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The new symbol of hate
(02-28-2019, 09:06 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

That's a mess and a great example of a good Samaritan trying to do a good deed and it goes wrong and why people now just watch and record rather than trying to help.

(02-28-2019, 10:39 AM)GMDino Wrote: Dino

No one want to "do his girls".  He blew it up and wouldn't admit it. That's all I'll say about that.

And I relish people posting crap...then you people leave me alone for awhile.   Smirk

If no one wanted to do his girls, then why was it mentioned more than once? I found it highly distasteful and so did a couple others, but most of you said nothing. Maybe the hatred of Lucie made many of you think or overlook it and being ok for someone to say those things towards Lucie.

In a way, Lucie is just like the hat. Fair game for all and any blowback is acceptable.

(02-28-2019, 12:25 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Why did he lie about his connection to David Duke instead of disavowing the man as an evil white supremacist?

Why did he claim that some of the white supremacist chanting "Blood and Soil" in Charlottesville were "good people".

Why does he classify Mexican immigrants as diseased criminals?  That is a page right out of the holocaust playbook.

He may never wear a hood in public, but the message he sends is pretty clear.  He wants the vote of the racists so he does whatever he can to appease them.

I know you put on blinders when it comes to Trump, but you can not deny that his policies and actions have made him a favorite of the white supremacist, neo-nazis, and the klan.  You can't blame the media for any of that.

Are you referring to when Trump called David Duke and the White Supremacist groups as "repugnant"?
Or maybe that he disavowed DD more than once, but DD still supported Trump?
not sure where you are getting your info from...

Got a link of him calling them good people? Id have to read it for myself to see if it was taken out of context.. Like...

"good people" When he same some Mexicans were "good people" too. And where did diseased come from, haven't seen that one yet.

He may never wear a hood in public??? wtf is that about, you are calling him a racist, based on what? Who follows him? You realize that he won because people from difference races also voted for him right?

Blinders on? no one is blind to the things he does, Dino makes sure we know what he's saying at all times and even what he's not doing (such as not playing golf on his new indoor machine that he paid for at the WH). His policies and actions aren't only geared at white supremacists. They are geared at Illegal Immigrants which is something many Americans are for of all races. Yes we can blame the media, they are cherry picking who they want to portray DJT supporters as, when it's a false narrative.
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(02-28-2019, 04:28 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: In a way, Lucie is just like the hat. Fair game for all and any blowback is acceptable.

A complete sham?  Yeah, I guess you're right.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-28-2019, 04:28 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: If no one wanted to do his girls, then why was it mentioned more than once? I found it highly distasteful and so did a couple others, but most of you said nothing. Maybe the hatred of Lucie made many of you think or overlook it and being ok for someone to say those things towards Lucie.

In a way, Lucie is just like the hat. Fair game for all and any blowback is acceptable.

Dude made a post that the way to raise real (straight) men was to go back to the good old days when fathers took their sons to brothels so they learned that sex was between a man and a woman.

Someone asked if he could take his daughters there too. (That post/thread is deleted)

StL decided that meant the guy wanted to "do his daughters" and wouldn't let it go.  THAT'S why it mentioned more than once.  Because HE kept trying to make it stick when it was never said.

On topic: The "hat" is a hat.  If the people who wear it think it means more than an advertisement for Trump and his campaign that's on them.  Some people like to attribute a lot of "meaning" to inanimate objects and then get pissy when someone else doesn't feel just as strongly as they do.

On the other side if a lot of people wearing the same piece of clothing do a lot of stupid things ("Mexico will pay for the wall!" "Lock her up!" "In the old days you could rough a guy up!") then sooner rather than later the one piece of clothing will get a bad rep.  Fair?  Nope.  Just part of life.  

Personally?  I don't think people wearing MAGA gear are necessarily racist.  But then I tend to judge people on the actions and words not their appearance.  I do think they've been hoodwink but a Class B conman but that's a different discussion.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-28-2019, 04:28 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: That's a mess and a great example of a good Samaritan trying to do a good deed and it goes wrong and why people now just watch and record rather than trying to help.

Pat's agenda aside. You can see where I wished the man would have taken a non-physical action. I draws no correlation to this thread.

it's simply a tactic often employed here. I really cannot refute anything you say here, but I really want to. So I'm going to find an older post from you and make it appear you are arguing with yourself.

In most case, such as this, the attempt is feeble and baseless.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-28-2019, 04:45 PM)GMDino Wrote: Dude made a post that the way to raise real (straight) men was to go back to the good old days when fathers took their sons to brothels so they learned that sex was between a man and a woman.

Someone asked if he could take his daughters there too. (That post/thread is deleted)

StL decided that meant the guy wanted to "do his daughters" and wouldn't let it go.  THAT'S why it mentioned more than once.  Because HE kept trying to make it stick when it was never said.

On topic: The "hat" is a hat.  If the people who wear it think it means more than an advertisement for Trump and his campaign that's on them.  Some people like to attribute a lot of "meaning" to inanimate objects and then get pissy when someone else doesn't feel just as strongly as they do.

