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AOC's Racist Speech
(04-11-2019, 10:49 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: I think the idea that one political group is held to higher standards is, in general, ridiculous. They're definitely held to different standards, but those standards are entirely informed by the voting bases of those two parties.

And the media. Where is the wall to wall coverage of Trump and his family's personal email and cell phone usage for example? 

I'd add Kav who got nominated and confirmed.  Just from recent examples.

Society does hold Dems to higher standards unfortunately. That's why they demand Clinton to testify under oath, demand the full release of the Starr report, demand he be impeached, demand Obama show his birth certificate and get all of the above. They won't put that kind of pressure on Trump to even show his taxes. Let a Dem not show their taxes and they'd be out of the running so fast, we'd forget they ran. When it comes to Dems, Americans just don't play.

It's been like that for a long time, with the exception of Bush. Bush was held to high standards.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(04-11-2019, 11:27 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: The difference is that you and your family are private citizens, AOC has elected to make herself a public figure.  As a public figure, she is held to much higher scrutiny on all things.  Now this part is strictly my opinion, but I feel like elected officials should be consistent in how they present themselves, no matter which splinter group of the constituents they are speaking to.  I'll use Trump as an example, since he's loved hated so evenly by both sides.  His reputation is that of being brash, direct, and very straight forward.  Sure, those may be unappealing characteristics to some, but I sure know that he's exactly who he says he is, and doesn't change his character to match the group he's addressing.

But I think that's kind of my entire point. Trump does not feel compelled to change his behavior to be more accepted. You could even make the argument that his fans love him so much explicitly because he is an exaggerated version of our society's expectations. An entitled, intolerant, rich white man that has been given everything in life acts like an entitled, intolerant, rich white man that has been given everything in life. It checks all the boxes of societal expectations.

AOC (or, by extension, any given minority) who had to assimilate into a society that, for the most part, decries many minorities' cultures as "unprofessional" may let their "professional" face slip on occasion because it is taxing to constantly uphold this image of what society expects of you.

I think you just gave an extraordinarily powerful example of white privilege. Trump doesn't have to change to meet society's standards because he is a white man. Meanwhile, minorities feel like they're on the outside looking in, and thus must emulate society in order to fit in. 

I dunno. Obviously, I'm biased because I have a window into the every day life of a minority and the societal pressure put on them to conform, but I think seeing someone drop that facade on occasion is the most authentic thing you could ever possibly do. It's the same reason natural hair has become such a cultural explosion for black people in the last decade or two (and, to a degree, in the 70s, although the afros and black power thing may be viewed as a societal defiance more than becoming your true self through the lens of history).
(04-11-2019, 11:35 AM)jj22 Wrote: And the media. Where is the wall to wall coverage of Trump and his family's personal email and cell phone usage for example? 

And you forgot Kav who got nominated and confirmed.  Just from recent examples.

Society does hold Dems to higher standards unfortunately. That's why they demand Clinton to testify under oath, demand the full release of the Starr report, demand he be impeached, demand Obama show his birth certificate and get all of the above. They won't put that kind of pressure on Trump to even show his taxes. Let a Dem not show their taxes and they'd be out of the running so fast, we'd forget they ran. When it comes to Dems, Americans just don't play.

Well, I think that adds further definition to what I said. You're using the term "they" and "we" when referring to voters, but there are essentially two distinct voter bases in this country.

Society doesn't hold Dems to higher standards. Dem voters hold Dem politicians to higher (or different) standards.

"They" demand Clinton to testify under oath is a different group. That's the Republican voters. Dem voters weren't demanding Clinton to testify under oath or demanding Obama's birth certificate.

And "they" did put pressure on Trump to even show his taxes. But "they" here is the Dem voters. The Republican voters did not because it wasn't important to them. And, given the choice between appealing to Dem voters and appealing to Republican voters (who either didn't care about his taxes, or value his other stances far more to let it sway their opinions), the choice for Trump was obvious. Why appease people who won't vote for you?

