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Trump Lovers backing off
Anyone else notice how most of the Trump lovers here are backing off their love of Trump and all the dumb shit and lies that come out of his mouth? The Trumpsters are independent voters all of a sudden and are trying to distance themselves from this P grabber. Hilarious
(09-14-2018, 04:50 PM)ballsofsteel Wrote: Anyone else notice how most of the Trump lovers here are backing off their love of Trump and all the dumb shit and lies that come out of his mouth? The Trumpsters are independent voters all of a sudden and are trying to distance themselves from this P grabber.  Hilarious

Um, no. I haven't really noticed that. The fact that more Republican "independents" and never-Trumpers are speaking out may create that impression. 

In this forum Trump defenders seem more ready to signal personal disapproval of some of Trump's behavior--while at the same time characterizing it as immaterial to his job performance and not essentially different from what all politicians do. (LOL liberal "hypocrites" are silent about Obama's "lies" while they are all over Trump for siding with Putin over the CIA and denying 3,000 people died in PR.) For them Trump "hate" is still the real driver of the current political chaos.  That's what needs to be "exposed," not the fact and potential consequences of Trump's bad judgment, obvious to every past president of both parties still alive, not to mention the mass of retired generals and CIA/FBI directors. Lalala

I don't see that changing anytime soon.
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(09-14-2018, 05:05 PM)Dill Wrote: Um, no. I haven't really noticed that. The fact that more Republican "independents" and never-Trumpers are speaking out may create that impression. 

In this forum Trump defenders seem more ready to signal personal disapproval of some of Trump's behavior--while at the same time characterizing it as immaterial to his job performance and not essentially different from what all politicians do. (LOL liberal "hypocrites" are silent about Obama's "lies" while they are all over Trump for siding with Putin over the CIA and denying 3,000 people died in PR.) For them Trump "hate" is still the real driver of the current political chaos.  That's what needs to be "exposed," not the fact and potential consequences of Trump's bad judgment, obvious to every past president of both parties still alive, not to mention the mass of retired generals and CIA/FBI directors. Lalala

I don't see that changing anytime soon.
So are you saying that Obama had over 4200 (and counting) lies also ? Link?

"That's what needs to be "exposed," not the fact and potential consequences of Trump's bad judgment, obvious to every past president of both parties still alive"
And obvious to anyone with half a brain, no?
(09-14-2018, 04:50 PM)ballsofsteel Wrote: Anyone else notice how most of the Trump lovers here are backing off their love of Trump and all the dumb shit and lies that come out of his mouth? The Trumpsters are independent voters all of a sudden and are trying to distance themselves from this P grabber. Hilarious

So I’m curious. If true, you seem to be ridiculing them. Isn’t this something that you’d like or does it take away your opportunities to post meaningless threads using the language of a 6 year old?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(09-14-2018, 08:34 PM)ballsofsteel Wrote: So are you saying that Obama had over 4200 (and counting) lies also ? Link?

"That's what needs to be "exposed," not the fact and potential consequences of Trump's bad judgment, obvious to every past president of both parties still alive"
And obvious to anyone with half a brain, no?

Why do you suppose that statement was in parenthesis, while I am talking about Trump supporters?
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(09-14-2018, 05:05 PM)Dill Wrote: Um, no. I haven't really noticed that. The fact that more Republican "independents" and never-Trumpers are speaking out may create that impression. 

In this forum Trump defenders seem more ready to signal personal disapproval of some of Trump's behavior--while at the same time characterizing it as immaterial to his job performance .

True. His behavior is immaterial to his job performance. And?

and not essentially different from what all politicians do.

Not sure about that. Trump is certainly unique.

(LOL liberal "hypocrites" are silent about Obama's "lies" while they are all over Trump for siding with Putin over the CIA and denying 3,000 people died in PR.)

Right... "Bush lied, people died", "Trump's a liar."..but that scumbag between them that you adored so much was infallible.

For them Trump "hate" is still the real driver of the current political chaos. 

Yes it is, what else can it be? You are being very disingenuous when you put hate in quotation marks as if it were not true.

Hate was there before Trump signed a bill, hate was there before he took the oath of office.
The moment he won the election, it began,  a concerted effort to delegitimize his presidency because he had the audacity to win.

I've already explained the fallacious 3000 death rate once.
Trump once again was right.

Last month, a new study was produced by George Washington University that estimated the “excess mortality” from Hurricane Maria over a six-month period at 2,975 within a 95% confidence interval of 2,658-3,290 “excess” deaths.
This was the second-highest estimate after the faulty Harvard study, and was based on a statistical model that subtracted the number of people who theoretically should have died over the same period from the number of people who actually died during that time.

