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Eric Reid Anthem Thread
(04-10-2018, 01:41 PM)sandwedge Wrote: I retired from the US Navy after serving 30 years almost 5 years ago. This might come as a shock to some here, but I wasn't offended at all. I didn't really feel it had anything to do with military, but social injustices.  The stomping or burning of the flag is what gets my blood boiling, not someone that is quietly kneeling.

First off, thank you for your service.

2ndly, I agree with you 100%.  I'm not offended in the least, to me, its not protesting the flag or military, its the social injustices.
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Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

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(04-10-2018, 01:53 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I hear ya, and then that gets into my question about why respecting those who died for this country stops at the flag and doesn't extend to all that pro-environment "let's not destroy actual American soil/water/air etc" feeling.  I actually have to wonder what sort of reaction I'd get if the next time I saw someone litter I'd say that people fought for this country and you disrespect them by throwing your trash all over it because you're lazy.

I'd doubt most people even made the connection.  Oh, but this gets me into some really cynical territory here so I'd best get back to work and pipe down.

LMAO to the rest, I think you'll find I agree wholeheartedly with your view on the littering issue.....if you check your rep messages. Wink

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-10-2018, 02:15 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: It’s not a political issue, it’s a human rights issue — it’s about police brutality.

If you wanna say it’s political, fine. But let’s not forget who brought the politics into in the first place; the NFL for (requiring?) the anthem pregame festivities. Take the anthem out, if it’s such a divisive issue. It really is an unnecessary thing.

Is there an echo in here? Ninja

Tongue LMAO

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-10-2018, 02:22 PM)Wyche Wrote: LMAO to the rest, I think you'll find I agree wholeheartedly with your view on the littering issue.....if you check your rep messages. Wink

Well SOMEONE had to ruin it for everyone!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
If the Bengals can land Reid, it instantly makes the secondary and overall team better. That's all that I care about.
(04-10-2018, 02:50 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: If the Bengals can land Reid, it instantly makes the secondary and overall team better. That's all that I care about.

"Ditto!"... I channelled my inner Swayze, or Demi, for you Holic!  Hilarious

Whichever one prefers!
(04-10-2018, 02:58 PM)coachmcneil71 Wrote: "Ditto!"... I channelled my inner Swayze, or Demi, for you Holic!  Hilarious

Whichever one prefers!

What about Pokemon?
[Image: 250px-132Ditto.png]
Zac Taylor 2019-2020: 6 total wins
Zac Taylor 2021-2022: Double-digit wins each season, plus 5 postseason wins
Patience has paid off!

Sorry for Party Rocking!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
If you don't remove your hat and stand with your hand over your heart while watching on TV, you have no right to tell what someone else is allowed to do (peacefully). Since I'm pretty sure 0% of fans do that, they need to find something else to complain about. How about the weather? Because the only reason people complain is someone that isn't white is "coming for the state of equality". In that respect, I find most football players were wimps and didn't support their teammates. As if equality is a piece of the pie that causes your slice to be smaller, and somehow you deserve a larger slice if you even view it that way.
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The bengals. Have the appropriate policy. No politics, just play.

I do not want to see his SJW nonsense. Start a foundation and do what you like, leave it off the field or outside the locker room.
(04-10-2018, 03:25 PM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: If you don't remove your hat and stand with your hand over your heart while watching on TV, you have no right to tell what someone else is allowed to do (peacefully). Since I'm pretty sure 0% of fans do that, they need to find something else to complain about. How about the weather? Because the only reason people complain is someone that isn't white is "coming for the state of equality". In that respect, I find most football players were wimps and didn't support their teammates. As if equality is a piece of the pie that causes your slice to be smaller, and somehow you deserve a larger slice if you even view it that way.

there is  a notable difference between watching on TV and being at a game looking directly at the flag with the music playing they are not even close to the same thing.... and not comparable.