On the other side if a lot of people wearing the same piece of clothing do a lot of stupid things ("Mexico will pay for the wall!" "Lock her up!" "In the old days you could rough a guy up!") then sooner rather than later the one piece of clothing will get a bad rep.  Fair?  Nope.  Just part of life.  

Personally?  I don't think people wearing MAGA gear are necessarily racist.  But then I tend to judge people on the actions and words not their appearance.  I do think they've been hoodwink but a Class B conman but that's a different discussion.
Seems I remember the deleted post asked could the poster take Lucie's daughters to the brothel.

Whatever was said Lucie took offense and got suspended simply because someone brought his daughters into a conversation.

Was the suspension warranted; not for me to say, but let's not dance on a dead man's grave and pretend it was simply Lucie over-reacting.  

But enough about Lucie
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-28-2019, 06:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Seems I remember the deleted post asked could the poster take Lucie's daughters to the brothel.

Whatever was said Lucie took offense and got suspended simply because someone brought his daughters into a conversation.

Was the suspension warranted; not for me to say, but let's not dance on a dead man's grave and pretend it was simply Lucie over-reacting.  

But enough about Lucie

The "over-reaction" was his not acknowledging the "of age" part of the post and then bringing it up over and over to attack the other person.  

I don't know why he was suspended.  I don't know why anyone is, I'm not a mod.  If you have inside info feel free to share.  Otherwise it's just your opinion.

And I agee.  Enough about him.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-28-2019, 06:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Whatever was said Lucie took offense and got suspended simply because someone brought his daughters into a conversation.

Lucie got suspended MULTIPLE times because he used offense/racist terms like "*****" and "savages" and refused to follow the rules.  

As for his daughters, that was me.  He said that when a child comes of age the parent should take them to a prostitute to learn how to have sex.  So I offered to teach his daughters when they came of age.  I was just offering to do the guy a favor and save him some money.

The fact that he and his right-wing cohorts had no problem with a parent taking his children to a prostitute but then feigned outrage when the service was offered for free show what crazy mental gymnastics they will go through in order to pull their victim cards.

And Bfine is here to perpetuate the lie.
(02-28-2019, 04:45 PM)GMDino Wrote: Dude made a post that the way to raise real (straight) men was to go back to the good old days when fathers took their sons to brothels so they learned that sex was between a man and a woman.

Someone asked if he could take his daughters there too. (That post/thread is deleted)

StL decided that meant the guy wanted to "do his daughters" and wouldn't let it go.  THAT'S why it mentioned more than once.  Because HE kept trying to make it stick when it was never said.

On topic: The "hat" is a hat.  If the people who wear it think it means more than an advertisement for Trump and his campaign that's on them.  Some people like to attribute a lot of "meaning" to inanimate objects and then get pissy when someone else doesn't feel just as strongly as they do.

On the other side if a lot of people wearing the same piece of clothing do a lot of stupid things ("Mexico will pay for the wall!" "Lock her up!" "In the old days you could rough a guy up!") then sooner rather than later the one piece of clothing will get a bad rep.  Fair?  Nope.  Just part of life.  

Personally?  I don't think people wearing MAGA gear are necessarily racist.  But then I tend to judge people on the actions and words not their appearance.  I do think they've been hoodwink but a Class B conman but that's a different discussion.

I am well aware about the "brothel" post.
Dragging his kids into it is not appropriate, but I see you must have been one of those that thought it was acceptable blowback, you know grown adults wanting to do things to minors.

And the post I am referring to was straight up introduce me to your daughters and it was in other threads that had nothing to do with the "brothel" other than being a jackass to him just because he said something you didn't like.

The hat is about Trump, not Nazis or Supremacists or any other hate group that just happens to wear them. The media keeps portraying these types as reps for all Trump supporters. And good on them, they are just making 2020 easier for him.

Sure Trump says some crazy things, no doubt about it, and he repeats sentences and wears out certain words such as "great" "fantastic" "biggest" "best" and many other adjectives. He has an ego and doesn't think before opening his mouth. But that's just Trump.

But to call DJT a racist is crazy talk from your side.

Unemployment for Blacks/Hispanics/Asians/Women is at an all time record low,

Trump First 21 Months/Obama's last 21 months

GDP:  2.9%/1.5% Doubled
New Jobs avg per month: 75,000/900... No comment needed
Number of Employed Americans per month: 214,000/157,000 36% improvement
Weekly earnings increased on avg per month: $2.31/$1.31  76% improvement

Trump is currently working on freeing many Black and Hispanic prisoners who he thinks have been in jail to long for minor offenses.
3.5 Million people are now off of Food Stamps (under Obama we had record highs).

