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SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license
I liked the billboard that read "Dear Kim Davis, the fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow means that we've already redefined marriage."
She's supposed to go back to work today, anybody think she'll quietly go back to doing her job? I'm guessing she's in jail again before the end of the week.
(09-10-2015, 04:25 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Sorry for the source but it was a good quote

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i wonder if Huck would have crossed the aisle for that democrat if he cited religion as his reasoning for blocking integration.

That was ignorant on all accounts ..apples and oranges, what have you. Consider the source, hopefully this guy isn't an educator.

I believe what Davis is doing is wrong, although still far from it, what she's doing is closer to Dr. King than to being a cannibal.
The only the she has in common with Wallace is that they are both filthy Democrats.
(09-14-2015, 10:22 AM)Blutarsky Wrote: That was ignorant on all accounts ..apples and oranges, what have you. Consider the source, hopefully this guy isn't an educator.

I believe what Davis is doing is wrong, although still far from it, what she's doing is closer to Dr. King than to being a cannibal.
The only the she has in common with Wallace is that  they are both filthy Democrats.

Filthy democrat. LOL. Another quality post.
(09-14-2015, 10:22 AM)Blutarsky Wrote: That was ignorant on all accounts ..apples and oranges, what have you. Consider the source, hopefully this guy isn't an educator.

That's Larry Wilmore. He's a comedian and TV host.

Quote:I believe what Davis is doing is wrong, although still far from it, what she's doing is closer to Dr. King than to being a cannibal.

He's not saying she's closer to Dahmer, he's showing how simply breaking the law doesn't make you a "freedom fighter".

Quote:The only the she has in common with Wallace is that  they are both filthy Democrats.

That and they both ignored the Supreme Court and used their elected office to discriminate against whole classes of people and tried to deny them their rights.... 
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Davis wants all licenses to say that they are being issued under federal authority. Does she want all diplomas for black kids in the South to say they are being issued under federal authority? Maybe all voter registration cards for black people in the South can say that too. Or diplomas for Special Ed kids. Or all sports uniforms for girls in high school.

Quote:She added: "I'm no hero."

No shit, you're the villain.
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(09-14-2015, 03:14 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: [Image: jXToXVe.png]

I get the sentiment, but this doesn't work. Reasonable accommodations for religious beliefs should be made, and are made, all over the place. Whether it be time off for the particular days or what have you.

It's just that this instance is one where a reasonable accommodation was offered, and she turned it down. You can only go so far with a reasonable accommodation. If your job cannot still be performed with reasonable accommodations, whether it be for religious beliefs or disabilities, then you just can't do the job.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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Rowan County, KY clerk Kim Davis returned to work Monday after being jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples on religious grounds. Here’s what you need to know about the defiant public servant:

Nickname: Kimmers

Full Name: Not going to be signed for just anybody

Christian Denomination: Apoplectic

Occupation: Still weighing offers from every conservative news outlet and political group

Work Style: Unconstitutional

Primary Goal: Protect sanctity of traditional homophobia

Commitment To Loving Her Neighbor: Court-ordered

Stance On State Regulation Of Short-Term Vacation Rentals: Unstated

Job Security: A lot better than most Americans

Number Of Presidential Candidates Currently Vying For Her Endorsement: Don’t ask

2014 Campaign Promise To Rowan County Voters: Turn unassuming government office into embarrassing international spectacle in less than year’s time

Sneaks In Some Secular Music Now And Then: Despite her better judgment

Last Time You Will Have To Hear About Her: November 8, 2016
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Quote:A Kentucky county clerk may have again defied a federal judge's order regarding gay-marriage licenses by altering license forms to remove her name, an attorney who represents one of the clerk's employees told the judge Friday in a court filing.

In a separate filing Friday, attorneys for the gay couples who sued Davis appear to agree.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis spent five days in jail for refusing to obey a federal judge's ruling that she issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples to comply with a U.S. Supreme Court decision that effectively legalized gay marriage nationwide. Davis, an Apostolic Christian, believes same-sex marriage is a sin and cited "God's authority" in refusing to obey the ruling.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning released Davis from jail on the condition that she not interfere with her employees as they issue marriage licenses. When she returned to work, Davis altered the marriage forms by removing her name, making deputy clerk Brian Mason initial the form instead of sign it, and then requiring the form to be notarized.

"A notary has nothing to do with it," Mason's attorney, Richard Hughes, told The Associated Press on Friday after filing a status report with the judge. Hughes said it was "really bizarre" that Davis would alter the forms.

"Unless she's got a really good reason, and I'll certainly be patient and wait to hear it, the only inference I personally can draw from it is she is trying to circumvent the court's order," he said.