This could go into a much deeper media perspective/Political debate. But no one has time for that.
I would prefer not to see any kneeling from Bengals players. I don't recall any doing it last year, and I was proud of them for keeping it about the game. Now if it happens? I wont be offended too much. I just think if your going to protest police brutality, use a different platform than the nfl and the American flag.
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(04-10-2018, 01:35 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: But the NFL should be embarrassed that the NBA did things the right way. They have a proper rule in place that makes players stand. That is the right of the employer, and I wish the NFL would fix that

I don't see why you think it is proper for an employer to force employees to express patriotism.

If it is not voluntary it is meaningless.  You can't force people to celebrate freedom.
In a way, it is fascinating that the anthem is played at every major team sporting event. I mean, it just a sport being played at the end of the day where people can go and enjoy the entertainment of it. What other entertainment venues do this? Its like when I go see the Avengers Infinity War in a couple of weeks, they wont play the anthem before the start of the movie.

Anyways got off-topic there. The whole kneeling thing was started by someone that wore pro Fidel Castro t-shirts and socks with pigs in cop uniforms, and looks like he came out of the 1970s, aka what some would refer to as a radical. I didnt agree with him and the others that did it because it was wrong way to get their message out there, though a message I do agree with overall.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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I understand why Kaepernick knelt for the Anthem. He did it because of police brutality and support of minorities both being very worthy causes I can get behind. That doesn't change the fact the way he went about it was disrespectful.

The thing about situation is that all of it could have been easily forgiven.

Kaepernick could have used the publicity to really help his cause. He could have apologized to the people he offended stopped kneeling and done things like sponsor rallies. He very likely would have even had alot of the people that were offended really jump onto his bandwagon by apologizing. The possibilities were endless because he had caught the nations attention.

But no Kaepernick continued to kneel he hurt his cause he hurt the NFL....Because of that I felt he was doing it more for the attention than he was his cause.
I have the Heart of a Lion! I also have a massive fine and a lifetime ban from the Pittsburgh Zoo...

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
One thing I think doesn't go stated enough is at first he sat on the bench. It was VETS and different Veteran organizations who told him kneeling would be more respectful. Of course it all got lost when the spin happened, and political figures pounced on it, but that is significant because he and others were doing what they were told by our Vets. Kneeling has never been seen as disrespectful until now. NEVER! It's always been an act of grace. Biblical. Something done in front of Kings, when praying, show of deference etc.....

People just got lost and manipulated by Fake News! It's really unfortunate, but it's the world we live in.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(04-10-2018, 02:20 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: First off, thank you for your service.

2ndly, I agree with you 100%.  I'm not offended in the least, to me, its not protesting the flag or military, its the social injustices.

Exactly. That's exactly what the protest was all about. 

But try explaining that to the "diehard" redneck steeler fans who burned all their gear last season  Hilarious
I was glad to see the Bengals not participating in it. Do what you want off the field. More power to you. Has to be a better way to help the situation (Whatever that's perceived to be) than to kneel in protest during our country's anthem. We could sure use Reid. No doubt about that.
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I care. It matters to me. I already boycotted the NFL most of last year because of this issue, and if Mike Brown signs him I will probably stay away longer.
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(04-10-2018, 03:45 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I don't see why you think it is proper for an employer to force employees to express patriotism.

If it is not voluntary it is meaningless.  You can't force people to celebrate freedom.

I disagree as an employer, you can make rules forcing your EMPLOYEES to do as you wish. There are leagues that do it as well. It may not seem or be fair to some, but it is 100% legal as your employees represent their brand and the company so legally you can apply rules they must abide by or be terminated. That is the great thin about our country, owners can apply rules at this risk if alienating their customers who disagree with their rules and employees can act as they wish with consequence from their customer (fans).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
I watch for entertainment. I want to see the game and really don't care what these guys do before or after it. (within reason, of course...I'm talking politics-wise, not wife or kid abuse and stuff)

It's kind of like my view on flag burning. I'd never do it and it's abhorrent. But I think the men and women that have fought and sacrificed for that same flag partially did it to fight for your right to burn it.
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