.

The point of the studies is, while we haven't mapped out all of our genes and found what makes us homosexuals and heterosexuals, there is some evidence of anatomical differences. And — outside of providing something to hush homophobes  — I hope there aren't too many resources going to it. Because, in the end, it doesn't really matter. If you can look a the size of your baby's head or his genetic makeup or his some other indicator and tell he's gay, it shouldn't make a difference to you. If we could test and you feel the need to, you shouldn't be a parent to begin with. Your kid is your kid, treat them the same no matter what their sexuality is.

To the second, ok. I posted seven links off a quick search saying otherwise, but I guess since you say so. LOL
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-24-2015, 02:10 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: Yes...there are huuuuuuuge social and cultural pressures here in the US for making the "choice" to be gay.  It's a wonder how any of us are straight. 

So then tell me what DNA test someone can take of an infant, and it's predictability/accuracy rates?

We are social creatures and we feel a need to fit in/belong to a group. Everyone thinks that they are different from everyone else, I would say that that's probably the point when you are making the choice.

There is just simply no rhyme or reason to it, it happens based on what's going on in a person's life. Some of the most masculine guys can be gay, some who are very feminine are straight, same with women.
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(08-24-2015, 02:28 PM)Benton Wrote: To the first, heck if I know. I'm a writer, not a doctor, Jim. Mellow

But the science is there. And it's not unheard of for there to be physical characteristics for things we can and can't see. For instance, a diagonal crease in your ear lobe is a good indicator of advanced heart disease. It's present in about three quarters of all fatal heart attacks.


No clue. I'm — as mentioned — not a doctor. But there is a physical trait that develops in the majority of cases.

The point of the studies is, while we haven't mapped out all of our genes and found what makes us homosexuals and heterosexuals, there is some evidence of anatomical differences. And — outside of providing something to hush homophobes  — I hope there aren't too many resources going to it. Because, in the end, it doesn't really matter. If you can look a the size of your baby's head or his genetic makeup or his some other indicator and tell he's gay, it shouldn't make a difference to you. If we could test and you feel the need to, you shouldn't be a parent to begin with. Your kid is your kid, treat them the same no matter what their sexuality is.

To the second, ok. I posted seven links off a quick search saying otherwise, but I guess since you say so. LOL

yes you did post some links, and I looked at 5 of them.

They talk about the size of a person's brain and try to us that as an indicator. In a controlled test environment it might work, but as you add more and more samples to the pool, it becomes less and less accurate.

1 of them even stated that genetics has less to do with someone's sexual preference than the social and cultural side.

A diagonal crease in your ear lobe aka Frank's Sign... happens because of age. So people try to associate it with CAD, since the longer you live the greater your risks.

Does that seem like a Logical conclusion to you?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-24-2015, 02:51 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: yes you did post some links, and I looked at 5 of them.

They talk about the size of a person's brain and try to us that as an indicator. In a controlled test environment it might work, but as you add more and more samples to the pool, it becomes less and less accurate.

1 of them even stated that genetics has less to do with someone's sexual preference than the social and cultural side.

A diagonal crease in your ear lobe aka Frank's Sign... happens because of age. So people try to associate it with CAD, since the longer you live the greater your risks.

Does that seem like a Logical conclusion to you?

Could be. As stated, I'm not a doctor. ThumbsUp

Although I would say with the second graf, if your numbers become less accurate to a large degree , you probably aren't working off a clear question in the first place.
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(08-24-2015, 02:35 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So then tell me what DNA test someone can take of an infant, and it's predictability/accuracy rates?

We are social creatures and we feel a need to fit in/belong to a group. Everyone thinks that they are different from everyone else, I would say that that's probably the point when you are making the choice.

There is just simply no rhyme or reason to it, it happens based on what's going on in a person's life. Some of the most masculine guys can be gay, some who are very feminine are straight, same with women.

So people have a need to be part of a group, so they chose a lifestyle that — by and large — ostracizes them from many groups? When during puberty or after did you make the "straight" choice? Do you recall the day? The event?

As far as the last graf, of course there's a rhyme or reason. It's not like you vae a really stressful day and say 'man, those gay guys across the street have it so easy, I think I'm switching my team.'
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-24-2015, 03:52 PM)Benton Wrote: So people have a need to be part of a group, so they chose a lifestyle that — by and large — ostracizes them from many groups? When during puberty or after did you make the "straight" choice? Do you recall the day? The event?

As far as the last graf, of course there's a rhyme or reason. It's not like you vae a really stressful day and say 'man, those gay guys across the street have it so easy, I think I'm switching my team.'

Yes they do.
Think about all of the "groups" out there, the followers come from some where? You might be proud of your particular group, but others might not be so receptive of it.

Why would anyone join these groups?
Try the Westboro Baptist Church? ISIS? KKK? NOI? or Drug gangs?
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(08-24-2015, 02:35 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So then tell me what DNA test someone can take of an infant, and it's predictability/accuracy rates?

We are social creatures and we feel a need to fit in/belong to a group. Everyone thinks that they are different from everyone else, I would say that that's probably the point when you are making the choice.

There is just simply no rhyme or reason to it, it happens based on what's going on in a person's life. Some of the most masculine guys can be gay, some who are very feminine are straight, same with women.

Where's that DNA test for autism in babies?

Probably just a choice
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