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Trump on undocumented immigrants: 'These aren't people. These are animals.'
(09-11-2018, 11:21 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Without checking the validity of any, I consider the vast majority of those to be political speak that most politicians engage in. I will say if his Special Olympics quote is legit then that is something that would have been/ will be made much more of a deal if Trump said anything close.

Personally I think he lied about a lot more important things: ie he heard about Hillary's private server the same time we did, his lack of knowledge of Benghazi in the early hours, ect... But this is what politicians do.

The Special Olympics quote is legit.  And he was raked over the coals for it and apologized.

He wrong.

He admitted he was wrong.

That's probably one of the biggest differences between when he crossed a line (once) and when Trump does (frequently).

It does raise the question (again) how much you missed over the years.  That was a big deal when he said it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-11-2018, 10:59 PM)Vlad Wrote: Because democrats make it easier.
You call the behavior of democrats at the Kavanaugh hearings civil?

Trump really doesn't lie, he just at times happens to say things that aren't true, or only half true....usually trivial, harmless 'lies" that happen to only knot up the panties of haters.
They are mainly off the cuff...not premeditated. He doesn't plan to lie...  But people are too consumed by hate for the man that they refuse to take into account the difference.

Yet not a peep out of you folks when the liar in chief was president.

Never heard you Dill talk about Obamas lies and misdirection.

Remember this:

When the scumbag talked about when his parents met.

"They looked at each other and they decided, 'We know that in the world, as it has been, it might not be possible for us to get together and have a child, but something is stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Ala., because some folks are willing to march across the bridge.' And so they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Ala.!"

Obama was born in 1961; the Selma march was four years later.

My my, speaking of misdirection...

1. "I will have the most transparent administration."

2. "I have shovel ready jobs."

3. "The IRS is not targeting anyone."

4. "If four Americans get killed…uh…. it is not optimal." (Benghazi)

5. "ObamaCare will be good for America."

6. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him, period."

7. "Premiums will be lowered by $2500"

8. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period. 

9. "I did not say you could keep your health care." (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)

10. "No one making less than $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime."

11. "Benghazi was because of a youtubevideo."

14. "I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism".

15. "You didn't build that."

16. "I will restore trust in Government."

17. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."

20. "I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics."

21. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

22. "The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"

23. "It's not my red line it is the worlds red line."

24. "Whistleblowers will be protected."

25. "We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks, with interest."

26. "I will close Gitmo." (Guantanamo)

27. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't, -- but she is a typical white person."

28. "I am not spying on American citizens."

31. "ObamaCare will lower costs for everyone."

32. "More Americans will be insured under obamacare"

33. "Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance….Muslims are our friends" (then he bows to the muslim leaders)

34. “That’s thegood thing about being President, I can do whatever I want,” 

35. "my father served in WW2"

39. “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”

40. "Buying health care insurance will be like using Amazon."

41. “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”

42. "I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."

43. “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”

44. “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."

50. "Obamacarewill not be used to fund abortions."

71. "The United States maintains a 'rock-solid' commitment to Israel"

86. "We're focused like lasers on job creation!!!"

87. "Jobs are our number one priority!!!!"...then says manufacturing jobs aren't coming back.

89. "Republicans still can’t bring themselves to admit that the Affordable Care Act is working."

Vlad, have I not warned you in the past about throwing up unvetted lists culled from right wing sources?  Yet here you are at it again. Did you check ANY of these "lies" to see whether Obama actually said them and whether they are actually lies?  Just looking at some random points: Not Obama's fault Gitmo wasn't closed. His grandmother was, so far as I can tell, a typical white person. The man who raised Obama as a father, whom he called "father," did serve in WWII.  They didn't build that.  According to one of the Benghazi attackers who was captured, the attack was stimulated by the video.   Saying manufacturing jobs aren't coming back is a comment about a change in markets and manufacturing. It doesn't mean jobs aren't a priority. Jeezus, am I really explaining this.

I can't walk through all of these. Some just seem like campaign promises--goals which fall short in every administration. It's not a "lie" if you tried and failed to accomplish a goal, and certainly not if you did accomplish it, as Obama did when he increased the number of insured in the U.S. I don't consider Trump's promise to build a wall a "lie" if he cannot get the political support to do it.

I don't see anything on that crazy, unvetted list, that compares to Trump's assertion that 3-5 million voted illegally, or that he lost hundreds of friends on 9/11, or that McCain used his father's position to get out of a prisoner of war camp. These are not harmless.  Nor are the lies he doesn't know are lies, like his claim the NK nuke problem is solved.

