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Trump Documentary on Netflix
(12-28-2018, 11:43 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'm sure Netflix, with its extensive ties to Obama, will be very fair and balanced in it's documentary of a Republican.  

Look what I found was available through Netflix

How do you explain this SSF?
(01-03-2019, 10:28 AM)michaelsean Wrote: That they aren't biased?
I have no idea about Netflix, but you can certainly say one outlet is biased without claiming that means all other outlets are biased.  

I don't see how anyone can accuse Netflix of being biased when they carry the biggest anti-Obama smear job ever

(01-03-2019, 06:35 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Look what I found was available through Netflix

How do you explain this SSF?

Actually let me take that back.  I know EXACTLY why some people claim Netflix is biased.  They don't do any research for themselves and instead depend on sources that just confirm what they want to believe.
(01-03-2019, 07:39 PM)ballsofsteel Wrote: SO TRUE.

Whoa.  I may need to take a break from these boards.  No way I can play at that level of wit.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(01-03-2019, 10:28 AM)michaelsean Wrote: That they aren't biased?
I have no idea about Netflix, but you can certainly say one outlet is biased without claiming that means all other outlets are biased.  

The point here is that claiming outlets are "biased" and then judging whatever passes through them as similarly tainted--especially without viewing or reading them--is itself a strong exercise in bias. 

One reason why I don't waste time bias hunting is that the most biased readers, viewers, newsconsumers tend to be bias hunters who assume bias everywhere and modify their information reception accordingly in a kind of self censorship. E.g., won't read the NYT because they "know" what comes out of that paper.

Fox news certainly puts out biased commentary, but a specific example of Fox commentary is not biased because it is put out by Fox, but because analysis of that example reveals bias in that example.  Another example might not register any significant bias at all, even though a Fox commentary. There is no short cut to this kind of direct analysis, case by case.

I should add that the concept of bias itself is not generally thought through by people. it is not possible to participate in political discussion without being animated by some sort of bias. And all bias is not bad or irrational. 
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(01-03-2019, 10:04 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Would you say the same about publishers when politicians release books? Crown published books from George W Bush, Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama. Their parent company also published Bill Clinton's memoirs.

With respect, that's a poor analogy.  A publisher contracts for the person to provide a book.  Netflix gave the Obama's money to generate content for their service.  If either Obama had a history in the entertainment field one could view this differently.  Neither has anything remotely close to that.  Additionally, a book is a stand alone work.  Either Obama is more than qualified to write a book on their experiences and as significant people in US history anyone would want to publish such works.  This is nothing akin to being a contant developer for a streaming service.

Quote:I don't think the simple act of giving a contract for content established a bias in the way you tried to imply that it did in your dismissal of a documentary being streamed on Netflix.

Quite honestly, I gave this some thought over that past week or so.  I think my reticence has more to do with being bone tired of the current political scene.  A lot of legitimate criticism of Trump gets drowned out by "Orange Man Bad" and I'm not trying to sift through the crap to find the nugget of gold.  One need look at this board as a microcosm of that.  In essence my statement had more to do with being tired of the subject in general, but I stated it poorly. 
(01-07-2019, 04:42 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: With respect, that's a poor analogy.  A publisher contracts for the person to provide a book.  Netflix gave the Obama's money to generate content for their service.  If either Obama had a history in the entertainment field one could view this differently.  Neither has anything remotely close to that.  Additionally, a book is a stand alone work.  Either Obama is more than qualified to write a book on their experiences and as significant people in US history anyone would want to publish such works.  This is nothing akin to being a contant developer for a streaming service.

Quite honestly, I gave this some thought over that past week or so.  I think my reticence has more to do with being bone tired of the current political scene.  A lot of legitimate criticism of Trump gets drowned out by "Orange Man Bad" and I'm not trying to sift through the crap to find the nugget of gold.  One need look at this board as a microcosm of that.  In essence my statement had more to do with being tired of the subject in general, but I stated it poorly. 

Both are contracts to produce work that is considered of entertainment or educational value. It's completely unprecedented, but that fact doesn't create some inherent bias. Netflix is banking on Obama content being marketable and profitable just as a publisher banks on written work to be the same. 
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(01-03-2019, 06:35 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Look what I found was available through Netflix

How do you explain this SSF?

Am I the only one afraid to click the link? 
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-07-2019, 06:20 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Am I the only one afraid to click the link? 

It's just a link to Netflix's website showing the availability of a Dinesh D'Souza movie.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Finally watched the last two parts.

It ends on the day he announced he was running for president the last time.

Again, I recommend watching how DJT has not changed at all.  His words are the exact same now as they were in the 80's.  So are is personal failures.

He's PT Barnum without the personality.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-07-2019, 06:20 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Am I the only one afraid to click the link? 

No.  Apparently there are a lot of people afraid of being proven wrong.

Thus the "crickets" from the "Everyting on Netflix has to be liberal biased" crowd.

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