The reason a Dem would be out if they refused to reveal their taxes is because Dems value perceived integrity whereas Republicans see everything like that as a "hit job" or "coup" attempt. And, hell, I am not even sure Dems would care if Bernie didn't release his taxes. They'd still vote for him over Trump!

I think Dems do this a lot. Where they try to appease the people who have no intention of ever voting for them in the first place. Why the hell did Elizabeth Warren take that ancestry test? The people who will vote for her didn't care AT ALL. The people who would never ever vote for her were the ones who demanded to know her lineage. 

Republican politicians know what they're doing. They ignore every request made by Dems that they're legally allowed to, because they know that appeasing or responding to those demands earns them 0 new votes.

If Dems could just learn that lesson, I think they'd get a lot further in politics.
Well I agree with that. Dems don't know how to play the game and they suffer for it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(04-11-2019, 11:46 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Well, I think that adds further definition to what I said. You're using the term "they" and "we" when referring to voters, but there are essentially two distinct voter bases in this country.

Society doesn't hold Dems to higher standards. Dem voters hold Dem politicians to higher (or different) standards.

"They" demand Clinton to testify under oath is a different group. That's the Republican voters. Dem voters weren't demanding Clinton to testify under oath or demanding Obama's birth certificate.

And "they" did put pressure on Trump to even show his taxes. But "they" here is the Dem voters. The Republican voters did not because it wasn't important to them. And, given the choice between appealing to Dem voters and appealing to Republican voters (who either didn't care about his taxes, or value his other stances far more to let it sway their opinions), the choice for Trump was obvious. Why appease people who won't vote for you?

The reason a Dem would be out if they refused to reveal their taxes is because Dems value perceived integrity whereas Republicans see everything like that as a "hit job" or "coup" attempt. And, hell, I am not even sure Dems would care if Bernie didn't release his taxes. They'd still vote for him over Trump!

I think Dems do this a lot. Where they try to appease the people who have no intention of ever voting for them in the first place. Why the hell did Elizabeth Warren take that ancestry test? The people who will vote for her didn't care AT ALL. The people who would never ever vote for her were the ones who demanded to know her lineage. 

Republican politicians know what they're doing. They ignore every request made by Dems that they're legally allowed to, because they know that appeasing or responding to those demands earns them 0 new votes.

If Dems could just learn that lesson, I think they'd get a lot further in politics.

My work here is done, but one off the top of my head:  they demanded Bush release his school transcripts but not Obama.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 11:53 AM)michaelsean Wrote: My work here is done, but one off the top of my head:  they demanded Bush release his school transcripts but not Obama.

Which "they"? Democrats? Because I could definitely see that being the case.
(04-11-2019, 11:55 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Which "they"? Democrats? Because I could definitely see that being the case.

Yeah.  Sorry.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 11:55 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Yeah.  Sorry.  

Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, the bottom line really is "Democrats will always hold Republicans to standards they believe the politicians don't meet, and Republicans will follow suit with Democrats."

We are a severely partisan country, to the point that believing even one good thing about someone from the other party is almost seen as betrayal to your political ideology.

Even in this thread, the people who like AOC are defending her. The people who don't are opposing her. It's just how our society works. I don't think her standards are uniform to one group of voters. I think they vary between Democrats and Republicans. Just like Trump's seem to.

I'm beginning to feel that feeling of like "okay, Joe. People get it. Stop preaching to them" so I hope it doesn't come off that way, but that's just how I see politics in this country nowadays. 
Another classic thread in the making.

Am I racist for saying y’all and adding a bit of an accent based on who I sold to when I was in sales? No, that suggestion would be ***** stupid.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 12:06 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Another classic thread in the making.

Am I racist for saying y’all and adding a bit of an accent based on who I sold to when I was in sales? No, that suggestion would be ***** stupid.

I dunno. I've enjoyed this topic. I remember when seeing it over the weekend, I was very upset at the idea that a minority not sound white enough was "racist." Because my wife has been dealing with this kind of stuff for a very long time (she was even bullied in high school for being an "oreo.")

So being able to spew my perspective all over it has been cathartic :)
(04-11-2019, 10:15 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: On a serious note, my wife is black (and I'm white). Her general, day to day cadence is what most people would consider a "white voice."