Other things:
Moved Embassy to Jerusalem.
Pulled us out of the Iran nuclear deal.
Stood up to NATO and told members to pay up their fair share.
Taking on the news media and not backing down that wants him out of office.
Put an intense focus on illegal immigration cost and more border security.
Targeted the El-Salvadoran MS-13 group.
Focused on North Korea.
Paid attention to the Rust Belt and showed respect to the white collar workers instead of playing to the people on either coast.
Reworked better and more fair trade deals.
Pulled us out of the Paris agreement.
Forcing Congress to deal with DACA.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-28-2019, 06:40 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: **IGNORED - DOESN'T MATTER**

The hat is about Trump, not Nazis or Supremacists or any other hate group that just happens to wear them. The media keeps portraying these types as reps for all Trump supporters. And good on them, they are just making 2020 easier for him.

Sure Trump says some crazy things, no doubt about it, and he repeats sentences and wears out certain words such as "great" "fantastic" "biggest" "best" and many other adjectives. He has an ego and doesn't think before opening his mouth. But that's just Trump.

But to call DJT a racist is crazy talk from your side.

Unemployment for Blacks/Hispanics/Asians/Women is at an all time record low,

Trump First 21 Months/Obama's last 21 months

GDP:  2.9%/1.5% Doubled
New Jobs avg per month: 75,000/900... No comment needed
Number of Employed Americans per month: 214,000/157,000 36% improvement
Weekly earnings increased on avg per month: $2.31/$1.31  76% improvement

Trump is currently working on freeing many Black and Hispanic prisoners who he thinks have been in jail to long for minor offenses.
3.5 Million people are now off of Food Stamps (under Obama we had record highs).

Other things:
Moved Embassy to Jerusalem. 
Pulled us out of the Iran nuclear deal. - Bad move
Stood up to NATO and told members to pay up their fair share. - Been going on for years
Taking on the news media and not backing down that wants him out of office. - Delusional talk from a thin skinned "man" who can't take criticism.
Put an intense focus on illegal immigration cost and more border security. - A problem that is less every year and Mexico isn't paying for his wall.
Targeted the El-Salvadoran MS-13 group. - Wow.  Against gangs.  That's original.
Focused on North Korea. - Gave them a worldwide spotlight and has accomplished zero.
Paid attention to the Rust Belt and showed respect to the white collar workers instead of playing to the people on either coast. - Wow. He talked about creating jobs.  That's original.
Reworked better and more fair trade deals. - Not one yet other than a renamed NAFTA-lite.
Pulled us out of the Paris agreement. - We were never in it and we are one of three countries not in it.
Forcing Congress to deal with DACA. - How? By trying to end it and getting sued?  What has "congress" done about it?  Especially when the GOP had complete control.

Every stat for minorities is a continuing trend from the last five years plus.  That DJT didn't screw it up (yet) is about all you can say.

The rest of your list is a lot of crap as I responded in the quote above.  

I get that you dig DJT and see he can do no wrong.  That's what conmen do to people.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-28-2019, 06:52 PM)GMDino Wrote: Every stat for minorities is a continuing trend from the last five years plus.  That DJT didn't screw it up (yet) is about all you can say.

The rest of your list is a lot of crap as I responded in the quote above.  

I get that you dig DJT and see he can do no wrong.  That's what conmen do to people.

An everything good during Trump's administration is a "carryover"

I get that you hate DJT and see he can do no right. That's what hate does to people.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-28-2019, 06:40 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Today:
Unemployment for Blacks/Hispanics/Asians/Women is at an all time record low,

Trump First 21 Months/Obama's last 21 months

GDP:  2.9%/1.5% Doubled
New Jobs avg per month: 75,000/900... No comment needed
Number of Employed Americans per month: 214,000/157,000 36% improvement
Weekly earnings increased on avg per month: $2.31/$1.31  76% improvement

Most of these numbers are total BS.  I bet you got them from some right wing propaganda source.

Care to post a link?
(02-28-2019, 06:40 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Targeted the El-Salvadoran MS-13 group.

Perfect example of Trumps racist dog whistle.

People complain about gang violence so Trump focuses on the ones who make up less than 1% of all gang members because it feeds his anti-immigration propaganda.

Why are you praising him for ignoring 99% of the problem?
(02-28-2019, 07:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: An everything good during Trump's administration is a "carryover"

I get that you hate DJT and see he can do no right. That's what hate does to people.

Heck I bet you can even find a couple times I agreed with Trump right here on this board.  I just didn't take an oath to defend him at all turns and can see through his lifetime of BS.

But why don't you tell the class what policies he has enacted that changed the trends from before he was elected.  Should be simple for an ardent follower of DJT like yourself.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-28-2019, 07:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I get that you hate DJT and see he can do no right. That's what hate does to people.

I get that you never post any facts to back up your position and instead just rely oin the old "hate" argument.

That is what right-wing programming does to people.

Trump has boosted GDP by boosting deficit spending with unfunded tax cuts.  Any President could do that, but people used to be concerned about the national debt.
I think we're well enough off topic. Again.

Another reminder: discusses the issues, not each other.
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