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Trump Continues to Lead After Debate
(09-05-2015, 01:13 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I admire his refusal to accept money from the big players.  It doesn't change the fact that he's an idiot, and the things that he's proposing are pure nonsense that he offers no specifics for or plans for how to pay for them. 

It's drivel.  

Your entire second sentence is false. You need to do more research. And if you don't have the time to do that, then best to just keep silent on the subject.
(09-05-2015, 01:13 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I admire his refusal to accept money from the big players.  It doesn't change the fact that he's an idiot, and the things that he's proposing are pure nonsense that he offers no specifics for or plans for how to pay for them. 

It's drivel.  

Sanders has proposed a tax on financial transactions, including stock, bond, and derivatives trades to pay for free college tuition.
(09-05-2015, 12:57 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Are corporations who build factories in the states that offer to give them the most free shit also "ignorant"?

No.  Corporations exist to make a profit.  Obviously the best deal for them means more profit.  Blaming corporations for taking advantage of the idiots in government is rather naive, but I obviously know you well enough by now to see why you'd only blame one side of the equation.
(09-05-2015, 01:17 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Sanders has proposed a tax on financial transactions, including stock, bond, and derivatives trades to pay for free college tuition.

I envy your ability to be nice. I was going to force him to either stop being lazy and read shit for himself, or sit in the dark cave of ignorance he currently resides in while I mock him for it.
(09-05-2015, 01:20 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: No.  Corporations exist to make a profit.

Ohh. So corporations aren't "idiotic masses" for supporting politicians based on their own interests; only average working people are.
(09-05-2015, 01:15 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Your entire second sentence is false. You need to do more research. And if you don't have the time to do that, then best to just keep silent on the subject.

No more research is needed.  He's a big government stooge. 

Might be your thing, but I don't need mommy government to take care of me and right all of the wrongs in the world. 
(09-05-2015, 01:17 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Sanders has proposed a tax on financial transactions, including stock, bond, and derivatives trades to pay for free college tuition.

Oh wow!  What a nice guy. 

More wealth redistribution.  Free ice cream!

Wonder if that will lead to more fly by night, non-accredited schools popping up everywhere with minimal acceptance standards that will eventually close shop and leave people saddled with worthless debt that the government will have to forgive? 
(09-05-2015, 01:22 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: No more research is needed.  He's a big government stooge. 

Might be your thing, but I don't need mommy government to take care of me and right all of the wrongs in the world. 

Right on! Gubbmint bad! Business gewd! Sanders is idiot! Free market!

And that's the appeal of the right wing, folks. It's just so damn easy. Why bother reading things to see if your sentences are accurate, when you can always just fall back on bumper sticker slogans to support your falsehoods?
(09-05-2015, 01:25 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Oh wow!  What a nice guy. 

More wealth redistribution.  Free ice cream!

Wonder if that will lead to more fly by night, non-accredited schools popping up everywhere with minimal acceptance standards that will eventually close shop and leave people saddled with worthless debt that the government will have to forgive? 

The cause of protecting those who have the means to protect themselves at the expense of others is very dear to your heart, isn't it?
(09-05-2015, 01:25 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Right on! Gubbmint bad! Business gewd! Sanders is idiot! Free market!

And that's the appeal of the right wing, folks. It's just so damn easy. Why bother reading things to see if your sentences are accurate, when you can always just fall back on bumper sticker slogans to support your falsehoods?

You need some new material.  Your bumper sticker line is getting as old as your "faux news" line. 

I don't watch fox news, if that will save you any time in the future. 
(09-05-2015, 01:25 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Wonder if that will lead to more fly by night, non-accredited schools popping up everywhere with minimal acceptance standards that will eventually close shop and leave people saddled with worthless debt that the government will have to forgive? 

You would love that, wouldn't you?

1.  Less government regulation allows for more bogus schools to steal peoples money...........  Yeah for smaller government!  Yeah for the free market finding new ways to profit.

2.  Poor people suffer even more...........  Yeah for poor people suffering more.  That is all they need to make them get good jobs and not be poor any more.
(09-05-2015, 01:26 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: The cause of protecting those who have the means to protect themselves at the expense of others is very dear to your heart, isn't it?

No, the cause that's dear to my heart is understanding why so many people are so incapable of taking care of themselves that they look to government to play santa clause. 

It's amazing to me how many supposedly grown men have so little self-worth and self-reliance that they apparently see themselves and so many other Americans as incapable of providing a decent life for themselves because of those evil big bad corporations just take everything, so they need their wet nurse government to come in and rescue them and provide them with everything they need to get by. 
(09-05-2015, 01:36 AM)fredtoast Wrote: You would love that, wouldn't you?

1.  Less government regulation allows for more bogus schools to steal peoples money...........  Yeah for smaller government!  Yeah for the free market finding new ways to profit.

2.  Poor people suffer even more...........  Yeah for poor people suffering more.  That is all they need to make them get good jobs and not be poor any more.

Yes, and just like in the private jail talks, you again point your finger at the corporations and ignore the government involvement. 
(09-05-2015, 01:37 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: No, the cause that's dear to my heart is understanding why so many people are so incapable of taking care of themselves that they look to government to play santa clause. 