Most disturbing is your casual acceptance of lies which are off the cuff, not premeditated--a mode of life for someone steeped in conspiracy theories and surrounded by sycophants. He lies--ahem, "happens" to say things that are untrue--to his wife and family daily. He lies to the people who work for him. He lies to voters. He lies to himself.  As you say, not premeditated.  Just who he is. Obama doesn't live a lie.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2018, 02:38 AM)Dill Wrote: Vlad, have I not warned you in the past about throwing up unvetted lists culled from right wing sources?  Yet here you are at it again. Did you check ANY of these "lies" to see whether Obama actually said them and whether they are actually lies?  Just looking at some random points: Not Obama's fault Gitmo wasn't closed. His grandmother was, so far as I can tell, a typical white person. The man who raised Obama as a father, whom he called "father," did serve in WWII.  They didn't build that.  According to one of the Benghazi attackers who was captured, the attack was stimulated by the video.   Saying manufacturing jobs aren't coming back is a comment about a change in markets and manufacturing. It doesn't mean jobs aren't a priority. Jeezus, am I really explaining this.

I can't walk through all of these. Some just seem like campaign promises--goals which fall short in every administration. It's not a "lie" if you tried and failed to accomplish a goal, and certainly not if you did accomplish it, as Obama did when he increased the number of insured in the U.S. I don't consider Trump's promise to build a wall a "lie" if he cannot get the political support to do it.

I don't see anything on that crazy, unvetted list, that compares to Trump's assertion that 3-5 million voted illegally, or that he lost hundreds of friends on 9/11, or that McCain used his father's position to get out of a prisoner of war camp. These are not harmless.  Nor are the lies he doesn't know are lies, like his claim the NK nuke problem is solved.

Most disturbing is your casual acceptance of lies which are off the cuff, not premeditated--a mode of life for someone steeped in conspiracy theories and surrounded by sycophants. He lies--ahem, "happens" to say things that are untrue--to his wife and family daily. He lies to the people who work for him. He lies to voters. He lies to himself.  As you say, not premeditated.  Just who he is. Obama doesn't live a lie.
Well Dino vetted his comparing his inability to do something well to being in the Special Olympics. Over 6 million Americans suffer from intellectual disabilities so that might be right up there with suggesting non-citizens are voting in some places.
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2018, 10:15 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Well Dino vetted his comparing his inability to do something well to being in the Special Olympics. Over 6 million Americans suffer from intellectual disabilities so that might be right up there with suggesting non-citizens are voting in some places.

Dino also vetted his response to being wrong.

You might have missed that point so I thought I'd clear it up for you.

But you have one thing to hang your "obama is as bad as Trump" hat on so I figure we'll see this over and over again for the next couple years. Smirk

btw, how did you miss this one too?  It was all over the news.  Not like it happened on the Alex Jones Show. Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-12-2018, 10:22 AM)GMDino Wrote: Dino also vetted his response to being wrong.

You might have missed that point so I thought I'd clear it up for you.

But you have one thing to hang your "obama is as bad as Trump" hat on so I figure we'll see this over and over again for the next couple years. Smirk

btw, how did you miss this one too?  It was all over the news.  Not like it happened on the Alex Jones Show. Mellow

As I said Obama is much more polished, when told to apologize he did. Doesn't change the thoughts running through his head.

If you read my initial response to Vlad's list you'll see that I did exactly the opposite as you suggest. I simply took issue with Dill's response of Obama did no wrong.

Not sure which one I missed or your obsession with my not knowing who Alex Jones and/or the Alex Jones show is. I clearly stated numerous times on here, I leave it to the right to tell me what the left media is saying as I don't watch it much. I tend to roll with NPR and stories I read on Yahoo.
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2018, 10:33 AM)bfine32 Wrote: As I said Obama is much more polished, when told to apologize he did. Doesn't change the thoughts running through his head.


That shows your Trump Delusion Syndrome more than any other post.

(09-12-2018, 10:33 AM)bfine32 Wrote: If you read my initial response to Vlad's list you'll see that I did exactly the opposite as you suggest. I simply took issue with Dill's response of Obama did no wrong.

Not sure which one I missed or your obsession with my not knowing who Alex Jones and/or the Alex Jones show is. I clearly stated numerous times on here, I leave it to the right to tell me what the left media is saying as I don't watch it much. I tend to roll with NPR and stories I read on Yahoo.

I guess I get amazed that people with such strong convictions and opinions don't even know what is happening int he culture around them.

I have our local NPR station on all day in my office. I don't watch the network or cable news. I read a lot of sources with news stories.

There are lots of actors involved besides two sources, what you read on the message board and your preconceived notions.

A lack of knowledge about events and people in the news makes me doubt the validity of one's responses to other events because they lack points of reference beyond what they "know" already.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-12-2018, 10:15 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Well Dino vetted his comparing his inability to do something well to being in the Special Olympics. Over 6 million Americans suffer from intellectual disabilities so that might be right up there with suggesting non-citizens are voting in some places.