(09-15-2018, 12:01 AM)Dill Wrote: Why do you suppose that statement was in parenthesis, while I am talking about Trump supporters?

You're a good guy Dill by taking the time to indulge him.
So they claim. We've heard it all before. The public denials that they like a man of Trumps character, the denials they aren't pro Russia, the denials they would support a sexual harasser, a con man, a man under FBI investigation for colluding to attack the country they supposedly love......

Then they vote for him.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
Dill: In this forum Trump defenders seem more ready to signal personal disapproval of some of Trump's behavior--while at the same time characterizing it as immaterial to his job performance .

Vlad: True. His behavior is immaterial to his job performance. And?

And true only that Trump supporters claim this.

Trump's behavior includes obstruction of justice and daily lying about matters ranging from the trivial to the highest level of national security. It is rather like saying that it is immaterial whether your local judge and law enforcement officers think that "flipping" criminals is wrong or your local mayor coerces local police and courts to obstruct justice to reward friends and punish enemies. It's like asking how the absence of ethics and integrity could affect jobs that essentially require it. It's like saying belief in God and marital fidelity are immaterial to a Baptist minister's job performance.

Charged with national defense, his constant disputing the results of the FBI/CIA investigation into the Russian attack on our election certainly has consequences, not only for the morale of these organizations, but also the effectiveness of their investigation--and U.S. Security.  How is it "immaterial" to Trump's job that his open scorn for NATO and refusal to acknowledge Putin's attacks on our and other countries furthers Russian foreign goals at the expense of ours and our allies'?

For over two centuries conservatives claimed that political leadership was not just a "job," but also a position of Gravitas, a role model assigned to people most responsible for upholding norms of integrity and honesty, as well as written law. This norm was still given lip service during Obama's term in office. How did it suddenly become uncoupled from "job performance."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Dill (in ironic mode): (LOL liberal "hypocrites" are silent about Obama's "lies" while they are all over Trump for siding with Putin over the CIA and denying 3,000 people died in PR.)

Vlad: Right... "Bush lied, people died", "Trump's a liar."..but that scumbag between them that you adored so much was infallible.

The decent family man who served between Bush and Trump did not lie us into an unnecessary war and preside over a recession, and he had no trouble denouncing racists and international adversaries. Noting that he was much more civil in discourse knowledgeable about governing is neither a claim nor an implication that he was "infallible." To raise that issue is simply a red herring.

Dill: For them Trump "hate" is still the real driver of the current political chaos. 

VLAD: Yes it is, what else can it be? You are being very disingenuous when you put hate in quotation marks as if it were not true.
Hate was there before Trump signed a bill, hate was there before he took the oath of office.
The moment he won the election, it began,  a concerted effort to delegitimize his presidency because he had the audacity to win.

Just a suggestion--Trump "hate" COULD have been there "before he took the oath of office" because he was the primary driver of racist birtherism, knew nothing about government, had already used race and religion to generate fear and drive wedges between Americans, and had a built a reputation for misogyny confirmed by his public comments and tweets.

So with all these good reasons to oppose Trump, you imagine it was simply "audacity" that upset people. "Hate" is simply a vacuous term that helps you and your president avoid accountability by representing valid opposition to odious and incompetent performance as incidental to that performance.

So you are comfortable with a p grabber who makes fun of disabled people without apology, who can imagine "good" white nationalists and Nazis, and refuses to lead his own security establishment in defense of Russian cyber attacks.  Because it upsets liberals?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Vlad: I've already explained the fallacious 3000 death rate once.  Trump once again was right.

Last month, a new study was produced by George Washington University that estimated the “excess mortality” from Hurricane Maria over a six-month period at 2,975 within a 95% confidence interval of 2,658-3,290 “excess” deaths.
This was the second-highest estimate after the faulty Harvard study, and was based on a statistical model that subtracted the number of people who theoretically should have died over the same period from the number of people who actually died during that time.

There is nothing "fallacious" about examining the death rate using the GW model, so you have not refuted anything until you can offer some other hypothesis for the anomalous death rate following the hurricane. (Sunspots, perhaps?)

Bels has raised a material objection to your claim that the researchers did not even go to Puerto Rico; you have not answered him. Until you do that your claim doesn't stand.

Trump's claim is not only that thousands didn't die because of the hurricane, but also that the study was only concocted to embarrass him. No one has demonstrated anything close to this; but he can expect his followers to accept his word as truth. 