Bunning appointed attorneys for each of Davis' deputy clerks and asked them to file status reports every two weeks. The reports are not due until Tuesday, but Hughes filed his on Friday saying Davis' "changes were made in some attempt to circumvent the court's orders and may have raised to the level of interference against the court's orders."

"We'll see what Judge Bunning is going to do with it," Hughes said.

Also Friday, the attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union said in a court filing that the changes on the form require Mason to issue the licenses "in his capacity as a 'notary public' rather than a deputy clerk of the Rowan County Clerk's Office," changes that "do not comply" with the court's order to not interfere with her employees who issue the licenses.

"These alterations call into question the validity of the marriage licenses issued," the attorneys wrote in a footnote to a motion asking the judge to certify the case as a class-action lawsuit. "Plaintiffs are exploring legal options to address these material alterations."

State law requires marriage licenses to be issued under the authority of the county clerk. Someone else, a minister or other officiant, then performs the ceremony and signs the license. The clerk then files the license with county records.

Davis has said that any license issued — with or without her name — is not valid unless she authorizes it. However, when she was released from jail she changed the marriage license forms to say they were being issued under the authority of the federal court. Davis' attorney said this new form, if OK with the judge, would solve the problem because gay couples would have a marriage license and Davis would have a clear conscience.

Kentucky's Democratic governor and attorney general have both said the licenses are valid and will be recognized by the state. Bunning, the federal judge, has said he does not know if the licenses are valid and it was up to the gay couples to take that chance.

Mason is the only employee in Davis' office who has said he does not object to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Hughes said he agreed with his fellow deputy clerks to issue the licenses to "ease the stress of the situation." But Hughes noted the other clerks would issue the licenses if Mason were absent.

Mason has calmly and cheerfully issued marriage licenses in Rowan County, often amid a scrum of TV cameras and recorders documenting his every move. He has declined interview requests, and it is not clear what relationship he has with Davis. During her federal testimony, Davis described Mason as a "very loyal, very dedicated, very good employee."

"(Mason) says he has a good relationship with her," Hughes said. "It's been hard on all of them."


This story has been edited to clarify that attorney is saying Davis may have interfered with the judge's order.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Kentucky clerk Kim Davis switches to Republican Party

A county clerk in Kentucky who was briefly jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples said on Friday that she and her family have switched to the Republican Party because the Democrats no longer represented them.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, 50, who has said her beliefs as an Apostolic Christian prevent her from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, said they had changed parties last week. She was a long-time Democrat in eastern Kentucky.


“My husband and I had talked about it for quite a while and we came to the conclusion that the Democratic Party left us a long time ago, so why were we hanging on?” she told Reuters in an interview at a hotel in Washington, where she has traveled to be feted at a Family Research Council event later on Friday.

Davis also said she did not foresee a problem with the current marriage licenses being issued by her office in Morehead, Kentucky. Critics have charged the altered licenses, which removed her name and title and the name of the county, violate an order issued by U.S. District Judge David Bunning and raise questions about their validity.

“I don’t think there should be much of an issue and the judge didn’t have any problem accepting the licenses that were issued when I was incarcerated, which had been altered, so I don’t see that there should be an issue,” she said.

Davis added, however, that if the new licenses became an issue for Bunning, she was prepared to return to jail.

Davis was jailed for five days in September for refusing to comply with Bunning’s order to issue licenses in line with a Supreme Court ruling in June that made gay marriage legal across the United States.

The stance has made Davis and the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky and other states the latest focus in a long-running debate over gay marriage in the United States.

She has won support from some conservative Republicans, who say the issue is about religious freedom. Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz were among some 4,000 supporters who attended a rally with Davis after her release.

Davis, who returned to work on Sept. 14, has been under the threat of returning to jail if she interferes in the issuance of licenses.

The couples have asked Bunning to consider ordering a limited receivership for the clerk’s office and fines to ensure that it issues valid marriage licenses.

Attorneys for Davis have said the changes made to the form were a good-faith effort to follow her religious beliefs and to meet the court’s order.

After the Supreme Court decision, Davis announced an office policy that no marriage licenses would be issued to any couples. Lawyers representing two same-sex couples and two opposite-sex couples challenged her policy.

Bunning ordered Davis jailed for contempt on Sept. 3 for refusing to comply with his order to issue licenses. He ordered her released five days later when deputy clerks were issuing licenses.

Davis has asked Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear, a Democrat, state lawmakers and Bunning to accommodate her beliefs. She has also appealed Bunning’s orders to the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-25-2015, 03:28 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Next week, I hear she's going to be announced as Ben Carson's running mate.

