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MN Rep Keith Ellison accused by ex of abuse; her son claims he has a video

Quote:The allegations were detailed in a Facebook post by Austin Monahan, the son of Ellison's former girlfriend Karen Monahan. The son wrote that he found a video on his mother's computer in 2017 that allegedly showed the Minnesota Democrat attempting to drag his mother off a bed while cursing at her.

CNN first spoke with Karen Monahan on Friday and Saturday about social media posts she'd made, some obliquely referencing Ellison. CNN was in the process of reporting the story when her son went public Saturday afternoon. CNN has asked to view the video, but Monahan said she could not produce it.

Ellison is running for MN AG in tomorrow's primary. He said of the allegation:

Quote:"Karen and I were in a long-term relationship which ended in 2016, and I still care deeply for her well-being," Ellison said in a statement. "This video does not exist because I never behaved in this way, and any characterization otherwise is false."

Quote:Monahan said she discretely recorded the video on her cell phone and then uploaded it onto her computer.
Monahan said Saturday that she did not know where the video was because she misplaced it when moving. Monahan also said she would not want the video made public in any case, calling it "embarrassing."
Asked again on Monday about the video, Monahan said she put it on a flash drive and packed it up in her previous home and couldn't immediately find it because it was in storage.
"It's not on me to show embarrassing and traumatizing video that impacts both families," Monahan told CNN on Monday.

This may sound like she's lying but

Quote:Monahan also shared with CNN dozens of screenshots of text messages and Twitter direct messages she claimed she exchanged with Ellison.
Monahan provided one text of her mentioning the physical altercation to Ellison in December 2017.
"Keith, We never discussed -- the video I have of you trying to drag me off the bed, yelling get the f*** out now, calling me a ***** and saying I hate you *****," the text message read. In follow up texts viewed by CNN, Ellison did not directly address the physical altercation.
Other messages viewed by CNN do not specifically show incidents of verbal abuse.
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Is it possible for the cry of "fake news" to exonerate a democrat?
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(08-13-2018, 04:25 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Is it possible for the cry of "fake news" to exonerate a democrat?

“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2018, 04:34 PM)michaelsean Wrote: No

Hmm, after all these years I think I may have finally found a reason to register with a major political party!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I'd wager that the prevalence rate among high ranking politicos of domestic/sexual abusers is higher than the general population. This is no surprise. Give him the boot.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-13-2018, 04:43 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'd wager that the prevalence rate among high ranking politicos of domestic/sexual abusers is higher than the general population. This is no surprise. Give him the boot.

Looks like he was planning on moving on any way. I'd say there needs to be a little more proof before you'd kick him out, however.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I am not saying anyone is guilty or innocent, but I can pretty much guarantee the video does not exist.

No way possible the son has it without his mother knowing.  I'd say the son just heard his mom make some claim about the video, but has never seen it.

I wonder why she first brought up the tape they had "never discussed before" over a year after they split up?  Just doesn't make sense.  
Wait, I thought we were supposed to believe women when they claimed to be abused, #metoo and all? I suppose like GMDino we only take that tact when it's a non-Democrat being accused of abusing women?
(08-13-2018, 04:58 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I am not saying anyone is guilty or innocent, but I can pretty much guarantee the video does not exist.

No way possible the son has it without his mother knowing.  I'd say the son just heard his mom make some claim about the video, but has never seen it.

I wonder why she first brought up the tape they had "never discussed before" over a year after they split up?  Just doesn't make sense.  

She has a lot of excuses for not releasing the video with media outlets requesting it from her, but I think the fact that she even suggested to him that she has a video suggests that he actually did it. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Big accusation comes out right before an election/draft/event/whatever, there is claims of a video that can't be produced because it was uploaded to her computer, but lost in a move? The only "evidence" she has is her one-sidedly and ham-fistedly mentioning it in a text at least a year after they separated?

Come on.

That's like 9/10 or 9.5/10 on the smells fishy scale.

I mean, there's the chance he did this, but that's just a hell of a flimsy case, and suspiciously timed as far as doing it when he could most be hurt regardless if it's true or not.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(08-13-2018, 04:43 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'd wager that the prevalence rate among high ranking politicos of domestic/sexual abusers is higher than the general population. This is no surprise. Give him the boot.

I usually agree with a lot of your positions, however this is one in which we do not.

I do agree that the prevalence of sexual/domestic probably greater than we know (I think it's probably just as high in the general population.)  However, I do believe every case needs to be treated individually.  And so far in this case there has been zero evidence so far.  If any concrete evidence comes to light, sure, give him the boot.  I really don't care if there is an "R" or a "D" next to there name, if the evidence is concrete and prosecuted through the legal system and a guilty verdict is rendered then sure, boot em'.

Interesting side note:

I real this story the other day while at lunch.  I think it was in the USA Today, but in their story, even his ex-wife was defending him saying something to the affect "that's not the type of person Ellison is or that I know, we maybe divorced but we are still family."  I think that says a lot.  I'm divorced, and have decent relationship with my ex (we have a son), but there was a time when I think she very well would've thrown me under the bus out of vindictive revenge (I had to take her to court, so that my son could go to Disney world, all over child support, I won the case and my boy went to Disney world.)  All I'm saying is that there is certainly men out there that abuse women and it needs end for sure.  At the same time though I don't think mens lives should be ruined with no substantial evidence.  Honestly, I believe even Roy Moore was wrongly accused, now before you skewer me, keep in mind there was no evidence and these people didn't come forth for close to 40 yrs. Now do l like Roy Moore? Not in the slightest. I despise his politics and idealogy, and certainly think that he's capable of the allegations leveled at him.  But there is no evidence

What happened to the "end rant" emoji ?
(08-14-2018, 02:49 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I usually agree with a lot of your positions, however this is one in which we do not.

