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Where are the Parents
(01-16-2019, 11:56 AM)GMDino Wrote: That's where I disagree.  There's nothing new about that.  Just how we focus our attention on it.

Each generation thinks the next one is dumber and less respectful and the next generation thinks the older one just doesn't get it. (Generalizations)

Do any kind of reading of papers from 10-30-70 years ago and eventually you'll find the same problems over and over.

100%.  I'm more talking about one individual's exposure to another individual's poor choices.  You can't just expect to go to a PUBLIC place and not have to deal with other people's shitty kids.  Kids exist on a spectrum of shittiness.  If you think you're kids are not shitty, you are blind.  They are pieces of shit in some manner.

Like it or not, there was a time when citizens were less affected by other's shitty kids.  Because their shitty kids were at home or had something to do in a place that was not a commercialized zone.  Kids used to be able to go play in the ***** woods.  When was the last time you heard about kids playing in the woods by themselves?  Where are these kids woods?  The ***** mall bro.

All this bitching and moaning about kids and no inclination to fix the issue.  Seriously.  Invest in something for these kids to do where other people dont have to deal with them.  Not that hard.

Regardless of your thoughts on whether the public should have to fund the entertainment / education / rearing / development of other people's shitty kids and help turn them into productive members of society; you really have one responsibility...  Don't beat the shit out of kids.  

Also.  Spare me all the "if my kids" this, and "my kids" that garbage.  Everyone's kids are shitty.  No one is exempt. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-16-2019, 10:15 AM)Au165 Wrote: Little surprised in all of this the child part has overridden the fact it was a girl as well. Normally, when a guy knocks out a girl the "never hit a girl" crowd comes out to tell you that there is really no excuse for hitting a girl ever. I'm not saying this is my stance on it, but just odd that hasn't really been a line of discussion yet.

I think maybe the age of the child trumps gender here.  It's a fragile little 11 year old body either way.

I think men should never hit women. But I am not sure what I would do if a grown woman came up and started slugging me. My first reaction would be to push her away. But what if that doesn't work and she is really landing fist blows on my face?  I would consider grabbing her arms, maybe wrestling her to the ground. But how would THAT look on someone's video?   I can see the headlines now: "P n R forum member tackles woman." 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-16-2019, 09:53 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I don't think only trained individuals can break up a fight. I think most people have enough sense to not think the proper way to break up a fight is to join in and start shoving and punching, child or no child involved.  

Well I agree the guy is already way out of line when he shoved the girl. He was already losing it there, and that shove was already a legal assault.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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