First of all, the comment about special olympics was not a "lie." It was a bad thing to say.  For which Obama apologized. People accepted the apology because of Obama's generally empathetic demeanor towards people.  Everyone--almost--moved on.

So no, it is not right up there with claiming (not "suggesting") millions of illegal immigrants are voting. And then continuing to insist on the claim when faced with evidence to the contrary. And NEVER apologizing or admitting a mistake.  Trump's statement was part of his overal program to help his base imagine threats involving brown people, threats that aren't really there.

By the way I agree with the point you made about Obama's "political" lies. All politicians say things that turn out to be untrue. And that doesn't always mean they were lying when they said them. Bush I said "Read my lips. No new Taxes." Then he had to raise taxes. Doesn't make him a liar; he reached a point where any other option was irresponsible.  A lot of so-called politcal lies are like that. Or someone makes a promise others prevent him from keeping.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2018, 11:01 AM)Dill Wrote: First of all, the comment about special olympics was not a "lie." It was a bad thing to say.  For which Obama apologized. People accepted the apology because of Obama's generally empathetic demeanor towards people.  Everyone--almost--moved on.

So no, it is not right up there with claiming (not "suggesting") millions of illegal immigrants are voting. And then continuing to insist on the claim when faced with evidence to the contrary. And NEVER apologizing or admitting a mistake.  Trump's statement was part of his overal program to help his base imagine threats involving brown people, threats that aren't really there.

By the way I agree with the point you made about Obama's "political" lies. All politicians say things that turn out to be untrue. And that doesn't always mean they were lying when they said them. Bush I said "Read my lips. No new Taxes." Then he had to raise taxes. Doesn't make him a liar; he reached a point where any other option was irresponsible.  A lot of so-called politcal lies are like that. Or someone makes a promise others prevent him from keeping.
So you think it's the truth?
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-25-2018, 03:29 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Exactly.  Anyone who calls him out will be labeled as the usual fake media and/or a bunch of crybaby Hillary-lovers who hate Trump because he's awesome.  People call out Trump all time time, but we've decided that they are driven by their unreasonable hatred for him, and not actual facts.  The man has built and incredible amount of brand loyalty within his target audience.  What's one more lie when they eat those lies like apple pie, to paraphrase Boz Scaggs?

On a more mundane side of things, currently my gf's 20 year old nephew is in way too deep with a crazy chick who has managed to convince him that his friends and family members can't be trusted and only she knows what is best for him.

You make zero sense.

You deny that the fake news media exists? What more evidence do you need?
You do know that CNN and others were in the tank for Hillary correct?
You do know that CNN recused to retract its reporting of a Lanny Davis lie correct?

I'm not going to post proof of every fake news story, or lie. If you really seek the truth, you can do it yourself.

Yes they are crybabies, they cried, they rioted, they created safe spaces the day Trump was elected, they wear p***y hats, and they continue to cry two years later... they are what we call "snowflakes".

The media, an extension of the democRAT party, in unison with establishment Republican party and deep state, has sought to delegitimize, to invalidate  the election of this outsider Donald J Trump...while continuing to ignore the corruption and crimes committed by democRATS.
(09-12-2018, 11:08 AM)Vlad Wrote: You do know that CNN recused to retract its reporting of a Lanny Davis lie correct?

CNN had Davis on air to retract his statement.

WTF are they telling you in the echo chamber?  Looks like you are the one swallowing "fake news" and begging for more.
(09-12-2018, 11:03 AM)bfine32 Wrote: So you think it's the truth?

You're back to your nitpicking ways.  Sad.

Comparing a bad thing to say to a lie.

Trump calls some "a fat pig".  Might be a lie, but is definitely a bad thing to say.

Trump saying "we have never had growth like we have now" is a lie.

You know better (or should) but want to find a way to distract.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-12-2018, 11:15 AM)fredtoast Wrote: CNN had Davis on air to retract his statement.

WTF are they telling you in the echo chamber?  Looks like you are the one swallowing "fake news" and begging for more.

That is what happens when someone limits their sources of information.

They fall into the "No one on the left/right is talking about this!!!" trap when it was all over the news.

That's why I am starting to doubt the opinions of more and more people here and in real life...they have limited background information to rely on.  I always forget that not everyone wants to get as much data as possible.  That they rely on "knowing" and then gathering information that verifys what they "know".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-12-2018, 11:16 AM)GMDino Wrote: You're back to your nitpicking ways.  Sad.

Comparing a bad thing to say to a lie.

Trump calls some "a fat pig".  Might be a lie, but is definitely a bad thing to say.

Trump saying "we have never had growth like we have now" is a lie.

You know better (or should) but want to find a way to distract.

I could validate a number of the lies that Vlad mentioned; to include his pandering to a base about Selma getting him born, however, I choose to stay with comment I originally took issue with.

