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Study on gay marriage views retracted after allegations of fake data
(05-23-2015, 05:01 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: That may be true to an extent, but probably not most cases.  For example my cousins parents are heterosexual, catholic, and live in white suburbia.  I doubt any one of the those highlighted above had anything to do with him being gay.  Whether you want to call it "genetic" or whatever makes no difference to me.  But for what ever reason they just seemed to be "wired" differently than me.  Again it just logically makes sense to me.

We also have to understand that things can be genetic in that you are genetically predisposed to it, but it does not "manifest" unless there are other environmental factors or stressors. That in no way makes it less genetic than being born with blue eyes over brown.
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(05-23-2015, 05:03 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: We also have to understand that things can be genetic in that you are genetically predisposed to it, but it does not "manifest" unless there are other environmental factors or stressors. That in no way makes it less genetic than being born with blue eyes over brown.

Yes absolutely, which is why I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with him about environmental factors. Of the Homosexuals that I know, all grew up in very heterosexual homes. But of course that does not mean environmental factor don't come in to play for many others.
(05-23-2015, 04:48 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: Admittedly choice may not be the best word. It is most likely a combination of social, cultural, external, parental, and other factors that go into being gay.  My point is that there is very little credible proof that being gay is genetic. As of right now, people are not born gay.  ThumbsUp

People will reach for anything to say that people aren't born gay. It's gotta be all of those factors above rather than genetics. Why? Because people think it makes you less of a dbag if you deny them rights if their lifestyle is a choice. It doesn't though. They'll get the rights that they deserve soon regardless of whether it's a choice or not.....because it really doesn't even matter.

There is very little credible proof that being gay is the result of social, cultural, external, or parental factors...but don't let that stop you from deciding the it just has to be a combination of all of those factors.

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I've known many...many people who were "gay" then suddenly decided they weren't. Most of my wife's friends had some kind of relationship with other female(s), and all of them are totally straight now and are either married to a man or in a long term relationship with a man. I've known guys like this as well.

What do folks who think people are born gay make of this? Did these people not make a choice? Were they born with a "first I'm straight, then I'll turn gay for a minute, then go back to being straight gene"?
The training, nutrition, medicine, fitness, playbooks and rules evolve. The athlete does not.
(05-23-2015, 09:50 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I've known many...many people who were "gay" then suddenly decided they weren't. Most of my wife's friends had some kind of relationship with other female(s), and all of them are totally straight now and are either married to a man or in a long term relationship with a man. I've known guys like this as well.

What do folks who think people are born gay make of this? Did these people not make a choice?

We call those people bisexuals.

No doubt, there are some people out there that make a conscious decision to participate in homosexual activity. I don't think anyone would try to deny that. It really comes down to if you legitimately think that all people are like that. If you really believe that everyone makes an actual decision to be gay, then I can't help've already made up your mind on this issue.

I'm not going to take your anecdotal evidence as proof that people aren't born gay. I have anecdotal evidence of my own and I don't expect that to sway you.

My former next door neighbor, who became my younger brother's best friend was gay from the very beginning. You could tell from the time that this kid was like 4 years old that he was gay. He has the voice, he had the mannerisms, it was all there. His older brother was as masculine as can be. I was on the same baseball team as him and in his wedding. If it's all about how the kid is raised, then why was one teaching me how to fingerbang chicks and the other one super gay?

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For anyone who thinks that you can choose to be gay:

How old were you when you made the choice to be straight? Did you ever have the gay urges that you just had to suppress due to it being the wrong "choice"? Do you think it's possible that you could choose to be gay now? If not, is there a certain limit to this gay-choosing power, or are you just an exception?

Really, I'll be the first to admit that there is no scientific evidence that people are born gay. It's obvious me at least. It seems that the only people who it isn't obvious to are religious folks that want to use it as a reason to rightfully deny them rights. In the end, I don't care whether they're born that way or not. Even if it's a decision, I'm not going to discriminate against people and try to force them to live by my life rules because I don't like their choices.

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(05-23-2015, 09:50 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I've known many...many people who were "gay" then suddenly decided they weren't. Most of my wife's friends had some kind of relationship with other female(s), and all of them are totally straight now and are either married to a man or in a long term relationship with a man. I've known guys like this as well.

What do folks who think people are born gay make of this? Did these people not make a choice? Were they born with a "first I'm straight, then I'll turn gay for a minute, then go back to being straight gene"?

My ex-wife's sister was married with two sons. However her and her husband had done some swinging because she was into chicks also. We call this bisexual. Anyways two more husbands later she decided she had enough dick, and settled down with another woman, who also left her. Which I found hilarious of course that neither male or female could live with her. She truly was a vial creature.LOL
(05-23-2015, 03:23 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you are not religious, then how do you know that those that are choose to be? How do you know they are not called or something within them compels them to be? If you do not have the passion, then how do you know what causes it?