I do agree that the prevalence of sexual/domestic probably greater than we know (I think it's probably just as high in the general population.)  However, I do believe every case needs to be treated individually.  And so far in this case there has been zero evidence so far.  If any concrete evidence comes to light, sure, give him the boot.  I really don't care if there is an "R" or a "D" next to there name, if the evidence is concrete and prosecuted through the legal system and a guilty verdict is rendered then sure, boot em'.

Interesting side note:

I real this story the other day while at lunch.  I think it was in the USA Today, but in their story, even his ex-wife was defending him saying something to the affect "that's not the type of person Ellison is or that I know, we maybe divorced but we are still family."  I think that says a lot.  I'm divorced, and have decent relationship with my ex (we have a son), but there was a time when I think she very well would've thrown me under the bus out of vindictive revenge (I had to take her to court, so that my son could go to Disney world, all over child support, I won the case and my boy went to Disney world.)  All I'm saying is that there is certainly men out there that abuse women and it needs end for sure.  At the same time though I don't think mens lives should be ruined with no substantial evidence.  Honestly, I believe even Roy Moore was wrongly accused, now before you skewer me, keep in mind there was no evidence and these people didn't come forth for close to 40 yrs. Now do l like Roy Moore? Not in the slightest. I despise his politics and idealogy, and certainly think that he's capable of the allegations leveled at him.  But there is no evidence

What happened to the "end rant" emoji ?

I freely admit that my jumping the gun with Ellison is due to my personal biases towards him based on other information.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-14-2018, 09:26 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I freely admit that my jumping the gun with Ellison is due to my personal biases towards him based on other information.

I dislike him intensely as well, anyone else would have no career after such close association to a known racist organization.
(08-14-2018, 01:31 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: I mean, there's the chance he did this, but that's just a hell of a flimsy case

Agree, appears very flimsy, but to many people him merely being a democrat places some doubt in his innocence.
(08-14-2018, 09:26 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I freely admit that my jumping the gun with Ellison is due to my personal biases towards him based on other information.

(08-14-2018, 10:42 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I dislike him intensely as well, anyone else would have no career after such close association to a known racist organization.

I literally had no idea who this guy was outside of the OP material. So please don't take my prior opinion in this thread as a defense of this guys character (I take it from your posts that it's not good) so much as a general belief in how this sort of story should be approached/handled with such timing/details.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(08-14-2018, 12:46 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: I literally had no idea who this guy was outside of the OP material. So please don't take my prior opinion in this thread as a defense of this guys character (I take it from your posts that it's not good) so much as a general belief in how this sort of story should be approached/handled with such timing/details.

It's okay; most people don't know much about him. I have the pleasure of knowing much more than most thanks to some of the people I know.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-14-2018, 09:26 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I freely admit that my jumping the gun with Ellison is due to my personal biases towards him based on other information.
I have never felt you to be dishonest in your posts. I'd be interested in other information you have.  I have to admit I don't know much else about the guy other than what I read in the paper.
(08-14-2018, 10:42 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I dislike him intensely as well, anyone else would have no career after such close association to a known racist organization.
Again I admit I didn't know much about the guy before now. And because I always value your opinion (even if we don't always agree)  I'm curious to what racist organization he is associated with?
(08-14-2018, 12:46 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: I literally had no idea who this guy was outside of the OP material. So please don't take my prior opinion in this thread as a defense of this guys character (I take it from your posts that it's not good) so much as a general belief in how this sort of story should be approached/handled with such timing/details.
Same here, don't take my previous post as defending the guy.  I was going purely off of what I knew up to now.
(08-14-2018, 12:51 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's okay; most people don't know much about him. I have the pleasure of knowing much more than most thanks to some of the people I know.

Again I would like any other information that you're able to share.
(08-14-2018, 03:31 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I have never felt you to be dishonest in your posts. I'd be interested in other information you have.  I have to admit I don't know much else about the guy other than what I read in the paper.
Again I admit I didn't know much about the guy before now. And because I always value your opinion (even if we don't always agree)  I'm curious to what racist organization he is associated with?
Same here, don't take my previous post as defending the guy.  I was going purely off of what I knew up to now.

Again I would like any other information that you're able to share.

I am guessing that SSF is referring to Ellison's membership in the Nation of Islam. My own opinions of him come from individuals I know personally and their interactions with him. I won't get into specifics because these are not my stories to tell, but I will just say that there is a reason I have zero problems believing that he would lose his temper and be violent in that manner based upon things I have been told by individuals that have been around him at the DNC.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-14-2018, 03:44 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I am guessing that SSF is referring to Ellison's membership in the Nation of Islam. My own opinions of him come from individuals I know personally and their interactions with him. I won't get into specifics because these are not my stories to tell, but I will just say that there is a reason I have zero problems believing that he would lose his temper and be violent in that manner based upon things I have been told by individuals that have been around him at the DNC.

Fair enough, though you've raised more questions for me, such as why would he be a member of the Nation of Islam?  After reading the articles, nothing is mentioned of him being Muslim. And seems odd that he would be connected to a Muslim organization.
(08-14-2018, 03:55 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Fair enough, though you've raised more questions for me, such as why would he be a member of the Nation of Islam?  After reading the articles, nothing is mentioned of him being Muslim. And seems odd that he would be connected to a Muslim organization.

Keith Ellison is Muslim, and was the first elected to Congress.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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