You yourself have claimed he lies off the cuff, without premeditation. Why isn't this one of those "ok" lies?  
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(09-15-2018, 12:01 AM)Dill Wrote: Why do you suppose that statement was in parenthesis, while I am talking about Trump supporters?

I thought you were saying Obama lied as much as Trump does. Were those parenthesis with the LOL meant to be sarcastic?
(09-15-2018, 12:45 AM)Vlad Wrote: You're a good guy Dill by taking the time to indulge him.

You're a good guy by not taking it personal that he was talking about what loads Trump supporters are.
(09-17-2018, 07:18 PM)ballsofsteel Wrote: I thought you were saying Obama lied as much as Trump does. Were those parenthesis with the LOL meant to be sarcastic?

Of course. If you have been following any of my posts you know what I think of Trump. Further, People who excuse the behavior of this malignant narcissist by equating Obama, a decent person and family man and constitutional lawyer, to Trump, do the republic a disservice.

Standards of political discourse necessary for maintenance of democracy are being degraded as people no longer hold politicians accountable to norms of decency, integrity and transparency.
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(09-17-2018, 11:31 PM)Dill Wrote: Of course. If you have been following any of my posts you know what I think of Trump. Further, People who excuse the behavior of this malignant narcissist by equating Obama, a decent person and family man and constitutional lawyer, to Trump, do the republic a disservice.

Standards of political discourse necessary for maintenance of democracy are being degraded as people no longer hold politicians accountable to norms of decency, integrity and transparency.

You are funny!!

Trump Lovers are alive and well thank you very much.

PS Which party did they discover was actually colluding with Russia??? Democrats??? Effing Hypocrites at it again. But of course it will get glossed over.
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(09-18-2018, 08:05 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You are funny!!

Trump Lovers are alive and well thank you very much.

PS Which party did they discover was actually colluding with Russia??? Democrats??? Effing Hypocrites at it again. But of course it will get glossed over.

Well yes, unfortunately, Trump lovers are alive and well. That is the problem.

And your post illustrates why they are a problem.

No credible source, like the CIA or FBI, has discovered Democrats were colluding with Russia.  That "discovery" is pretty much restricted to Fox commentators and the easily disinformed Trump base. 

Millions of disinformed voters enable a bad president to continue behaving badly. That is bad for the country.
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(09-14-2018, 05:05 PM)Dill Wrote: In this forum Trump defenders seem more ready to signal personal disapproval of some of Trump's behavior--while at the same time characterizing it as immaterial to his job performance and not essentially different from what all politicians do.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, that brings back memories of when Democrats used to say the same thing in defending Bill Clinton's infedilty when he was in the White House. Good times. ThumbsUp

(for the record, I'm not saying anything like Bill = Trump or anything that stupid; just pointing out a similarity, tha'ts all)
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(09-19-2018, 03:10 PM)Dill Wrote: Well yes, unfortunately, Trump lovers are alive and well. That is the problem.

And your post illustrates why they are a problem.

No credible source, like the CIA or FBI, has discovered Democrats were colluding with Russia.  That "discovery" is pretty much restricted to Fox commentators and the easily disinformed Trump base. 

Millions of disinformed voters enable a bad president to continue behaving badly. That is bad for the country.


No credible source, like the CIA or FBI, has discovered Republicans were colluding with Russia.  That "discovery" is pretty much restricted to MSM commentators and the easily disinformed Democrat base. 

Neither side was "colluding" with Russia.
If Russia did want Trump elected, then they would never have released that "Dossier" to Steele, that would've been the death penalty to who ever did. They knew what the puppet would do, and he played their game like they wanted him to. Same with many of the other players that have been hung out. Phone call here, phone call there to give the appearance.

The Russians played both sides and want us divided, they have succeeded and to many of you are stuck blaming the "other" side for it, because your candidate lost that couldn't apparently beat the worst candidate that's ever run for POTUS.

I like Trump, some things he does? He's on his own, but he's still allowed to have his own personal opinion on things, right or wrong it's his right, just as it is mine to back it or ignore it. 

Posters like yourself are the ones that hope saying it enough times will make it true, but because the MSM has been so openly honest in all things regarding Trump, they are now like the little boy that cried Wolf. No one is listening now even if it's true.

I'll be the first to admit when I see something posted in MSM about Trump that is totally out there, I laugh and don't even think about it again.
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(09-19-2018, 03:42 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, that brings back memories of when Democrats used to say the same thing in defending Bill Clinton's infedilty when he was in the White House. Good times. ThumbsUp

(for the record, I'm not saying anything like Bill = Trump or anything that stupid; just pointing out a similarity, tha'ts all)

Good you put the qualifier in.