It's amazing to me how many supposedly grown men have so little self-worth and self-reliance that they apparently see themselves and so many other Americans as incapable of providing a decent life for themselves because of those evil big bad corporations just take everything, so they need their wet nurse government to come in and rescue them and provide them with everything they need to get by. 

They live in reality and you do not.

They know about history and you do not.

Seriously, you need to educate yourself a bit.  You really have no clue how the world works.  Without a strong government in place the wealthy will exploit and oppress the poor.  It has happened repeatedly throughout history.  It happened right here in the United States. Only the most uneducated rube would not know about this.

Please show me where are the millions of good paying jobs sitting empty right now because everyone is living off of the government?
(09-05-2015, 01:40 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Yes, and just like in the private jail talks, you again point your finger at the corporations and ignore the government involvement. 

This does not even make any sense.  I was calling for the government to fix the problem by more strictly regulating schools to make sure they are legitimate.  So exactly what government blame was i ignoring?
(09-05-2015, 01:51 AM)fredtoast Wrote: They live in reality and you do not.

They know about history and you do not.

Seriously, you need to educate yourself a bit.  You really have no clue how the world works.  Without a strong government in place the wealthy will exploit and oppress the poor.  It has happened repeatedly throughout history.  It happened right here in the United States. Only the most uneducated rube would not know about this.

Please show me where are the millions of good paying jobs sitting empty right now because everyone is living off of the government?

No, you have no clue how the world works. 

I'm not the one that looks to government to be my wet nurse.  I have that thing called self-reliance and personal responsibility.  I don't need government to buy my food, pay my rent, pay my health care, or otherwise support me.

Go move to North Korea if you want a strong central government.  Sounds like your wet dream over there.  
(09-05-2015, 01:55 AM)fredtoast Wrote: This does not even make any sense.  I was calling for the government to fix the problem by more strictly regulating schools to make sure they are legitimate.  So exactly what government blame was i ignoring?

Why would the government do that, since government took over the student loan program?  

More loans = more money.  More schools = more loans = more money. 

So tell me again how your big government principles have made things better.

I'll hang up and listen.
(09-05-2015, 02:00 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Why would the government do that, since government took over the student loan program?  

More loans = more money.  More schools = more loans = more money. 

So tell me again how your big government principles have made things better.

I'll hang up and listen.

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[Image: ep_chart_001.gif]
(09-04-2015, 10:40 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: First, you're assuming all corporations actually do pay the statutory corporate tax rate, which surely you are aware is not the case.

Second, you're assuming all or most of the enormous income which would be required to qualify for a 90% income tax rate comes directly from the individual's corporation, which you also should be well aware is rarely the case.

Third and finally, while you're busy trying to write up sob stories for billionaires, most people are much more concerned about a country where a fraction of the top 1% of earners in the country possess about 90% of the wealth; wealth which they, of course, earned on the backs of their underlings who are fighting for some portion of the remaining 10%. While I understand your deep concern for those who have exponentially more than enough means to take care of themselves, I think you'll find most people--left, right or center--are more worried about those who are struggling.

No.  Most smaller corporations DO pay closer to 35%.  You're blinded and biased by attack pieces painting the GE's of the world as the norm.  That's simply not the case.

Second, I listed a simple example of an income path.  Investments are double-taxed, some would say triple-taxed, which is why the effective rate is much higher than the 23% capital gains tax.

Third, this wasn't a sob story for billionaires.  Again, you've been deluded into a narrative that doesn't reflect reality.  I could do this for an S-corp, sans 35% corp tax, which would be more realistic (and yield an effective rate closer to 60%).  But none of this changes the fact the rich - and I mean millionaires not billionaires - are much more heavily taxed than you've been deluded into believing.

And I stand by the fact that excessive taxes discourage investment and corporations which, in the long-run, hurt economic growth and opportunity.

And your contention that the richest 1% own 90% of assets is laughably off-base, no doubt biased by the liberal trash you're reading. Try more like 35%. Once again, the middle class is where the money is. And whether Dem or Repub, they're trying to trick you into thinking the latest tax regime is exploiting the rich when its really tapping the honey-hole middle class.
(09-05-2015, 12:53 AM)fredtoast Wrote: You have no clue how any pf this works.

A corporation only pays taxes on PROFITS.  And the salary that he earns from his company is a tax deduction that reduces the corporations profits.

Plus pretty much all money re-invested in the corporation is a tax deduction that reduces the profits that are taxed.

So pretty much every one of your points is false.

LMFAO, so says the alleged lawyer with questionable legal understanding and DEMONSTRABLE lack of understanding of economics and business.

It's been about 2+ years since I ***** slapped your ignorance of business and finance so hard you stopped challenging me.  How long will it be this time?

Or maybe you just lack basic reading comprehension.  Nowhere did I say corporations pay tax on anything other than profits.  I gave a simplified example, and stated as much.  I don't think I could ever make it simple enough for you to understand, which judging from the above dribble is pretty much a hopeless endeavor.

I mean, a lwayer [yes, intentionally mispelled] has to be a special kind of stupid to debate finance and economics - which he clearly knows little about - with someone who actually makes a very good living in the business. I mean you LITERALLY have to be clueless about how it actually works to accuse ME of not knowing how it works.

Maybe you're just trying to impress equally clueless friends, but to practitioners like myself your an abject moron on this subject.....aka "clown".

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