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Virginia News Reporter Shot Live
(08-27-2015, 09:02 PM)xxlt Wrote: Here's another crazy radical liberal gun law I would propose.

Or, one could call it common sense.

A lot of places have set up special drug courts or family courts due to need in the community. So, there is both precedent for and evidence of the need for a special gun court.

It took 3 and 1/2 years for the d-bag who killed people in a theater to get life in prison without parole. Could he claim self defense? No. Was there any doubt he was the killer? No. Did it matter if he was crazy? No. They will decide that now and put him in a regular prison or a psychiatric prison based on his evaluation.

So, why did it take 3 and 1/2 years to get to today. In part because the prosecutors wanted the death penalty, which is idiotic. He would have plead guilty as soon as he was charged and this could have been over a long time ago.
Especially if the case went to a special court with a docket that only handled gun cases.

So, how about we have special gun courts? You do a mass shooting, you rob a liquor store with a gun, you pop a cap in your ex-homey's ass, guess what? You go on a special court docket and everything is expedited. You have a right to an attorney but you want to plead not guilty? Fine, get ready for trial. It is in a week. If you are innocent you will be glad to get the b/s case out in the open and dismissed or beat the charge. If you are guilty then it will be shown. Soon. No death penalty, but minimum sentences something like this. You are convicted of using a gun in a crime you get 20 years minimum. You fired the gun (whether you hit anyone or not) during the crime you get 25 minimum. You get convicted of killing someone you get 35 years minimum. You get convicted of killing more than one person in the same episode you get life w/o parole. Period. And if you are crazy, we don't care. Not guilty by reason of insanity is not a plea. You are guilty if you are guilty. If you are crazy we will put you in the crazy pokey and not the regular big house.

Now good old Billy Joe "I sleep with a .38 under my pillow" All American can keep on keep on. He can sleep with his gun. He can shower with it. He can take it for rides in the car. He can concealed carry it (but not in schools, bars, or hospitals) and most of all he can use it every day of his life for self defense or never - whichever circumstances dictate. But Jimmy Jack "I shoot people because that's how I roll" Criminal either thinks long and hard about a new life of crime that doesn't involve shooting the old pistole or he goes bye-bye for a long time if he is convicted of using a gun in a crime or shooting someone.

I know, I know, it's madness. It is just a cover for big government to come and take your guns. You busted me. Hey, here they come. Hide the guns!

When did you become a crazy right winger?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-27-2015, 05:02 PM)xxlt Wrote: Off the top of my head I would say the following would qualify:

If you are a crazy person you can't buy a gun.
If you are a convicted felon or have convictions for domestic violence you can't buy a gun.
(Both easily doable via background checks.)
Nobody can buy a gun on demand. You go to the gun shop, decide what you want, order it and make a deposit and in 7-10 days you can pick it up (assuming the background check is clean.)
You can't buy surface to air missiles, grenade launchers, machine guns, assault rifles, magazines over 15 rounds, anti-tank guns, the gun that dude in American Sniper used, or armor piercing rounds.

In others words, "death to America," is probably what you are thinking. But these simple rules limit fire power to a reasonable level, provide a cooling off period for someone with an urge to kill right now and no gun, and keep violent and mentally ill persons from purchasing (more) guns.

And all the Yosemite Sams of the world can still fire their rootin' tootin' six shooters and holler yippee and make sure everybody knows what big gun totin' hombres they are! Yee ha! Boom boom boom boom!

This guy passed all of your checks.  Never found to be insane, never convicted of a felony, and bought the gun two months ago.

And yes you do have to go through a background check, and you don't get your weapon until you are cleared.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-28-2015, 10:23 AM)michaelsean Wrote: This guy passed all of your checks.  Never found to be insane, never convicted of a felony, and bought the gun two months ago.

And yes you do have to go through a background check, and you don't get your weapon until you are cleared.

Always going to the ones that simply snap or go un-diagnosed or are just evil.

But I'd like to continue a conversation about sensible moves anyway to catch as many as we can first.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-28-2015, 10:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: Always going to the ones that simply snap or go un-diagnosed or are just evil.

But I'd like to continue a conversation about sensible moves anyway to catch as many as we can first.

Like everyone said, it's a mental health thing.  Now this guy, there was nothing you could do.  He hadn't done anything wrong, but most of these killers are nuts. 
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-28-2015, 10:57 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Like everyone said, it's a mental health thing.  Now this guy, there was nothing you could do.  He hadn't done anything wrong, but most of these killers are nuts. 

I totally agree that if you want to kill someone you probably have a mental issue. (Even with a crime of passion sometimes as I can't imagine ACTUALLY killing someone even in self-defense).

We also have a growing culture of people who think shooting someone is a perfectly reasonable response to anything from being in their yard to having their radio in their car too loud.

A little more courtesy and thinking would go a long way toward not needing any new regulations and to easing the enforcement problem.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-28-2015, 11:02 AM)GMDino Wrote: I totally agree that if you want to kill someone you probably have a mental issue. (Even with a crime of passion sometimes as I can't imagine ACTUALLY killing someone even in self-defense).

We also have a growing culture of people who think shooting someone is a perfectly reasonable response to anything from being in their yard to having their radio in their car too loud.

A little more courtesy and thinking would go a long way toward not needing any new regulations and to easing the enforcement problem.

Yeah I think we have a cultural problem, not necessarily a problem with the tool they use.  People get killed for bumping into people and not showing respect or for breaking into their garage.  Then again if you look at history, people have been slaughtering people forever.  What ISIs does now was the norm in Europe in the Middle Ages.  Storm a village, kill all the men, enslave the woman and children or kill them (after raping them) and steal everything.  And not just the vikings.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-28-2015, 08:50 AM)GMDino Wrote: Or it shows they want race to not be an issue nationally...and not pockets of large cities too.

