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For those that Ha ha'd
Is someone really arguing the semantics of someone on twitter saying they didn't like the FLOTUS coat versus the people who said Michelle Obama was a man and looked like an ape in heels? And trying to equate them?

Man, some will go to any length to prove how "open minded" and "fair" they are to "all women".   Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-22-2018, 11:21 AM)GMDino Wrote: Is someone really arguing the semantics of someone on twitter saying they didn't like the FLOTUS coat versus the people who said Michelle Obama was a man and looked like an ape in heels?  And trying to equate them?

Man, some will go to any length to prove how "open minded" and "fair" they are to "all women".   Mellow

Of course they are the same. Their intent is to degrade and belittle. As I said it wasn't a bunch of fashion designers commenting on the cut and hem. It was a bunch of spiteful folks whose intent was to degrade

And not that it matters but I didn't make the comparison; Matt did. Most likely in an attempt to mitigate these attacks. It is the only motive I can come up withfor introducing attacks on Michelle.
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(11-22-2018, 10:52 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: This exact thing has been stated multiple times but it takes away from his narrative so he ignores.

Hillary spent years being openly called a number of degrading names towards women and Melania's husband held numerous rally where he praised people for chanting "lock her up". A guy literally fired a weapon in a pizza place to free alleged child sex slaves that he believed existed because a long running conspiracy said Hillary and her Satan worshipping aides were part of a pizza child sex slave ring. 

When we're anywhere close to that with Melania, we can start talking about being "the most" or even "one of the most" bullied. 

Your BIAS has overlooked the fact this occurred when Loretta Lynch, an Obama appointee, was AG.  So of course the sex ring was never fully investigated.  Proof once again the Clintons get away with it. One law for them and another for the rest of us.Hilarious Hilarious 

Maybe now that Lynch has been subpoenaed and Whitaker is AG, we will finally get to the bottom of this before the Dem House is sworn in to protect the Clintons. Yes

Satan worship is protected under the 1st Amendment, but at least we can SAVE THE CHILDREN!!
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(11-22-2018, 10:52 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: This exact thing has been stated multiple times but it takes away from his narrative so he ignores.

Hillary spent years being openly called a number of degrading names towards women and Melania's husband held numerous rally where he praised people for chanting "lock her up". A guy literally fired a weapon in a pizza place to free alleged child sex slaves that he believed existed because a long running conspiracy said Hillary and her Satan worshipping aides were part of a pizza child sex slave ring. 

When we're anywhere close to that with Melania, we can start talking about being "the most" or even "one of the most" bullied. 

And this is a huge issue we have with our society.

You as an outsider get to determine the effect the bullying has on the target. In her mind FLOTUS may feel she is the most bullied person in the world (I would venture to say she's among the most often bullied). But the onlooker gets to say "You're not that bullied. look at this". 

I'm sure that many of those that bully do not see there actions as bad as the bullied do. Luckily we have referees in society to explain impact. 

What gives you or anyone the right to tell FLOTUS the level of her bullying?
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(11-22-2018, 05:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: And this is a huge issue we have with our society.

In her mind FLOTUS may feel she is the most bullied person in the world (I would venture to say she's among the most often bullied). 

What gives you or anyone the right to tell FLOTUS the level of her bullying?

Oh,so you are saying that she is identifying as the most bullied person in the world and that is okay.

I did not realize you had seen the light about that.
(11-22-2018, 06:49 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Oh,so you are saying that she is identifying as the most bullied person in the world and that is okay.

I did not realize you had seen the light about that.

I'm saying it is not my right to say "no you're not". As I have no idea of the impact and only know what is made public. I'll leave that to folks that feel they have that right.

As I said: there's a very good chance she is the most frequently bullied. 
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(11-22-2018, 07:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm saying it is not my right to say "no you're not". As I have no idea of the impact and only know what is made public. I'll leave that to folks that feel they have that right.

As I said: there's a very good chance she is the most frequently bullied. 

Does the right have an equivalent for the social justice warrior?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-22-2018, 07:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm saying it is not my right to say "no you're not". As I have no idea of the impact and only know what is made public. I'll leave that to folks that feel they have that right.