For a few years, she worked at a car rental place and people would make reservations on the phone and then the person would arrive and say "I was talking to a woman named Dominique" and she'd say "I am Dominique" to which they'd occasionally seem confused and reply with some version of "Oh, is there another Dominique here?" obviously confused because they did not match her voice to her face. This happens in other scenarios as well.

You and your wife HAVE to see "Sorry to Bother You"

One of the greatest movies that few people have heard of.
(04-11-2019, 09:11 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Like it or not, AOC is the current face of the Democratic party because she's so outspoken with her stupidity and being so under qualified.

The "tolerant left" is all about equal rights and calling the right racist, but listen to AOC go on this "motivational rant" that is completely racist!

Using that stereotypical southern accent and slang words is treating the audience like they're so hillbilly and so stupid that it's hilarious!

This is why the left can never be a solid group because they have idiots like this calling running the show but they're so "tolerant" that calling her out or shunning her would be dividing them!

Imagine if a white Republican did that!

Uh, is this the right video?

I didn't see anything racist or hear any southern accent. I guess ain't is slang, but I don't know if that's typically a word she uses.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I don't know who this woman is, but if she can do to conservatives what Trump does to liberals then I'll salute her as the latest great sower of chaos and butthurt.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
It isn't racist, but my goodness she is a godsend for the Republicans. We need a thread for all the stupid shite she says at times, since she is now the new face of the young progressive democrat party. And if the Republicans can wise up and move to the center on a few issues like LGBTQWERTy rights and the environment, they would dominant Congress and the WH for years to come as the left is drifting further to the left.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 12:42 PM)Benton Wrote: Uh, is this the right video?

I didn't see anything racist or hear any southern accent. I guess ain't is slang, but I don't know if that's typically a word she uses.

I did not hear any southern accent either.

"Ain't" is slang, but it is used by all people, not just southerners.
(04-11-2019, 12:45 PM)Millhouse Wrote: It isn't racist, but my goodness she is a godsend for the Republicans. We need a thread for all the stupid shite she says at times, since she is now the new face of the young progressive democrat party. And if the Republicans can wise up and move to the center on a few issues like LGBTQWERTy rights and the environment, they would dominant Congress and the WH for years to come as the left is drifting further to the left.

If this woman acting like a horse's ass is what convinces the right wing to actually give a crap about social liberties and the very land/water/air people died to protect, then I'll eat a MAGA hat.  

Also, let's not forget that when Trump was saying a bunch of nonsense liberals were dying for him to get the nod so they could trounce him in the 2016 election.  Surely, no one would vote for someone so insane!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 11:27 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: His reputation is that of being brash, direct, and very straight forward.  Sure, those may be unappealing characteristics to some, but I sure know that he's exactly who he says he is, and doesn't change his character to match the group he's addressing.

If that is how you judge people you would have loved Hitler.

Personally I don't give assholes bonus points just because they are "straightforward".
A0bsolutely nothing wrong with that video, IMO.
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 11:27 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote:  Sure, those may be unappealing characteristics to some, but I sure know that he's exactly who he says he is, and doesn't change his character to match the group he's addressing.

He definitely seems to pander to the religious right and I don't think anyone here would describe him as religious. I would also argue the same thing with the working class, given his personal and business history. Acting like a man of the people despite living in a golden apartment and making money off of refusing to pay small businesses for work they did for you. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2019, 09:11 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Like it or not, AOC is the current face of the Democratic party because she's so outspoken with her stupidity and being so under qualified.

The "tolerant left" is all about equal rights and calling the right racist, but listen to AOC go on this "motivational rant" that is completely racist!

Using that stereotypical southern accent and slang words is treating the audience like they're so hillbilly and so stupid that it's hilarious!

This is why the left can never be a solid group because they have idiots like this calling running the show but they're so "tolerant" that calling her out or shunning her would be dividing them!

Imagine if a white Republican did that!

Not a good look at all, but her fans won't care. 

She's literally the lefts version of Sarah Palin, but somehow stupider.  Mellow
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