1. It doesn't matter if sexual preference is a choice or not.

2. I was raised religious and chose to stop being religious, so religion is a choice for me.

3. I have personally known people who have "experimented" with homosexual activity, but they claim to be bi-sexual instead of homosexual.

4. I could never even try to be homosexual because it is not possible for me to get aroused thinking of sex with another man. So I 100% know that it is not a choice for me.
(05-23-2015, 09:50 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I've known many...many people who were "gay" then suddenly decided they weren't. Most of my wife's friends had some kind of relationship with other female(s), and all of them are totally straight now and are either married to a man or in a long term relationship with a man. I've known guys like this as well.

What do folks who think people are born gay make of this? Did these people not make a choice? Were they born with a "first I'm straight, then I'll turn gay for a minute, then go back to being straight gene"?

The people you are speaking of are bi-sexual instead of homosexual. Since you know them so well just ask them. they will explain the difference to you. That way you won't have to take my word for it.
(05-23-2015, 04:04 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You could be right. I have 2 sons, we raised them both similarly. One really took to our religion, he thirsted for it and wanted to be in the church whenever he could: Sunday Morning, Sunday Evenings, Wednesday Nights, Vacation Bible School, etc… The other considered even attending Sunday morning service to be a chore and one he would avoid every chance he could get. I wonder why they didn’t make the same “choice”.

One is smarter than the other.
(05-24-2015, 01:45 AM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.  It doesn't matter if sexual preference is a choice or not.

2.  I was raised religious and chose to stop being religious, so religion is a choice for me.

3.  I have personally known people who have "experimented" with homosexual activity, but they claim to be bi-sexual instead of homosexual.

4.  I could never even try to be homosexual because it is not possible for me to get aroused thinking of sex with another man.  So I 100% know that it is not a choice for me.

1. I agree, as far as the morality is concerned. The legality may be another issue.

2. So you admit that you do not understand the heart of someone that clings to religion.

3. I once heard only half the gays were born homosexual. The other half were sucked into it.

4. Is it also a choice that you do not become sexually aroused by a female relative? You were born to be sexually aroused by females; right?
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(05-24-2015, 01:53 AM)bfine32 Wrote: 4. Is it also a choice that you do not become sexually aroused by a female relative? You were born to be sexually aroused by females; right?

WTF does this have to do with anything?
(05-24-2015, 01:56 AM)fredtoast Wrote: WTF does this have to do with anything?

If you are aroused by females, then why aren't you aroused by female relatives?

Could it be you posses the ability suppress your urges?
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(05-24-2015, 01:53 AM)bfine32 Wrote: 2. So you admit that you do not understand the heart of someone that clings to religion.

No. I understand exactly why they do it. Who wouldn't want to believe in eternity in paradise? It is basically the same reason kids believe in Santa Clause.

Plus religion fills a big hole that most people are afraid to deal with.

They can't deal with death being final.

They can't deal with life not being "fair".

They have a need to feel special and can't deal with the idea that their life is has no deeper meaning.

They love the safety that religion provides.
(05-24-2015, 01:52 AM)fredtoast Wrote: One is smarter than the other.

Who knows? Maybe one of the will be dumb enough to be a neurosurgeon one day.
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(05-24-2015, 02:00 AM)bfine32 Wrote: If you are aroused by females, then why aren't you aroused by female relatives?

Could it be you posses the ability suppress your urges?

I have been aroused by female relatives.

But, again, WTF does this have to do with anything?
(05-24-2015, 02:03 AM)fredtoast Wrote: No.  I understand exactly why they do it.  Who wouldn't want to believe in eternity in paradise?  It is basically the same reason kids believe in Santa Clause.    

Plus religion fills a big hole that most people are afraid to deal with.  

They can't deal with death being final.

They can't deal with life not being "fair".  

They have a need to feel special and can't deal with the idea that their life is has no deeper meaning.

They love the safety that religion provides.

You have no idea the personal relationship they have. It is sad that it was offered to you; yet you could not accept it, because you are "smart".
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(05-24-2015, 02:04 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I have been aroused by female relatives.

But, again, WTF does this have to do with anything?

Assuming you didn't act on these urges. Why didn't you?
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(05-24-2015, 02:04 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I have been aroused by female relatives.


Fred, bud, there are some things that are best kept secret.

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(05-24-2015, 02:11 AM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Confused

Fred, bud, there are some things that are best kept secret.

To be fair; he is from Tennessee.
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