I don't grasp that... sure I have that "right". To a certain extent, this can be objectified. Eg. calling a black woman an ape is "worse" than going after the way Melania dresses. Her subjective perception doesn't change that. 

By that I'm not saying Melania Trump is not bullied. I think she is, and I don't think that's fine or ok. Sadly, that's usually what comes with publicity.
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(11-23-2018, 12:25 AM)GMDino Wrote: Does the right have an equivalent for the social justice warrior?

There was an article that suggested "theocrat." 
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(11-23-2018, 01:25 PM)Benton Wrote: There was an article that suggested "theocrat." 

Ugh...a quick search sent me to an article about Mike Pence and his BS.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-23-2018, 12:53 PM)hollodero Wrote: I don't grasp that... sure I have that "right". To a certain extent, this can be objectified. Eg. calling a black woman an ape is "worse" than going after the way Melania dresses. Her subjective perception doesn't change that. 

By that I'm not saying Melania Trump is not bullied. I think she is, and I don't think that's fine or ok. Sadly, that's usually what comes with publicity.

But you cannot determine the impact it has on the individual.

My assertion is and has been. Who are you to tell her she is less bullied/slurred?

This is the exchange:

Quote:"I could say I'm the most bullied person on the world," Trump told ABC News in an interview during her first major solo trip to Africa last week when asked what personally made her want to tackle the issue of cyberbullying.

"You're really the most bullied person in the world?" ABC News' Tom Llamas asked during the exchange.

"One of them, if you really see what people saying about me," Trump said.

FLOTUS wanted to take up the fight against cyberbullying and showed empathy for those that have/are bullied.

The common refrain from the Left and in this forum is "It's not THAT bad". Only they know the motive for their mitigating the way FLOTUS feels, but I doubt the motive is a constructive one or one that gives 2 shits about the subject FLOTUS is addressing.
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She can't even send out a tweet supporting the Troops that folks don't bully her:

Quote:Others still decided to use less savory language to insult Melania, calling her a low-life and other words that cannot be shared here. One accused her of spending a fortune in taxpayers’ money for her travels through Africa, even paying for a hotel in which she didn’t even stay. One woman suggested Melania “sit out the next two years quietly,” given that her husband has separated families for no other reason than to use them as political pawns before the midterm elections.
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(11-23-2018, 09:04 PM)bfine32 Wrote: She can't even send out a tweet supporting the Troops that folks don't bully her:

You think melania is bullied more than hillary?

Sorry if this has been asked before.  This is an old thread.
(11-23-2018, 09:37 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You think melania is bullied more than hillary?

Sorry if this has been asked before.  This is an old thread.

In the past year: Yes

In their history: No

Not sure that it matters. 
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(11-23-2018, 09:04 PM)bfine32 Wrote: She can't even send out a tweet supporting the Troops that folks don't bully her:

Welcome to the way things are, thanks in large part to the alt-right which elevated her to this level of notoriety. Minority issues become huge divisive wedges. Stinks for her, but more than any of us, she has the ability to put an end to it. All she has to do is use her platform to reign in the guy down the hall and the folks who follow him. Call him out out on spreading misinformation and dissent and ... hopefully ... those that see him as a bastion for releasing their anger will skulk back to the shadows.

Or, she can be a victim and let small people continue to spread hate.
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(11-23-2018, 11:09 PM)Benton Wrote: Welcome to the way things are, thanks in large part to the alt-right which elevated her to this level of notoriety. Minority issues become huge divisive wedges. Stinks for her, but more than any of us, she has the ability to put an end to it. All she has to do is use her platform to reign in the guy down the hall and the folks who follow him. Call him out out on spreading misinformation and dissent and ... hopefully ... those that see him as a bastion for releasing their anger will skulk back to the shadows.

Or, she can be a victim and let small people continue to spread hate.

Oh, I have 0 doubt that you blame the Right for the Left's treatment of FLOTUS, 
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(11-23-2018, 04:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote: But you cannot determine the impact it has on the individual.