But I am not just referring to infidelity.  Democrats who said "the same thing" were referring to one thing. Now they are referring to a range of activities, from publicly insulting women's looks to going around our intel services/precautions to speak to adversaries, to declaring the press "enemies of the people," to declassifying material over the objections of the FBI and CIA in hopes of stalling an investigation of which he is the target, to advancing Alex Jones conspiracy theories, to failing to understand his generals' explanations of why the U.S. is in South Korea.

Those were good times. These are not.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-19-2018, 04:06 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Really?

No credible source, like the CIA or FBI, has discovered Republicans were colluding with Russia.  That "discovery" is pretty much restricted to MSM commentators and the easily disinformed Democrat base. 

Neither side was "colluding" with Russia.
If Russia did want Trump elected, then they would never have released that "Dossier" to Steele, that would've been the death penalty to who ever did. They knew what the puppet would do, and he played their game like they wanted him to. Same with many of the other players that have been hung out. Phone call here, phone call there to give the appearance.

The Russians played both sides and want us divided, they have succeeded and to many of you are stuck blaming the "other" side for it, because your candidate lost that couldn't apparently beat the worst candidate that's ever run for POTUS.

I like Trump, some things he does? He's on his own, but he's still allowed to have his own personal opinion on things, right or wrong it's his right, just as it is mine to back it or ignore it. 

Posters like yourself are the ones that hope saying it enough times will make it true, but because the MSM has been so openly honest in all things regarding Trump, they are now like the little boy that cried Wolf. No one is listening now even if it's true.

I'll be the first to admit when I see something posted in MSM about Trump that is totally out there, I laugh and don't even think about it again.

"Russia" did not release a dossier to Steele.
  And Russia did not hack the RNC's server, or if they did they chose not to release its contents. And their disinformation campaign was intended, certainly, to divide us, but it was largely fake news about Hillary targeting the peculiarly susceptible Trump base.  The Russians saw back then that it was clearly to their advantage to back an inexperienced, undisciplined and manipulable pro-Russian candidate who already wanted to be Putin's new BFF.  Their bet has paid off, as Trump foreign policy actions favor Russia over our allies and his domestic actions raise the spectre of impeachment. This is not "playing both sides."  It is playing to a gullible base.  Successfully.

If you want to be legally precise, there is no investigation into "collusion" from either side.

Tipped off by the unprecedented number of contacts between members of the Trump campaign (not the Hillary campaign) and Russian spies and diplomats, amidst Russian efforts to subvert the US election in favor of Trump, the FBI opened an investigation into whether the campaign or members thereof were working with Russians, not only to subvert the election, but also to prepare special consideration for Russia, like easing sanctions--thus subverting current policy of Congress and then sitting president Obama.

Credible sources like the FBI and CIA discovered that Trump operatives like Carter Page were talking to Russian spies, and Mike Flynn was talking to the Russians about easing sanctions--though he denied it.  Trump jr. took a meeting at Trump Tower from Russians with Kremlin ties (one a counterintel specialist) purporting to have dirt on Hillary; what happened at that meeting is still under investigation.
You suggest the fact of these connections and meetings, and the resultant investigation, is some how dependent upon whether I post about them, not the FBIs findings?  Because that seems to me exactly the status of your claim Dems are the ones who really colluded. There is no evidence of meetings with spies or diplomats on the part of her campaign; hence no investigation, e.g., into a Chelsea meeting with Kremlin operatives etc. The Australian government did not alert the FBI that a Hillary campaigner had dirt on Donald. Dem collusion is only sustained by Fox news and blog posts.

Sure, Trump has a right to his personal opinion that Russia was not behind the DNC hacking or the hacking of state voter registration data bases or our power grid, and he has a right to believe Putin over our intel agencies. But the sum total of those "rights" is an incompetent president who cannot orchestrate a response to this present danger to national security.  Your vote put him there and. ignoring this behavior, your support keeps the danger in place.

It is a standard Fox/right tactic first to vehemently deny a charge and then to claim the other side really does it. So in response to an actual FBI investigation into contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives which actually occurred, we get first vehement denials ("there was no collusion--so I fired Comey") and then, finally, a counter narrative about the "real" collusion story, the Dems and Russia. The Dems set up Trump jr. Used the FBI to spy on Trump. Which of course no one is investigating because the 'deep state' won't go there.

What is a Trump supporter's definition of "totally out there"??
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