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DNC Sues Trump Campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks Over 2016 Election

How do they expect to win when they are still going on about this stuff? The DNC actually conspired against Bernie Sanders and his Supporters.

Can’t make this up. Dems can’t handle any positive momentum no matter how small.

Quote:SORE LOSERS: DNC Sues Trump Campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks Over 2016 Election
Ryan SaavedraApril 20, 2018

On Friday, the Democratic National Committee filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Russian government, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and WikiLeaks, claiming that they were involved in a massive conspiracy against Hillary Clinton.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York, claims that senior members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to damage Clinton and seeks financial damages for the alleged hacks of the DNC's servers.

“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russia launched an all-out assault on our democracy, and it found a willing and active partner in Donald Trump’s campaign,” DNC chairman Tom Perez said.

Discovery in the case will be interesting given that the FBI has not had access to the DNC's servers. In November 2017, BuzzFeed News reported:

The party had hired CrowdStrike essentially in place of the FBI — to this day, the Bureau has not had access to the DNC’s servers. DNC officials said they made the eyebrow-raising choice to go with a private firm because they were worried they’d lose control of their operations right in the middle of the campaign. Not only that, but the FBI was investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. Better, the DNC figured, to handle things privately.

“This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for president of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency,” Perez continued. “This is not partisan, it’s patriotic."
I saw this and thought they are the biggest bunch of hypocrites I've ever seen.
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I am not an attorney and legal mind, but it appears to me in discovery phase, the defense will demand all DNC servers to be examined to prove the DNC hack was done by the Russians. Why would the DNC refuse to turn them over to the FBI originally? I think people are sick of the Democrats crying election interference on one hand, but then blocking voter ID law that could shore up election interference stopping anyone illegal to vote from voting.

I have seen a lot of things in my life, but the attacks from the DNC and the media in collusion has been so obvious and it is bad for america. We always say we need to unite, but when push comes to shove politicians (and the media) on both sides divide us.
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(04-21-2018, 12:06 AM)Benton Wrote: LOL

Yeah, this is one of the dumbest things I've seen in awhile.  Has anyone presented a good reason for this?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Wasn't the DNC proven to be involved in a massive conspiracy against Bernie Sanders?
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Quote:Whether the theory that Trump colluded is true makes no difference; the theory doesn’t work as a lawsuit. But, as my inbox suggests, the point of the suit isn’t to win. It’s to stir up the base.

Which is too bad.

Because if you subtract the political defendants and consider only the lawsuit against Russia, the DNC could potentially be on to something both interesting and important. So far, no foreign government has been successfully sued for hacking U.S. computers. But this time the evidence just might be strong enough to give a federal court jurisdiction.

The essential claim is that by hacking the DNC’s computers, Russia committed a trespass in the U.S. The problem, of course, is that Russia is generally protected by sovereign immunity. But the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act includes an exception for torts committed on U.S. soil. The idea that hacking falls within the exception has lately been raised in the law reviews but has yet to be tested successfully in court.

Good read on how this COULD have been used to help set an important legal precedent but instead is aimed at just getting donations for the midterms.
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(04-20-2018, 10:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

How do they expect to win when they are still going on about this stuff?  The DNC actually conspired against Bernie Sanders and his Supporters.  

Can’t make this up.  Dems can’t handle any positive momentum no matter how small.  

This is the second time the DNC has sued the Republicans for election skulduggery.

They won the first time around. Maybe this time too.
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(04-23-2018, 03:35 PM)Dill Wrote: This is the second time the DNC has sued the Republicans for election skulduggery.

They won the first time around. Maybe this time too.

Perhaps they should sue themselves for election skullduggery. I'm positive they would win.
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(04-23-2018, 05:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Perhaps they should sue themselves for election skullduggery. I'm positive they would win.

Not the best way to replenish depleted funds though.
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(04-23-2018, 05:17 PM)Dill Wrote: Not the best way to replenish depleted funds though.

Who knows maybe they could include Hillary in the suit and get something from the Clintons.
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(04-23-2018, 05:19 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Who knows maybe they could include Hillary in the suit and get something from the Clintons.

Never happen.

Hillary derangement syndrome is not widespread within the Democratic Party.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Wow, that is a bad, bad move.

Plays right into all the critics' talking points. They did not get over the election, they are obsessed with the loss, have no other topic than Trump and Russia. Maybe that's not true, but this sure makes it appear that way.

Apart from that, I do not even see the tactical value. Mueller is on the case, why not at least wait until the end of the investigation for this.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-23-2018, 11:40 PM)Dill Wrote: Never happen.

Hillary derangement syndrome is not widespread within the Democratic Party.

There was a lawsuit against the DNC but it was dismissed. Some of the things they tried to blame the DNC for (long lines, early voter registration deadlines) were individual moves by states and localities. Other things like being "cold" towards Bernie and having debates too far late in the primary process didn't hold up in the judge's opinion.

This lawsuit actually has merit apart from attaching the Trump campaign. We know Russia hacked the DNC and colluded with wikileaks to publish things that they hacked. The DNC has a case in arguing that this damaged them financially. The problem is attaching the Trump campaign as the connections are too loose right now. We know messages were sent between wikileaks and people loosely attached to the campaign (like Roger Stone), but that's not enough to suggest conspiracy on the campaign's part.

Like the article I posted said, it's a damn shame too. Would have been a great case against Russia. 
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Parties are about winning elections. Neither party gives a shit about the country, that isn't their job. That is the job of the people they help win elections, but after they put someone in office they move onto the next election. This is why this doesn't surprise me any.

Parties are a necessary part of our system as it is and they fight against any effort that would change that, then they go and do something stupid like this.
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