No, I can't. I doubt that's the only thing that matters though. People's sensitivities and how people feel about certain things is not the sole criteria I'd go with. My criteria remains that calling a black woman an ape is worse than anything Melania has suffered.
By that, I'm not belittling the bullying she's faced. But I can to a certain extent expect her to have some perspective on that.

(11-23-2018, 04:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The common refrain from the Left and in this forum is "It's not THAT bad".

That's also how I feel, and I no longer indentify with "The Left". To me, to a certain point, there's an element of overblown self-pity aligned with her words here. I say that with all care, I know bad things are said about her (and anyone in the public spotlight) by too many people and I do not intent to give any of these bad things a pass. Still, "ape" or "tra..y" (what Michelle Obama was called with frequency) is just worse. No matter how Melania feels about that, it just is.
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(11-23-2018, 11:35 PM)hollodero Wrote: No, I can't. I doubt that's the only thing that matters though. People's sensitivities and how people feel about certain things is not the sole criteria I'd go with. My criteria remains that calling a black woman an ape is worse than anything Melania has suffered.
By that, I'm not belittling the bullying she's faced. But I can to a certain extent expect her to have some perspective on that.

That's also how I feel, and I no longer indentify with "The Left". To me, to a certain point, there's an element of overblown self-pity aligned with her words here. I say that with all care, I know bad things are said about her (and anyone in the public spotlight) by too many people and I do not intent to give any of these bad things a pass. Still, "ape" or "tra..y" (what Michelle Obama was called with frequency) is just worse. No matter how Melania feels about that, it just is.

Of course that's your opinion.

She tried to start an initiative directed against cyberbullying and the Left told her to "shut up" you know nothing about it.

She tried to start an initiative with the Queen of Spain about save the children and the Left told her to "shut up" you have no right.

She tried to share a Thanksgiving message with the Troops and the Left told her to "shut up" because...

I could go on about the hate surrounding trip to Africa, visiting children along the border, ect... but why bother

Is that as bad as one/two dudes making ignorant racist comments? You tell me, with your perspective, because I'm not the judge. 
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(11-23-2018, 11:48 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Of course that's your opinion.

She tried to start an initiative directed against cyberbullying and the Left told her to "shut up" you know nothing about it.

She tried to start an initiative with the Queen of Spain about save the children and the Left told her to "shut up" you have no right.

I could go on about the hate surrounding trip to Africa, visiting children along the border, ect... but why bother

Is that as bad as one/two dudes making ignorant racist comments? You tell me, with your perspective, because I'm not the judge. 

I think racist comments are worse, yes. What Melania faced is at times not ok, but to me often just falls in the category "you do something in the public spotlight, no matter what, some folks will take issue with it". (And admittedly, I think an anti-bullying campaign has an element of unawareness I too criticize. Her husband, after all, is possibly the biggest bully there is - and she could have either addressed that or will lose credibility. Which doesn't mean I'd call her things, of course - again, I don't think everything that was said about her is ok).

And it's not any more "one/two dudes" calling Michelle Obama blatantly racist things as it's "one/two dudes" telling Melania to "shut up". There's a bunch on "the left" telling Melania inappropriate things and a not smaller bunch of folks that called Melania an ape. And I keep insisting that racist comments are worse.
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(11-23-2018, 11:58 PM)hollodero Wrote: I think racist comments are worse, yes. What Melania faced is at times not ok, but to me often just falls in the category "you do something in the public spotlight, no matter what, some folks will take issue with it". (And admittedly, I think an anti-bullying campaign has an element of unawareness I too criticize. Her husband, after all, is possibly the biggest bully there is - and she could have either addressed that or will lose credibility. Which doesn't mean I'd call her things, of course - again, I don't think everything that was said about her is ok).

And it's not any more "one/two dudes" calling Michelle Obama blatantly racist things as it's "one/two dudes" telling Melania to "shut up". There's a bunch on "the left" telling Melania inappropriate things and a not smaller bunch of folks that called Melania an ape. And I keep insisting that racist comments are worse.

As I said, you consider yourself judge, and have your opinion. 

Again why should it matter which is "worse" unless your intent is to mitigate the comments made toward the other? What "you" think is worse is irrelevant to those being slurred. 
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