Team Cra Cra vs Team Trump. Winner gets defeated by an origami bunny named Piper.
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Can't believe they are still hassling her. They have someone else handling the gay marriages now . But the gay marriage people want her signature. It's so petty.

But then again that's this whole movement. And they prove it time and time again. It was never aboit gay marriage it's about bending people's will to what they say.
(09-25-2015, 04:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Can't believe they are still hassling her.   They have someone else handling the gay marriages now .   But the gay marriage people want her signature.   It's so petty.    

But then again that's this whole movement.   And they prove it time and time again.   It was never aboit gay marriage it's about bending people's will to what they say.

Maybe for half of them.  "Mellow"

But all seriousness aside the religious right is making her a symbol / martyr for their cause and shes eating it up.

She won't do what she was elected to do.  She won't do what the court ordered her to do.

She'll have her own show on FOX or the 700 Club channel soon enough.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-25-2015, 04:26 PM)GMDino Wrote: Maybe for half of them.  "Mellow"

But all seriousness aside the religious right is making her a symbol / martyr for their cause and shes eating it up.

She won't do what she was elected to do.  She won't do what the court ordered her to do.

She'll have her own show on FOX or the 700 Club channel soon enough.

They made an accomodation for her. She was utilizing that accomodation. Yet the gay marriage people are still not satisfied. That's the part that's annoying. Yes I agree she has a job to do, but they made an accomodation that the court agreed with so that should be the end of this all.
(09-25-2015, 04:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: They made an accomodation for her.  She was utilizing that accomodation.   Yet the gay marriage people are still not satisfied.  That's the part that's annoying.   Yes I agree she has a job to do, but they made an accomodation that the court agreed with so that should be the end of this all.

Quote:A deputy for Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk of court who went to jail because she opposes same-sex marriage, is worried he's been issuing invalid marriage licenses, according to papers filed in federal court.

When Davis returned to work last Monday, she reiterated her opposition to gay marriage but said she wouldn't prevent her deputies from issuing licenses to such couples -- as long as those documents didn't carry her name or title.
Davis may have gone further than that, the lawyer for deputy Rowan County court clerk Brian Mason said in an update report Friday to a federal judge.

Davis replaced the old marriage license forms with forms that don't carry her name, the name of the county or any reference to a clerk or deputy clerk, said Mason's lawyer, Richard Hughes.

The new forms also require Mason to list his initials, instead of a signature, with a notarization beside the initials, Hughes said.

The same-sex couple that sued Davis for not issuing a marriage license said, in a separate court filing, that Davis is "requiring her clerk to issue licenses in his capacity as a 'notary public' rather than a deputy clerk. ..."

Hughes said: "Mr. Mason's concern is he does not want to be the party that is issuing invalid marriage licenses and he is trying to follow the court's mandate as well as his superior ordering him to issue only these changed forms. ..."

"It also appears to this counsel those change were made in some attempt to circumvent the court's orders and may have raised to the level of interference against court's orders," Hughes said.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-25-2015, 04:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Can't believe they are still hassling her.   They have someone else handling the gay marriages now .   But the gay marriage people want her signature.   It's so petty.    

But then again that's this whole movement.   And they prove it time and time again.   It was never aboit gay marriage it's about bending people's will to what they say.

I wasn't aware of any accomadations. In fact, she was quoted as saying the governor wouldn't allow any accomadations. She is the county clerk. It is her job to sign the marriage certificates.

To quote Marvin Lewis, "Do your job."
(09-25-2015, 05:11 PM)GMDino Wrote:

They got their paper. End of
(09-25-2015, 06:01 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: They got their paper.   End of

Their "paper" may not be legal since it wasn't completed correctly.
(09-25-2015, 05:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I wasn't aware of any accomadations. In fact, she was quoted as saying the governor wouldn't allow any accomadations. She is the county clerk. It is her job to sign the marriage certificates.

To quote Marvin Lewis, "Do your job."

While I agree she should do her job. This isn't about these folks gay marriage anymore than it was about the gays and their cake .

Quote:The case against Davis is not about marriage licensing, but about forcing her and others to act against their conscience, said attorney Matt Staver, chairman of the Liberty Counsel, which is representing Davis.

“If they really wanted a license, they could have a license, they could drive 30 minutes either direction. It’s not that they want a license. They want Kim Davis’ scalp on it. They want Kim Davis’ name on the license,” Staver told TheBlaze. “This is not unique to this case. It’s the same that happens to a baker and a florist. There may be other options for a baker and florist to their wedding. But they want the person with the deeply held religious convictions being the one to do it.”

The issue is about whether Christian or people of other faiths with deeply held convictions regarding marriage can hold public office, which is bigger than any individual, Staver said.

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