And as I told your alt. Turn that frown upside down.
My original reply to Vlad's list was to illustrate there was really no difference in what he listed about Obama than what any other POTUS has done. I simply took issue when Dill ran to the defense of Obama asserting he did no wrong, by comparing him to Trump.   I have 0 idea how that points to me lloking for a way to distract,

You really should try to follow the comments in these threads with a little bit more of am open mind; you might just learn something.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2018, 11:37 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I could validate a number of the lies that Vlad mentioned; to include his pandering to a base about Selma getting him born, however, I choose to stay with comment I originally took issue with.

And as I told your alt. Turn that frown upside down.
My original reply to Vlad's list was to illustrate there was really no difference in what he listed about Obama than what any other POTUS has done. I simply took issue when Dill ran to the defense of Obama asserting he did no wrong, by comparing him to Trump.   I have 0 idea how that points to me lloking for a way to distract,

You really should try to follow the comments in these threads with a little bit more of am open mind; you might just learn something.


(05-14-2018, 10:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  Imitation is the best form of flattery. Unfortunately for you. You don't know when to use it.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: tenor.gif]

Aw...and you're wondering how Trump supporters can continue to support and defend  him.

Because it's easy when life is good.

Whats the matter, is life not good for you liberal Trump haters?

It's certainly a much easier task than what you have in supporting vile, violent, obstructionist democRATS.

It's easy when you didn't elect him for his tact, or his ability to "act presidential"...those traits are for the true liars.

It's easy when he has done exactly what he said he was going to do.

It's easy when he has taken an honest effort to do what he has been unable to do.

Awww.. "Trump said a naughty thing"...Just go to your designated safe space.
(09-12-2018, 11:52 AM)Vlad Wrote: It's easy when he has done exactly what he said he was going to do.

It's easy when he has taken an honest effort to do what he has been unable to do.

So the echo chamber has also told you that Trump "drained the swamp" and built a wall.  How about "eliminate the national debt in 8 years"? and this one is probably my favorite.  .  

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump took to the lobby of his famed Trump Tower on Monday morning and pledged to slap himself with a huge tax hike.

"It’s going to cost me a fortune, which is actually true," the Republican presidential front-runner candidate told reporters,

(09-12-2018, 11:52 AM)Vlad Wrote: [Image: tenor.gif]

Aw...and you're wondering how Trump supporters can continue to support and defend  him.

Because it's easy when life is good.

Whats the matter, is life not good for you liberal Trump haters?

It's certainly a much easier task than what you have in supporting vile, violent, obstructionist democRATS.

It's easy when you didn't elect him for his tact, or his ability to "act presidential"...those traits are for the true liars.

It's easy when he has done exactly what he said he was going to do.

It's easy when he has taken an honest effort to do what he has been unable to do.

Awww.. "Trump said a naughty thing"...Just go to your designated safe space.

I'm a middle aged, white male, Christian.  Trump ain't hurting me at all personally.

He is damaging our education system, economy, environment, etc.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-12-2018, 11:08 AM)Vlad Wrote: You make zero sense.

You deny that the fake news media exists? What more evidence do you need?

I never said fake news doesn't exist, I'm simply saying that the fact that fake news exists has become an excuse to completely disregard any information we don't wish to hear, or that challenges our beliefs.  Intentional distribution of misinformation has benefited both major political parties (as well as nearly every aspect of marketing/sales/etc) for generations.  All recent developments have given us that is new is a label for it, and a president who continuously complains about it. By all means, find a single election in US history where all information presented on the candidates was 100% verified and true, I flippin' dare ya.

Also, I realize you portray a bit of a character on this board (you are fake news in a sense, I guess) so I won't spend too much time with this, but your insistence on labeling me as some sort of left-wing, Hillary-loving nutbag is both irksome and tiresome.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2018, 12:14 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So the echo chamber has also told you that Trump "drained the swamp" and built a wall.  How about "eliminate the national debt in 8 years"? and this one is probably my favorite.  .  

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump took to the lobby of his famed Trump Tower on Monday morning and pledged to slap himself with a huge tax hike.

"It’s going to cost me a fortune, which is actually true," the Republican presidential front-runner candidate told reporters,


I like the one about draining the swamp and then having one of the most corruption plagued administrations in our history. Hilarious
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(09-12-2018, 01:09 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I never said fake news doesn't exist, I'm simply saying that the fact that fake news exists has become an excuse to completely disregard any information we don't wish to hear, or that challenges our beliefs.  

I'd argue it's been that way since Fox News came out. Since then, there's been no real attempt to keep news from being biased one way or the other and this has become an excuse to completely disregard any information we don't wish to hear, or that challenges our beliefs. Sure, the fake news thing continues this and changes the whining from "BIASED NEWS!!" to "FAKE NEWS!!" but it's been like that since at least Fox News' inception, if not before.
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