Could be that.


Lol yeah that's why they mention it constantly.

Face it they are radicals
(08-28-2015, 11:39 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Lol yeah that's why they mention it constantly.  

Face it they are radicals

You mention it just as much.  Are you a radical?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-28-2015, 11:09 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Yeah I think we have a cultural problem, not necessarily a problem with the tool they use.  People get killed for bumping into people and not showing respect or for breaking into their garage.  Then again if you look at history, people have been slaughtering people forever.  What ISIs does now was the norm in Europe in the Middle Ages.  Storm a village, kill all the men, enslave the woman and children or kill them (after raping them) and steal everything.  And not just the vikings.  

Yeah, you can't stop all killing.  We might be able to take steps to slow them down or catch the ones that can be helped first. Maybe.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
It's too bad we don't have any laws outlawing killing people.
(08-28-2015, 04:10 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: It's too bad we don't have any laws outlawing killing people.

Its too bad you can't add to the rational conversation. Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-28-2015, 04:38 PM)GMDino Wrote: Its too bad you can't add to the rational conversation. Rock On


[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(08-28-2015, 04:38 PM)GMDino Wrote: Its too bad you can't add to the rational conversation. Rock On

Says the guy that starts threads about voters being disenfranchised but refuses to engage in conversation in his own thread. 

I don't understand why you'd start a thread on a discussion board on a certain topic if you don't want to discuss the topic, but I guess I'm strange like that.  
(08-28-2015, 12:22 PM)GMDino Wrote: You mention it just as much.  Are you a radical?

I don't bring up support for violent protests and threats on others lives.

Obama should have had Mike Browns father prosecuted for inciting a riot and then put on a work crew until he payed off the damages.

Then start punishing these people who pay people to protest. Make them liable.
(08-27-2015, 12:04 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: The problem is how we seem to tip-toe around mental health issues, in this country.
People with issues are just patted on the bottom and sent on their way.
The last two generations have largely been raised to believe they are special snowflakes and deserve their heart's desires handed to them.
When they do not get their fairytale, you get things like this tragedy.
This guy was a consistent problem for many stations, but was coddled due to being a minority.
When will logic win over the bleeding heart again ?  

(08-27-2015, 09:42 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Okay, that's fine with me.

Do whatever, as long as it doesn't infringe on the 2nd amendment.  Ensuring that someone is buying a gun is legally allowed to own a gun is fine with me. 

I don't think it's going to prevent any tragedies.  As I said, if I needed a gun to do something bad and didn't have one, I could have one inside an hour with no background check, but if doing this sort of thing make you feel better....have at it. 

At some point people on both sides of the political spectrum will learn that you can't legislate morality.  

Well, you can't make people drive on the right side of the interstate either (here in Florida we prove that almost daily) but we do try. We have traffic laws. Not everyone obeys them, but most do. We can't prevent rape from happening, but we still have a law against it. I know, seems foolish to try to legislate morality - why don't we just torch the traffic laws and the rape laws too. Moral people will drive safely and not rape and heathens will do neither, so why bother with laws?

Probably my favorite dumb thing the "cold dead hands" people say is "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." By that logic and the "you can't legislate morality" logic we should have no laws ever, because someone will break them so what's the point? Yeah buddy!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(08-27-2015, 09:46 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'd die for you to have the right to speak and have these opinions, but they make no sense at all to me. 

A crime is a crime.  Murder is murder, regardless if the weapon is a handgun or a louisville slugger.  You punish the outcome, not the weapon.

How many people were beat to death with Louisville Sluggers last year? In fact, with any brand of ball bat? Your chance of being shot dead in America is hundreds to thousands of times greater than anywhere else in the world. Now you can believe it is because Americans are the biggest assholes in the world, or blame it on Hollywood or whatever. But there are assholes and movies everywhere but this is the only place that is shoot 'em up town. The difference is the countryside is awash in guns. I know, I know, if everyone just had more it would all be fine.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(08-28-2015, 11:02 AM)GMDino Wrote: I totally agree that if you want to kill someone you probably have a mental issue. (Even with a crime of passion sometimes as I can't imagine ACTUALLY killing someone even in self-defense).

We also have a growing culture of people who think shooting someone is a perfectly reasonable response to anything from being in their yard to having their radio in their car too loud.

A little more courtesy and thinking would go a long way toward not needing any new regulations and to easing the enforcement problem.


Cincy peeps note the story above. Highland Heights - NKU - right in your back yard and my alma mater - woman pulled a gun because someone was sitting in "her seat" in the library.

Seriously, this clinches it. We should all carry 24/7. It just makes sense. Ninja
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(08-29-2015, 10:44 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I don't bring up support for violent protests and threats on others lives.  

Obama should have had Mike Browns father prosecuted for inciting  a riot and then put on a work crew until he payed off the damages.  

Then start punishing these people who pay people to protest.   Make them liable.

You have warped understanding of, well, everything.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-29-2015, 12:40 PM)xxlt Wrote: How many people were beat to death with Louisville Sluggers last year? In fact, with any brand of ball bat? Your chance of being shot dead in America is hundreds to thousands of times greater than anywhere else in the world. Now you can believe it is because Americans are the biggest assholes in the world, or blame it on Hollywood or whatever. But there are assholes and movies everywhere but this is the only place that is shoot 'em up town. The difference is the countryside is awash in guns. I know, I know, if everyone just had more it would all be fine.

I'm not going to blame it on anybody or anything other than the person that did it. 

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